Download - I PACifiC CITIZEN · 2000. 8. 31. · lUllf

  • lUllf

    " We plan ta conduct extensIVe re earch on leer known 1ndJV1d-usls and orlanll.atlon. a well as on tb. morl: promInent person. and ev.nb-In hort. we mUlt tudy Ihe ~ntire cross-seclion 01

    lb. Is.el and Japanese American upert~nc· ,," Dr WII.on declared

    Appeal to Owner.

    The Japan~e H~'tory Project Is primarily gathering Inr',rmatlon on whereahou 01 documentary ma-lerial at lbe present time and i appealing to lbeir owner to save them.

    TIle procedure for collectUlg the material will be announced In the near f Jture. Th~ project bas acknowiedged

    Igniflcant source materials from several lndivJduais, among them being Mr . MaLrusaburo Rib.., the widow of a noted issei artist. She bas contributed an outstanding set of palntin~ and dralOoing,; by her late hUSband of the life 3t Tan· foran and Topaz WR." Camps

    3.1' p.m. - Dtscus:sJon - Second SnsIon

    Th~ clinic topIC.' are; GROIIP "

    Ho to be .n Et1eeUw Ch.apte.r Pn:aJde-nt and I)e\ f'1OJ) v.. ... ell·Balanc-eel Proaram One ,vnlinuou. 3 hour llf'S1on 1m a COU~ brellk at mJd-poLnt. O\alnnan. AkaMl Ohno. Wf'sl

    JACL policy on Kawakifa when Prime Minister Ikeda visited U.S. recalled as Nisei pastor seeks Presidential pardon

    The right wing Is not new on lbe American political stream, Sen. Inouye said, and can be lraced through all 01 Amel'iclln blstory. He said the reaction against foreign involvement can be traced at least as far as

    (ConLinued on Page 3)



    (Speclol to Pacific CltI.en)

    'pORTLAND. - Two practicing at-lorneys responsible for the even· tual Oregon Supreme Court ruUng declaring the Oregon alien land laws unconstitutional In 1~9 were cited by a grateful National JACL and the PaclIic Northwest Dis-trict Council a~ its biennial dis· lrict convention Sunday

    Tbe attorneys, Verne Dusenber-ry and Alan Harl, were presented with the J ACL ScroU 01 Apprecia-tion. ,

    As a part of the campaign, the Oregon legislature was induced to enact Chapter 436, Law of 1~5, whlch was passed on ~1arch 26 1~5, with an emergency clause attached making It ImmedJately effective. This act was Intended to tighten and extend the Allen Land Law enacted in Oregon In 1923.

    Tile 1945 amendment made it dangerous for citizens of Japanese ancestry ta acquire land In Ore-gon. or for Caucasians to sdl or Ie:>! to them.

    Project also "". received records of several organizations. Including their minutes and account books, as well as personal correspond· ence of some individuals.

    Documents may be publlshed or unpublisbed materials o( penons, organizations and busineu firms. The} tncl""e books by or about the Issei and NlSei. programs 01 meetings, lnei and NIsei poetry, ~OIIS, humor, -

    unclAY esslon lory Prciject.

    At the Sunday buslnes ses!lon, While RiveI' Valley will host the Tnk Kubotn, nnt'l 2nd v.P .. gnvo nOKt DC meeting. The May pra-

    rcpol't Oil lbo WII . hlllglon ollon I conventiOn lIIecting wUl bl' hostt'



    lh th:!t


    pIer.. ',p' 'nenee all kmd of growing pains. In • IUth rn ~lIfo;"nia. it is particularly prevalent with th ( I tant mflux and changing of the I isei population

    Itrun the (hapler area " triclly ocr the Cuff," Orange COlln J [, I 'e I tt iltor Roy Uno's column, feels I 1111 10 ~pht the chapLer in half - orlh and South, (r n h( I ul It. a "~lason·DLxon" line is appearing in lhe


    Re' dm hoLncrn the lines, it might seem their split lould d v lop a chapter comprising of old·timers in the

    one and nc \. omers In the other, or of conservative-minded II til IIberal·mlnded. The strength of a chapter, how·

    r d pen I upon bOLh old·timers and newcomers working

    the r of the tonservatil'e·minded and the IIberal·minded I 111 and lakmg together to sustain the JACL lifeline in

    a partl ular ar ,) h h the challenge that keeps chapters alive.

    \\ h( n Ihat challenge slips away and indifference creeps in thl' J (L lJfeline alrophies. JACL was not born of in· differ n e and it certainly finds no sustenance in it today. FO'.lnd d ovtr 30 year; ago as a national organization, J CL 1\ cltlrenshlp meaning to persons of Japanese an· e In to U1 I 01. an American by birth right but d· n I d thul of certain TIghts, that they were an integral

    r, r of th lOlled State and to the Issei, historicaUy denied th I,n II· ., r){ naturalization allowed to others who immi· r:rl ('ri 10 and adopted this countr)', an opportunity to call hl nd .h r Ir nome

    J CL ha.> joined in a national movement to Jme meaning of citizenship to other less-

    \m"n(·ans. It is a noble endeavor-though the mEan to thi rnd arc suhjects for discuf;Sion. That is why

    1'( ha hf'cn trymg t~ stay on top of the present civil , l mpal n in Congre s and across the nation.

    • • • • DISCLAIMERS

    that the Pacific

    hrnpirf' .Pr·jnting CO. P , h nn,1 .r Ip np p.

    ('I'J t\lF.II I I. n I ,O!.'I I. PHI TINO

    114 W II r St .. Los Angele, 12 MA 8.7060

    ~ Washington Newsletter: by Mike Masaok.

    De'aware Decision W.'\SHI:o.:C;TON - The h' HI 01 Ihc currrnl clvU rllh!. mov"lUcnt conCl'rn Ihe rlllhi 10 "qunl nere ta public- ;\C'l-otnmrK'lntlol1

    11", Hou,,· Judlclnr) Commlllee Ch'U Rhlh Bill Includl" II er Ion (TUlt' II' U",I ceks to n lurr '"qunl ",·alinll. 8lel'plng, nnd w IchinK" righ In pinel" o( pub-lic .,crommodnllons

    The Senate Comrnl'rC'c CommU .. Ie' ho complelcd nctlon bul hno not vel r"porlc'Ci n Public ,\crom· mod~lion< BUI Ihnl provldls ev n It.!S5 ('OvernICe thon the HOJ~C JUdi" cian' CommIttl'C Bill. L~M week INo\" 6). Ihc Delo·

    W.1fC Stull' Suprrmt Courl handl'd

    cxcludr patron . hn ~ rcl IIpnn rarr or color ,'1 by Forer

    Turning 10 the question of whnt hnppM' II OJ NOliI'D Is n kl'1 a res'aurant owner "In enforcing hi private policy o( dIscrimination" Ihro'l~h a pr"secuUon undor the Irespuss laws .

    In e((ecl. Ihe Delnware Supreme Courl held that a reslnurJnl owner may rely on his "common law right oC self·help" to ejecI a pn· tron unwelcome becn'Jse o( his color-cven using violence to do so -bul he may not call upon the police 10 assist in Ihe ejection.

    Nccro ~D nJs t e r Involved

    The case grew oul o( the arreSI 01 Rev George F Brown. a Negro. who was denied (ood service in the Deer Park Hotel in Newark, Del.. on June 12. 1963.

    When Brown refused to leave the pre:nises, the hotel proprieln obtained a warrant Cor his arresl lor VIolation of the Slale's crimi· nal Irespass slat ute. The warrant was executed by the Newark p-Ilce.

    Brown and the State's Attorney General Joinl'd ID a.kJng the Slnte

    Old Law ModlClcd Then Ihe Courl turned 10 the

    Delaworc law thaI provides that no keeper of on inn or "other place o( public enlerlainment or re(reshmenl of Ir.vellers" shall be o~liged "to furnish entertain· ment or re(reshmenl whose recep-tion or entertainment by him would be oUenslve to the major part of his cusLomers or would injure his business."

    It ruled that this slalute modi· fied the common law so that In Delaware an inn keeper may reo Cuse service Lo anyone he con· Siders would be offensive to a mo· jority o( his customers. The Courl went on to say, however. that "we speeHically hold that this stalute does not indicate a public policy (avorlng discrimination". adding that "It is well settled" Ihat under the Fourteenth Amend· ment no State may constitutional· ly deny to any citizen the equal protection 01 the laws.

    But. the Court emphasized that "it is equally well seltled thaI a private act o( discriminalion is not prohtblted by {he Fourteenth Amendmenl". It held, therefore. that Ihe decision of the restaurant owner . as in the Brown case, "to

    Untque Rulln !;'

    Legal authorities have observe'J that this was the lir (or us.

    For the nk!' ot our SOilS and daughter lind tor olhers, we nQ~d 10 hnvc mcmbt'rs hn-l (lncl luke on the responslblllly which lou," to help Iln"nc\olly, und ~clfVCly u"POri Ihe progrQm 01 our ch.w.

    ler. If only to nU,'nd Ih,· m,'rUn/( Bul beller till hold nn office whl'n you M.' naked lind Sl'e Ihe work. Inl of Ihe DI.~lcl Council ond the N;rllonul Convontlon. When 'lie "l'eetlnll Ore ovor you will gel lIT, rlow "f .111 b tlhll lit ,·L'lr.u tlLlt }.,II 11.11 I ".ul III Itu ul 'llHl dlnu \\111 hi. life lU1~ ur

    OUI ph It.

    Request honored Dear Editor:

    • session. Perhaps that is one good reason wby we did not have a good crop in 1962.

    About September 25, 1 read an editorial in your paper enlltled. "We Did It; Why Can'l They?" At the time I was quite impressed with il bul drd not recognize how useful il would be (or a class I Icaoh In the chlld from 6 to 12

    I would like In have a copy of tbis U 1 malY . . .


    DOROTHY B. LEWIS Ass;x:lnte Professor College of Family Lite Utah Sin te University


    (Wrllcr l. referring to Willinm Morulan!' , presenlatlon of Negro history In Amerlen. bUI subsUlut· Ing Jnpnnese names. so thnt the pllghl o! Negroe. mlghl be betler under stood by PC roadcrs. II oppcnn'Ci In UIC Sepl. 20 PC.-Editor \


    SITS IN TRAFFIC COURT POCATELLO Anne Kanom". tn. active Foolcllo J,. JACL'r, I. lor trom be,ng a mot r vehl. cle operator bIll WII: recentlv eleclt'

  • By Bill Hosokawa

    The Nisei 'angles' on Mme. Nhu r SAN JOSE STATE STAR TO BE HEAD TRACK COACH

    CHICAGO _ A Univ. of Chlcol4o .hlrled roccntly thi~ world," LOS ALTOS. - Forrne. Spn JOJC ~xpcrt on Buddhism said leoders Kitagawa ald. Statc arid ,tar Ken Mntsu(lll. dl the faith In South Vlelnam "prc currently .1ssbtant football

    Aged Issei ~ a ven In Chicago urgent, churchmen told


    Frying Pan

    Denver. Colo,

    TIlE "·1.EEl"C '0 0 ,\ YS-Pa. wbo bos 10nA .lnc~ gone to his rt I'd. u'ed to so. that thc Idcr be become the fQster tbe yeors u~mcd to fiY b,y, [ can UDdOU'stand no'" whQI he meant.. No dny 'ittln5 :Jont enough to complete all th3t needs to be done ~nd lIIe cMtlo! almost mexhousllblc well of energy runs low lonl{ Wore

    lI\thilaU [ jtot , thlnking about thl!! the other day whUe \ookinll Ilt

    1M' ultodar. It Is almo$t Thanksgivini now and the stores are ~g to dt ',' th ir Chrlstmo. w~r.!s. Bdore )ODjl sprIn!! fjsbiOrt~ "'ill a a~ in th~ "'lOdows. but out in our bockyal'd the ~ . arc .:lll abloom. Where ha' thc 1enr gone?

    F'oir ,lie In Den"ar it h3' been nn odd year. Drouth gripJ)C'd rOO-gh tht; .prln~ and lOto ;, mi,crnbly hot I!';\riy swnm('r

    TheA llIe bins lime in Au st, dreDclllnll the mountains and briagJng forth an .roormollS barvest oC mushroom •. Winler should Jj~,"e ~e 1011&/.'810 t.> these lautudes, yet the leaV1!s still clio 10 thr. ees.,. thOugh relue lint to lct autumn Oce, These aro U,e ~orf(lus da. or ,Jnd/nn ,ummer and we sllvor each o( them

    That'. lIIe .~. Pa Uved bis autumMI years. too. He loved 10 hunt and (u h. At the hrst he was n miseroble marksman He mllSt havc m len Um not accept the baSIC principII' Of den\OcTacy for doubt -~III1I1I1I1I1JJlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIJIIIlJlJlDIIIlIIIIII\JIIIIIJ\JIIJIIIIII\JIUIllIJII!IIIIII1lU!uIlIllIU!uIII~ § Sukty&k! - Japan ... Fo04 - Boer • Win. - Sake § = =

    I OArumA CAfe I ~ 123 S ,San P e ~ St" Los An:'e.les ~ ;; 1I'1't . '~·8!l6 ' Mtt.s Kato ~ iil lllJlIIIIIIIIIIlJlJlJIlI1IIlJlIlJlIlJlJIIIJllllllJlJlJlIIIllIIUlJlJllJnlJlIIlIlJlllIlllIlIIlIlI lJll1I II 1111111111111111111111 11111111111 1111"

    Booth • F~mU.l' Ondol Room - Banquet lIA1I - Food to Go


    Opon DnU.l' & SundB,Y, 1L A.M. to 11 P.M.

    LOS ANGELES - 2731 W. Jefferson, RE 5·5232 SAN FRANCISCO - 16281h Post St., FI 6·9750



    Comer P Olllon~Z~n~0~~~~tl8dt't,. A.D.,.I • • n. CJ!fClaod Mono.,n

    the new moon IHfJJ *R 002)

    VOlIr lioS\! W.IIBCe T 0111 It slngula,ly outs,andlng rertllurantolrerlng tile qulntessOf1ce of &Mlon ... dlnlll9 It located 01 912 South San Pldro Strm, Los Angel .. , PhGII6 MAdlsoo 2·1091

    For Holiday Parties and Wedding Receptions

    Group - Special Rates

    Buffet· $3.00 and up - Banquet - $3,50 and up

    11225 SUNSET BlVO "o!E;\ation· ~L~fiel d &·1150

    fill 0U'( TIlt rOI .. ~now INIlICA'I~C nit AAlOuorr (ClA$Sl YOU WISH 10 PA~ ('lEU otHO. WrtJ( A~G )!AILOR BRINe II IN WITH YOUR 'N"lAI. GITQSIT,




    BANK BY MAIL - - --'"




    trlRLEY S \TOH

    Detroit As one o( the u\b rrpresenb

    u,e~ to the 196-1 • ·aUoo.l JACL Con- nUon Boan!. I hove been cloa .. canuct .. th \bo pro".~s 01 convcntloo pI:>n •

    or ~rtkular Interest. naturall.v to Detroit youth Is the ron"enholl youth ptollTam under Ole cbatr· man.hlp o( adao" ud" KImoto

    &lck ,n 1951 ther .. was a 1"-" troll Teen Club f r those ra~tng In ace (rom 13 through IS ThIs sam .. croup. In 1961. 11 bosl the youiM a ltendlne the 1801 Bien· nlal The nntiClpatJOll that \bIS C'OIIvl'aUon ill be th" mMI me-roorable and eventful k"""" Jr

    In •• ITemdy hiilh work· plm. Thl I a wonder(u1

    QP~ rlunJ\), (or u. to _how what \\' .,n do t('l mnk(" th~lr vbit a mo t enjl>' bk on,

    "".Unn.1 YauU. Group

    Detro I Jr J \CL hn, b oHtee.

    HOLIDAY .W 80 ' CORE

    To ,·hapter. still holdUlg display

    I aels and one-lmer. (or \be Holiday Issue: tet's tum \bern In. We want

    I to include your chapter In the Roli·

    I day Ad Boxscore.

    While Chicago continues to lead. Sacramento bas arrived with a bang to take over No. 2 position. Good work. Sacramento.

    Here', the boxscore as oC Tues-day. No\' 12:

    lJoUcby .~ d Boxscor~ Cbapttor St.:Lndlnr. Column Inebes I ChIC8CO ... . ... . ... 100 2.. Sacramento ••••••.•.••..•..•.. _._ .61 3 BoISe. Tl1aho ...................... 10

    Proposal revIved 10 split Orange (ounty

    chapter north-south 5.\:..1,." A. 0\. - l\ J>rupo~nl (at O1 •• n~c Counly J ACL to divide II· ,d! in halt-norU",rn and 101lthern -to bett"r meet thl! nc,'ds o( tho community wn revt\llod thi ~ week In the San I lOA Willd. chapler

    nt'w h'ttl'r . Ro\' Uno. nc,,·. lell.-r editor

    Po' • Ni thl' SUllltt·.Uon 10 hI. 800 Japan I' American hOllchold. In the cOLIn\), rocelvlnjl the monthly publication . He nnUclpote' the cOllnt will Incren.~ \0 1.200 when the ne'" counlY tdcphon~ book Is publi ht'd this month

    The chnptl'r dlstrlbuh~ thl' Mwwlet\er io all ;111 cl households in thl' county as u pubHc service

    The 0'1\' to rI'vlve th., proposal. lirst mnde by Jim Yllmasnkl when he ... ns chapler pre.ident In 1962. cnmc 10 Uno whon he reminded his read or< thaI Orang11 I CI"lro ",kula, dough"'r 01;1.\, _IOd 1\1r Hldeo Klkut". wo c.:rownl'(l lOGJ "'owler ~'"II ~-e II~"I '1"I't'n III hill! Ume «-remon'" 01 the Fo"dor.Recdley Hlllh (ootb"n lIoml' Insl Friday

    Thl city 01 1,000 become over· crowded II. 5,0011 propl. wutched the parnde SIII1"dIlY mornln". MI· kiD Uchiyama, preslden! 01 ~'owlcr Lion. Club, ond ~r,. Uchl· yumB Rnd Ihelr chlldr .. n were In fronl o( the parndl'

    f'owl.r JACL Pre .. Ken HI, to .. , and Hldl... KJkutn, Incomlnjl prr. Ident 01 Ihe Fowler J'ICL. rode In the loeol chnpler' dec· oratl-d nutomobll,·. which won tlr;1 plnc.

    Geor". Ternokn, (ormer chnp-I"r president nnd now II Scolllma" ler o( Troop 390 enterc-d J Ircnm· lined beach buggy a the Iroop', entry Mr.. Dorothy Morl!n rode wIth !h. Girl' Scout entry Many other Nisei oppearl-d In the pa· rade ond workt'lIon to U,e photo read "Y A Andy, la\sunllga hao Ihrrr h.·t'n·YKl· children all. r· f':-:A-:":::T~"~N::--:p;::\1:;:r;-,-;L-::ID;:-D;;-;;E:;It--;f::or~'-.':'I.- . ;7,-l'nlli nrc In Los Ang~If·, . He w('nt ~e~.c~J:ln":N;' ::;:.,~~!:rorc::r i. to 'Ichool In Selma and marflw V ... hl"" ..... 1270'1 CUlvfr Blvd. Lo. the (ormcr Ruth Hirooka 01 Fowler _An_r_ol_ .. _M _________ _

    In a relocallon ccnter They mov('d • EMPLOYMENT AGDtCIES to Mlnneapoll. and .~ttted In Chi. ------------_ cago In AUjiusl, 1~15 Yamato Employmeot Agency

    Their Ilion, arc named OougJal. 'Irutk Uti.,." U';!£CIVJ ety _~tOOwIt 19. 'working): Bruce. 16 and DaVid. }~t.oC!ok~ Q(: *f'~·.w~t- :_ ... : .... ~~~ IS, both slud~nts at Wall!!r Hleh Kll ldtehen window at the motel with more than S5IlO in money and Jewels

    A, Jones leaped into the arm. o( the law. his partner escaped through a rear window. ~~

    Steve Nakaji Compl~ In",,.,,.. Sonia

    4566 ConUntlo Avo , L.A. 66 EX 1·5931, Cm) VE 7·9150

    IUJTE rOR LEASE In prol-..n.ol bulldJn, In Sou\hwut Leo AnCet .. Exe


    -~..coc=~~..o".rA FOR SIU.E; BdaIl 1. __ and

    f.I~:~tt1n:llo~Betdr~e~~!'~ Homos • Ineomo Proporty • In",ranee Fot Bosl 8uy. Consult U,

    Iond. Ohio. UTab t~23.

    Midway ~~~"'~"'~.


    REALTY & INVESTMENT CO. Shlgeo Imamura R.altor & fusoclal2s 4564 Won Washington. Los An9'(os

    WE 8·2773

    :o".r~..o".r.r.r.r.r.r~...ccccc;: ..

    ORIENTAL .. , . @)~ . RlALTY .. ' .•. V Un,\.td Mutuptt

    •• , L1stl"l SmiCt 4139 C."Untia A.. EX 1.6)79 Jolin NalcaMtrra Jim M. Ari ...... F,."k III;yUt """ Olta Clrarlu KuruhiU Tal