Download - I. Lead-in Questions 1) Is there a generation gap between you and your parents? 2) What will you do if you have different opinions with your parents?

Page 1: I. Lead-in Questions 1) Is there a generation gap between you and your parents? 2) What will you do if you have different opinions with your parents?
Page 2: I. Lead-in Questions 1) Is there a generation gap between you and your parents? 2) What will you do if you have different opinions with your parents?

I. Lead-in Questions

Page 3: I. Lead-in Questions 1) Is there a generation gap between you and your parents? 2) What will you do if you have different opinions with your parents?

1) Is there a generation gap between you and your parents?2) What will you do if you have different opinions with your parents?3) What are the major components of a play?

Page 4: I. Lead-in Questions 1) Is there a generation gap between you and your parents? 2) What will you do if you have different opinions with your parents?

II. Cultural Notes

1. Family life :1. Family life :

2. The Disappearing Generation Gap 2. The Disappearing Generation Gap

Page 5: I. Lead-in Questions 1) Is there a generation gap between you and your parents? 2) What will you do if you have different opinions with your parents?

Family lifeFamily life :: Some families are very child-centered. The closest families eat meals considered at the same time and spend their free time together. Some families, however, only see each other for a short time in the evening, and though the children are still important, they have to fit in with the lives of their parents. The average day for many families begins with getting the children up and ready for school. There is usually a rush for everyone to use the bathroom, find clean clothes, eat breakfast, and catch the bus. In the meantime the parents have to get ready for work themselves. Early mornings are a scramble for many families.make an effort to spend quality time with their children, an hour or so each day when they give them their full attention.

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American families are often criticized for the way they do things separately, though many people believe that it is good for children to learn to be independent. From an early age children are encouraged to decide what they want to do, eat or wear, and their parents try to respect their opinions. Since then the gender gap between the sexes has been reduced. Feminism has brought about many changes in the English language.Many words for job titles that included “man” have been replaced, for example “police officer” is used instead of “policeman” and “chairperson” for “chairman”. “He”is now rarely used to refer to a person when the person could be either a man or a woman. The title “Ms”is used for women instead of “Miss” or “Mrs.”,since it does not show whether a woman is married or not.

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The Disappearing Generation Gap Today, the generation gap has not disappeared, but it is shrinking in many families. The old authoritarian approach to discipline—a starchy “Because I said so, that’s why”—is giving way to a new egalitarianism and a “Come, let us reason together” attitude. The result can be a rewarding closeness among family members. Conversations that would not have taken place a generation age—or that would have been awkward, on subjects such as sex and drugs—now are comfortable and common. And parent-child activities, from shopping to sports, involve an easy camaraderie that can continue into adulthood. No wonder greeting cards today carry the message, “To my mother, my best friend.” But family experts caution that the new equality can also have a downside, diminishing respect for parents.

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III. Language Points

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1. location: n. 1) a place or position 位置 地方eg: witnesses showed the police the exact location of the accident. 目击者为警察指出事故发生的确切位置eg: The school is going to move to a new location. 学校要搬到新地方2) place, not a film studio, where (part of ) a cinema film is photographed (电影之)外景拍摄地 【短语】 on location: 拍外景eg: Most scenes of the film were shot on location. 影片的大部分镜头是在外景拍摄地拍的eg: She had just come back from doing a picture on location. 她刚从外景拍摄地拍完电影回来

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2. embarrass:vt. make (sb.) feel awkward or ashamed;

cause mental discomfort or anxiety to 使局促不安,使焦急 eg: I chose my words carefully in order to

avoid embarrassing anyone. 为了不使别人感到不安,我说话非常小心

eg: He had been highly embarrassed by this confession. 这番自白令他十分尴尬

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3. dumb: a. 1) foolish (infml.) 愚蠢的eg: He was so dumb that he left his keys at home again. 他真是太蠢了,又把钥匙落在家里了 eg: Don’t be so dumb. You can’t get a loan from the bank if you are laid-off. 别傻了,如果你下岗了,你是不能从银行得到贷款的 2) unable to speak, temporarily silent 哑的,暂时沉默的 eg: He was born dumb, but he has still managed to get a good job. 他天生不能说话,但仍找到了一份好工作 eg: The class remained dumb when the teacher asked a difficult question. 老师问一难题时,全班都沉默无言

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4. fade:v. 1) (cause to )lose color, brightness, freshness or vigor(使)腿色,凋落,衰弱,凋谢 eg: The strong sunlight had faded the curtains. 强烈的阳光使窗帘腿了色

eg: Her looks faded.她红颜已逝 2) disappear slowly; go slowly out of view, hearing or

memory 逐渐消失 eg: Her enthusiasm for early-morning exercises faded as the

weather was getting colder and colder. 随着天气越来越冷,她晨练的热情逐渐消失

eg: All memory of her childhood faded form her mind. 所有她童年的记忆渐渐从她的脑海中消失了

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WordsWords5. overall: ad. in general 大体上eg: Overall, I like Mary, despite her faults. 总的来说,我喜欢玛丽,尽管她有缺点eg: Overall, prices are still rising. 总的来说,物价仍在上涨

a. including everything, total (only before noun) 包括一切的,总计的

eg: Cut down your overall amount of extracurricular activities and spend more time on your studying. 减少课外活动的总体时间,多花点时间在你的学习上

eg: The overall impression was of a smoky industrial scene. 总的印象是一幅浓烟滚滚的工业生产景象

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6. interrupt: v. 1) break the continuity of (使)中断,阻断 eg: The war interrupted the flow of commerce between the two countries. 战争使两国间的通商中断了 eg: Traffic was interrupted by tsunami. 交通被海啸中断 2) break in upon or stop sb. from continuing what they are saying or doing 打断…的讲话,中断…的行动 eg: It is not polite to interrupt when someone is talking. 在别人讲话时插嘴是不礼貌的 eg: I’m sorry to interrupt, but you’re not really answering my question. 抱歉,打断一下,但你并没有回答我的问题

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7. distract: vt. take (sb.’s attention) away from sth. esp. for

a short time 转移(注意力),使分心 eg: Passengers are requested not to distract

the driver’s attention while he is driving. 司机驾车时,乘客不允许分散他的注意力

eg: Tom admits that playing computer games sometimes distracts him from his homework.


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8. monotone: n. keeping a level tone in talking or singing, utterance without

change of pitch 单调,音调无变化 eg: speak in a monotone 语调无变化的说话9. glorious: a. 1) wonderful, splendid 辉煌的,灿烂的,壮丽的 eg: What a glorious color! 多么绚丽的颜色 eg: Vivid memories came flooding back of the glorious,

romantic sophomore year. 美好浪漫的二年级生活历历在目

2) illustrious, honorable, deserving great fame and honor 显赫的,光荣的

eg: a glorious victory 光荣的胜利 eg: Our country has a glorious past. 我们的国家有一段光辉的历史

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WordsWords10. community:n. 1) the people living in one place, district, or country, considered as a

whole 社区,社会eg: We are all working for the good of the community. 我们都在为社会利益而工作 eg: Police work to prevent crime and to protect the lives and property of

the people in a community. 在社会中,警察的职责就是防止犯罪和保护人民生命、财产的安全

2) group of persons having the same religion, race, occupation, etc. or with common interests 由同宗教,同种族,同职业或其它共同利益所构成的团体

eg: the Jewish community in London 住在伦敦的犹太侨民eg: He enjoys a good reputation in the community of scholars. 他在学术界享有很好的声誉3) condition of sharing, having things in common being alike in some way

共享,共有,共同 eg: I was anxious to strengthen this sense of community. 我极想加强这种亲和意识

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WordsWords11. welfare: n. condition of having good health, comfortable living and working condition 福利,幸福 eg: He’s concerned about the national welfare and the people’s livelihood. 他很关心国计民生 eg: Parents are responsible for the welfare of their children. 父母要对子女的幸福负责。

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12. exhaust:n. 1) make sb. very tired, either physically or mentally 使筋疲力尽 eg: Four hours’ work almost exhausted her. 四小时的工作使她筋疲力尽 eg: He took to walking long distances in an attempt to physically exhaust himself. 他喜欢徒步远行,使自己身体上筋疲力尽 2) use up completely 用完,耗尽 eg: exhaust one’s patience/strength 失去耐心,用尽力气 eg: What will we do, now that we’ve exhausted our reserves of oil? 由于我们已经耗尽石油资源,我们将怎么办 3) say, find out, all there is to say about 详论,详尽阐述 eg: I think we’ve exhausted this subject; let’s go on to the next. 我想我们已经详尽地讨论了这一问题,接着谈下一个吧

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WordsWords13. swallow:v. 1) cause or allow to go down the throat 吞,咽 eg: She swallowed the medicine with the help of some water. 她用水把药咽下 eg: Chew your food properly before swallowing it. 细嚼慢咽 2) (fig. uses) hide or suppress a feeling, tolerate (比喻用法)忍受 eg: swallow an insult/affront 忍受侮辱 /无礼 eg: She swallowed the sarcasm and got on with her work. 她忍受了那些挖苦话,继续干活n. 1) act of swallowing; amount swallowed at one time 吞,咽,一口之量 eg: eating something in one swallow 把某物一口吞下 eg: He finished off the whisky with a swallow. 他一口把这威士忌酒咽了下去 2) a small bird with pointed wings and a double-pointed tail, which comes to northern countries in summer 燕子 eg: One swallow does not make a summer. 一燕不成夏(意指轻率推论必成大错)

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14. frank:a. showing one’s thoughts and feelings openly (followed by with/about) 坦白的,

直率的 eg: To be frank with you, I think you are making a mistake. 坦白跟你说,我认为你错了 eg: Our discussions were frank and fruitful. 我们的讨论坦诚而富有成效15. interference:n. 1) breaking in upon without right or invitation (followed by in ) 干涉,介入 eg: I wanted to do the thing on my own without outside interference or help. 我要在没有外界干预或帮助的情况下独自做这件事 eg: Your interference in his private affairs is unreasonable. 你干涉他的私事是没道理的 2) coming into opposition; hindering or preventing ( followed by with )阻

碍,干扰 eg: interference with work 妨碍工作

eg: interference from foreign broadcasting stations 来自外国广播电台的干扰

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16. constant:a. 1) faithful, firm 忠实的,坚定的 eg: a constant friend/companion/supporter 一位忠实的朋友 / 伴侣 / 支持者 eg: be constant to the communist ideals 对共产主义理想坚定不移 2) going on all the time, happening all the time, without stopping 不断的,连续发生的 eg: I have had a constant headache for three days. 我的头一直疼了三天 eg: I’ve got tired of your constant complaints. 我已经厌倦了你没完没了的抱怨 3) unchanging, fixed 不变的,固定的 eg: a constant temperature 恒温 eg: The price of the product is not constant but varies with supply and demand. 产品物价不是固定不变的,而是随着供求变化n. (maths & physics) number or quantity that does not change (数 / 物)常数,恒量,恒定 eg: An absolute constant is fixed and can not be changed. 绝对常数是固定而不可以改变的

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17. proof:n. 1) evidence or facts that are sufficient to establish a thing as true or believable 证据,证明,证言 eg: Her fingerprints left on the scene were a proof of her guilt. 她留在现场的指纹就是她犯罪的证据 eg: give eloquent proof of 雄辩的证明 2) test, trial, examination 检验,试验, 考验 eg: put sth. to the proof 试验某事物 eg: It has stood the severe proof. 它已经过了严格的考验

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18. junior:a. 1) younger (followed by to) (abbrs. Jr. or jr. used after the name of a person who has the same name as his father, e.g. Tom Brown, Jr.) 年轻的,年少的,小… eg: my junior brother 我弟弟 eg: Jane is several years junior to her husband. 简比她丈夫小几岁 2) lower in rank than others 下级的,等级较低的,资历较浅的 eg: Having worked for five years, Jack is still a junior clerk in the office. 已经工作五年了,杰克还是办公室普通职员 eg: Michael had been a junior clerk for three years before he was promoted to senior clerk. 做了三年普通职员后,迈克被提升为高级职员

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1. in unison: acting in the same way at the same time 一致地 一起

eg: The international community is ready to work in unison against terrorism.

国际社会准备一起打击恐怖主义。eg: The bank has acted in unison with other big banks in

lowering interest rates. 这家银行与其他大银行一起降低了利率。【 Relevant Phrases 】in chorus: 一齐的,齐声的eg: They sing in chorus. 他们齐声合唱。with one voice: 异口同声地,一致地eg: We all praise him for his bravery with one voice. 我们异


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2. consist of: be made up of 由…组成eg: Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen. 水由氢和氧组成eg: The committee consists of scientists and engineers. 这个委员会由科学家和工程师组成。【 Relevant Phrases 】consist in: exist in, depend on 存在于eg: Happiness consists in hard work. 幸福存在于勤奋工作中be composed of: 由…组成eg: The group is composed of teachers and students. 这个小组由教师和学生组成make up: 组成,构成eg: Workers and farmers make up the majority of the population of our country. 工人和农民组成我国人口的大部分be made up of: 由…组成,由…构成eg: The committee is made up of 7 members. 这个委员会由 7 名委员组成

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3. trade (sth.) for (sth. else): exchange (sth.) for (sth. else) 用(一物)交换 (另一物)eg: The farmers traded farm produce for manufactured goods

and money. 农民用农产品换工业品和钱eg: She traded her roller-skates for his walkman. 她拿旱冰鞋

换了他的随身听keep/leave (sb.) in suspense: delay telling (sb.) what they are

eager to know 使产生悬念eg: Don’t keep us in suspense any longer; tell us what

happened! 别在让我们着急了,快告诉我们出了什么事了!eg: The audience is kept in suspense to the very end of the

play. ‘直到戏剧尾声观众们仍疑惑不解

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IV. Comprehension IV. Comprehension


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1. 1. Text Organization Text Organization Scenes Lines Main ideas

Scene One 1—65 Father embarrassed Sean by talking to the restaurant Manager

Scene Two 66—169 Father embarrassed Diane by persuading a work-mate into pressing his son to ask her to the senior prom

Scene Three 170—210 Father embarrassed Heidi by boasting to an official of her new school about how bright she was

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2. Main Idea2. Main Idea


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This play centers around a father and his three teenagers. The father always attempts to help his children but always ends up embarrassing them. His extreme deeds make the play a family comedy.

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3. 3. Paraphase Paraphase .

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1) …Down Right to the edge of the stage. (L.5)

special term for drama. In this text there are other terms, such as “Down Left”. They refer to different parts of the stage.

2 ) They listen as Heidi addresses the audience.(L.7)

They listen carefully when Heidi talks to the audience.

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3) he’s always doing these stupid things that end up really embarrassing one or more of us kids.(L.9)

he’s always doing some foolish things with the end of making these children feel awkward and ashamed.

4) Been saving money for it for a long time.(L.11)

He has been saving money for a long time in order to buy a guitar.

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5) …waiting tables.(L.12)working as a waiter and serve others with food.6) He figured in two or three months he’d have enough money to buy exactly the kind of guitar he wanted.(L.13)He calculated that in two or three months he would have enough money to buy this kind of guitar he wanted.

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7. …he’s always pulling these dumb things on me.(L.16)he’s always playing stupid tricks on me.8. (In unison) Father knows better!(L.18)(speaking in the same way at the same time) Father is so wise or well-trained!(irony)9. I just wanted to check that he’s doing OK.(L.31) I just wanted to see whether he worked well

or not.

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10. What did I do to deserve this? Tell me what?(L.34)What did I do to have to suffer this? Tell me what I did to deserve this?11. I’m sure he’s a good worker but a typical teenager, if you know what I mean.(L.39)I believe that he’s a good worker but he has nothing special, just likes the other teenager, do you understand?12. I wouldn’t know.(L.41) I do not know, and I am not the person you should ask.13. …a man-to-man talk.(L.43)a talk that takes place between two men, esp. two men who need to discuss a serious personal matter.

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14. …life’s dangerous sea.(L.47)Here the author uses a metaphor. He compares life to an arduous sea voyage.15. I can’t imagine why. (L.52)I can’t imagine why you couldn’t see me (although he knows very well that it was because he had been hiding).16. Father, you know better than that.(L.56)Father, you are wise enough not to do this.17. Overall, I wouldn’t want to trade my dad for anyone else’s.(L.61)In general, I wouldn’t want to exchange my dad for anyone else’s.

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18. Well, whatever it is, dear, don’t keep us in suspense.(L.74)Well, no matter what it is, dear, don’t delay telling us what they are eager to know.19. …you wish Kyle would ask you to the senior prom?(L.86)you wish Kyle would ask you to be his partner in the formal dance party for senior high school students.20. My treat, I told him. And, of course, he was glad to accept.(L.103)Here it means that father is going to invite Dan to dinner and pay for it as a friendly act. And, of course, he was glad to accept father’s invitation.

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21. Very short with her.(L.109)If you are “short with sb.”, you speak briefly and rather rudely to them because you are impatient or angry.22. That narrows it down, all right.(L.125)That limits the possibilities of what they might have discussed.23. I owe you one.(L.130)I should do something for you because you have done something for me.24. Why, back in my day… (L.134)Well, when I was young…(we didn’t behave like that) (It implies a gap between the younger generation and the older generation.)

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25. Get this over with, more likely.(L.138)It is probably to reach the end of something unpleasant or troublesome.26. Well, of course, being the sort of man he is---frank, understanding, he said he’d speak to the young man, insist he give you a call.(L.155)Well, of course, he is the kind of open and considerate man, he promised he would talk to his son, and insist that his son should give you a phone call.27. I’ve…done it again…(L.159)I’ve…done the wrong thing again…

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28. And the teachers more than willing to answer questions.(L.179)And the teachers are willing to answer questions very much.29. She is an exceptional young woman, you know.(L.181)You know that she is an unusual girl.30. …Heidi placed first in the county in the annual spelling bee!(L.197)Heidi got the first place in the annual spelling contest in the county.31. Yes, well, be that as it may…(L.204)Yes, well, that may be true, but…

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4. Grammar 4. Grammar .

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I. Adjective + to do Some adjectives can be followed by

infinitives, as in the following examples taken from the text:

You’re so eager to find out… And the teachers more than willing to

answer questions.

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II. There are quite a number of forms of the subjunctive mood in English. In the text you can find:

He’d insist he give you a call.( the use of the base form of a verb)

Be that as it may.( “be” used in a fixed phrase)

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5. 5. Rhetorical Device Rhetorical Device .

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Metaphor Abbr. met. , A figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is used to designate another, thus making an implicit comparison, as in “a sea of troubles” or met, metaphor.

Eg. “All the world's a stage”(Shakespeare); …life’s dangerous sea(here the author uses a metaphor, he compares life to an arduous sea voyage).

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6. Writing Technique6. Writing Technique


Page 49: I. Lead-in Questions 1) Is there a generation gap between you and your parents? 2) What will you do if you have different opinions with your parents?

To make a character portrait convincing, an author must refrain from telling readers directly what the person is like. Instead, he/she lets readers deduce.

Of all the methods of indirect description, the one used most frequently in Text A is quotation. The author quotes not only Sam Walton himself,

Page 50: I. Lead-in Questions 1) Is there a generation gap between you and your parents? 2) What will you do if you have different opinions with your parents?
Page 51: I. Lead-in Questions 1) Is there a generation gap between you and your parents? 2) What will you do if you have different opinions with your parents?