Download - I. II. - Arizona Western College STEDY JTED shares high school students wi th local public high schools, charter schools and private schools, he said. The JTED receives funding for

Page 1: I. II. - Arizona Western College STEDY JTED shares high school students wi th local public high schools, charter schools and private schools, he said. The JTED receives funding for

AGENDA Arizona Western College District Governing Board

Regular Meeting December 12, 2016

10:00 a.m. Parker Learning Center

I. Board Items Call to Order .............................................................................................................................. Dennis Booth

II. Regular Board Meeting Board Items - continued

a. Introduction: Guests/Visitors/New Employees ............................................................. Kari Gardner b. Approval of Minutes: November 22, 2016 Board Meeting.......................................... Dennis Booth c. Adoption of Agenda: Meeting of December 12, 2016 ................................................. Dennis Booth d. Call to the Audience ..................................................................................................... Dennis Booth

The public is invited to speak on any item or any area of concern within the jurisdiction of the District Governing Board of Arizona Western College. The board is prohibited by the Arizona open meeting law from discussing, considering or acting on items raised during the call to the public. Individuals are limited to a five minute presentation.

e. Association of District Governing Boards ................................................................ Maria Chavoya

III. Employee Report a. Faculty Report ......................................................................................................... Renee Macaluso b. Classified Association ................................................................................................. Fatima Megui c. Student Government Association Report .............................................................. Mary Kay Harton d. Student of the Month ................................................................................... Dr. Linda Elliott-Nelson

IV. Action Items

1. Human Resources ................................................................................................................ Kari Gardner a. Candidates for Contractual Positions b. Review of Unfilled Positions

2. Consideration to Approve Fiscal Year 2017-18 Budget Assumptions ........................... Carole Coleman

3. Consideration to Award a Consulting Contract for Facilitation

of Arizona Western College’s Strategic Plan Initiative .................................................. Carole Coleman

4. Voucher Approval ........................................................................................................... Carole Coleman

V. President’s Reports a. Student Services ............................................................................................................. Bryan Doak b. Finance and Administrative Services ....................................................................... Carole Coleman c. Learning Services ............................................ Dr. Linda Elliott-Nelson/Kathy Ocampo/Paul Olson d. Public Relations and Marketing ........................................................................................ Lori Stofft e. Computer Information Services ................................................................................ Adele Edwards

VI. Closing Items

a. Good of the Order................................................................................................ Dr. Daniel P. Corr b. Next Scheduled Regular Meeting: Tuesday, January 24 at 3 pm ................................. Dennis Booth

Page 2: I. II. - Arizona Western College STEDY JTED shares high school students wi th local public high schools, charter schools and private schools, he said. The JTED receives funding for

DGB Agenda - Page 2

c. Location of Next Scheduled Board Meeting: Frances Morris Board Room Yuma ..... Dennis Booth

VII. Adjourn

Page 3: I. II. - Arizona Western College STEDY JTED shares high school students wi th local public high schools, charter schools and private schools, he said. The JTED receives funding for

The draft minutes will be approved at the next regular meeting of the Board in December. Minutes Page 1

MEETING MINUTES Arizona Western College District Governing Board

November 22, 2016 Board Members Present: Board President Dennis Booth, Olivia Zepeda, Melissa Wright, Richard Lamb Board Members Absent: Maria Chavoya Others Present: Dr. Daniel P. Corr, President Lee Altman, Vice President of the Faculty Senate Rachel Caldwell, Executive Assistant to the President Lizet Camarena, Student Government Association President Agustin “Junior” Castro, User Support Administrator Alejandro Chiquete, User Support Administrator Bryan Doak, Vice President for Student Services Diana Doucette, Director of Financial Services and Controller Adele Edwards, Director of Computer Information Services Ana English, Director of Financial Aid Dr. Linda Elliott-Nelson, Vice President for Learning Services Kari Gardner, Chief Human Resources Officer Mary Kay Harton, Dean of Campus Life Kevin Imes, Superintendent of the Southwest Technical Education District of Yuma Jose Lizarraga, Student Services Specialist (La Paz County) Renee Macaluso, Faculty Senate District Governing Board Representative Biridiana Martinez, Chair of the Classified Employee Association Fatima Megui, Classified Employee Association Liaison to the District Governing Board Kilene Menvielle, Professor of Nursing Kathy Ocampo, Associate Dean for La Paz County Services Call to Order: Board President Dennis Booth called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm.

Introductions: Chief Human Resources Officer Kari Gardner introduced Alejandro Chiquete and Junior Castro as the User Support Administrators for the meeting. She also introduced Kevin Imes, Superintendent of the Southwest Technical Education District of Yuma; Associate Dean for La Paz County Services Kathy Ocampo, and Professor of Nursing Kilene Menvielle.

Approval of Minutes: Board Member Melissa Wright motioned to approve the minutes from the October 24, 2016 Board Meeting. Board Member Olivia Zepeda seconded the motion; motion carried. Adoption of Agenda: Board Member Olivia Zepeda motioned to adopt the agenda as written. Board Member Melissa Wright seconded the motion; motion carried.

Call to the Audience: Kevin Imes, Superintendent of the Southwest Technical Education District of Yuma (STEDY), introduced himself. Mr. Imes said he is at the meeting in support of action item two on the agenda, which pertains to tuition rates. The STEDY JTED shares high school students with local public high schools, charter schools and private schools, he said. The JTED receives funding for students which is then returned to the public high school districts that have career technology education programs. The JTED also provides tuition and books for students who want to attend Arizona Western College. The JTED currently has ten collaborative programs with AWC. The goal of the JTED is to assist students in obtaining a credential or certificate that would allow them to enter the workforce. Association of District Governing Boards: There was no report as Board Member Maria Chavoya was absent from the meeting. Faculty Report: Renee Macaluso, Faculty Senate Representative to the Board, presented on behalf of the faculty,

Page 4: I. II. - Arizona Western College STEDY JTED shares high school students wi th local public high schools, charter schools and private schools, he said. The JTED receives funding for

The draft minutes will be approved at the next regular meeting of the Board in December. Minutes Page 2 highlighting the Center for Teaching Effectiveness, the Division of Sciences and the Division of Social Sciences.

• The Center for Teaching Effectiveness recently hosted a Digital Literary Series presented by Dr. Ellen Riek and an “Examining U.S. History” discussion by Professor Mizaba Abedi. The next Noon Discovery Series 2.0 presentation is “Towards a More Peaceful Human Animal” by Professor of Biology Dan Davis.

• San Luis hosted its Educational Family Night on Oct. 5. • AWC welding students recently competed in the Welding Thunder competition in Las Vegas. • Professor of Agricultural Science Leigh Loughead was highlighted in a Southwest Living article as a Yuma area ag


Classified Employee Association (CEA) Report: Fatima Megui, District Governing Board Liaison for the Classified Employee Association, informed the Board that the classified officers are continuing to work on the agenda for professional development day. Student Government Association Report: President Lizet Camarena presented on past and upcoming events – Past Events

• Nov. 4 – Students traveled from the Yuma Campus to Parker to spend time with their counterparts there. The group also met with middle school students to answer college-bound questions.

• Nov. 9 – Motivational Speaker Keith Wheeler spoke with students on viewing struggles as blessings as opposed to obstacles and using obstacles as inspiration, Ms. Camarena said.

• Nov. 11 – Students took part in the Veteran’s Day Parade. AWC had a float in the parade. • Nov. 17 – AWC Family Night

Future Events

• December Peter Piper Pizza takeover to benefit the Salvation Army soup kitchen. SGA has currently raised about $200 for the soup kitchen toward a $2000 goal.

• Dec. 10 – Yuma Electric Light Parade • Mar. 25 – Yuma County Leadership Conference

Student of the Month: Dr. Linda Elliott-Nelson presented Ben Watson as AWC’s Student of the Month. Mr. Watson is a Supplemental Instruction (SI) Leader for EGR 188 as well as a math tutor for NAU-Yuma. He is an engineering major at AWC and plans on transferring to ASU to pursue an electrical engineering degree. His interest in research was sparked after an internship with the Air Force Research Lab this summer. He is now considering research as a possible career choice.

Action Item #1 – Human Resources Candidates for Contractual Positions and Review of Unfilled Positions – Presented by Kari Gardner

There were no new hires for contracted positions. Open Full-Time Professional Administrative Positions

• System Administrator II • Associate Dean for South Yuma County • Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services • Grant Director – Grant Funded • Network Administrator • Network Administrator II • Registration Operations Coordinator • Child Development Learning Laboratory Classroom Teacher

Open Faculty Positions

• Professor of Computer Information Systems • Professor of Nursing • Professor of Engineering

Page 5: I. II. - Arizona Western College STEDY JTED shares high school students wi th local public high schools, charter schools and private schools, he said. The JTED receives funding for

The draft minutes will be approved at the next regular meeting of the Board in December. Minutes Page 3 • Professor of Chemistry • Professor of Environmental Science

Open Classified Positions

• User Support Administrator (Parker and Quartzsite Campuses)

Action Item #2 – Consideration to Approve the 2017-18 Schedule of Tuition and Fees – Presented by Diana Doucette The College is proposing a $2 per credit hour increase in general tuition. President Corr highlighted the proposed reduction in tuition for the Early College Experience Students (high school and below) to $25 per credit hour. This is currently the tuition rate for dual enrollment, he said. President Corr said this change is a significant and bold effort to create a college-going culture in our communities. There is significant research to show that when a high school student takes two college courses while in high school, the likelihood that the student will attend and complete college drastically increases, he said. President Corr said he believes this is a strong commitment on behalf of the college to our communities. There are several new fees including the DSST Course Equivalency Exam Fee (previously Dantes part of CLEP) and a fee for official transcripts. Board President Dennis Booth asked Mrs. Doucette to assure him there are no hidden costs associated with the collection of these new fees. Mrs. Doucette assured there are no additional costs associated with the fees, especially as it relates to the official transcript fee, which is a pass-through fee. Also, fees are included in one payment for each class. Board Member Olivia Zepeda asked why some of the fees are more than ten dollars. Dr. Linda Elliott-Nelson said that in some cases there are classes in which students are provided supplies. For example, nursing students are provided kits to use throughout the duration of the class. Also, test fees are incorporated in the cost of the course fees. Board Member Richard Lamb asked why most of the Licensed Massage Therapy (LMT) fees have been reduced to zero. Dr. Elliott-Nelson said students are now required to bring their own supplies to classes. Mrs. Doucette said that with the approval of these tuition rates and fees, Arizona Western College will be ranked fifth in the state with regards to the base tuition rate per credit hour. Looking at the overall annual fees, Arizona Western College is ranked seventh in the state. Board Member Olivia Zepeda motioned to approve the 2017-18 schedule of tuition and fees. Board Member Melissa Wright seconded the motion. Motion carried. Action Item #3 – Voucher Report – Presented by Diana Doucette

Expenses exceeded revenues for the month of October. It is not atypical that expenses exceed revenues and cash balances drop for this month, Mrs. Doucette said. The College is currently operating four percent below budget. Board Member Melissa Wright motioned to adopt the vouchers as presented. Board Member Richard Lamb seconded the motion; motion carried. President’s Reports Dean of Public Relations and Marketing Lori Stofft: Ms. Stofft introduced Biridiana Martinez to discuss strategic planning. Mrs. Martinez informed the Board that she, Lori Stofft and Professor Ellen Riek are serving as tri-chairs of the strategic planning committee, which will lead the initiative to develop a strategic plan for AWC in the next year. The committee is currently seeking a consultant to collaborate with the college on the project. The committee is also developing a

Page 6: I. II. - Arizona Western College STEDY JTED shares high school students wi th local public high schools, charter schools and private schools, he said. The JTED receives funding for

The draft minutes will be approved at the next regular meeting of the Board in December. Minutes Page 4 strategic task force incorporating all employee groups – classified employees, faculty members and professional administrative. The strategic task force will work to create a vision, gather and analyze data, set goals and develop an implementation plan. The strategic planning project will officially kick off in January 2017 with a completion goal date of January 2018. Ms. Stofft said she looks forward to this process being a transparent and inclusive one. Planning information will be shared on the AWC website and via social media. Ms. Stofft expressed that the group would like to meet with the Board and selected consultant early in the planning process. Board Member Richard Lamb asked when the strategic plan will be implemented at the College. President Corr said that the implementation will be ongoing and continuous, but that the goal is that the 2019-2020 budget reflect the goals of the strategic plan. Board Member Lamb asked if the College has budgeted for this commitment. President Corr said the one-time dollars to facilitate the project have been identified. Board Member Olivia Zepeda asked if the Board can work alongside the College to update the strategic plan. President Corr said this can be incorporated in a Board retreat in the New Year. Vice President for Student Services Bryan Doak: For the second year in a row, the AWC Veterans Services Department has been acknowledged as a top school by the 2017 Military Advanced Education & Transition Guide to Colleges and Universities. The new guide will be published in December 2016. The 5th Annual Majors Fair hosted by Career and Advisement on Nov. 2 drew a crowd of 708 students. Approximately 35 faculty members were involved, and 51 majors and 42 certificate programs were represented at the fair, Mr. Doak said. Eight support services programs were also involved, and all three on-site state universities were represented. There were 708 students at the fair. Passive degree awarding took place this fall. One hundred and five individuals were identified as having completed an Associate of Arts degree. These individuals did not apply for graduation. The degrees were posted for these individuals. One hundred and nine students were identified as lacking one class in order to obtain an Associate of Arts degree. Letters were sent notifying these individuals and encouraging them to enroll and finish their degree. Passive degrees were last awarded in 2014. The Higher Learning Commission will conduct its accreditation visit in 2019. The “lock date” for the Assurance Argument is Jan. 7, 2019. The Open Pathway Comprehensive Evaluation visit will take place Feb. 4-5, 2019. On Dec. 3, the #2 AWC Matador football team will take on the #1 Garden City Broncbusters in the NJCAA Championship El Toro Bowl. The AWC Women’s volleyball team competed in nationals in Casper, Wyoming Nov. 16-18. Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services Carole Coleman: Ms. Diana Doucette presented on behalf of Carole Coleman. The financial audit is on track for completion. The Parker Community Center project is nearing completion and on track for the ribbon cutting on Dec. 12. AWC facilities and information technology employees recently conducted on-site training to ensure they are familiar with the facility and its requirements. The fire marshal inspected the building – a notice of completion is forthcoming. Associate Dean of La Paz County Services Kathy Ocampo said the building looks beautiful. A local Parker reporter will be on-site for a sneak-peak at the building Nov. 23. Mrs. Doucette shared the latest photos of the facility.

Page 7: I. II. - Arizona Western College STEDY JTED shares high school students wi th local public high schools, charter schools and private schools, he said. The JTED receives funding for

The draft minutes will be approved at the next regular meeting of the Board in December. Minutes Page 5 Vice President for Learning Services Linda Elliott-Nelson: Dr. Elliott-Nelson presented on the AWC Nursing Program, which is a destination program at the College. The program is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN). Approximately 40 students are admitted per semester. The program is concept-based and can be completed in four semesters. The program provides access to 24 contracted clinical facilities for a variety of experiences. Students also participate in two hours of community service per semester. According to the 2015 ACEN Annual Report, the AWC passing rate for the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN) is 88.57 percent. The College would like to see this improve and reach the ninety percent range, Dr. Elliott-Nelson said. The AWC Nursing Program partners with the Yuma Regional Medical Center. The program has concurrent enrollment with Arizona State University and Northern Arizona University. The program also has articulation agreements with Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University and Grand Canyon University. Closing Items: President Corr said he is grateful that the Board is interested in a workshop as it relates to working on the mission statement and strategic planning. He said we can certainly involve an explanation of the Higher Learning Commission accreditation visit and process. President Corr said he has set a meeting for Jan. 27 with Commissioner Lisa Atkins of the Arizona State Land Department to discuss acquisition of land in San Luis, AZ again. He is working with Representatives Otondo and Fernandez, and will ensure this effort is a bipartisan one. Ms. Atkins will be traveling to San Luis for the meeting. President Corr expressed his appreciation to the Board for approving the $2 tuition increase. External pressures such as the White Collar Exemption Act and increase to the minimum wage are adding financial pressures to the institution. Resources are being budgeted to accommodate these changes. There is tremendous excitement on campus associated with the strategic planning process, he said. Next Meeting: The next scheduled regular meeting will be December 12, 2016 at the Parker Learning Center at 10 am. Adjourn: Board Member Melissa Wright motioned to adjourn the meeting. Board Member Olivia Zepeda seconded the motion; motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 4:26 pm. Respectfully submitted,

Rachel A. Caldwell, Recording Secretary

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Aaron Koopmann – Professor of Mathematics- South Yuma County Steven Upham – Athletic Trainer Tiffany Tipton-Pavey – Early College/Dual Credit Program Manager (Grant Funded) Arnold Buchtel – System Administrator I Debra Vega – Registration Operations Coordinator Crystal A. Renteria – Child Development Learning Laboratory Classroom Teacher


Amber Keinath – Professor of Nursing


Page 9: I. II. - Arizona Western College STEDY JTED shares high school students wi th local public high schools, charter schools and private schools, he said. The JTED receives funding for



AARON KOOPMANN, PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS – SOUTH YUMA COUNTY 2015 M.A., California State University-Sacramento, Mathematics, Sacramento, CA 2011 B.A., California State University-Sacramento, Mathematics, Sacramento, CA Experience: 2015 – 2016 Lecturer, California State University-Sacramento, Sacramento, CA 2011 – 2014 Teaching Associate, California State University-Sacramento, Sacramento, CA 2012 – 2016 Math Tutor, Math Masters Learning Center, Roseville, CA

STEVEN UPHAM, ATHLETIC TRAINER 2014 M.A., California State University, Kinesiology with Sports Psychology Concentration

Fresno, CA 2012 B.S., Northern Arizona University, Athletic Training, Flagstaff, AZ Experience: 2015 – Present Head Athletic Trainer, Shadow Mountain High School/Select Medical, Phoenix, AZ 2014 – 2014 Assistant Athletic Trainer, Arizona Christian University, Phoenix, AZ 2012 – 2014 Graduate Assistant Athletic Trainer for Football, Fresno State University, Fresno, CA 2003 – 2011 Field Operations Manager/Accountant, Nationwide Property Investments, LLC,

San Diego, CA

TIFFANY TIPTON-PAVEY, EARLY COLLEGE/DUAL CREDIT PROGRAM MANAGER 2002 B.A., Arizona State University, Secondary English Education, Tempe, AZ 2001 A.A., Northern Arizona University, General Studies, Flagstaff, AZ Experience: 2015 – Present Instructional Coach, Yuma Union High School District #70, Yuma, AZ 2006 – Present English Teacher, Yuma Union High School District #70, Yuma, AZ 2012 – Present Adjunct Professor, Arizona Western College, Yuma, AZ 2003 – 2006 Head Cashier, Lowe’s

ARNOLD BUCHTEL, SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR I Experience: 2007 – Present Computer Systems Analyst, TRAX Test Services, Yuma, AZ 2003 – 2007 Network Engineer/Help Desk/Corporal, United States Marine Corps, Pendleton, CA


Page 10: I. II. - Arizona Western College STEDY JTED shares high school students wi th local public high schools, charter schools and private schools, he said. The JTED receives funding for



DEBRA VEGA, REGISTRATION OPERATIONS COODRINATOR 1998 A.S., Arizona Western College, Allied Health Care, Yuma, AZ Experience: 1998 – Present Executive Assistant, Saguaro Foundation Community Living Programs, Yuma, AZ 1995 – 1998 Staff Trainer, Saguaro Foundation Community Living Programs, Yuma, AZ 1994 – 1995 Residential Manager, Saguaro Foundation Community Living Programs, Yuma, AZ 1991 – 1994 Residential Aide, Saguaro Foundation Community Living Programs, Yuma, AZ

CRYSTAL RENTERIA, CHILD DEVELOPMENT LEARNING LABORATORY CLASSROOM TEACHER Experience: 2016 – Present Interim Child Development Learning Laboratory Classroom Teacher, Arizona Western

College, Yuma, AZ 2015 – 2016 Teacher’s Aide, Arizona Western College, Yuma, AZ 2014 – 2015 Teacher’s Assistant, Arizona Western College, Yuma, AZ 2016 – 2016 Respite Provider, Family Partners LLC, Yuma, AZ 2015 – 2016 Paraprofessional, Yuma District One, Pecan Grove Migrant Preschool, Yuma, AZ


Page 11: I. II. - Arizona Western College STEDY JTED shares high school students wi th local public high schools, charter schools and private schools, he said. The JTED receives funding for

Employment Opportunities

NOVEMBER 30, 2016


CLASSIFIED USER SUPPORT ADMINISTRATOR (PARKER AND QUARTZSITE CAMPUSES) – Position will remain open until a suitable candidate is found.

PROFESSIONAL/ADMINISTRATIVE ASSOCIATE DEAN FOR SOUTH YUMA COUNTY – Position will remain open until suitable candidate is found. VICE PRESIDENT FOR FINANCE & ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES – Position will remain open until suitable candidate is found. DIRECTOR OF INSTINCT2 GRANT– GRANT FUNDED (Internal Only) – Position will remain open until a suitable candidate is found. NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR II – Position will remain open until a suitable candidate is found.

FACULTY PROFESSOR OF COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS (Fall 2017) – Position will remain open until suitable candidate is found. PROFESSOR OF NURSING (SPRING 2017 – GRANT FUNDED) – Position will remain open until suitable candidate is found. PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY (Spring 2017) – Position will remain open until suitable candidate is found. PROFESSOR OF ENGINEERING (Fall 2017) – Closes for first review on 12/07/16. Position will remain open until suitable candidate is found. PROFESSOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (Fall 2017) – Closes for first review on 12/07/16. Position will remain open until suitable candidate is found.

Page 12: I. II. - Arizona Western College STEDY JTED shares high school students wi th local public high schools, charter schools and private schools, he said. The JTED receives funding for

PART-TIME (up to 19 hours per week)

ACADEMIC SKILLS COACH – Position will remain open until suitable candidate is found. ACADEMIC SUPPORT COACH – Position will remain open until suitable candidate is found. AVID PEER MENTOR (PACTO GRANT) – Position will remain open until suitable candidate is found. GYM ATTENDANT, PARKER LEARNING CENTER – Position will remain open until suitable candidate is found. ITN CONTROL ROOM OPERATOR, SOUTH YUMA COUNTY– Position will remain open until suitable candidate is found. ITN CONTROL ROOM OPERATOR, QUARTZSITE – Position will remain open until suitable candidate is found. SENIOR SECRETARY, LICENESED MASSAGE THERAPY/HEALTHCARE PROGRAMS – Position will remain open until suitable candidate is found. SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTION LEADER – Position will remain open until suitable candidate is found. TUTOR – Position will remain open until suitable candidate is found. USDA-HIS STUDENT INTERN (ACIS GRANT) – Position will remain open until suitable candidate is found. NURSING PROGRAM CLINICAL INSTRUCTOR – Position will remain open until suitable candidate is found. NURSING ASSISTANT PROGRAM CLINICAL ASSOCIATE/ ADJUNCT FACULTY (PARKER, AZ) – Position will remain open until suitable candidate is found.



Applicants should have demonstrated commitment to working with linguistically and culturally diverse populations. A complete application is required.

For application materials please see the AWC website: or contact the Human Resources Office at P.O.

Box 929, Yuma, AZ 85366-0929, e-mail: [email protected], or call 344-7505, TTY: 344-7629.


Arizona Western College is an equal opportunity employer and affords equal opportunity to all applicants for all positions. Arizona Western College es un empleador con igualdad de oportunidades y extiende esta igualdad de oportunidades a todos los solicitantes para todas las posiciones vacantes. In compliance with the Legal Arizona Workers Act (HB 2779), Arizona Western College participates in E-Verify. AWC will provide the Social Security Administration (SSA), and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), with information from each new employee’s Form I-9 to confirm work authorization.

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Meeting Date: December 12, 2016 Item No. 2

Title: Consideration to Approve Fiscal Year 2017-18 Budget Assumptions

Approval: Action Item Summary/Background: The District Governing Board reviews and provides direction in the development of budget assumptions for the next fiscal year. Budgetary Considerations: None. President’s Recommendation: It is recommended that the District Governing Board approve the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget Assumptions. Approved: Comments:

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1. The State of Arizona Budget for FY 2017-2018 is expected to continue to be fiscally constrained; State assistance may be more difficult in the future.

2. We do not currently have the Estimated State aid appropriated for FY 2017-18. State aid appropriated for FY 2016-2017 is $2,702,500, a decrease of $51,900 from the FY 2015-2016 level of support. The District is receiving an appropriation of $867,300 for STEM capital aid for FY 2016-2017, a decrease of $15,300 from the FY 2015-2016 level of support.

3. The District will work with the Legislature, the Governor’s office, the Arizona Community College Coordinating Council and the other College Districts in requesting funding for the community colleges.

4. The District’s staffing plan will be reviewed and revised to address the staffing needs of the District and implemented based upon available funds.

5. The AWC District Governing Board will levy taxes as needed to address maintenance, continuance of programs and services and capital for the District.

6. Full Time Student Equivalent (FTSE) target for revenue implications will be based on a 2% growth projection over actual Full Time Student Equivalent enrollment in fiscal year 2016-2017.

7. Tuition, room and board, and/or other fees will be increased to partially offset loss of state aid, inflation and operational needs of the District while maintaining accessibility.

8. The final budget will be limited by available revenues especially in light of current state and national financial projections.

9. The District will continue to seek external sources of funds from foundations and federal and state grants to enhance District objectives.

10. The College President will carry forward a recommendation for salary and benefits for all employee groups, taking into consideration the new minimum wage and the possible reinstatement of the “White Collar” rule.

11. In order to maintain financial stability the District will continue to protect adequate cash reserves.

Page 15: I. II. - Arizona Western College STEDY JTED shares high school students wi th local public high schools, charter schools and private schools, he said. The JTED receives funding for



Meeting Date: December 12, 2016 Item No. 3

Title: Consideration to Award a Consulting Contract for Facilitation of Arizona Western College’s Strategic Plan Initiative

Approval: Action Item Summary/Background: In order to keep the process moving forward on this project it will be necessary to award this consulting contract in the next few weeks. A selection committee comprised of Lori Stofft, Dean of Public Relations and Marketing; Ellen Riek, Professor of English; and Biridiana Martinez, Administrative Assistant will review all responses to a scope of work document released to several strategic planning consultants with higher education experience. The selection committee will award the contract and report their selection to the District Governing Board at the January 2017 meeting. The total contract will not exceed $90,000. This project is a key initiative for Arizona Western College. Budgetary Considerations: Funding for this project has been secured through a one-time payment from an existing vendor and will not be funded through taxes or tuition revenue. President’s Recommendation: It is recommended that the District Governing Board authorize the administration to award the consulting contract for Arizona Western College’s Strategic Plan Initiative, based on the selection committee’s evaluation. Approved: Comments:

Page 16: I. II. - Arizona Western College STEDY JTED shares high school students wi th local public high schools, charter schools and private schools, he said. The JTED receives funding for

Office of the President

P.O. Ber-: 929 Yuma, Arizona 8);)66-0929

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TO: District Governing Board

FROM: Dr. Daniel P. Corr CJ( DATE: December 12, 2016

SUBJECT: Summary of Revenue and Expenditures for the Month Ended November 30, 2016 - Operational and Capital Funds



The result of fiscal operations for the month ended November 30, 2016, indicated that revenues exceeded expenses. On November 30, 2016, the cash balance was $15,408,568 compared to $13,605,156 on the same date last year.

Operational - Fund "O"

The District received 42% of its anticipated revenues and expended 3 7% of its budgeted expenditures, compared to 48% and 37% respectively last year.

Capital - Fund "6"

The District received 0% of its anticipated revenues and expended 65% of its budgeted expenditures, compared to 0% and 57% respectively last year.

*November Yuma/La Paz County taxes not received at this date.

Page 17: I. II. - Arizona Western College STEDY JTED shares high school students wi th local public high schools, charter schools and private schools, he said. The JTED receives funding for

REVENUES FY16/17 BUDGET FY16/17 ACTUAL FY15/16 BUDGET FY15/16 ACTUAL LOCAL $29,658,840 $8,181,429 $28,623,364 $9,790,554STATE $2,690,100 $1,345,050 $2,702,500 $1,351,250TUITION $11,972,000 $9,104,205 $11,730,000 $8,952,520OTHER $462,000 $324,618 $312,000 $557,511

TOTAL $44,782,940 $18,955,302 $43,367,864 $20,651,835


November 30, 2016















50.0% 50.0%

76.0% 76.3%

70.3% 178.7%

Page 18: I. II. - Arizona Western College STEDY JTED shares high school students wi th local public high schools, charter schools and private schools, he said. The JTED receives funding for

DESCRIPTION FY16/17 BUDGET FY16/17 ACTUAL FY15/16 BUDGET FY15/16 ACTUAL PERSONNEL SERV. $25,219,845 $9,353,044 $24,670,234 $9,625,877EMP. BENEFITS $7,696,708 $3,610,424 $7,116,796 $3,299,366CAPITAL $1,641,035 $1,683,261 $2,607,468 $1,811,224CONTRACTUAL SERV. $2,398,710 $1,256,797 $2,067,678 $1,058,751SUP & MTL $1,568,971 $633,076 $2,153,764 $1,082,753FIXED CHARGES $2,605,581 $1,447,588 $3,150,820 $1,234,504COMM. & UTILITIES $2,294,750 $1,972,745 $2,275,574 $1,977,777TRAVEL $464,970 $134,818 $471,370 $118,026CONTGY & TRANS $1,876,460 $0 $1,826,460 $0

TOTAL $45,767,030 $20,091,753 $46,340,164 $20,208,278


November 30, 2016












37.1% 39.0%

46.9% 46.4%

102.6% 69.5% 52.4% 51.2%40.3% 50.3%




Page 19: I. II. - Arizona Western College STEDY JTED shares high school students wi th local public high schools, charter schools and private schools, he said. The JTED receives funding for

DESCRIPTION FY16/17 BUDGET FY16/17 ACTUAL FY15/16 BUDGET FY15/16 ACTUAL INSTRUCTION $18,967,723 $6,970,379 $18,392,825 $7,065,571ACADEMIC SUPPORT $3,231,444 $1,278,019 $3,197,818 $1,247,463INSTITU SUPPORT $8,714,766 $3,707,268 $8,839,158 $3,637,483STUDENT SERVICES $4,542,051 $1,659,131 $4,374,670 $1,619,716FACILITIES MGT. $5,583,366 $2,253,442 $5,452,493 $2,060,114PUBLIC SERVICE $628,571 $253,092 $604,155 $242,761CONTINGENCY $1,701,460 $0 $1,701,460 $0

TOTAL $43,369,381 $16,121,331 $42,562,579 $15,873,108


November 30, 2016

















39.5% 39.0%

42.5% 41.2%

36.5% 37.0% 40.4% 37.8%

40.2%40.3% 0%0%


Page 20: I. II. - Arizona Western College STEDY JTED shares high school students wi th local public high schools, charter schools and private schools, he said. The JTED receives funding for

DESCRIPTION FY16/17 BUDGET FY16/17 ACTUAL FY15/16 BUDGET FY15/16 ACTUAL INSTRUCTION $24,600 $9,846 $52,945 $54,506ACADEMIC SUPPORT $6,000 $33,942 $699,140 $567,441INSTITU SUPPORT $676,867 $159,404 $562,681 $264,293STUDENT SERVICES $10,774 $10,774 $53,865 $14,486FACILITIES MGT. $1,449,408 $1,289,102 $2,276,574 $1,270,521PUBLIC SERVICE $55,000 $55,000 $7,380 $0CONTINGENCY $175,000 $0 $125,000 $0

TOTAL $2,397,649 $1,558,068 $3,777,585 $2,171,247

November 30, 2016



















0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
