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CENTERVILLE MESSENGER (096380) Free Upon Request-Published Weekly by Centerville Church of Christ, 138 N. Central Ave., Centerville, TN 37033-1427 October 5, 2016 Volume XXXVI - Number 39

“I Hope You Know”

Popular opinion has always been a standard by which many have hinged their decision to commit to a certain plan, or action. Seeking approval for why we do what we do is wise, if we are seeking approval based on right standards and from the right source. There are those people though, when they seek approval, they do so by seeking out those they know will lend support to their cause or position. The approval they seek may be from those they know will lend their agreement and support, disguised as a pseudo objective source. It’s been a condition that has plagued humanity across the generations. II Chronicles 18 details an encounter King Ahab, an evil and wicked king (I Kings 16:30) had with the righteous King Jehoshaphat (II Chronicles 17:6). Ahab had developed a plan to invade the land of Ramoth Gilead, and wanted Jehoshaphat’s help. Before Jehoshaphat would agree, he wanted to hear if the Lord God would support such an action. Like his father Asa, Jehoshaphat was more interested in God’s approval than he was in the applause from his fellow man. Ahab sent for his prophets, 400 to be exact. Under Ahab, God’s covenant with Israel was mocked, desecrated, and blatantly ignored. What is more, the true prophets of God were sought and killed (I Kings 19:14), and replaced with the chorus of nodding heads for Ahab. Ahab indeed had prophets, but they were prophets of the false god Baal. Therefore when Ahab inquired as to the approval of his plan from his prophets, they unanimously agreed (II Chronicles 18:5).

from God. Ahab hated Micaiah for one reason, Micaiah always spoke the truth from God, and it was not favorable for Ahab’s cause. This instance was no different, and Micaiah did speak as the Lord gave him instruction (II Chronicles 18:13). Ahab is no different from any of today’s elected officials, public office candidate, or social media junky; if they desire to believe something they will be all means surround themselves with voices which will in no way refute whatever position they hold. Many voices in our day and age, claim many things, which sound good, but are not based in truth. Our duty is to not be deceived by the false teachings of men (II Thessalonians 2:11-12). We should love God’s truth, and seek it above all other words (II Thessalonians 2:10). The masses or majority may very well settle on a way that seems right, but as the Lord has given command, so let us follow (II Chronicles 18:13, Proverbs 14:12). I hope you know, your single voice may be all the truth someone else hears; by all means, speak as God has spoken, and speak up (II Chronicles 18:13, I Peter 4:11).

The unanimous chorus of 400 voices did not satisfy Jehoshaphat, namely because he did not believe the source was valid or true. He called for a true prophet of God, and Micaiah was summoned. The subtly was striking, when Jehoshaphat called for a prophet of God, he clearly denied the assertion the voices he had just heard came

Centerville Church of Christ Sunday 9am / 6pm Wednesday 7pm

Life-Line Daily Updates &

Devotional Message 931-729-5055, 931-729-0022

October Celebrations

Nellie Kalosis 97 Years Old

October 30, 2016

Sue Ann Loveless 81 Years Old

October 22, 2016

Air Force Basic Training

Justin Barber is in Lackland, Texas for the next few weeks for Air Force Basic Training.

A BIG CROWD AND A FUN TIME as we had a Tailgater for the Volleyball team. We enjoyed some games, some time just being together and then the volleyball game. Thanks to Matthew Dotson and FCA joining us for the afternoon. OCTOBER BEGINS SLOWLY BUT ENDS UP BIG… With Fall Break being next week giving everyone a little break, our activities for that week also are put on hold. The following week we begin back with Firesides, the Monthly Bible Studies return, plus a Lighthouse, Trunk or Treat and Young Men leading services at Coble. It is hard to believe we are nearing the end of 2016. As November and December approach they will be packed with a whole lot of our usual plans to wind out the year. 2017, Lord willing, will usher in our Retreats and so many other unforgettable plans to begin the year. Whew, we rarely slow down and that is all planned because the more we are together, the more we sharpen one another, share our Savior and become servants, the more we grow closer to our Lord and one another. TIMOTHY AND TABITHA CLASSES RETURN… Following Fall Break, our special classes for guys and girls return. These are always such a fantastic time to focus on some topics and issues just for either gender. This year in the separate classes we will be looking at the various men and women of the Bible and the troubles, trials, and triumphs that many faced. These classes only last a few short weeks on Wednesday, so do not miss them and the blessing they can be to your life! “PRAY TO GOD, BUT ROW TOWARD THE SHORE.”-Russian Proverb. The Lord tells us throughout His Word to bring Him our worries and our cares, but He also commands us to bear our cross. When we go to God to help us with burdens, problems, or just things on our minds, know that you have done your part too. As you pray, include our church and church family too. Pray and continually be involved in all you can to do your part to build this body, be an encourager to the Elders, Deacons, and one another and spread the gospel. If you want to see prayer in action, visit the garden with Jesus. Pray with all your heart, then face what is ahead of you knowing you have done all you can. follow His path, -Craig

Wed. Nights L2L

L2L Classroom in Lighthouse

Wed. Nights in

Oct & Nov Timothy & Tabitha


October 6 Prayer

Breakfast Grady Teet


October 9-14 FALL BREAK

October 16

Junior High Fireside

Sara True & Case Martin


October 17 Bible Study

Girls @ Newsom’s Guys @ Dotson’s


October 23 Senior High

Fireside Elkins & Jacobs


October 26 Lighthouse Bryce Hughes


October 30 Young Men Lead

Services @ Coble 10:15-12

October 30

Trunk Or Treat

...Congratualtions to the HCMS Volleyball team on Winning District. Members from our youth are Marley Baker, Sidney Hudgins, Maty Hunt, Kate Peters, Cheyenne Stewart, Sara True and Kaitlyn Wallace. They are coached by Kendra Beard and Brent Beard ...Congratulations to Columbia Academy Golf Team for winning District in boys golf. Andrew Sullivan is a member of the team from our youth ...Congratulations to Bailey Gilbert and Dalton Thomasson who are competing this week as individuals at the High School State Tournament in Golf.


BUDGET $ 12,784.oo

Camp Meribah $ 195.00

The following are recovering from surgery or dealing with an illness: Anna Cate King, Bob Sutphin, Bruce Bowen, Susan Sullivan, Melissa Bryant, Terry Johnston, Polly Lancaster, Danny Bates, Debbie Lancaster, Bessie Shepard, Jimmy Mathis, John Ed Hooten, Lindrell Barrett, Susan Campbell, Bonnie Runions, Jack Lowery, Gabriel Roberson, Sheryl Elkins, Richard Tate, Henrietta Rochelle, Jeff Denton

Please Pray For:

Thank You

cBapis Memorial

...a Memorial has been given to Camp Meribah in memory of Stephen Church‘s 58th birthday by Rick & Joyce Bruno. ...Donations have been given to the Camp Meribah Scholarship Fund by Doug & Billie Sue True as Memorials to the following: Geneva Bradley, Kenneth Jenkins, Bill Allen. ...a Memorial has been given to the Mable Dunn Mission Fund in memory of Bobby Brown by Doug & Maxine Shepherd. ...a Memorial has been given to the Youth Fund in memory of Bobby Brown and Kenneth Jenkins by Charles and Linda Shelton. ...a Memorial has been given to the Bobby Morrison Scholarship Fund in memory of Ila Bess Rochelle by the following: Lonnie & Marilyn Gilliam, Design Sensory– Ron & Brandon Rochelle, Brett, Crystal, Logan, Audrey, and Patricia Skelton. ...a donation has been given to the Camp Meribah Scholarship Fund in honor of Sammye Elrod’s 98th birthday by Lonnie & Marilyn Gilliam. ...a Memorial has been given to the Centerville Church of Christ Day School in memory of Kenneth Jenkins by Gary & Karen Phillips. ...a Memorial has been given to the Camp Meribah Scholarship Fund in memory of Kenneth Jenkins by Taylor & Emily Cook. ...a Memorial has been given to Camp Meribah in honor of Paul Rogers by his brother Maurice Rogers.

a baby girl !

Home: Louise Bates, Charles Horner, Sammye Elrod, Charles & Martha Minick, Pauline Jimerson, Mary Helen Barber, Fronia Nash, Alvitea Sunder, Dan & Martha Jo Wallace, A.J. & Willie B. Coates, Dorothy Easley, J.W. & Sue Roder, Troy Parks.


Please Pray For: ...Jeff Denton is very critical in Walter Reed Hospital in Washington D.C. with pneumonia. ...Jane Berryman spent a few days in St. Thomas Mid-Town. She should return home on Tuesday. ...Kathy McDonald is undergoing tests for severe leg pain. ...Danny Skelton will have surgery Thursday at St. Thomas Mid-Town for a broken leg. ...Susan Sullivan is taking treatments for cancer. ...Judy Fenner is in rehab at NHC in Columbia. ...Kenneth Thompson is recovering from gall bladder surgery. …Tessa Fleming, a teenager who is a member at Graymere Church of Christ, has been in the hospital and waiting to go to the Mayo Clinic soon. She has lost feeling in her arms and legs. ...Anna Cate King, daughter of Sarah Bates King, is in Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital suffering with mesenteric adenitis. ...Linda Mays will begin chemotherapy treatments this week for bladder cancer. ...Melissa Barber Bryant is still undergoing tests. ...Bruce Bowen is having chemotherapy treatments for cancer.

...We express our sympathy to the family of Carl Tidwell who passed away in Granite City, Illinois. He was the brother of Ruth Staggs.

The Family of Geneva Bradley writes:“We would like to say thank you for your prayers, kind words, food, chimes and the support of her church family. Your kindness was so special. God bless you all….Sincerely, Mark & Joyce Morey Yvonna Caillouet writes:“I want to say a very special thank you to each and every person here at Centerville Church of Christ for the food brought to our home during my recovery from hip replacement. It is a very difficult and trying situation and your cards and words of encouragement were the highlights of my days. Thank you for all your heartfelt prayers to speed my healing. In Christian love... Thelma Chessor writes:“ I want to thank everyone for the visits and cards for my 91st birthday. I appreciate it very much.”

Baptisms We rejoice with Leah Conder who was baptized on September 27, 2016 by members

of the Jail Ministry.

Congratulations to Andrew and Rachael Parris on the birth of a baby girl, Audrey

Hazel Parris. Audrey was born Friday, September 30, 2016 in California. She weighed 7 lbs. 12 ozs. And is 20 inches long. Proud grandparents are Randy & Carol Breece and great grandparents are Bobby and Betty Breece and Juanita King.

Place Stamp Here

On-line Booking for: Camp Meribah And

Dotson Alumni Lodge Book With Us Today !

One Of The Prettiest Places In Middle Tennessee,

Camp Meribah and Dotson Alumni


Bryan McAlister 931-994-3525

Matthew Dotson 615-418-2051

Craig Shelton 615-418-2228

Shane Willis 615-308-9161

Secretary Tammy Willis 729-4201

Elders’ Prayer October 9

Mike Elkins

Prayer Week of October 9

S.M.W. S.M.D Luke Worsham Ethan Skelton

S.E.W. S.E.D. Jim Hudgins Calvin Hoover

W.E.B.S. W.E.D. Eric Nash Bob McDonald

If you are scheduled to serve in Worship and are unable, please take the

responsibility to secure your replacement and contact one of the following:

Dorris Claud 931-729-2933 Lonnie Mayberry 931 -242-2644 John Bradley 931-994-7358

Read Scripture Oct. 9 Wayne Rediker Oct. 16 Alan Potts

Wait on Table 2nd Sunday

Craig Shelton

3rd Sunday

Mark Chessor

4th Sunday Mike Goodpasture

5th Sunday

Bill McDonald

Right Side Jeremy Qualls Wayne Rediker Matthew Fakes

Riley Qualls

Left Side Derek Newsom Randy Wright

Daniel Poff Will Mayberry


Lonnie Mayberry Eric Coleman

Spotlight on….

Our New Deacons

Jeremy, Meredith, Major, Merfy, Macray Qualls 1884 Grinders Switch Road

Centerville, Tennessee 37033

Jeremy will be serving on the Youth Ministry, Vision 20/20, and the Day School Board

...October 10-14 School System Fall Break ...Wed., October 12

Devotional in Auditorium …Sunday, October 30th...


in the back parking lot following 6p worship! Sign-Up in the lobby if you will be entering a

decorated car ! Hot dogs, popcorn, drinks, candy !