Download - I Believe Life is a Matter of Survival Essay

Page 1: I Believe Life is a Matter of Survival Essay

To survive can be defined as continuing to exist or live. Thus, life is a matter of survival. In the class text PTO by WO the main protagonist faces challenges which must be overcome in order to survive. This is similarly shown in the novel Eragon by Christopher Paolini and the animated film finding Nemo directed by Andrew Stanton. Consequently, within the theme of survival there are aspects such as challenges, motivation, support networks and consequences and responsibility are discussed in association with physical, mental and emotional survival.

Physical survival is shown in all 3 texts. Physical survival is when the body experiences physical trauma through injury or test of strength that has a lasting effect on the body. Physical survival is shown in peeling the onion when she was fit and popular and then she had the accident and her body became weak and disabled, “you would have to know if you were disabled, wouldn’t you?”. She also has to survive the agonising pain, “so strong, so overwhelming and constant that I can’t remember life before it”. In Eragon physical survival is demonstrated when Eragon and Saphira fight in a major battle between his allies, the Varden, and the empire. In this battle, Eragon fights the shade Durza and kills him, but receives a terrible scar, “you have paid a terrible price for your deeds”.

Emotional and Mental survival is also shown in the texts. It is the process of keeping your morale, hope and determination up, and conversely crushing your fears. Your mind, will and spirit also have to be challenged. It is also growing and developing from experiences that damage us, showing that fear makes hope which breeds survival. In Peeling the Onion, it is shown in many parts, but an excellent description is the comparison between the poems she wrote, ranging from saying she is a useless mush to saying she is “a tiny green shoot growing from inside”. It is also shown when she carries on through the fog surrounding her mind to do her year 12 work, and her stubbornness to not let anything go. In Finding Nemo, it is shown through his determination to find his son, “I have to find my son”, despite his fear of almost everything, “it’s time to let go, everything’s going to be alright”, and how much he fears, but perseveres. It is shown in Eragon when he sees the pile of corpses in the village, left there by Urgals. He must survive, and not give up hope, and he must grow used to the experience, because it is a part of his destiny.

Support networks are also a major part of the texts. These are the people who help the person, or offer some useful skill in the person’s quest. In Peeling the Onion, Anna has the support of her family, Luke, Haden and Jenny. These people all supported her in her times of great physical, mental and emotional trauma, and helped her bear the burden of having her dreams smashed and being made a cripple for life. In Finding Nemo, support is in the form of Dory, a fish that suffers short-term memory loss, and is there throughout the movie for Marlin. She was there to comfort marlin when all hope seemed lost, and was also able to read English, which gave Marlin a vital lead to his son. When marlin thinks his son is dead, he ditches dory but dory doesn’t want to go, “please don’t go away… I look at you and I’m home, I remember things better with you”. The tank fish were Nemo’s support, because the boy required emotional support to get through the times without his dad. In Eragon, the support is given by Brom then the dwarves. Each of these helped to bear the burden Eragon was carrying, whilst teaching him the skills and lore required to survive in his world.

Page 2: I Believe Life is a Matter of Survival Essay

Coping methods are a vital part of people’s recovery process. They exist to help people feel better, and usually de-stress them. In Peeling the Onion, Anna’s coping method is her inner voice. This is demonstrated by the way her inner voice vents what she is truly thinking. Eragon’s coping method is to become angry, but he will continue to persist. In Finding Nemo, the coping methods are in marlin’s case, being rude to all around him, and Nemo’s method is to talk it out with people he trusts. Nemo also feels he must escape to rejoin his father.

The consequences of the main protagonist’s adventures are that they gain knowledge and wisdom which leads to growth and maturity, and the realisation of their responsibilities. They also change their opinions of life and survival. In the case of Anna in Peeling the onion, she realises her survival is vital to her family and Luke's survival. This inspires her to live on, if only for her family’s sake, and eventually to regain hope. She has to accept her new life through disability, and she has to find her true self through all the superficial layers. She also has to re-learn to take responsibility for herself. In Finding Nemo, the consequence of Marlin’s actions is that he is less overprotective of his son, and his overall confidence increases as he survives and makes new friends. He accepts the responsibility of father, not of overprotective guardian. In Eragon, the consequences are that he realises his destiny to be the saviour of his world, and that he is their only hope. He realises that it is his duty, his responsibility to save the people. He also realises that life is a precious commodity, and that he can’t survive without others.

Life is a matter of survival. This has been shown in a number of elements, including physical, mental and emotional, as well as the no less important background elements of support networks and coping methods, and the consequences of their actions. The reasons for are strong, and many people agree. So, life truly is a matter of survival.