Download - Hypothyroidism By Farshid Mokhberi

  1. 1. By: Farshid Mokhberi Medical Student at: Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Health Services
  2. 2. Anatomy of Thyroid Gland
  3. 3. Histology
  4. 4. Transfering from cell to blood
  5. 5. Mechanism of action
  6. 6. Regulation of synthesis
  7. 7. Functions Carbohydrate metabolism Cholesterol metabolism Growth Skeletal muscle Heart CNS Calorigenic action
  8. 8. Hypothyroidism: Hypothyroidism is a common endocrine disorder resulting from deficiency of thyroid hormone.
  9. 9. Risk Factors woman older than age 60 Have an autoimmune disease Have a close relative autoimmune disease Have been treated with radioactive iodine or anti- thyroid medications Received radiation to your neck or upper chest Have had thyroid surgery (partial thyroidectomy) Have been pregnant or delivered a baby within the past six months
  10. 10. SKIN Cool and pale Sweating is decreased Yellowish tinge Hyperpigmentation Coarse hair Hairloss Non pitting edema Cold intolerance Dry skin
  11. 11. Eyes Periorbital edema
  12. 12. Cardiovascular Decreased heart rate Decreased cardiac output Pericardial effusion Diastolic hypertension Hypercholesterolemia hyperhomocystinemia
  13. 13. Respiratory Fatigue Shortness of breath on exertion Hypoventilation Sleep apnea Hoarseness of voice
  14. 14. Gastrointestinal Constipation Ascites Weight gain Gastric atrophy
  15. 15. Reproductive Oligorrhea Amenorrhea Menorrhagia Decreased fertility Early abortion
  16. 16. Neurologic Mental slowing Myxedema coma Mental retardation
  17. 17. Myxedema coma The condition occurs in patients with long-standing, untreated hypothyroidism. mental status, including lethargy stupor delirium(acute confusional state) coma
  18. 18. Musculoskeletal Joint pains Aches stiffness
  19. 19. Metabolic Hyponatremia Hyperlipidemia Increased homocystine
  20. 20. Normal values TSH 0.4- 5.0 mU/L Total T4 4.6-11.2 mcg/dl Total T3 75-195 ng/dl Free T4 0.8-1.8 ng/dl Free T3 2.3-4.2 pg/ml
  21. 21. Treatment INITIAL DOSE Young healthy-1.6mcg/Kg wt Elderly-50mcg TIMING OF DOSE Half an hour before food SIDE EFFECTS-Rare Allergy to dye in the tablets
  22. 22. MONITORING Every 6 weeks If TSH is not with in normal range increase the dose by 12.5-25mcg If TSH normal ,monitor TSH once a year
  23. 23. Refrences