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Hyperinflation In Zimbabwe

By Adam Vitalone and Chelsea Marshall

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Historical Timeline

• 1920 known as Rhodesiaannexed by UK in 1923• 1961- white favored constitution• 1965- gov't declared independence• 1979- UN sanctions and guerrilla uprising

resulted in free elections

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Mugabe and His Country

'80-'87 Mugabe is Prime Minister becomes Pres in '87

2000- land redistribution causes large exodus of white farmers

2002- election rigged by mugabe'02-present- Mugabe still President

- corruption rampant- policy making is

dormant05- Mugabe starts demolishing homes and shanites

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Economic issues in Zimbabwe

1. Increase in money not supported by growth and distribution of goods and services

2. The source of inflation is Zimbabwe's reserve bank

3. This causes imbalance in Supply and Demand

4. The monetary authority is borrowing money to pay for all of its expenses

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Zimbabwe Today

• ‘98-’08 there was an economic contraction


• Economic Problems- infrastructure and regulatory deficiencies- ongoing indigenization pressure- Policy uncertainty- large external debt burden- insufficient formal employment

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Most Current & Severe Statistics

• GDP 7,474,000,000• Pop. 12,571,454• Unemployment 98%• GDP per capita $500• Avg inflation 1000%• Highest inflation 79.6 billion% (2nd all time)

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Zimbabwe's Hyperinflation

Date Month-over-Month Inflation Rate (%)

Year-over-Year Inflation Rate(%)

Dec-07 240.06 66212.30

Jan-08 120.83 100580.16

Feb-08 125.86 164900.29

Mar-08 281.29 417823.13

Apr-08 212.54 650599.00

May-08 433.40 2233713.43

Jun-08 839.30 11268758.90

Jul-08 2600.24 231150888.87

Aug-08 3190.00 9690000000.00

Sep-08 12400.00 471000000000.00

Oct-08 690000000.00 3840000000000000000.00

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GDP per Capita

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Unemployment Rate

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Other Interesting Facts

Life Expectancy- women 33.5 yrs- men 37 yrs

Literacy rate- adult 90%- women 86%

Ethnic Groups- 98% African1% Mixed and Asian<1% White

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What Zimbabwe Looked Like

Zimbabwe Economics 2008

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Curing HyperinflationAccording to an article by Foreign Policy

hyperinflation in Zimbabwe has been eliminated

• Elimination of Zimbabwe currency• Money supply has been cut by 1000%• Capacity utilization in the economy is up

from 4 percent to nearly 50 percent• GDP was about 4% this year and is

expected to raise to 6%• Now that inflation is over the economy levels

are returning to the natural rate

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Summary of Issue·

• The government printed money to finance their expenses

• Increase in money is not supported by demand of goods and services

• President redistributed land to white farmers causing high unemployment

• Elimination of Zimbabwe currency reduces inflation by 1000%