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Hype Driven Developmentvs.

Solid software engineering


With ideas spreading?

Whats wrong?

Hype Driven vs Solid Engineering

● Conferences● Blogs● Stack overflow● Loudest guy● Framework talkers● Fancy pairing


● Need driven● Trade-offs (Well informed)

● Good TDD● Spikes● Documentation● Strong background● Problem solving


That is, while there is value in the items onthe left, I value the items on the right more.


● NoSQL● DDD, DCI, Hexagon Architectures● Microservices● DHH - TDD is DEAD● Js MVC frameworks (and Wars)● React.js

Examples of Hypes in Rails/Web community

Who is that guy?

Is he real authority?

● Is this solving specific problem or is a silver bullet?

● Is it problem that we have?● Proven track record? Doing very hard

things? Or is he a web/mobile developer?

● Author of multiple engineering books

● Founder at ThoughtWorks

● Build a web framework● some (popular yet

simple) web apps.

DHH did some great things and I don’t mean to underrate his achievements, I just prefer

to listen to Fowler when it comes to software engineering and organising teams.


Great ideas

● Takes time to get popular● Are not obvious to understand● Require time & background to comprehend● Are never silver bullets● Don’t require emotional language to promote