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Page 1: Hymns of Praise


Hymns of Praise Many Christians around the world praise God during worship with the gift of song. The devotions in this reading plan are based on a set of much-loved hymns.

Get Your PRAISE On! do you do in times of trials and tribulations? Do you become angry at God and ask why or do you praise your way through the storm? Praise is a powerful weapon that the children of God possess and it confuses the enemy of our soul. You have a choice- You can keep quiet in the trials, or you can use your voice to get your praise on and experience victory as the King of glory comes to your defense. 


Your host for today is Rev. Richard Jones. Richard is the pastor at St James UMC. You can contact him by email ([email protected]), or by text or phone at (520) 222-8690.

January 31, 2021

Preparation— what you will need for worship today:• A candle• Food and drink you can use in communion. Bread or crackers

work. Juice is great, but water is fine, too.

INTRO: One mode of poetry in the Psalms is all-out praise and thanksgiving, such as the one for today. We also find praise even in Psalms of lament and complaint because “God is good all the time and all the time God is good!” Life is not always good, but when we engage in gratitude, we remember the evidence of God at work in our lives and we remember that indeed, God is holding our lives, even now.

PRELUDE: “Great Is the Lord” by Michael W. Smith and Deborah D. Smith  

LIGHT THE CANDLEThe light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. John 1.5 Jesus, Light of the World!


THRESHOLD MOMENT: “God Is Holding Your Life”

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Page 2: Hymns of Praise

OPENING PRAYERAmazing God, You do wonderful things–big and small–every day. Open us this day to recognize the miracles of life all around us so that we might stay resilient and ready to create your reign on earth as it is in heaven. We praise you for your continued good works,  holding our lives together each day. Amen.



PSALM SONG: “Whole Heart Hallelujah” In this series we have have a guest composer. Richard Bruxvoort Colligan is a modern-day interpreter of the Psalms–a “psalmist.” As in our theme song written by Richard, “God is Holding Your Life,” his songs have easy-to-sing choruses that help bring the seminal message into our voices and hearts. In this song, we are invited to consider God’s presence in our lives.

MESSAGE: “Whole Heart Hallelujah!”

SONG: “Sing His Love”

SELAH MOMENT A “Selah” pause can also mean taking a moment to breath a prayer of thanksgiving in a random moment in our day, as we come across a flower or a breeze that reminds us to be grateful. As we have done every week in this series, we pause now for a moment. We will hear the bowl chime and then have some silence. Feel free to close your eyes if you like. Imagine yourself held in safety and love and care. When you hear the bowl chime again, open your eyes.Silence

PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLEEach week we will have a moment to write prayer concerns on small pieces of paper. We will then place these prayers in a container [bowl, box, etc]–a symbolic action of placing them in God’s hands, God’s care. See “Prayer Hands Handout” at

PRAYER LITANYLet us pray for the leaders of this world and this church community…God of Justice, hear our prayer.

Let us pray for those who live in conflict around the world… [pause]Prince of Peace, hear our prayer. Let us pray for all who are experiencing loss of any kind in this pandemic… [pause]Comforting Healer, hear our prayer. Let us pray for those who are homeless, hungry and alone… [pause]Emmanuel, God-With-Us, hear our prayer. Let us pray for those who live in comfort, for Christ-like hospitality and generosity… [pause]Transforming Spirit, hear our prayer.

SUNG REPRISE: “God is Holding Your Life”

THE LORD’S PRAYEROur Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is In heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.


POSTLUDE: “How Great Is Our God” Jesse Reeves, Chris Tomlinson and Ed Cash Arr. Carol Tornquist 

Liturgy and video compilations used by permission Music by Richard Bruxvoort Colligan used by permission


1-Take time this week to sit and ponder God's works:in nature; in the world; in your life

2-Begin and end your day with praise.In the morning, before you get out of bed, pray "God, with my whole heart I praise you for...".At night, before you fall asleep, pray "God, with my whole heart I praise you for...".