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Hybrid Microgenetic Analysis: Using Activity Codebooks toIdentify and Characterize Creative Process

Cesar Torres, Matthew Jörke, Emily Hill, Eric PaulosElectrical Engineering and Computer Sciences

University of California, Berkeley[cearto, emilyhill, mjoerke, paulos]

Video Capturescreen, desk

(B) Activity Segmentation(A) Sensing & Data CollectionMultivariate

Timeseries MatrixProcess


(C) Qualitative Analysis

Empatica E4 Wristband

EDA, BVP, BPM, Skin temp.

3-axisaccelerometer 17 User Sessions

Jupyter Extension (Interaction Logger)mouse, keyboard, and cell events

Screen CaptureThink Around


Codeword Timeline00:00 06:00

Figure 1. Hybrid Microgenetic Analysis: (A) The environment and user are instrumented to record creative activity; (B) Time-series data is processedto generate a codebook representing distinct subsequences of activity; the codebook is visualized as a process chromatogram; (C) The chromatogram isused to guide qualitative analysis, highlighting periods of unique activity between or within users.

ABSTRACTTacit knowledge is a type of knowledge often existing in one’ssubconscious or embodied in muscle memory. Such knowl-edge is pervasive in creative practices yet remains difficultto observe or codify. To better understand tacit knowledge,we introduce a design method that leverages time-series data(interaction logs, physical sensor, and biosignal data) to isolateunique actions and behaviors between groups of users. Thismethod is enacted in Eluent, a tool that distills hundreds ofhours of dense activity data using an activity segmentationalgorithm into a codebook — a set of distinct, characteristicsequences that comprise an activity. The results are madevisually parsable in a representation we term process chro-matograms that aid with 1) highlighting distinct periods ofactivity in creative sessions, 2) identifying distinct groups ofusers, and 3) characterizing periods of activity. We demon-strate the value of our method through a study of tacit processwithin computational notebooks and discuss ways processchromatograms can act as a knowledge mining technique, anevaluation metric, and a design-informing visualization.

CCS Concepts•Human-centered computing → User models; Ethno-graphic studies; Dendrograms;

Author KeywordsTacit knowledge; digital ethnography; activity segementation

C&C ’19 June 23–26, 2019, San Diego, CA, USA

© 2019 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).

ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5917-7/19/06.


INTRODUCTIONA creative process, or how one moves, trains, conditions, andpaces the mind and body, allows for practitioners to overcomedifficulties and sustain practice — essential elements to de-veloping skill, building efficacy, and fostering creativity [21].Process is a critical component of any creative practice yetremains a tacit skill1 especially within STEM fields that pri-oritize theoretical knowledge. Creative technologies have thepotential to shape this creative process, supporting the avail-able skills of the practitioner and mediating a creative practice.

Several techniques for studying tacit knowledge are impactedby two major factors: (1) the difficulty in vocalizing or ob-serving tacit knowledge, and (2) the expense of collecting,processing, and analyzing ethnographic data. In this work,we introduce a design method called Hybrid MicrogeneticAnalysis (HMA) which computationally compiles a descriptorof tacit activity called a process chromatogram that highlightsand identifies unique users or periods of activity to seed ethno-graphic and design inquiry. The method is not fully automatedand instead acts as an aid for designers analyzing sensor data.We are especially interested in understanding and document-ing a level of detail that occurs over a few seconds (micro)within a creative practice, such as the pressure exerted by acalligrapher’s pen, the "emotional rollercoaster" experiencedby programmers, or the routine evolution of a hundred pipedroses by a cake decorator. This detail is provided by sensor(e.g., biosensors, accelerometers) and activity logs in the cre-ative workspace. Following a microgenetic design, data iscaptured for multiple practitioners (or the same practitioner,many times) undergoing the same task to observe differencesin process or the evolution of skill.

1Tacit knowledge is a form of procedural knowledge of how to per-form activities [18]. Polanyi [34] described tacit knowledge as "thingsthat we know but cannot tell" often existing in the subconscious.

Session 1: Design-Process Oriented C&C ’19 June 23–26, 2019, San Diego, CA, USA


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlikeInternational 4.0 License.

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To synthesize the thousands of hours of collected data, weemploy a codebook approach which takes the full corpus ofactivity data and distills a codebook of k codewords that rep-resent distinctive actions or behaviors. This codebook is thenused to discretize time series data and characterize periodsof activity. Codebook approaches have shown promising re-sults in identifying characteristic features of emotion, motion,and cognition activity from electrooculography, accelerometer,and biosensors [24, 40]. We take the additional step of visu-alizing codebooks as process chromatograms. Similar to therole of liquid chromatography in identifying components of asubstance, process chromatograms help identify componentsof an activity and make patterns more salient. These patternsare used to guide researchers in identifying individuals andperiods of activity to compare. For instance, a codeword repre-senting an absence of motion (from accelerometer data) can beused to characterize the difference in action versus thinking be-tween novice and expert practitioners. We enacted this designmethod in Eluent2, a tool that processes sensor data, runs an ac-tivity segmentation algorithm to produce codebooks and chro-matograms, and provides a qualitative analysis interface fornavigating sensor activity data against traditional ethnographicdata (e.g., interviews, questionnaires, field notes)(Figure 1).

In this paper, we first position our design method in the spaceof research methodologies that study tacit process. ThoughHMA can be applied broadly for understanding tacit processesacross domains, this paper instantiates these ideas in the con-text of a case study examining programming style and work-flow within computational notebooks3. We showcase the roleof a process chromatogram in providing additional ethno-graphic description in a microgenetic analysis of 17 partici-pants carrying out a programming task, and 2) the ability tocharacterize emotion and interaction behaviors. We concludewith a discussion of ethical issues arising from hybrid mi-crogenetic analysis and the role process chromatograms haveas a knowledge mining and evaluation technique, a digitalpedagogical tool, and as a design-informing visualization.

RELATED WORKIn this section, we review studies of tacit process, focusingon research methods and systems for analyzing, recognizing,modeling, and visualizing creative activity.

Studying tacit processSeveral methods aim to understand and describe tacit processoperate at different levels of granularity from careful observa-tion of seconds of activity to multi-year longitudinal studies.Within cognitive science, microgenetic [42] and nanogeneticmethods [28] observe “the moment-by-moment change” overtime within repeated tasks (e.g., photocopying [41], spread-sheet calculations [22]). These methods aim to track andqualify the development of skill over time and understand the“person/environment dyad” [41]. While providing rich quali-tative insights about learning, microgenetic analysis requires2In liquid chromatography, the eluent refers to the solvent that breaksdown and transports the substance under analysis.3Computational notebooks refer to a class of integrated developmentenvironments (IDEs) that facilitate journaling and documentationwhile programming.

study environments to be carefully instrumented to isolate taskbehaviors, and, even then, require hours of hand coding.

Computational and sensor-supported ethnography [50], or theuse of unobtrusive sensors or other computational methods forethnographic inquiry allows for a richer description of activity.Our work falls within this family of methods, specificallylensed towards creative practice. In these methods, sensorsare used to “shadow” the user, obtaining difficult to obtaindata from in-person interaction; however, the data offers onlya partial view of a situated perspective that considers socialinteractions and cultural histories [33] and is limited by privacyconcerns [7]. Low-cost sensing infrastructure is continuingto develop [7, 44] to capture richer information about userinteractions, including unique perspectives from non-humanactors [14, 5]. Processing and incorporating sensor data intoanalysis continues to remain a challenge especially with therange of data encoding formats and volume of information.

Tacitness is a property of the knower: it is easily articulatedby one person but may be very difficult to externalize byanother [45]. Design ethnographic methods like contextual in-quiry [19] rely heavily on the knower’s ability to articulate andthe observer’s ability to discern what to examine. In contrastto these approaches, we used sensed and captured informationto examine activity that would be otherwise imperceivable.Within creative practices, ethnographic methods seek to fore-ground difficult to observe activity, leveraging expert learnersto experience and document mental models [49], or alteringthe saliency of stimuli (e.g., blindfolding to highlight hapticexperiences [17]). Methods have been proposed for synthe-sizing observed creative activity with cognitive models, suchas enactivism [9], to formulate a continuous representationof activity. Within programming (our case study domain),activity has been observed from interaction logs [31], versioncontrol histories [38], and biosensors [30] in practices suchas entry-level programming [23] and debugging [25]. Ourproposed design method is a form of microgenetic analysisthat incorporates a diverse set of time series data to capturea more holistic view of process while employing traditionalethnographic data to condition our interpretation of computa-tional data. Using unsupervised methods, the data is codedbut unlabeled, sitting on the edge of ambiguity yet providingquantitative hints to guide a qualitative analysis of data.

Programming stylesProcess emerges from a variety of contributing factors. En-vironmental factors shape the ease in which materials andtools can be accessed. The proliferation of search interfacesfor programming snippets (e.g., StackOverflow) encouragepractitioners to develop foraging behaviors [4]. Social prac-tices around research have influenced key behaviors found incomputational notebooks: tracking provenance, reusing code,enabling replication, and presenting results [36]. Discussionssurrounding epistemological pluralism have recognized thata spectrum of approaches to programming exists, the mostprominent of which contrasts the hard approach, character-ized by logical, plan-oriented actions, with a soft approach,distinguished by a desire to work closely with the objectsrather than abstraction [46]. This distinction has influenced

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emergent practices such as block-based flow programming(e.g. Scratch [35]), code bending [2], and embodied tacit skillslike code smelling [11, 36]. These styles align with a largerconversation around making, extending beyond programmingto other creative domains. Under the hylomorphic model, prac-titioners impose forms internal to the mind upon a materialworld; in contrast, under the morphogenetic model, a practi-tioner “joins forces” with active materials to react, synthesize,and anticipate new forms [20]. This morphogenetic processis the often unconscious reality of many programmers’ natu-ral practice, such as in the act of debugging. HMA acts as amethod to make more salient how process emerges in practice.

Systems and models of creative activityA streamlined system architecture is needed to coordinate,synchronize, and organize diverse sensing implements. Withgrowing ubiquitous IoT sensing technologies, Wilkinson etal. demonstrated the value of a common time window formatfor sensors in a cooking production set [48]. Notably, thearchitecture was not geared towards activity recognition, butinstead held a model of usage that could be used by editors tosuggest where the focus of production should be. Similarly,our approach does not aim to classify activity but provideinformation about patterns and trends to inform design inquiry.

Several temporal data mining techniques exist for extract-ing patterns of actions and behaviors [12]. Markov chainsand n-grams were used to construct probabilistic models ofactivity [50] at different granularities of patterns, segments, se-quences, and events [26]. A clustering approach identified sim-ilar styles in a corpus of student programming submissions [6].Our approach leverages codebooks, a technique that representsactivity as a distribution of characteristic subsequences [40],often used to detect good features for machine learning rou-tines [13] and making sense of difficult-to-interpret data, likeelectrooculographs [24].

Visualizing multivariate time-series data has a long his-tory within the data visualization communities [1]. Pattern-highlighting techniques include brush and linking across datasources [26], sketch-based interactions for exploring time-series data [27], and patination techniques usage patterns ren-dered as heatmaps [31]. Most similar to our approach is Mo-tionExplorer [3], an interactive dendrogram visualization toolapplied to human motion data that generates cluster glyphsto represent both higher-level behaviors and discretize time-series data. We build on this approach leveraging codebooksextracted from dendrograms to discretize sensor streams intovisually-parsable descriptors of activity.

METHOD AND TOOL DESIGNWe describe a 3-stage method termed Hybrid MicrogeneticAnalysis (HMA) for studying and documenting process (Fig-ure 1). The method, operationalized in Eluent, involves 1)configuring the environment to sense relevant activity and col-lect data from a microgenetic study, 2) distilling a codebookfor producing a visual descriptor of activity, and 3) using thedescriptor to guide a qualitative analysis of process.4 The4Eluent has been made open-source and available here:

method design is motivated from Polanyi’s [34] definition oftacit knowledge: tacit knowledge is a relationship betweenthe proximal, referring to sensations and perceptions of thehuman body, in response to the distal, or the object in focus.Within crafting theory, this relationship guides the maker inthe wayfaring process [39], leveraging the responses fromthe material to inform future actions and intentions. Underthis definition, understanding tacit process relies heavily oninformation received from a practitioner’s sensory system, aswell as the objects in focus within the environment.

Sensing and Data CollectionFor creative practices, sensing should capture three types ofinformation: 1) information about the body and the activationof sensory receptors (proximal); 2) information about the en-vironment (distal); and 3) information of the object in focus.Careful consideration needs to be taken in sensor selectionand placement to reduce observer effects and not influencepractitioners’ natural behavior. To capture this type of infor-mation for our case study, we created a work environmentcomposed of a PC with a 19" monitor running a Jupyter5 Note-book, mouse and keyboard, and scratch paper (Figure 1A).The following data collection mechanisms were introduced:

• Physical Body: Biosignals, such as electrodermal activity(EDA) and heart rate (HR) are recorded using an EmpaticaE4 Wristband6. The wristband has been used in emotion andsentiment analysis [29] and is capable of logging biosignalfor realtime or post-hoc analysis. We used convex optimiza-tion [16] to extract the EDA phasic component (short-termphysiological responses to event stimulus).• Environment: The open-source Jupyter package provides

a method of tracking and detecting higher-order program-ming actions. We created a custom Jupyter Notebook exten-sion that logs user actions including code, key, and mouseevents. A screen capture documents interactions with exter-nal resources and webpages. An iPad records video of anyoff-screen activities such as writing on paper.• Attention: After a recording a creative session, partic-

ipants reviewed the captured video and reflected on theirthought process and emotions in a retrospective think aloud;this technique has been shown to be less disruptive andoffers similar information as concurrent think aloud [47].

In our case study, this setup was rated 5.3± 1.2 on a 7-ptLikert as eliciting natural coding behaviors. Although par-ticipants were aware that the iPad was only capturing deskactivity, they reported more pronounced observer effects. Eachdata collection mechanism was configured to annotate eachdata point with a real-time clock (RTC) value or with a starttime and sampling frequency. This common format mitigatedmajor issues with synchronization (starting sensors/sampling)and failure (a malfunctioning sensing unit) while providingavenues for extendability (incorporating new sensors). Foreach session, acquired sensor data was stored as a multivariatetime-series (MTS) matrix. Non-uniformly sampled features(e.g., Jupyter notebook events) were interpolated to match thesampling frequency of synchronous data.5

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sliding L-window

greedy M-centers

DTW clustering

Multivariate Time Series Matrix

M windows(M ≪ N)

N windowsDTW Distance Matrix (M x M)

pairwise DTW distance

Hierarchical Clustering identification of distinctive




(A) Subsequence Generation (B) Subsequence Distillation (C) Codeword Extraction

Figure 2. The activity segmentation routine. (A) Raw activity data is cleaned, aligned, and compiled into a multivariate time series (MTS matrix).(B) N subsequences of length L are collected from the MTS matrix and are sampled using greedy M-center clustering to identify M � N maximallydistinct samples. (C) The distance between each pair of samples is computed using DTW and used to construct a dendrogram (full-linkage hiearchicalclustering). (D) The resulting dendrogram is pruned to extract a codebook of k codewords.

Codebook Activity Segmentation AlgorithmTo compare and contrast behavior across different practition-ers, a host of computational multivariate time-series analy-ses techniques can be used to identify larger-order behaviorsand actions [12]. We developed an activity segmentation al-gorithm depicted in Figure 2 that leverages a codebook ap-proach for discretizing time-series datasets. Our algorithmis adapted from Oates et al. [32], which identifies distinc-tive subsequences, or codewords, of size L between sets ofmultivariate time-series data. By introducing a greedy sam-pling routine, our adaptation is computationally tractable onlarge datasets (23K data points in 150 s on consumer systems[8GB RAM]). The algorithm requires a user-specified valuefor k, the number of words to extract (a data-dependent value),which then carries out three distinct steps: (1) distilling thefull MTS matrix into a smaller set of characteristic sequences,(2) extracting k codewords from the characteristic set usinghierarchical clustering, and (3) applying the resulting code-book to the original MTS matrix. By assigning each codeworda distinctive color, the final application steps transforms theMTS matrix into a process chromatogram (Figure 3).

Distilling SubsequencesThe distillation step aims to reduce the size of the MTSdataset (on the order of gigabytes) before the computationally-expensive codeword extraction step. After cleaning, time-aligning, and normalizing the full MTS matrix, the matrix ispartitioned into windows of size L for a total of N windows.

Data cleaning and alignment. For each feature in the MTSmatrix, outliers exceeding the 99th percentile are clamped invalue. Multivariate subsequences of length L are then extractedusing a moving window with 50% overlap. The length L ischosen based on the sampling frequency of the data and thetemporal range of activity. For our case study, windows cor-responding to 3-5s of activity were chosen. Smaller windows(less than 2s), encroaching on nanogenetic analysis, sufferedfrom stability issues during hierarchical clustering. Windowswith missing data points (from malfunctioning sensing unit-s/synchronization) are culled.

Comparing sequences. Since the dataset is in non-euclideanspace, we utilize a Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) implemen-

tation from the Python tslearn library to compare sequences.As a distance metric, DTW is commonly applied to time se-ries data due to its robustness to phase shifts and dilations intime. In multivariate settings, the DTW distance can either becomputed by jointly measuring distance in multi-dimensionalfeature space or by summing univariate DTW distances acrosseach dimension—we employ the former approach to reflectthe tight temporal coupling of our features (e.g. the X/Y/Zcomponents in accelerometer data should not be temporallydecoupled). Each L-window is independently z-normalizedbefore computing the DTW distance, which preserves localshape and improves robustness to outlier values.

Sampling the Window Corpus. The corpus of N subsequencesis sampled using an adaptive greedy centers algorithm (DTWdistance metric), yielding a sampled set of M� N sequences.This method is preferable to random sampling because it pro-duces maximally distinct samples—random sampling is likelyto miss rare but distinctive subsequences. At step i of thegreedy-centers algorithm, the i+1-th center is assigned to thedata point with the maximum DTW distance from the i-thcenter. As opposed to choosing the number of clusters (M)in advance, the algorithm is adaptive to the dataset using aculling routine to terminate sampling: when a new center isidentified, all subsequences that are below a cull threshold ε indistance to the i-th center are removed until all subsequenceshave been exhausted. We adjust the cull threshold to yieldroughly M = 1000 centers.

Extracting CodewordsFrom the resulting sample of M subsequences, a set of char-acteristic sequences, or codewords, are extracted representingunique patterns of behaviors observed in the data. The num-ber of codewords is left as a hyperparameter k. To extractcodewords, we use agglomerative hierarchical clustering, anexpensive operation that is expensive to run on the full set ofN subsequences (O(n2) time, O(n2) memory [10]), hence theneed for the previous greedy sampling routine. In agglom-erative clustering, clusters are constructed from the bottomup, merging the closest two clusters at every step. We usea complete-linkage (i.e. farthest neighbor) clustering formu-lation, where the similarity of two clusters is defined as thedistance between its most distant members.

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Emotion Codebook Codeword

“rise in phasic activity, stable heart rate”

(F=2, L=40 [10 s, 4Hz]) (k= 5, ε=3, M=925)

Process Chromatogram (W=3, ∆=226.38, ∆’=123.06, ƒ=“codewidth”, η = “frequency”)


Group A

Group B






Process Chromatogram (Emotion) Characterizations (A – B)



Hierarchical Clustering Analysis

(W=5, ∆=226.38, ∆’=87.94, ƒ=“duration”, η = “frequency”)


Codeword Frequency

Mean Bandwidth

Codeword Transitions




Phasic EDA(event-specific arousal)

Heart Rate(valence)


r ID


r ID

Number of Coding SessionsSmoothing Kernel WidthCodeswitches Pre-smoothingCodeswitches Post-smoothingColormap OrderingUser Segmentation Distance Metric

nW∆ ∆’ƒη

Sampled Subsequences# of Codewords Cull Threshold

M kε

∆ Frequency (A-B)Mean DurationStd Dev. Duration


00.75 0.75ABProportion

Largest difference incodeword frequency




δ=6.85%, µ=2.28, σ=1.28


111713112211813212512711 Banding Behavior

∆=7 switches over 10 windows

Time (MM:SS) 26:000:00


0 60ABSeconds

Most unique transition(Group B)

Most unique transition(Group A)

Largest difference in avg. codeword duration


Figure 3. Interpreting a Process Chromatogram. Activity segmentation is run on a subset of features known to signal emotional cues. a) The mostdistinct windows of activity are identified as codewords and assembled into an emotion codebook; b) The codebook is applied to the activity data,assigning the closest codeword to each window. Each user’s activity is clustered (by codeword frequency) to identify Group A and Group B; c) statisticsare computed on codeword frequency, codeword duration, and transition probabilities to distinguish unique activity between Group A and B.

Hierarchical clustering has a visual representation called a den-drogram, a tree diagram that offers the advantage of cachingexpensive clustering computation in its structure. This al-lows the number of codewords k to be chosen a posteriori(Figure 3A). Clusters are collected into sets by pruning thedendrogram at the k-th level and collecting the leaves of eachrespective branch. Each codeword is computed by finding theclustroid (DTW distance metric). The final codewords arethen collected in a set to form a codebook.

Applying CodebooksLastly, windows from the original user activity MTS matrixare assigned to the most similar codeword from the resultingcodebook (DTW distance metric). By assigning each code-word a distinctive color, the original MTS matrix results in avisualization we term a process chromatogram (Figure 3B).Process chromatograms are stored as Timed Text Tracks (We-bVTT), or caption files, for easy integration with web media.

Visual Tuning. Raw chromatograms tend to suffer from band-ing effects, characterized by rapid codeswitches which variesgreatly between datasets. Banding undermines visual inter-pretability but can be alleviated with smoothing (Figure 3B).For window smoothing, we constructed a T × k soft assign-ment matrix for each user, where entry (i, j) contains the DTWdistance of window i (in the original user MTS) to codeword j.For a kernel of size W , the window is reassigned to the code-word j with the minimum sum of distances across windows.We use the average number of codeswitches per user ∆ toevaluate visual interpretability, targeting a ∆′ (post-smoothing)that maintains fidelity to the data (≈ 100 codeswitches). Toimprove visual readability, the colormap f maps the mostsalient (i.e. brightest) colors to codewords with the shortest

duration; this allows for greater acuity of shorter codewordsin the denser regions of the chromatogram.

Characterization. For each user, we extracted characteristicsfrom the final process chromatogram (Figure 3C), including:

1. Frequency Distribution: the frequency of each codewordover a session.

2. Bandwidth Distribution: the distribution of codeword band-width across a session. A band is defined as a sequence ofL-windows all assigned to the same codeword. The band-width is the length of a band.

3. Transition Probability Distribution: the transition probabil-ity from codeword i to j represented as a stochastic matrix.

User Segmentation. By comparing these characteristics be-tween users or groups, we can identify which codewords char-acterize the unique differences in activity (Figure 3C). Usingthese characteristics, we can segment users by clustering theminto groups (complete-linkage clustering, cosine distance met-ric, feature vector η). In our user segmentation, we usedcodeword frequency distribution as our feature vector; thegenerated chromatograms are sorted based on the clusteringhierarchy, separated by the two highest-level clusters of users(denoted Group A and Group B, Figure 3B).

Qualitative Analysis InterfaceAfter generating the chromatogram, the aim of this stage is toidentify the referent of the codeword and ascribe meaning tothe actions and behaviors described by the word. A web-basedqualitative analysis interface (Figure 5) aids with navigatingsensor activity data against traditional ethnographic data (e.g.,interviews, questionnaires, field notes). The interface is flexi-ble to a variety of data formats, adapting to traditional work-

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0:00 25:0012:306:15 18:45









Figure 4. A web application links captured time-series data, think-aloud transcripts, and synthesizes a background profile from the backgroundquestionairre. All elements are brushed-and-linked and configurable to display raw sensor values or applied computed codebooks.

flows leveraging the file system to extract all files that arestored in a system folder, organized by participant. Multipleuser-configurable windows render each of these files accord-ingly, providing a media player for video/audio files, plots fortime series data and chromatograms, tables for questionnaires,and editable textareas for field notes and transcripts. Datasources with a time reference are brush-and-linked for easyreference, allowing users to use any source as a timeline. Us-ing the chromatogram VTT caption files, we display the activecodeword whenever the playback position is changed. Thisallows greater flexibility in leveraging HTML5 video featuressuch as changing playback speed and looping. Chromatogramtimelines can be used to toggle visible codewords.

CASE STUDY - JUPYTER NOTEBOOKSTo demonstrate the use of Hybrid Microgenetic Analysis, weconducted a study examining programming style and workflowwithin computational notebooks. These notebooks represent ashift away from traditional programming IDEs that produceartifacts with little information about a practitioner’s processtowards documentating process and intermediate results dur-ing the act of programming. We describe a data collectionstudy and an HMA of emerging practices among users from avariety of backgrounds that use Jupyter notebooks.

Study DesignParticipants. Participants were recruited from departmentmailing lists in Design, Engineering, and Computer Science.To reduce novelty effects, we only recruited participants withprior Jupyter iPython experience. A total of 17 participantstook part in the study (8 female, 9 male, average age 22 ±6 years). Participants completed a background questionnaireon education, programming experience, and affinity to the CScommunity. Educational backgrounds included 4 graduates,12 undergraduates, and 1 full-time software engineer; 75%reported prior industry experience (avg. 5 years). Participantscame from computer science, electrical engineering, data sci-ence, cognitive science, or mechanical engineering disciplines.Participants reported spending an average of 12± 10 hoursprogramming per week; 70% had taken more than two uni-versity computer science courses. All but two participantsidentified as members of the CS community.

Study Protocol. Each participant was tasked with completingfour programming interview questions sourced from Leet-

Figure 5. Time period spent on each task by participant. Only 214, 512,and 613 completed all four tasks successfully in the alloted time.

Code7, presented in a single iPython notebook. The four taskswere chosen to represent a diversity of programming conceptsand difficulties, solvable in any order: T1: a print-loop task,T2: a dynamic programming task, T3: a stable-sort task, andT4: a graph-traversal task. While we recognize LeetCode ques-tions have many constraints, we chose questions that allowedconsiderable latitude in problem-solving approaches with theadditional benefit of an established solution framework.

As described in Figure 1A, data was recorded from our Jupyterplugin, the E4 biosignal wristband, screen capture, and an iPadvideo recording the workspace. All data collection mecha-nisms were presented to the participant. Before each session, 5minutes of E4 wristband were collected to establish a baseline.The other data capture mechanisms were initiated once theparticipant opened the Jupyter notebook. In pilot studies weobserved participants experiencing anxiety when approachingthe task’s time limit. So as to capture a more natural program-ming session, we informed participants that a 40-minute timelimit existed; however, they were prompted to stop earlierwhen less than 15 minutes remained in the study session. Par-ticipants then reviewed the screen capture recording of theirsession and narrated their programming strategies, emotionsexperienced, and process in a retrospective think aloud.

DataThe resulting MTS matrix consisted of 810K data points, 11.8hours of video, 4 hours of transcripts which covered 5.9 hoursof programming over 17 participants (on average 21 minutesper session). Due to equipment malfunctions, 2 participantsdid not have a screen capture, 1 participant did not have biosig-nal data, and 1 participant did not have a think-aloud transcript.7

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Ashley* (512) A

Code Crafting - Small Edits/Cell Switching/Commenting Cleaning & CommentingFinished

Wendy (813) B

Debra* (411) B

Cursor Reading Reflexive Debugging (Longer J3 Bands)

Code Editing Gives up on T2

Interaction Codebook (Execute, Save, Key, Mouse, Select Events)

Cell Switching, Code Select & Typing, or Code Execution

Concentrated Typing (Narrow) or No activity (Wide)

Same-cell Code Editing

Selection and Micro Edits

Cell Select or Code Execution


Code Tracing (Longer J5 Bands)

Group A Computational Notebook Power Users (6 users)

Group B Traditional IDE Programmers (11 users)

Time (MM:SS) 26:000:00

Interaction Process Chromatogram(n= 17, W=3, ε=10, ∆=327.76, ∆’=86.53,

ƒ=“duration”, η = “frequency”)

Fred (414) B

Foraging Foraging + Integrating Information








Figure 6. Interaction Behaviors (27K samples, 5 codewords)

For the respective analyses, these data points have been re-moved. Codebooks were computed over the full dataset on asubset of features: 1) an emotion codebook, a combination ofheartrate (an indicator of valence), and phasic electrodermalactivity (associated with shifts in arousal from event-drivenstimuli), and 2) an interaction codebook, composed of Jupyterinteraction logs features including save, execute, select, mouse,and key chunk events (# of uninterrupted words typed). Aver-age codebook compilation time was 3 minutes.8

Hybrid Microgenetic AnalysisProcess. Across two paper authors, activity data was in-ductively coded guided by the emotion and interaction chro-matograms.9 The coding phase was facilitated through a col-laborative spreadsheet where memos were created for activitysurrounding each task and codeword across participants. Forexample, memos for J2 describe 1) its expression with re-spect to task phase (expressed during the latter part of T1-4),2) duration and composition of bands (typically seen in 1-4seconds bands), and 3) the observed behavior of the user (acti-vated around concentrated typing events). While the analysisfocused on features associated with the codebook under review,we gradually incorporated other features into the analysis dueto their high correlation with the phenomena being reviewed.For example, patterns in heartrate (emotion) were correlated toJ2 windows (interaction). Transcripts were used to condition

our interpretation and refine our inductive codes; themes werethen synthesized and assigned a semantic label. From usersegmentation, participants were clustered into two groups (Aand B), and memos were used to distinguish differences ineach group’s behaviors.8The full compiled chromatograms are available as supplemental ma-terials. Colormaps were chosen from the cmocean thermal and raincolormaps — perceptually uniform color scales that can be easily dis-ambiguated between different codebooks. Colors are assigned basedon code bandwidth; chromatograms are sorted by user segmentationusing codeword frequency as the activity feature vector η .9Pseudonyms are used to protect participant anonymity.

The Interaction CodebookUsing the analysis interface, we reviewed the periods of ac-tivity associated with each of 5 codewords in the interactioncodebook for 17 users and collected descriptions of observedbehaviors (Figure 6). The micro-behaviors identified by thecodebook activity segmentation algorithm described when,how quickly, how much, and in what context typing tookplace: J2 expressed for long spurts of key events such as inthe case of transcribing a mental algorithm or commentingcode. Three other codewords distinguished micro-edits: J4expressed during Tweaking where a couple of characters arechanged; larger edits where distinguished based on whetherthey occurred within the same cell ( J3 ) or within differentcells ( J1 ). J5 was expressed when cells were selected butno typing had occurred; this was found in behaviors such ascode execution or in Cursor Reading, where a user selects,highlights, and tracks text within a cell as they read. De-bugging behaviors like Code Tracing, were characterized byalternating bands of J5 and J3 , where a user walks throughthe algorithm, highlighting text as they step through each state-ment and make same-cell edits. Conversely, Code Tracinghad similar characteristics to Reflexive Debugging, the act ofusing information from the debug console such as error orprint statements to update code; in the chromatogram, it isexpressed by stronger bands of J3 with bands from J5 andJ4 . Because of z-normalization in our algorithm, lack of

Jupyter activity was mapped to either Codewords J2 and J3 ,but can be distinguished by notably longer band widths andrefer to activities like writing on scratch paper or Foraging,i.e., looking for information such as through StackOverflow.

The most fluent of the computational notebook users, finishingall four tasks without encountering significant difficult, wasAshley (#512), a four-time undergraduate teaching assistantfor an introductory computer science course well-versed in theclass of interview questions in the study task (activity depictedin Figure 6). When approaching T2, a dynamic programming

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Emotion Codebook (Phasic Electrodermal Activity, Heart Rate)

CODE DESCRIPTION Group A Wayfarers (8 users)

Group B Foragers (8 users)

Time (MM:SS) 26:000:00

Emotion Process Chromatogram

Resolving Difficulties

Process, Reading, or Scrolling

Encountering Difficulty

Finding Information

Thinking or Reflecting

(n= 16, W=5, ε=3, ∆=226.38, ∆’=87.94, ƒ=“duration”, η = “frequency”)

Rachel (211) BCommenting Code

Rene* (614) A

38 typing events in quick succession.

Problem Coasting

Frustration Finding Python Syntax

Stack Overflow

Compile Errors

Algorithm Formation

Finding Insight on Internet

precedes typing chunks

succeed typing chunks

Typing Chunks

Thinking Through Doing


Phasic EDA


Phasic EDA








Figure 7. Emotion Behaviors (25K samples, 5 codewords)

task, she began by first writing a function definition and thenproceeded directly to comment on the expected function be-havior before any attempt of writing a mental algorithm orsketching pseudocode. She utilized the comments as a mech-anism to "think about exactly what [she] wanted to write inthe code instead of jumping in" and possibly "misinterpret thequestion." Ashley also noted that commenting added a senseof agency, where the action "builds [her] sense of commitmentto a code that [she is] writing," and also inspires her to "make[the code] good if [she comments] it."

Ashley’s algorithm writing process differed considerably fromother participants, writing only a couple of lines before paus-ing to reflect and verify her work - a process we term CodeCrafting. In contrast, others would engage in transcribing theirentire mental or written algorithm without stopping to reflect.Notably, during this period of code crafting, Ashley wouldmake micro-edits to the preceding lines in her code, before re-turning to add new lines. During the latter part of this process,she constructed test cases in a different cell followed by shortperiods of reflexive debugging, adding additional test casesuntil she was satisfied with the correctness of her solution.

The behavior of code crafting was made salient in the inter-action chromatograph, consisting of rapid alternations of allcodewords except J2 and J3 – the long-edit codewords.Ashley moved so quickly in both mentally compiling her codeand proactively debugging her work that long periods of typingwere rarely observed. The rest of her session is characterizedby long bands of J2 which correspond to no Jupyter activity;these questions were perceived as more mentally workableby Ashley. As one of the only participants to finish all fourtasks under the time limit, she additionally refined the docu-ment, doing everything from adding assert statements and pre-serving important elements of her process, to even restarting

the Jupyter kernel to number the cells sequentially. Ashley’sunique attention to detail and the aesthetics of her code wasmanifested through her active commenting and persistent codecrafting throughout the coding session.

Overall, we clustered each user based on codeword frequencydistribution, yielding two groups – A(6 users) and B(11 users).We annotate Group A as computational notebook power-usersdue to a higher frequency and higher average bandwidth ofJ1 , J2 ,and J3 – codewords associated with actively using

more than one cell and engaging with more concentrated typ-ing. Notably, this group’s interaction chromatographs showperiods of code crafting. In contrast, Group B follows moretraditional IDE workflows, keeping most coding activity to asingle cell, writing pseudocode (on paper or in a cell), convert-ing it into working code, and then engaging in reflexive de-bugging. Group A participants had higher-rated programmingsessions (66% versus 54%); novice participants, distinguishedby lack of professional programming experience, were morestrongly associated with Group B (novices: 33% A, 64% B),suggesting that workflow can influence how programmingsessions are perceived.

The Emotion CodebookThe analysis interface used Jupyter interaction logs, thinkaloud transcripts, and video recording to contextualize ourinterpretation of participants’ emotions, interpreting biosignalon the Circumplex Model of Affect [37]. We reviewed activityassociated with each of 5 codewords in the emotion codebookfor 16 users (1 user had a malfunctioning biosignal recording).The codewords identified by the algorithm distinguished thetype of phasic activity experienced: a short phasic responseE5 corresponded to behaviors like thinking; longer, more

sustained phasic activity E3 was more akin to encounteringdifficulties; a lack of phasic activity E2 was strongly corre-

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lated to periods of reading, scrolling, and processing. Twocodewords responded to changes in heartrate: for E1 , fallingheart rates correlated with participants resolving difficulties;for E4 , rising heart rates were linked to individuals findingcontent especially when foraging (Figure 7).

René (#614), a graduate student in Computer Science withmore than 20 years of industry experience in backend develop-ment, demonstrated a unique emotion chromatogram with themaximum number of 172 codeswitches (∆) consisting of band-ing behaviors with E1 , E3 , E5 ; these bands are aligned toher Typing Chunks, a period of successive key events beforeany large pause. In contrast, Rachel(#211), a third-year under-graduate Mechanical Engineering student (∆ = 83), had largerbands of activity with E2 primarily activated when she readand processed Stack Overflow content.

Both René and Rachel approached T2, a dynamic program-ming question with a solve-by-matrix approach, casting theproblem to familiar 2D matrix manipulation that both hadused in recent work. Both regularly encountered challengesof recalling Python syntax and programming conventions, yetRachel abandoned the problem after 4 minutes, while Renécontinued undeterred for another 24 minutes. René decidednot to import pandas or numpy to ease matrix operations be-cause she considered the dependency to be inconvenient for"someone else" who might be using this code. René facedsyntax difficulties and Python memory and pointer manage-ment confusions, but she consciously decided not to consultonline resources because she felt "it’s unlikely to be exactlywhat [she] wants" and she "sort of know what [she] is doing."

Instead, René engaged in Thinking Through Doing behaviors,wrangling difficulties using Probing Cells, or peripheral cellsdedicated to testing understand, probe, test, and validate syn-tax and code behaviors. This Thinking Through Doing strategydiffered from other approaches such as foraging (Rachel) orReflection (long periods of E2 and E5 ). During her probingprocess, René encountered many errors but was not annoyed,recognizing that "people get frustrated when they get errors"and that "random errors are inevitable", explaining her ratio-nale for using probing cells. When interrupted at the end ofthe session, René refused to end the programming sessionand spent several more minutes before reaching a resolution.René’s refusal to end the programming task session is a strongindication of René’s resiliency. Although both encountereddifficulties, we observed that René’s phasic activity had largepeaks concentrated in the initial solution formulation, notduring the act of programming. From the think aloud, Renéindicated that she was in a state of flow. This suggests thatthe state of flow can act as Creative Momentum: if the bodyor mind is in motion, the emotional phenomena experiencedduring creative processes are less affected by stressors, suchas encountering an error in programming.

Codewords expressed strongly for local phasic features, how-ever, heartrate (a more global feature) was less present in theemotion chromatograph. When comparing heart rate againstthe time period spent on each task, we found that many par-ticipants expressed what we term Problem Coasting whereeach task exhibits "rollercoaster" heartrate forms with one or

more peaks; valleys were observed during compile moments(Figure 7 Rachel). For René, T2 had 8 peaks; in contrast,Rachel exhibited about 2 peaks per problem. These peaks alsocoincided with typing chunks. Although this phenomenon wasnot associated with successful or fast completion times, it doespresent itself as an indicator of stamina and resiliency.

Overall, we clustered users based on their emotion codewordfrequency distribution, yielding two groups – A (8 users)and B (8 users). Group B had 66% more expression ofE2 which corresponded to participants that engaged in more

cognitive actions ("reading, thinking through the algorithm")such as Rachel; in contrast, Group A had more codeswitchesof E1 , E3 , E4 , like René. A paired-samples t-test wasconducted to compare the number of codeswitches betweengroups. There was a significant difference in the scores forGroup A (µ=100.4, σ=20.5) and Group B (µ=75.5, σ=19.1);t(7)=2.49, p=0.013. These findings suggest that Group Aengages with more thinking-through-doing behaviors. Fordescriptive purposes, we label Group A as Wayfarers, work-ing through and adapting to changes in the code content, andGroup B as Foragers, searching for information.

DISCUSSIONIn this work, we demonstrated how Hybrid Microgenetic Anal-ysis could be used to both capture and characterize program-mer’s tacit process when using computational notebooks. Wediscuss the implications for computational ethnography, stud-ies of tacit process, and IDE design.

Observing tacit processTacit process is difficult to observe; our study leveraged theopen-source Jupyter notebook and E4 biosignal wristband tocapture data that provided a more holistic profile of process.This profile made visible the relationship of emotion duringthe act of programming, revealing behaviors such as ProblemCoasting that would otherwise be unobservable using tradi-tional ethnographic approaches. It additionally provides adescription of cognitive activity during processes like CodeCrafting that distinguish it from Reflexive Debugging.

Although participants experienced some observer effects, theyreported these effects abating over the course of the program-ming session. This suggests that conditioning analysis onlatter parts of the session data could mitigate this bias. In addi-tion, replicability is limited by equipment costs. We anticipatethat sensing and activity logging technologies will develop tominimize observer effects (such as using mouse movement todetect stress [43]) that could remove the dependency on spe-cialized hardware like the E4 wristband and be used in morenaturalistic settings at scale. By using HMA, new insights,such as behaviors identified in our study, can be used to informthe development of specialized sensors or machine learningroutines to accurately classify useful activity in realtime.

Scaling microgentic analysisThe volumes of data generated by microgenetic analysis orthe amount of post-processing needed to extract importantinformation limit the applicability of traditional microgenetic

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analysis, especially in supporting quick, iterative design work-flows. We demonstrated that our method is capable of pro-cessing 15 hours of data and 810K data points into processchromatograms in under 6 minutes; such chromatograms wereused to guide the analysis of the data, identifying users andperiods of activity to investigate.

The statistical power of amalgamating user data allowed someflexibility with data collection (e.g., corruption, faulty sensors).In our case, although biosignal data was lost for one session,the Jupyter interaction logs could still be used to inform the in-teraction codebook. Although our analysis focused on L =3-5seconds behaviors with k =5 codewords, the activity segmen-tation algorithm allows for users to use hyperparameters kand L to select the level of analysis granularity. Lowering thenumber of codewords under analysis could be used to identifymore robust classifications of behavior and inform feature en-gineering for machine learning algorithms. While the codingapproach used in the case study was exhaustive (memos werecreated for each participant, task, and codeword), our processbegan with reviewing the activity of “exemplar" participantsthat represented centers from user clusters. We see potentialfor increasing the statistical power of the codebooks but usinga principled sampling approach to conduct deeper qualitativeanalysis on such exemplar users. In Eluent, the degree of beingable to label, annotate, or cross reference chromatograms waslimited to brush-and-link interactions with traditional ethno-graphic data; future work can examine methods of facilitatingdirect annotations (e.g., as a word-scale visualization in tran-scripts [15]), searching for and labeling observed patterns,and automatically laying out labels (e.g., like those manuallyadded in Figure 7 and 6) to create data-rich visualizations.

Mitigating bias in computational ethnographyThe act of codifying tacit process allows for knowledge to betransferred through traditional information channels. How-ever, widespread adoption and dissemination can lead to asingle process becoming a standard, creating an epistemo-logical monoculture that privileges those that align with theway of thinking it supports. HMA provides an avenue forcomparing process among multiple groups of practitioners(versus asking only the "experts"). Through user segmenta-tion, HMA revealed programming processes that break alongboundaries other than level of expertise that can be used toinform a more plural codification of process. Being able toquantitatively characterize programming sessions allowed forindividuals to be quickly compared and groups to emerge fromthe data which otherwise would not have been easy to identify.For instance, although professional programmers and gradu-ate students exhibited more interactions with computationalnotebook cells, it was also the case that novice programmersfrom a MATLAB background employed a similar process.Such distinctions can be used to tailor instructional materialto specific groups to develop best practices.

Activity is always partially observable which without contextcan easily be misinterpreted. As opposed to supervised meth-ods that require hand labeling, our method uses unsupervisedclustering to label time-series data. These labels are ambigu-ous but reflect a distinct activity observed in the data without

imposing a meaning. We specifically incorporate an interpre-tation phase to build an understanding of phenomena observedin the process chromatogram conditioned against field notes,interview transcripts, and video recordings. Much of our setupwas instrumented to sense useful information in the program-ming environment, but there exists a unique opportunity tohave a mobile and streamable sensor toolkit for logging cre-ative activity in both digital and physical settings. Maintainingprivacy in such data collection environments requires a clearsocial contract between user and space, communicating howdata is being used to inform resources. For collaborative prac-tices such as peer programming, future work will explore howsensor data can be visualized and characterized as a dialecticto provide denser description of socio-technical interactions.

Informing the design of IDEsA better understanding of tacit process has large educationalimplications, aiding in developing instruction that better fa-cilitates skill acquisition and imbues resiliency in a practice.From our analysis, we observed heartrate patterns markingthe beginning and end of solution attempts by participantsin our study. Additionally, we noted the number of heartratepeaks over the course of a solution attempt as indicative ofstamina and resiliency. Such patterns in heartrate can be usedas an evaluation metric for computer science education thatforegrounds resiliency as a marker of programming skill.

We also observed instances of creative momentum, or thecontinuous presence of external activity, like typing and cellswitching, as mitigating high phasic electrodermal activity (as-sociated with higher stress or cognitive load). This aligns withthe phenomena of flow in creative psychology literature [8], astate of mind where a person becomes fully immersed in theactivity at hand, and offers some evidence towards the value offlow in sustaining creative activity. Such behaviors that elicitcreative momentum could be used as a design variable to aimfor in creativity support tools. Such tools could maintain cre-ative momentum by encouraging the user to engage in tedious,ritual tasks (e.g., refactoring code) when a heavy cognitiveload (e.g., designing test cases) is expected.

CONCLUSIONBy foregrounding process, this work invited awareness, cri-tique, and discussion of a central element of creative devel-opment. This work introduced a method for describing tacitprocess within creative practices through Hybrid MicrogeneticAnalysis. We demonstrated the portability of the method ina digital practice – programming with computational note-books. The analysis revealed distinctions between traditionalIDE workflows and computational notebook workflows, heartrate patterns as indicators of resiliency and stamina, and thephenomena of creative momentum as regulating phasic elec-trodermal activity during the act of programming.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSWe thank Tina Taleb, Tony Zhao, and Sangyeon Lee for theirassistance with the case study and the anonymous reviewersfor their valuable feedback. This research was supported by aMSR Dissertation Grant and an NSF GRFP.

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