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Hyaluronic Acid

Definition: a glycosaminoglycan that is found in extracellular tissue space, the synovial fluid of joints, and the vitreous humor of the eyes and acts as a binding, lubricating, and protective agent.

Classification: glycosaminoglycan

Properties Hyaluronic acid is a substance naturally produced by the body in order to moisturize and protect the tissues

Commercial brands: Restylane, Restylane-L, Perlane

Indicationin surgery and dermatology to prevent wrinkles and skin aging

In ophthalmic surgery for the production of artificial tears and interventions on the vitreous body of the eye,

in Arthrology antiphlogistic as a lubricant and preservative synovial fluid of the joints.

It is also used against inflammation and ulcerative lesions of the mouth (mouth ulcers, stomatitis, etc.)

Chemical composition: The molecule is in fact formed by the repetition of long sequences of two simple sugars , glucuronic acid and N- acetylglucosamine

Presentation: the material can be presented in a wide variety of forms, it can be injected directly into the skin but it comes usually in form of creams and lotions, so that the application is easier.

Hyaluronic acid filler for a depressed scar
Farhan Khan1 MD MBA, Kristen Richards2 MS, Rashid M Rashid3 MD PhD
Dermatology Online Journal 18

A 54-year-old woman presented with a depressed scar on the left anterior forearm caused by insertion of metal hardware after a car accident

The patient desired correction of the depressed scar and opted for hyaluronic acid filler. Approximately 2 cc Perlane, 2 cc Restylane, and 3 cc Juvderm Ultra Plus was injected into the area.

On 2 week follow up the patient reported no complications and was quite satisfied. On 8-week follow up the patient reported no complications and was quite pleased with the aesthetic result

Scar prior to the treatment

Scar right after treatm.

Scar at two weeks