Download - HXR 2016: Human Focused Innovation in a Clinical Setting -Lesley Solomon, Brigham and Womens Hospital


HxRefactoredInnovating from Within

Brigham History of Innovation


1954 The first successful

human organ transplant, a

kidney transplanted from one

identical twin to another, is

accomplished. In 1990,

Joseph Murray, MD, receives

the Nobel Prize for this work

and the subsequent

development of

immunosuppressive drugs.


Expanding a Tradition of Innovation

Clinical & Scientific


World-renowned faculty

and a long history of

medical firsts.

Born out of the

President’s Fund

Hospital leadership recognized

the need for a program to

break down these barriers.


Innovation Potential

A 2013 survey showed critical

barriers, in order of impact:

1. Clarity on Next Steps

2. Funding

3. Time

Brigham Innovation Hub


Disrupt traditional medicine and reinvent healthcare by

unleashing knowledge and expertise of BWH clinicians and staff.


Foster innovation at BWH at all stages of development and

transform ideas from creation to dissemination.


Support innovators where they are, regardless of experience or

idea stage.


Value Propositions

iHub tackles barriers to innovation at the earliest stages.


1. Fill gaps between research and other technology transfer programs.

2. Develop & provide custom programs that overcome the unique

challenges to innovating and advancing innovation at an AMC.

3. Foster innovation through connecting innovators with the right resources

and collaborators.

4. Navigate internal & external innovators through the innovation process at

BWH & Partners.


Problem = Spark


• Includes Clinical: Expands universe of problems that can be addressed

• Builds Teams:

– Clinical/Scientific

– Engineer

– Human Factor/UX Design

– Industry

– Business/Entrepreneur

• Highly Collaborative: Teams work together in concept formation,

solution exploration, early prototyping. Teams continue as it makes sense.

Innovator Support



Structured innovation

support for individuals,

departments, or

Programs at BWH

Advisory Services

Project mentoring

and industry



Workshops, online

resources, other

innovation tools and

visiting speakers

External Engagement

Connect external

innovation community

to BWH researchers &


Products and Services

Innovation Accelerator


Care AreaProblem Pitch







Translation Accelerator

Lesley Solomon, M.B.A

Executive Director

Brian Mullen, Ph.D.

Manager, Innovation Strategy

Jeff Greenberg, M.D, M.B.A

Medical Director

Beverly Hardy

Manager, Innovation Strategy

iHub Team Approach



• New Product Development

• Design Strategy

• Commercialization Strategy

• Research Translation

• Fundraising,

• Relationships,

• Marketing,

• Growth strategy

• Consulting background

• MD perspective

• Hospital administration


• Product management

• User centric approach

• App/software dev

Team Action Matrix


Project Lead Brian Mullen

Sprint Goal Draft Pitch Deck

Next team meeting/end of sprint Target 4/22 or 4/29

Atendees: Jeff, Bev, Sid, Brian, Lesley, Troy,

Goal/ Milestone Question/ Hypothesis Action Owner Status Priority

Market 3 slides on market




segment/go to market Detailed marketing slides JG/LS 2

(Lesley, resident, HBS, Interns) size JG/LS

prices JG/LS

Sales/BD ID possible collaborators, co-dev & exit

opportunities Roche Diagnostics


reach out and judge interest level LS

(Lesley, Jeff & Brian) LS


Product Development & Opps

Map out product Dev plan

Products draft product roadmap BM LS HS Linked to

(Bev & Brian) Design shop - hardware find dev shop BM HS Bev Market

App Review BH HS Bus. Strat

Business Strategy New Co/License Discuss with Steve and Partners BM LS

(Lesley, Brian, Jeff) Collaboration ID 5-10 BM LS Troy 3

Apply to MC 3/31 Accelerator/grants Work on applications BM LS

Legal/Admin - Partners/Hospital navigation Getting initial feedback Reg Find consultant for advice Troy Linked to

(Sid) Get initial feedback Reimb. Talk with Peter at BCBS Brian marketing

IP, New Co & Partners ID steps &/barriers Sid/Troy & Product

Clinical testing Research projectSummary of what would be needed and plan

of action for research


(Sid, Jeff, Brian) Draft plan forward Hadi/MGH

Other Find business Partner Bla… fellow HBS BM / LS 1

(Jeff, Brian, Sid) Pitch Deck Contribute content/slides for deck

5-10 ideas Name Brainstorm Team

BWH Innovator – Alexander Lin, PhD


• Origin: Center for Clinical Spectroscopy research

• Innovator: Alexander Lin, PhD

• Idea: Increase use of MR spectroscopy clinically by reducing time for

diagnosis/results from 3 days to 3 seconds

• Collaboration: Dr. Lin worked with a postdoc from his lab, an HBS student, a

Mass Art student and a software engineer

• Innovation Stage: Forming company (BrainSpec) and currently negotiating

to out-license technology from BWH

Innovator Feedback

Dr. Sophia Koo: “iHub was helpful in identifying potential commercialization partners

and resources within Partners to help move this concept forward more concretely as

an early-stage company.“

Dr. Alex Lin: “I had been thinking about this for 15 years and was finally able to build

it with iHub.”

Dr. Ritu Gill: “I came for the free lunch and got $20,000.”

Dr. Laura Safar: “The iHub innovation series provided the support that allowed our

team to ‘break the electronic ice’ and translate our collective decades of clinical

experience into a promising app with chances of being successfully implemented.

Dr. Raja Abdulnour: “There is no doubt that without the iHub, I would still be a


Lesley Solomon

Executive Director

David Bates

Chief Innovation Officer

Brian Mullen


Innovation Strategy

Jeff Greenberg

Medical Director


Innovation Hub Core Team

Beverly Hardy


Innovation Strategy