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People in our neighbourhood are not ambitious enough to collect waste selectively

1. Our aim was to get general information about local public opinions/habits ( questionnaire)

2. Sending the results and the suggestions from the people to the local authorities to draw their attention

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We made a Survey

We asked some students’ help the „Peer tutor group„ help from the school

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To begin with: Do you live in a condo?

-What is your opinion, is it worth collecting waste selectively? If so, what kind?

-Do you know where the nearest separate collection point is in your neighbourhood?

-If you live in a block of flats, how many percent of the people collect waste selectively?

-Do you collect waste separately?

-Do you know a place where you can get rid of hazardous waste?

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-What do you think can be a solution to the collection of waste separately?

-What do you think would help to draw people’s attention to the importance of collecting waste selectively in block of flats?

-Can you write a slogan, which would draw people's attention to the collection of waste selectively in block of flats?

-Do you know what happens to the waste collected? (How is it used after recycling?)

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We made a non-representative survey on the 23rd of January, 2012.

We asked 10-10 people of different ages, (15-25; 25-35;

35-60; over 60) who were living in a condominium

The questions were about habits and knowledge of selective waste collection and opinions about this topic.

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15-25 25-35 35-60 over 60


knows what willhappen afterrecycling

>Big amount of the responders thought it’s worth collecting selectively

>Although Most of the people don’t know what happens after recycling

Questions:Is it worth collecting waste selectively?What happens after recycling?

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The group between ages 25-35 and the group over 60 are the disappointed ones

There is a common mistake between the people aged 35-60 , comformist people

Questions:-Do you collect selectively?-Is it worth collecting selectively?-Do you know the nearest selective containers?

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Hazardous waste

15-25 25-35 35-60 60andover


Collects hazardwaste separately

Knows a hazardwaste collectorplace

>15 -25 knows the best -> education ,media could impact on them

>People between ages 25 -60 are ‘’Lazy ‘’ Even they know where to get rid of hazardous waste ,they don’t go there.

>The oldest group is in lack of knowing places <- they were not invocated before

Do you collect HW separately?Do you know HW collector place?

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37 out of 40 people think they know what is considered to be hazardous waste

The responders usually replied something connected with electricity (,batteries, light bulbs)


->Only a few mentioned drugs and exhausted oil

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The solution according to responders:Media,advertisements,transparents,posters ;get rid ofnescience

Control by the law,financialrestrictions,discounts

No solution,everything is up topersonal conviction

More containers

Question: What do you think can serve as a solution to increase the number of people who collects selectively?

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Some slogans from the responders ,which they thought could be motivating:

>Save the planet, save the future of the youth!>Don’t let us live in garbage!>We need even your help, who read this to save this planet!>It’s not the planet ,which will be destroyed…>Find the joy of selective collecting!>It is only 2 minutes for you!>You are ‘garbage’ if you don’t collect selectively garbage!

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The solution according to responders:Conclusions

Media plays a huge role

For older generation this is a new topic

Younger generation treat this with more seriousness as they get old ,because of the growing sense of responsibility

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The solution according to responders:Conclusion

Almost nobody knows exactly what happens after recycling!

There are misunderstandings with the way of selective waste collection

Restrictions by law are very useful ,discounts from wastecarrier fines also helps

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The solution according to responders:We sent a mail to the Local

authority’s department of enviroment protection about our project and

about the results.

In the letter we suggested making new local regulations. We also

suggested supporting more and making new announcements and

organising monthly renewable competitions e.g. poster designing

We also attached this presentation.

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The letter

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Thank you for your attention!