Download - Human Services Percapita Allocations 10-11

  • 7/31/2019 Human Services Percapita Allocations 10-11





    Adams 101,407

    Allegheny 1,223,348

    Armstrong 68,941

    Beaver 170,539Bedford 49,762

    Berks 411,442

    Blair 127,089

    Bradford 62,622

    Bucks 625,249

    Butler 183,862

    Cambria 143,679

    Cameron 5,085

    Carbon 65,249

    Centre 153,990

    Chester 498,886

    Clarion 39,988Clearfield 81,642

    Clinton 39,238

    Columbia 67,295

    Crawford 88,765

    Cumberland 235,406

    Dauphin 268,100

    Delaware 558,979

    Elk 31,946

    Erie 280,566

    Fayette 136,606

    Forest 7,716

    Franklin 149,618Fulton 14,845Greene 38,686

    Huntingdon 45,913

    Indiana 88,880

    Jefferson 45,200

    Juniata 24,636

    Lackawanna 214,437

    Lancaster 519,445

    Lawrence 91,108

    Lebanon 133,568

    Lehigh 349,497

    Luzerne 320,918

    Lycoming 116,111McKean 43,450

    Mercer 116,638

    Mifflin 46,682

    Monroe 169,842

    Montgomery 799,874

    Montour 18,267

    Northampton 297,735

    Northumberland 94,528

  • 7/31/2019 Human Services Percapita Allocations 10-11


    Perry 45,969

    Philadelphia 1,526,006

    Pike 57,369

    Potter 17,457

    Schuylkill 148,289

    Snyder 39,702

    Somerset 77,742Sullivan 6,428

    Susquehanna 43,356

    Tioga 41,981

    Union 44,947

    Venango 54,984

    Warren 41,815

    Washington 207,820

    Wayne 52,822

    Westmoreland 365,169

    Wyoming 28,276

    York 434,972


  • 7/31/2019 Human Services Percapita Allocations 10-11


    Franklin County Per Capita

    FY 2010-2011

    Allocation Per Capita


    From Bottom

    Mental Retardation $1,368,710 $8.32 2nd 47th out of 48Drug and Alcohol $996,453 $6.06 3rd 45th out of 47

    Children and Youth $8,363,092 $55.90 6th 62nd out of 67

    Human Services Development Fund $170,836 $1.14 9th 59th out of 67

    Early Intervention $948,532 $5.77 12th 37th out of 48

    Medical Assistance Transportation $857,868 $5.73 13th 54th out of 66

    Area Agency on Aging $3,004,565 $20.08 17th 36th out of 52

    Mental Health $5,486,658 $33.36 19th 30th out of 48

    Homeless Assistance Program $141,479 $0.95 25th 43rd out of 67

  • 7/31/2019 Human Services Percapita Allocations 10-11


    Human Services Development Fund

    FY 2010/2011

    County Total Allocation

    Population in



    Per Capita

    Cameron $50,000 5,085 $9.83

    Sullivan $50,000 6,428 $7.78

    Forest $50,000 7,716 $6.48

    Philadelphia $5,844,348 1,526,006 $3.83

    Fulton $50,000 14,845 $3.37

    Fayette $431,103 136,606 $3.16

    Potter $50,000 17,457 $2.86

    Greene $106,842 38,686 $2.76

    Montour $50,000 18,267 $2.74

    Beaver $384,613 170,539 $2.26

    Lawrence $203,430 91,108 $2.23

    McKean $96,973 43,450 $2.23

    Venango $122,412 54,984 $2.23

    Allegheny $2,649,401 1,223,348 $2.17

    Erie $574,878 280,566 $2.05

    Armstrong $141,101 68,941 $2.05

    Cambria $292,602 143,679 $2.04Juniata $50,000 24,636 $2.03

    Clarion $79,220 39,988 $1.98

    Mercer $230,272 116,638 $1.97

    Wyoming $55,744 28,276 $1.97

    Blair $247,407 127,089 $1.95

    Washington $388,862 207,820 $1.87

    Crawford $162,609 88,765 $1.83

    Clinton $70,532 39,238 $1.80

    Bradford $111,509 62,622 $1.78

    Jefferson $80,373 45,200 $1.78

    Indiana $156,991 88,880 $1.77

    Lycoming $204,229 116,111 $1.76

    Clearfield $143,416 81,642 $1.76

    Westmoreland $639,715 365,169 $1.75

    Elk $54,970 31,946 $1.72

    Luzerne $544,078 320,918 $1.70

    Warren $70,772 41,815 $1.69

    Somerset $130,936 77,742 $1.68

    Dauphin $441,704 268,100 $1.65

    Mifflin $76,132 46,682 $1.63

    Lackawanna $349,406 214,437 $1.63

    Delaware $908,114 558,979 $1.62

    Tioga $67,585 41,981 $1.61

    Huntingdon $69,229 45,913 $1.51

    Susquehanna $65,281 43,356 $1.51

    Bedford $71,705 49,762 $1.44

    Northumberland $136,138 94,528 $1.44

    Schuylkill $209,563 148,289 $1.41

    Berks $572,460 411,442 $1.39Lehigh $472,579 349,497 $1.35

    Columbia $85,525 67,295 $1.27

    Snyder $50,000 39,702 $1.26

    Wayne $65,987 52,822 $1.25

    Butler $224,776 183,862 $1.22

    Carbon $79,548 65,249 $1.22

    Northampton $360,172 297,735 $1.21

    Perry $55,221 45,969 $1.20

    Union $53,877 44,947 $1.20

    Lebanon $158,631 133,568 $1.19

    Bucks $730,916 625,249 $1.17

    York $503,037 434,972 $1.16

    Franklin $170,836 149,618 $1.14Lancaster $580,920 519,445 $1.12

    Montgomery $893,822 799,874 $1.12

    Chester $519,024 498,886 $1.04

    Adams $102,000 101,407 $1.01

    Centre $153,620 153,990 $1.00

    Monroe $166,180 169,842 $0.98

    Cumberland $229,694 235,406 $0.98

    Pike $50,000 57,369 $0.87

    Total $23,243,020 12,702,379

    (9th from bottom)

  • 7/31/2019 Human Services Percapita Allocations 10-11


    Children and Youth Services

    FY 2010-2011

    County Total Allocation

    Population in



    Per Capita

    Philadelphia $686,265,797 1,526,006 $449.71

    Tioga $7,490,272 41,981 $178.42

    Allegheny $211,235,483 1,223,348 $172.67

    Dauphin $42,603,878 268,100 $158.91

    Erie $42,982,215 280,566 $153.20

    Schuylkill $19,832,009 148,289 $133.74

    Sullivan $825,030 6,428 $128.35

    Lehigh $42,765,643 349,497 $122.36

    Bradford $7,647,190 62,622 $122.12

    Luzerne $39,163,107 320,918 $122.03

    Crawford $10,590,791 88,765 $119.31

    McKean $5,160,205 43,450 $118.76

    Berks $48,378,251 411,442 $117.58

    Cameron $595,758 5,085 $117.16

    Delaware $63,647,804 558,979 $113.86

    Mifflin $5,268,136 46,682 $112.85

    Clinton $4,415,474 39,238 $112.53

    Venango $6,097,411 54,984 $110.89Forest $841,563 7,716 $109.07

    York $46,149,767 434,972 $106.10

    Lycoming $12,142,607 116,111 $104.58

    Washington $21,441,524 207,820 $103.17

    Northampton $29,682,549 297,735 $99.69

    Fulton $1,427,899 14,845 $96.19

    Warren $3,883,917 41,815 $92.88

    Bucks $57,182,060 625,249 $91.45

    Lackawanna $19,291,524 214,437 $89.96

    Blair $11,195,711 127,089 $88.09

    Wyoming $2,433,954 28,276 $86.08

    Northumberland $7,954,462 94,528 $84.15

    Monroe $14,210,513 169,842 $83.67

    Wayne $4,412,092 52,822 $83.53

    Lancaster $41,603,246 519,445 $80.09Westmoreland $28,946,796 365,169 $79.27

    Somerset $6,097,128 77,742 $78.43

    Beaver $13,123,583 170,539 $76.95

    Huntingdon $3,438,192 45,913 $74.88

    Adams $7,521,725 101,407 $74.17

    Cambria $10,216,801 143,679 $71.11

    Mercer $8,240,888 116,638 $70.65

    Susquehanna $3,049,516 43,356 $70.34

    Lawrence $6,301,602 91,108 $69.17

    Clarion $2,765,414 39,988 $69.16

    Perry $3,141,305 45,969 $68.34

    Fayette $9,216,659 136,606 $67.47

    Bedford $3,281,942 49,762 $65.95

    Pike $3,746,715 57,369 $65.31

    Carbon $4,236,295 65,249 $64.93

    Butler $11,752,333 183,862 $63.92

    Chester $30,639,678 498,886 $61.42

    Cumberland $14,366,597 235,406 $61.03

    Greene $2,360,620 38,686 $61.02

    Armstrong $4,202,872 68,941 $60.96

    Jefferson $2,736,485 45,200 $60.54

    Clearfield $4,857,625 81,642 $59.50

    Montour $1,084,856 18,267 $59.39

    Centre $9,039,946 153,990 $58.70

    Snyder $2,280,689 39,702 $57.45

    Potter $1,000,423 17,457 $57.31

    Indiana $5,058,146 88,880 $56.91

    Columbia $3,827,345 67,295 $56.87

    Franklin $8,363,092 149,618 $55.90 (6th from bottom)Lebanon $7,149,281 133,568 $53.53

    Union $2,340,328 44,947 $52.07

    Elk $1,624,917 31,946 $50.86

    Juniata $1,225,567 24,636 $49.75

    Montgomery $38,248,916 799,874 $47.82

    Total $1,784,302,119 12,702,379

  • 7/31/2019 Human Services Percapita Allocations 10-11


    Area Agency on Aging

    FY 2010-2011

    County Total Allocation

    Population in



    Per Capita

    Potter $907,156 17,457 $51.97

    Philadelphia $69,811,628 1,526,006 $45.75

    Jefferson $1,870,466 45,200 $41.38

    Schuylkill $6,075,538 148,289 $40.97Northumberland $3,788,198 94,528 $40.07

    Blair $5,013,202 127,089 $39.45

    Armstrong $2,621,274 68,941 $38.02

    Somerset $2,924,271 77,742 $37.62

    Cameron/Elk/McKean $2,942,482 80,481 $36.56

    Clearfield $2,924,244 81,642 $35.82

    Cambria $5,140,089 143,679 $35.77

    Bedford/Fulton/Huntingdon $3,853,099 110,520 $34.86

    Washington/Fayette/Greene $13,101,155 383,112 $34.20

    Crawford $2,992,465 88,765 $33.71

    Luzerne/Wyoming $11,471,889 349,194 $32.85

    Clarion $1,270,208 39,988 $31.76

    Snyder/Union $2,683,909 84,649 $31.71Bradford/Sullivan/Susquehanna/Tioga $4,875,511 154,387 $31.58

    Wayne $1,660,124 52,822 $31.43

    Juniata/Mifflin $2,190,669 71,318 $30.72

    Venango $1,670,207 54,984 $30.38

    Lackawanna $6,505,104 214,437 $30.34

    Allegheny $36,761,614 1,223,348 $30.05

    Forest/Warren $1,426,962 49,531 $28.81

    Lawrence $2,609,901 91,108 $28.65

    Indiana $2,468,080 88,880 $27.77

    Columbia/Montour $2,369,141 85,562 $27.69

    Clinton/Lycoming $4,258,165 155,349 $27.41

    Beaver $4,578,813 170,539 $26.85

    Westmoreland $9,802,489 365,169 $26.84Mercer $2,930,668 116,638 $25.13

    Carbon $1,501,897 65,249 $23.02

    Perry $978,133 45,969 $21.28

    Erie $5,793,103 280,566 $20.65

    Dauphin $5,405,031 268,100 $20.16

    Franklin $3,004,565 149,618 $20.08 (17th from bottom)Berks $7,734,885 411,442 $18.80

    Lebanon $2,494,023 133,568 $18.67

    Delaware $10,146,462 558,979 $18.15

    Lehigh $6,128,939 349,497 $17.54

    Butler $3,202,639 183,862 $17.42

    Northampton $4,968,867 297,735 $16.69

    Pike $939,547 57,369 $16.38York $7,100,154 434,972 $16.32

    Adams $1,520,139 101,407 $14.99

    Cumberland $3,267,821 235,406 $13.88

    Lancaster $7,042,937 519,445 $13.56

    Monroe $2,157,795 169,842 $12.70

    Montgomery $10,080,045 799,874 $12.60

    Centre $1,809,587 153,990 $11.75

    Bucks $6,614,926 625,249 $10.58

    Chester $4,744,124 498,886 $9.51

    Total $320,134,340 12,702,379

  • 7/31/2019 Human Services Percapita Allocations 10-11


    Mental Health

    FY 2010-2011

    County Total Allocation

    Population in



    Per Capita

    Cameron/Elk $3,915,721 37,031 $105.74

    Philadelphia $143,655,706 1,526,006 $94.14

    Allegheny $103,152,724 1,223,348 $84.32

    Dauphin $19,851,084 268,100 $74.04Erie $16,250,547 280,566 $57.92

    Delaware $31,518,391 558,979 $56.39

    Lawrence $5,124,279 91,108 $56.24

    Fayette $7,432,743 136,606 $54.41

    Beaver $8,966,991 170,539 $52.58

    McKean $2,206,603 43,450 $50.78

    Potter $801,383 17,457 $45.91

    Cambria $6,340,108 143,679 $44.13

    Northampton $12,382,506 297,735 $41.59

    Washington $8,427,857 207,820 $40.55

    Bedford/Somerset $5,154,944 127,504 $40.43

    Greene $1,545,211 38,686 $39.94

    Lehigh $13,699,209 349,497 $39.20Luzerne/Wyoming $12,963,239 349,194 $37.12

    Northumberland $3,503,024 94,528 $37.06

    Clarion $1,480,399 39,988 $37.02

    Cumberland/Perry $10,264,530 281,375 $36.48

    Tioga $1,505,147 41,981 $35.85

    Bradford/Sullivan $2,370,015 69,050 $34.32

    Carbon/Monroe/Pike $9,997,625 292,460 $34.18

    Venango $1,868,903 54,984 $33.99

    Blair $4,316,690 127,089 $33.97

    ForestWarren $1,669,673 49,531 $33.71

    Mercer $3,922,649 116,638 $33.63

    Montgomery $26,835,147 799,874 $33.55

    Franklin/Fulton $5,486,658 164,463 $33.36 (19th from bottom)Schuylkill $4,825,170 148,289 $32.54

    York/Adams $16,761,606 536,379 $31.25

    Crawford $2,750,795 88,765 $30.99

    Wayne $1,636,028 52,822 $30.97

    Lycoming/Clinton $4,742,675 155,349 $30.53

    Chester $15,112,581 498,886 $30.29

    Armstrong/Indiana $4,655,461 157,821 $29.50

    Westmoreland $10,769,754 365,169 $29.49

    Butler $5,358,035 183,862 $29.14

    Berks $11,937,160 411,442 $29.01

    Lackawanna/Susquehanna $7,376,942 257,793 $28.62

    Huntingdon/Mifflin/Juniata $3,270,346 117,231 $27.90

    Centre $4,075,920 153,990 $26.47Bucks $16,242,186 625,249 $25.98

    Lancaster $12,861,447 519,445 $24.76

    Columbia/Montour/Snyder/Union $4,069,793 170,211 $23.91

    Clearfield/Jefferson $2,851,812 126,842 $22.48

    Lebanon $2,779,770 133,568 $20.81

    Total $608,687,187 12,702,379

  • 7/31/2019 Human Services Percapita Allocations 10-11


    Mental Retardation

    FY 2010-2011

    County Total Allocation

    Population in



    Per Capita

    Venango $1,898,986 54,984 $34.54

    Mercer $3,967,264 116,638 $34.01

    Potter $584,880 17,457 $33.50

    Northumberland $3,147,341 94,528 $33.30Forest/Warren $1,639,492 49,531 $33.10

    Tioga $1,256,000 41,981 $29.92

    Philadelphia $40,484,465 1,526,006 $26.53

    Cameron/Elk $925,319 37,031 $24.99

    Fayette $3,299,598 136,606 $24.15

    McKean $1,006,300 43,450 $23.16

    Erie $6,305,477 280,566 $22.47

    Delaware $11,526,488 558,979 $20.62

    Bradford/Sullivan $1,418,910 69,050 $20.55

    Lackawanna/Susquehanna $5,285,309 257,793 $20.50

    Butler $3,390,604 183,862 $18.44

    Bedford/Somerset $2,325,093 127,504 $18.24

    Beaver $2,954,394 170,539 $17.32Dauphin $4,463,242 268,100 $16.65

    Wayne $874,765 52,822 $16.56

    Luzerne/Wyoming $5,771,568 349,194 $16.53

    Montgomery $13,175,834 799,874 $16.47

    Crawford $1,457,376 88,765 $16.42

    Clearfield/Jefferson $2,012,459 126,842 $15.87

    Bucks $9,608,527 625,249 $15.37

    Lawrence $1,390,110 91,108 $15.26

    Chester $7,586,953 498,886 $15.21

    Cumberland/Perry $4,271,925 281,375 $15.18

    Clarion $607,071 39,988 $15.18

    Westmoreland $5,334,756 365,169 $14.61

    Lebanon $1,918,698 133,568 $14.36Armstrong/Indiana $2,171,968 157,821 $13.76

    Cambria $1,960,190 143,679 $13.64

    Blair $1,711,036 127,089 $13.46

    Carbon/Monroe/Pike $3,898,641 292,460 $13.33

    Lycoming/Clinton $2,036,028 155,349 $13.11

    Northampton $3,801,864 297,735 $12.77

    Greene $490,158 38,686 $12.67

    Columbia/Montour/Snyder/Union $2,081,051 170,211 $12.23

    Allegheny $14,122,556 1,223,348 $11.54

    Berks $4,672,877 411,442 $11.36

    Schuylkill $1,611,390 148,289 $10.87

    Lancaster $5,469,120 519,445 $10.53

    Lehigh $3,627,551 349,497 $10.38Huntingdon/Mifflin/Juniata $1,189,969 117,231 $10.15

    York/Adams $4,793,880 536,379 $8.94

    Centre $1,346,336 153,990 $8.74

    Franklin/Fulton $1,368,710 164,463 $8.32 (2nd from bottom)Washington $1,242,923 207,820 $5.98

    Total $207,485,452 12,702,379

  • 7/31/2019 Human Services Percapita Allocations 10-11


    Early Intervention

    FY 2010-2011

    County Total Allocation

    Population in



    Per Capita

    Potter $391,243 17,457 $22.41

    Cameron/Elk $585,037 37,031 $15.80

    McKean $572,649 43,450 $13.18

    Greene $436,432 38,686 $11.28Montgomery $8,593,035 799,874 $10.74

    Lehigh $3,695,938 349,497 $10.58

    Chester $5,211,355 498,886 $10.45

    Erie $2,883,551 280,566 $10.28

    Philadelphia $14,991,187 1,526,006 $9.82

    Allegheny $11,631,362 1,223,348 $9.51

    Bucks $5,895,626 625,249 $9.43

    Delaware $5,217,111 558,979 $9.33

    Forest/Warren $452,744 49,531 $9.14

    Northampton $2,703,459 297,735 $9.08

    Blair $1,117,786 127,089 $8.80

    Butler $1,538,300 183,862 $8.37

    Berks $3,318,417 411,442 $8.07Washington $1,576,430 207,820 $7.59

    Northumberland $702,676 94,528 $7.43

    Fayette $1,014,711 136,606 $7.43

    York/Adams $3,762,778 536,379 $7.02

    Clearfield/Jefferson $871,085 126,842 $6.87

    Venango $361,844 54,984 $6.58

    Lackawanna/Susquehanna $1,685,560 257,793 $6.54

    Clarion $258,448 39,988 $6.46

    Cumberland/Perry $1,810,544 281,375 $6.43

    Lebanon $849,286 133,568 $6.36

    Wayne $332,279 52,822 $6.29

    Bradford/Sullivan $422,845 69,050 $6.12

    Beaver $1,041,793 170,539 $6.11Lancaster $3,163,895 519,445 $6.09

    Westmoreland $2,220,185 365,169 $6.08

    Crawford $534,522 88,765 $6.02

    Lycoming/Clinton $930,974 155,349 $5.99

    Dauphin $1,579,781 268,100 $5.89

    Centre $906,553 153,990 $5.89

    Franklin/Fulton $948,532 164,463 $5.77 (12th from bottom)Carbon/Monroe/Pike $1,603,454 292,460 $5.48

    Lawrence $461,605 91,108 $5.07

    Tioga $210,122 41,981 $5.01

    Armstrong/Indiana $779,746 157,821 $4.94

    Mercer $544,003 116,638 $4.66

    Cambria $665,853 143,679 $4.63Bedford/Somerset $583,064 127,504 $4.57

    Schuylkill $660,539 148,289 $4.45

    Huntingdon/Mifflin/Juniata $482,653 117,231 $4.12

    Columbia/Montour/Snyder/Union $645,791 170,211 $3.79

    Luzerne/Wyoming $1,082,520 349,194 $3.10

    Total $101,929,303 12,702,379

  • 7/31/2019 Human Services Percapita Allocations 10-11


    Drug and Alcohol

    FY 2010-2011





    in 2010


    Per Capita

    Philadelphia $35,723,887 1,526,006 $23.41

    Erie $5,104,867 280,566 $18.19

    Potter $257,593 17,457 $14.76

    Allegheny $18,045,063 1,223,348 $14.75Cameron/Elk/McKean $1,129,194 80,481 $14.03

    Venango $766,075 54,984 $13.93

    Mercer $1,610,906 116,638 $13.81

    Crawford $1,217,247 88,765 $13.71

    Blair $1,735,379 127,089 $13.65

    Greene $504,638 38,686 $13.04

    Dauphin $3,488,010 268,100 $13.01

    Lawrence $1,170,141 91,108 $12.84

    Lycoming/Clinton $1,930,470 155,349 $12.43

    Forest/Warren $597,981 49,531 $12.07

    Bedford $582,241 49,762 $11.70

    Tioga $491,134 41,981 $11.70

    Berks $4,771,559 411,442 $11.60Schuylkill $1,719,422 148,289 $11.60

    Fayette $1,498,825 136,606 $10.97

    Armstrong/Indiana/Clarion $2,164,936 197,809 $10.94

    Lehigh $3,803,582 349,497 $10.88

    Cambria $1,560,651 143,679 $10.86

    Lackawanna/Susquehanna $2,758,178 257,793 $10.70

    Bradford/Sullivan $727,439 69,050 $10.53

    Clearfield/Jefferson $1,320,055 126,842 $10.41

    Luzerne/Wyoming $3,463,008 349,194 $9.92

    Washington $2,007,894 207,820 $9.66

    Beaver $1,636,018 170,539 $9.59

    Huntingdon/Mifflin/Juniata $1,118,179 117,231 $9.54

    Delaware $5,292,897 558,979 $9.47Northumberland $863,226 94,528 $9.13

    Somerset $708,787 77,742 $9.12

    Chester $4,419,801 498,886 $8.86

    Northampton $2,594,586 297,735 $8.71

    Westmoreland $3,179,231 365,169 $8.71

    Wayne $456,963 52,822 $8.65

    Bucks $4,867,045 625,249 $7.78

    Butler $1,430,312 183,862 $7.78

    Cumberland/Perry $2,100,142 281,375 $7.46

    Lancaster $3,806,317 519,445 $7.33

    Columbia/Montour/Snyder/Union $1,233,096 170,211 $7.24

    Lebanon $963,614 133,568 $7.21

    Montgomery $5,436,013 799,874 $6.80

    Centre $995,225 153,990 $6.46

    Franklin/Fulton $996,453 164,463 $6.06 (3rd from bottom)Carbon/Monroe/Pike $1,737,380 292,460 $5.94

    York/Adams $2,769,255 536,379 $5.16

    Total $146,754,915 12,702,379

  • 7/31/2019 Human Services Percapita Allocations 10-11


    Medical Assistance Transportation Program

    FY 2010-2011





    in 2010


    Per Capita

    Cameron $425,000 5,085 $83.58

    Jefferson $1,818,393 45,200 $40.23

    McKean $1,675,000 43,450 $38.55Armstrong $2,537,668 68,941 $36.81

    Elk $1,155,000 31,946 $36.15

    Indiana $3,200,929 88,880 $36.01

    Greene $1,392,409 38,686 $35.99

    Fulton $481,963 14,845 $32.47

    Potter $520,986 17,457 $29.84

    Clearfield $2,281,400 81,642 $27.94

    Philadelphia $40,929,125 1,526,006 $26.82

    Venango $1,409,833 54,984 $25.64

    Carbon $1,642,050 65,249 $25.17

    Cambria $3,362,454 143,679 $23.40

    Forest $171,056 7,716 $22.17

    Lawrence $2,004,775 91,108 $22.00

    Huntingdon $801,257 45,913 $17.45

    Washington $3,512,483 207,820 $16.90Crawford $1,477,496 88,765 $16.65

    Westmoreland $5,151,150 365,169 $14.11

    Clinton $546,263 39,238 $13.92

    Lycoming $1,608,763 116,111 $13.86

    Butler $2,543,700 183,862 $13.83

    Blair $1,708,477 127,089 $13.44

    Beaver $2,187,430 170,539 $12.83

    Montour $230,290 18,267 $12.61

    Clarion $500,568 39,988 $12.52

    Fayette $1,626,264 136,606 $11.90

    Bedford $572,954 49,762 $11.51

    Columbia $768,486 67,295 $11.42

    Wayne $573,911 52,822 $10.86

    Delaware $6,058,811 558,979 $10.84

    Mifflin $505,220 46,682 $10.82

    Warren $415,357 41,815 $9.93

    Susquehanna $429,699 43,356 $9.91

    Mercer $1,106,836 116,638 $9.49

    Dauphin $2,543,000 268,100 $9.49

    Bradford/Tioga $990,268 104,603 $9.47

    Lehigh $3,145,405 349,497 $9.00

    Snyder $353,767 39,702 $8.91

    Schuylkill $1,275,964 148,289 $8.60

    Allegheny $9,965,687 1,223,348 $8.15

    Somerset $600,000 77,742 $7.72

    Lackawanna $1,643,304 214,437 $7.66

    Perry $345,296 45,969 $7.51

    Sullivan $44,614 6,428 $6.94

    Lebanon $926,520 133,568 $6.94Luzerne $2,213,135 320,918 $6.90

    Chester $3,341,220 498,886 $6.70

    Union $293,801 44,947 $6.54

    Northumberland $603,072 94,528 $6.38

    Erie $1,745,000 280,566 $6.22

    Monroe $1,021,647 169,842 $6.02

    Franklin $857,868 149,618 $5.73 (13th from bottom)

    Pike $324,798 57,369 $5.66

    Berks $2,093,966 411,442 $5.09

    York $2,149,196 434,972 $4.94

    Juniata $113,360 24,636 $4.60

    Bucks $2,710,340 625,249 $4.33

    Montgomery $3,440,600 799,874 $4.30

    Centre $622,910 153,990 $4.05Lancaster $1,975,000 519,445 $3.80

    Northampton $1,022,500 297,735 $3.43

    Adams $305,000 101,407 $3.01

    Wyoming $82,110 28,276 $2.90

    Cumberland $480,000 235,406 $2.04

    Total $144,562,804 12,702,379

    * Approved budget amounts..NOT actuals.

  • 7/31/2019 Human Services Percapita Allocations 10-11


    Homeless Assistance Program

    FY 2010-2011





    in 2010


    Per Capita

    Fayette $563,347 136,606 $4.12

    Armstrong $244,482 68,941 $3.55

    Clarion $132,493 39,988 $3.31Dauphin $875,421 268,100 $3.27

    Indiana $277,717 88,880 $3.12

    Tioga $128,251 41,981 $3.05

    Luzerne $938,178 320,918 $2.92

    Centre $440,027 153,990 $2.86

    Crawford $252,785 88,765 $2.85

    Erie $755,288 280,566 $2.69

    Blair $326,985 127,089 $2.57

    York $1,092,156 434,972 $2.51

    Allegheny $2,935,296 1,223,348 $2.40

    Philadelphia $3,156,228 1,526,006 $2.07

    Sullivan $13,159 6,428 $2.05

    Delaware $1,043,977 558,979 $1.87

    Potter $32,502 17,457 $1.86

    Warren $72,270 41,815 $1.73Greene $66,685 38,686 $1.72

    Westmoreland $617,777 365,169 $1.69

    Lawrence $149,999 91,108 $1.65

    Lycoming $190,593 116,111 $1.64

    Cumberland $374,751 235,406 $1.59

    Cameron $8,063 5,085 $1.59

    Cambria $219,640 143,679 $1.53

    Lehigh $521,216 349,497 $1.49

    Lackawanna $302,801 214,437 $1.41

    Berks $567,461 411,442 $1.38

    Lebanon $182,097 133,568 $1.36

    Washington $279,456 207,820 $1.34

    Northampton $397,612 297,735 $1.34

    Perry $58,425 45,969 $1.27

    Fulton $17,912 14,845 $1.21

    Mercer $140,404 116,638 $1.20

    Adams $116,877 101,407 $1.15

    Snyder $45,279 39,702 $1.14

    Elk $34,626 31,946 $1.08

    Schuylkill $159,545 148,289 $1.08

    Union $47,089 44,947 $1.05

    McKean $45,051 43,450 $1.04

    Venango $56,238 54,984 $1.02

    Juniata $23,772 24,636 $0.96

    Franklin $141,479 149,618 $0.95 (25th from bottom)Susquehanna $40,007 43,356 $0.92

    Butler $166,714 183,862 $0.91

    Bradford $56,509 62,622 $0.90

    Lancaster $460,841 519,445 $0.89

    Clearfield $72,097 81,642 $0.88

    Beaver $145,076 170,539 $0.85

    Wyoming $23,382 28,276 $0.83

    Jefferson $36,925 45,200 $0.82

    Bucks $500,441 625,249 $0.80

    Somerset $60,700 77,742 $0.78

    Clinton $29,648 39,238 $0.76

    Montgomery $596,442 799,874 $0.75

    Mifflin $34,221 46,682 $0.73

    Montour $13,368 18,267 $0.73

    Bedford $35,069 49,762 $0.70

    Forest $5,423 7,716 $0.70

    Chester $343,115 498,886 $0.69

    Wayne $36,061 52,822 $0.68Huntingdon $30,519 45,913 $0.66

    Northumberland $62,636 94,528 $0.66

    Columbia $36,671 67,295 $0.54

    Carbon $34,056 65,249 $0.52

    Monroe $62,481 169,842 $0.37

    Pike $19,078 57,369 $0.33

    Total $20,946,890 12,702,379

    * Allocations are based upon amounts given before final FY cuts.