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Page 1: Human Resources Strategy


Human ResourcesHuman Resources StrategyStrategy

Human Resources StrategyHuman Resources Strategy

Page 2: Human Resources Strategy


The Human Resources (HR) Strategy has been designed to support the Council in achieving its vision as identified in Improving Life in Leicestershire (the Medium Term Corporate Strategy (MTCS)).

"To achieve our vision we will at all times:- provide community leadership for the County: deliver services that provide value for money; support a highly motivated, well trained workforce to deliver clearly defined

service targets; investigate innovative solutions to create improvements in services; support effective partnerships to achieve real improvements in the way that

services are delivered promote equality"

The Leicestershire ContextThe Leicestershire Context

Leicestershire, like other local authorities, is facing major new challenges and changes, both internally generated and from external sources. These pressures for change include meeting central government requirements, a changing regulatory environment, new technology developments and increasingly better informed customers. The Council will therefore need to ensure that its organisational culture is such that its workforce is fully equipped to handle these changes positively, working in new and different ways.

The key issues facing HR in supporting the achievement of the Corporate Priorities for the County Council include:

A modernised political structure and processes Increasing inspection of performance and services, including the Comprehensive

Performance Assessment New ways of working, including partnerships Developments in the Best Value regime The implementation of the Single Status Agreement, in particular, the job

evaluation scheme for employees (excluding teachers) Reorganised County Council departmental structures The Better Access to Better Services Initiative The development of the Performance Management System

Within Human Resources, these issues also include the introduction of a new HR/Payroll system and a reorganisation of the function following the Best Value Review process.


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HR StrategyHR Strategy

The strategy comprises ten key elements which link to the MTCS and/or operational service plans. Each element has a specific aim and details of how these will be achieved. The elements are:

Communication Diversity Employee and Trade Union Relations Employee Development and Motivation Health, Safety and Welfare Organisational Development Performance Management Recruitment and Retention Remuneration Workforce Data

Roles and RelationshipsRoles and Relationships

The role of the Human Resources function is evolving from previous personnel and training arrangements. We are striving to ensure that human resource management is totally integrated into the way the organisation does things and in particular we are seeking to align together human resource and service strategies. In doing this we are increasingly focusing more on the needs of our customers, managers, members and employees and are committed to the delivery of a high quality service.

The main relationships within the County Council are with:-

The Cabinet The Employment Committee Scrutiny Commission Corporate Management Team Directorate Management Teams Service Managers and other Senior Managers Trade Unions and employees

A key feature of the way in which the HR function will operate in future is through consulting more with our senior management colleagues across the Council. We will ensure that relationships between HR staff and Managers are characterised by joint working, co-operation and a focus on outcomes.

In the same way, we will continue to work with schools and colleges collaboratively, commending policies and good practice to governors.

We will work to sustain a positive relationship with trade unions through consultation and negotiation, reaching viable agreements wherever possible.


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Strategic Priorities Strategic Priorities 2003/042003/04

The strategic priorities currently facing the HR function flow directly from the Medium Term Corporate Strategy. They are:-

The implementation of Job Evaluation and remuneration system across the County Council

Supporting the County Council reorganisation of departments to ensure effective implementation

The implementation of the Trent HR/Payroll System Supporting MTCS service delivery priorities, including the Better Access to Better

Services Initiative

Development of Service StandardsDevelopment of Service Standards

An important component in delivering this Human Resources Strategy will be the development and publication of service standards for the function which will apply across the Council. These will focus on the key themes of customer focus and quality of service.

These standards will build on existing good practice and seek to ensure a coherent and consistent approach to HR issues across the County Council.

Underlying Core Principles of the HR FunctionUnderlying Core Principles of the HR Function

These include:These include:A commitment to partnership working and consultation both within the authority and with external bodies/reference groups, including the Leicestershire Learning and Skills Council, the Leicestershire Compact, the Framework for Regional Employment and Skills Action Forum (FRESA), EMRLGA, and the Employers’ Organisation.

A proactive approach to learning and taking advantage of all opportunities to spread good practice across the HR function, the wider organisation and local community.

The utilisation of website and intranet for communication both externally and internally in addition to paper based systems.

A commitment to the highest possible standards of confidentiality, professional conduct and competency.

A commitment to a ‘quality’ proactive approach and philosophy of ‘continuous improvement’ both individually and for the function.

The promotion of employment practices that remove discrimination and support consistency of application across the Council.


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Monitoring ArrangementsMonitoring Arrangements Progress against the HR Strategy and Action Plan will be a standing item for the Strategic Human Resources Management Team which will report to Corporate Management Team, Cabinet and the Employment Committee as well as the Central Negotiation and Consultation Committee regularly on progress.

HR Strategy and Action Plan -HR Strategy and Action Plan - Year OneYear One

The following pages identify the comprehensive Year One Action Plan as well as providing an outline list for years two and three. These will be updated in light of priorities determined by CMT, consultation with Trade Unions and monitoring of progress against Year One. It should be noted that inevitably there is some cross-over between the 10 elements of the Strategy. For example, the Diversity element impacts on all other aspects.

4September 2003September 2003

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HR StrategyHR Strategy

1.1. CommunicationCommunication


To devise and implement an effective internal communications strategy to ensure effective communication across all areas of the organisation.

This will be achieved by: -

1. Establishing systems to identify issues about which employees should be informed

2. Establishing effective systems to enable two-way communication within the Council on key organisational issues. Ensure systems comply with corporate initiatives including e-government, BABSI and the Content Management System

3. Using the most accessible and appropriate means of communication so that all employees are able to contribute to the Council's operations and development

Key Outcome Measures

Introduction of communications strategy

% employees and managers believing communications have improved

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2.2. DiversityDiversity


To improve the County Council’s management of diversity issues in order to maximise the potential of employees, improve the access to and delivery of services and to raise the profile of the authority as an outstanding Equalities employer.

This will be achieved by:-

1. Identifying and removing barriers to recruitment, development and promotion

2. Ensuring quality standards in relation to race, gender, age and disability are met

3. Designing and delivering packages that will enhance the work/life balance of County Council employees

4. Reviewing and developing HR policies and procedures that deliver improvements in diversity

Key Outcome Measures

The level of the Equality Standard (BV 2a)

The score against checklist for the duty to promote race equality (BV 2b)

% of the top 5% of earners employed that are women (BV 11a)

% of the top 5% of earners employed that are from black and minority ethnic communities (BV 11b)

% of employees who feel the Council is a 'family friendly' employer (baseline data)


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HR Strategy

3.3. Employee and Trade Union RelationsEmployee and Trade Union Relations


To develop positive and productive relations with both employees and trade unions to maintain the effectiveness of the organisation.

This will be achieved by: -

1. Reviewing and improving arrangements for consultation and negotiation

2. Agreeing arrangements for resolving disagreements between management and trade unions

3. Developing policies and procedures to enable employees and managers to resolve issues constructively and to ensure a positive working environment for all employees

Key Outcome Measures

% reduction in disputes reaching formal procedure stage (baseline data)

arrangements for resolving disagreements between managers and trade unions are in place

reduction of number of instances of industrial action (baseline data)


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HR Strategy

4.4. Employee Development and MotivationEmployee Development and Motivation


To develop a highly motivated, well-trained workforce that is appropriately equipped to deliver high quality services.

This will be achieved by: -

1. Systematically identifying training needs at individual, team and organisational level, linked to the achievement of organisational and service objectives and ensuring equality of access

2. Meeting the prioritised identified needs through the provision of appropriate development activities

3. Reviewing and evaluating the contribution of development activities to overall achievement of service objectives

4. Undertaking initiatives aimed at ensuring that employees feel valued and are able to contribute fully to the activities of the Council

5. Enhancing the skills base and age profile of the Council by the recruitment and development of young people on Modern Apprenticeship programmes.

Key Outcome Measures

Number of services with training plans clearly linked to achieving service objectives

Number of services with a process in place for systematically evaluating the effectiveness of development

% of employees with an individual development plan in accordance with Performance and Development Review Scheme

% of employees who feel able to contribute fully and feel valued (baseline data)

% of employees under 25 years in Modern Apprenticeship (baseline data)


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HR Strategy

5.5. Health, Safety and WelfareHealth, Safety and Welfare


To ensure a healthy, safe and supportive working environment for all employees to enable them to contribute fully to the achievement of Council objectives.

This will be achieved by:-

1. Promoting health and safety throughout the organisation to develop a positive safety culture

2. Implementing and complying with H & S Legislation and Codes of Practice

3. Developing policies and practices to ensure all employees are able to undertake their duties in a safe environment

4. Ensuring employees at all levels receive appropriate training and support to undertake their responsibilities

5. Supporting employees through change and personal difficulties

6. Developing and implementing attendance management practices

Key Outcome Measures

The number of working days lost to sickness (BV 12)

10% reduction in reportable accident rates by 2005

% reduction in sickness absence due to industrial injury both physical and psychological (baseline data)

Early retirements as a % of the total workforce over 50 (BV 14)

Ill-health retirements as a % of the total workforce (BV 15)

HR Strategy



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6. Organisational Development6. Organisational Development


Leicestershire County Council is committed to, and has measures in place to ensure continuous improvement in delivery of services and achievement of corporate priorities.

This will be achieved by: -

1. Reviewing and improving organisational structures

2. Developing a culture which encourages innovation and effective ways of working

3. Working towards the achievement of appropriate nationally recognised quality standards, including Investors in People

4. Establishing effective management and leadership practices across the organisation

5. Improving the way knowledge is acquired, shared and used in the Council, including through contact with external organisations employing best practice.

Key Outcome Measures

Number of services achieving quality standard accreditation

Introduction of a knowledge management strategy

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7.7. Performance ManagementPerformance Management


To implement a robust performance management system that drives the achievement of corporate priorities, the delivery of high quality services and allows individuals to understand their contribution.

This will be achieved by: -

1. Establishing a corporate framework for performance management

2. Encouraging the involvement of all employees in the service planning process

3. Introducing performance appraisal for all employees, strengthening the link with service and corporate objectives

4. Addressing capability and performance issues wherever identified

Key Outcome Measures

Successful introduction of corporate Performance and Development Review Scheme

% employees understanding their contribution to achievement of corporate priorities

% employees receiving Performance and Development Reviews

HR Strategy8.8. Recruitment and RetentionRecruitment and Retention


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To enable the Council to meet its future business needs, through recruiting and retaining a suitably skilled workforce that reflects the diversity of the local community and establish the authority as a local employer of choice.

This will be achieved by: -

1. Improving and developing recruitment and retention strategies to address identified skill shortages

2. Developing attractive conditions and employment packages (See also Remuneration below)

3. Developing flexible working arrangements that meet service and individual needs

4. Addressing succession planning issues

Key Outcome Measures

% reduction in staff turnover (baseline data)

% of vacancies filled at first time of advertising (baseline data)

% increase in numbers of employees aged under 25 (baseline data)

% of vacancies filled by people with disabilities to meet Local PSA targets

Employees declaring that they meet the DDA disability definition as a % of total workforce (BV16)

Minority ethnic community staff as a % of the total workforce (BV17)

9.9. RemunerationRemuneration



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To establish a fair and effective pay policy which helps improve flexibility of services and delivers value for money for the Council.

This will be achieved by:

1. Being responsive to local and regional labour markets within a national framework

2. Ensuring the affordability of pay increases

3. Developing appropriate reward packages to attract and retain the people needed

4. Ensuring the keys to fairness, equal pay between men and women, relative pay of individuals in relation to job size, fair and transparent treatment of pay progression and routes out of lower paid employment are met

5. Developing pay systems that motivate employees to be flexible, take responsibility, work as a team, improve performance and acquire new skills

Key Outcome Measures

Completion of job evaluation implementation for all employees, excluding teachers

% of job evaluation outcomes that alter (excluding changes arising from restructurings) following appeals

Development and implementation of pay review mechanism for new grade structure in light of national pay awards

% changes in grades by gender, disability, and ethnicity

HR Strategy

10.10. Workforce DataWorkforce Data


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To establish and maintain a comprehensive Management Information System that informs and enables the Council to develop and implement its HR Strategy to meet future business needs.

This will be achieved by:-

1. Implementing and maintaining an effective management information system which produces appropriate data for monitoring activities including for equality and diversity purposes

2. Providing data on key workforce trends to managers

3. Benchmarking data against appropriate external comparators, including performance indicators

4. Identifying skills and knowledge gaps

5. Undertaking employee surveys on a regular basis

6. Reviewing the effectiveness of the HR Strategy in meeting its stated aims

Key Outcome Measures

% of people records held on Trent that are complete and accurate

% HR professionals satisfied with information and reports originating from Trent

% of external workforce surveys and data requests that are completed effectively and to time


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HR Strategy - Year OneHR Strategy - Year OneProgrammeProgramme

Note - some tasks are ongoing and commencement date has been included (indicated by bold italics) rather than a completion date.

Communication Proposed Completion Date

Actual Date

Oct-03 Nov-03 Dec-03 Jan-04 Feb-04 Mar-04 Apr-04 May-04 Jun-04 Jul-04 Aug-04 Sep-04

Audit all current methods of communication Jul-04

Diversity Proposed Completion Date

Actual Date

Oct-03 Nov-03 Dec-03 Jan-04 Feb-04 Mar-04 Apr-04 May-04 Jun-04 Jul-04 Aug-04 Sep-04

To procure training as specified by the Equalities Project Board (ongoing)

Oct-03 Oct-03

Provide baseline employee data required for monitoring purposes by the Race Relations (Amendment) Act


Identify employee monitoring requirements for all equality strands using the Race Equality Scheme as a model and ensure incorporated into Trent modules via BPIs


Analyse baseline data and compare to BV17 and other benchmarks. Identify anomalies and carry out investigation


Assess impact for HR of corporate strategy developed by the Equalities Project Board


Identify implications of legislative changes in relation to equalities and employment


Review baseline data quarterly to identify areas for further investigation (ongoing)

May-04 May 04


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Identify work-life balance initiatives which balance service delivery requirements


Introduce monitoring of employees on an incremental basis as the modules of Trent are developed. This includes applications for appointment, promotion and training. Monitoring of schools based employees, who are recorded on EMS, will depend upon Capita's development plan


Employee and Trade Union Relations Proposed Completion Date

Actual Date

Oct-03 Nov-03 Dec-03 Jan-04 Feb-04 Mar-04 Apr-04 May-04 Jun-04 Jul-04 Aug-04 Sep-04

Resolve position with LGS unions regarding the role of elected members where management and unions fail to agree


Produce 'checklist' of issues upon which unions should be consulted


Introduce process of agreeing limited number of priorities to be achieved within realistic timescales, at CNCC


Agree appropriate level of paid time off for trade union officials


Develop appropriate departmental-level union consultation/negotiation arrangements


Investigate and consider alternative consultation arrangements eg Works Council


Employee Development & Motivation Proposed Completion Date

Actual Date

Oct-03 Nov-03 Dec-03 Jan-04 Feb-04 Mar-04 Apr-04 May-04 Jun-04 Jul-04 Aug-04 Sep-04

Review all current appraisal systems (ongoing) Aug-03

Support the development and implementation of PDR schemes across Departments (ongoing)


Revise existing QA procedures and produce a new QA manual and implement changes



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Establish corporate guiding principles and minimum requirements


Produce marketing strategy to improve take up of Modern Apprenticeships


Establish corporate group to co-ordinate development activities


Identify working definition of knowledge management


Establish Customer Service Charter and customer service standards


Review corporate management development activities meet organisational requirements


Produce a proposal for a competency framework Mar-04

Development of corporate statement of values Jul-04

Health, Safety & Welfare Proposed Completion Date

Actual Date

Oct-03 Nov-03 Dec-03 Jan-04 Feb-04 Mar-04 Apr-04 May-04 Jun-04 Jul-04 Aug-04 Sep-04

Ensure that H&S matters are discussed at DMTs quarterly

Oct-03 Oct-03

Develop a system to collate and analyse corporate sickness absence data to inform future employee health and well being promotional activity


Develop and implement improved accident/incident report system


Develop programme to ensure appropriate H&S training provided for employees at all levels within the organisation to ensure compliance with Health and Safety legislation

Jan-04 Jan-04

Report annually to CMT on Employee Welfare Service

Jan-04 Jan-04

Develop and implement appropriate methods to establish employee perceptions of the County Council as an employer and levels of job satisfaction. Report on findings with recommendations for action



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Introduce the inclusion of H&S responsibilities at all levels on job descriptions and person specifications (tie in with review of JD format corporately)

Feb-04 Feb-04

Develop and implement a corporate Attendance Management Policy and procedure


Carry out a complete review of the County Council's H&S function to ensure that H&S is properly facilitated


Develop a corporate 'lone working' policy and procedural guidelines


Ensure a comprehensive Occupational Health Service is provided to meet organisational requirements


Review Employee Welfare network in response to departmental restructuring and Data Protection issue


Recruitment & Retention Proposed Completion Date

Actual Date

Oct-03 Nov-03 Dec-03 Jan-04 Feb-04 Mar-04 Apr-04 May-04 Jun-04 Jul-04 Aug-04 Sep-04

Produce a marketing strategy Feb-04

Ensure comprehensive cost effective advertising and recruitment services are provided (ongoing)

Nov-03 Nov-03

Provide information to enable effective recruitment and retention strategies to be implemented (ongoing)

Apr-04 Apr-04

Identify groups for pro-active recruitment strategies


Improve web-based vacancies site Jul-04

Develop and implement recruitment strategies for targeted groups and monitoring arrangements


Implement and promote flexible working practices/opps



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Remuneration Proposed Completion Date

Actual Date

Oct-03 Nov-03 Dec-03 Jan-04 Feb-04 Mar-04 Apr-04 May-04 Jun-04 Jul-04 Aug-04 Sep-04

Establish effective mechanisms to monitor local and regional labour markets


Complete job evaluation implementation for all employees (including schools and college based)


Develop and agree a pay policy Mar-04

Establish pay review mechanism Mar-04

Ensure affordability of pay increases Mar-04

Identify appropriate and fair reward packages to attract and retain and enable flexible working


Monitor effect of changes to enhancements and overtime and review if necessary


Organisational Development Proposed Completion Date

Actual Date

Oct-03 Nov-03 Dec-03 Jan-04 Feb-04 Mar-04 Apr-04 May-04 Jun-04 Jul-04 Aug-04 Sep-04

Establish Customer Service Charter and customer service standards


Identify working definition of knowledge management


Review corporate management development to ensure that management development activities meet organisational requirements


Support the implementation of the Charter/Standards through staff awareness training for front line staff and improvements in customer relations management systems

May-04 May 04

Performance Management Proposed Completion Date

Actual Date

Oct-03 Nov-03 Dec-03 Jan-04 Feb-04 Mar-04 Apr-04 May-04 Jun-04 Jul-04 Aug-04 Sep-04

Establish corporate performance management framework

Aug-03 Aug-03


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Job descriptions to be rewritten so they are outcome focused (also define people development responsibilities for managers) - to be done on a rolling basis

Feb-04 Feb-04

Provide managers with support for managing employee performance issues, including development and implementation of a new Capability Procedure


Workforce Data Proposed Completion Date

Actual Date

Oct-03 Nov-03 Dec-03 Jan-04 Feb-04 Mar-04 Apr-04 May-04 Jun-04 Jul-04 Aug-04 Sep-04

Ensure all personal information on Trent is up to date (exc Schools & Colleges)


Implement HR core, absence and payroll modules of Trent


Ensure Schools & Colleges personal information on Trent is up to date


Identify and develop reports to monitor initiatives for stretched targets


Identify and develop reports to monitor progress of HR Strategy


Identify pilot for People Manager module of Trent and introduce to line managers in that area


Reports prepared on BV PIs and other statutory information required


Publish results of key performance data relating to the HR Strategy



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Year Two – January 2005 – March 2006Year Two – January 2005 – March 2006



Jan-05 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 Oct-05 Nov-05 Dec-05 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06

Contribute to the development of a coherent framework for Member DevelopmentProvide equality and diversity training for members Implement the new Leadership and Management Strategy, including the design and launch of the Leicestershire Manager ProgrammeDevelop a set of Managerial Competencies for Managers at all levels in the organisation


Jan-05 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 Oct-05 Nov-05 Dec-05 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06

Produce the Council’s first Workforce Development Plan

Consultation with the Trades Unions on a basic skills programmeContribute to the development and implementation of a Customer Service Training InitiativeProduce change management guidance and toolkit in support of BABSIProduce communications guidance and toolkit in support of BABSI and train BABSI project managers in usage

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Develop and implement Trent Training and Development module to provide dataAchieve ‘good’ grades in the ALI Inspection of Workforce Development

ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Jan-05 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 Oct-05 Nov-05 Dec-05 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06

Support departments to achieve Investors in People accreditation by December 2005Contribute towards achievement of the Corporate Equality Plan and Level 3/4 of the Equality Standard Implement Equalities and Diversity Training StrategyContinue to develop and promote flexible working practicesDevelop and implement a Homeworking PolicyAgree a Dispute Procedure with the trade unionsReview arrangements for consulting trade unions and employeesImplement a rolling programme of review of employment policies and procedures eg Disciplinary, Capability, Redundancy


Jan-05 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 Oct-05 Nov-05 Dec-05 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06

Improve leadership and management capacity through the development of a Succession Planning SchemeDevelop and implement Trent Recruitment module Improve diversity data monitoring following implementation of T&D & Recruitment modules and input of baseline information

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Contribute to developing a representative workforce at all levelsContinue development of site Contribute to efficiency savings on advertising contract Identify recruitment hotspots and initiate action to addressImprove partnership working with Jobcentre Plus, Connexions, etc. to address diversity, and skills issuesContribute to review of temporary staffing arrangements and procurement optionsComplete development and implementation of Attendance Management Policy and ProcedureContinue to develop the Stress Management Initiative, having regard to the HSE StandardsCommence review of relevant policies, procedures and practices to ensure compliance with age discrimination legislation


Jan-05 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 Oct-05 Nov-05 Dec-05 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06

Complete JE implementation related re-evaluations and appeals including schools and collegesDevelop and implement new grading process Investigate requirements for Equal Pay Audit and undertake consultation with trades unionsOngoing review and development of procedures covered by Part 2 of the authority’s Pay and Benefits Policy

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Employment Policy

Jan-05 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 Oct-05 Nov-05 Dec-05 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06

Complete and implement corporate review of Health and SafetyDevelop and implement a programme to ensure that appropriate health and safety training is provided to all managers and employeesReview corporate health and safety policy and practiceConduct and implement a review of the Employee Welfare Service

Operational Services

Jan-05 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 Oct-05 Nov-05 Dec-05 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06

Issue OS Service Description

Review Recruitment PacksReview Induction Process

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Chief Executive’s

Jan-05 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 Oct-05 Nov-05 Dec-05 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06

Assist with IIP Accreditation

Provide HR support to the newly created Departmental JCC

Provide HR advice and assistance to those areas which have been identified as having a higher than average sickness record with a view to introducing measures to reduce this

Assist with the review of the Central Print Service

Provide Managing Conduct courses

Provide assistance to Managers in the PDR process

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Resources Jan-05 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 Oct-05 Nov-05 Dec-05 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06

Complete the appointment process in respect of the Action Plan for the review of the Administration function

Carry out a review of the Payroll function in the context of the implementation of Trent

Produce three Action Plans to deal with potential redundancy situations – 2 x ICT Services and 1 x Property Services.

Assist with the review of the Construction and Maintenance Unit within Property Services.

Provide Managing Conduct Courses

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Community Services Jan-05 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 Oct-05 Nov-05 Dec-05 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06

Library Services to Education Re-structuring

Regeneration Re-structuring

Introduce flexible working scheme in Trading Standards

Agree and implement a clothing allowance for Registrars (Recruitment & Retention)

Review of Registrars’ 10% Contracts

Negotiate Compromise Agreement for Rangers relating to inclusive salaries

Produce Workforce Planning report

Support Service in applying for IIP for Commercial and Support services and Environment and Heritage Units

Support the introduction of dual skilling in Registrars

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Review structure in Registrars in order to introduce management responsibilities and processes in line with IIP

Negotiate changes to Alarm call-out payments at Snibston and in Country Parks

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Highways, Transportation and Waste Management

Jan-05 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 Oct-05 Nov-05 Dec-05 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06

Complete administrative process following implementation of Action Plan Phase 1

Implement Action Plan Phase 2

Harmonise employee terms and conditions of service arising from relinquishment of Highways Agency arrangements i.e. employees transferred under TUPE

Further develop and implement integrated Career Grade Scheme for Technicians

On-going negotiations with Fitters re: Harmonisation and Job Evaluation

Set up new Highways JCC meetings for North and South County Highway Areas

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Jan-05 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 Oct-05 Nov-05 Dec-05 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06

Provide Training and support for Schools/Colleges’ strategies for planning, preparation and assessment non-teaching time for all teaching staffComplete the Job Evaluation Appeal process for School/College support staffProvide Model Policy and training for Schools/Colleges on the transfer of management allowances into the new allowance for teaching and learningNegotiate and provide for Schools/Colleges a Model Policy for planning, preparation and assessmentNegotiate and provide training on the new Centrally Employed Teachers Pay Policy

Support Service Managers in the implementation of planning, preparation and assessment time for centrally employed teaching staffImplementation of interface between EMS and SIMS

Support Schools/Colleges in the introduction of the electronic exchange of information between EMS and SIMS

Re-negotiate conditions for claiming mileage for centrally employed teaching staff

Re-negotiate mileage rate for School/College based teaching staff

Support Service Managers with restructuring and agree Action Plans arising from the

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restructures of:- Adult Education Student Support Service EMAS Governor SupportNegotiate and support Schools/Colleges in implementing new reward management systems for teaching staffNegotiate a Model Policy and support Schools/Colleges in the implementation of a work life balance policy Recruit and support staff for higher level Teaching Assistant Training

Social Services

Jan-05 Feb-05

Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 Oct-05 Nov-05 Dec-05 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06

Implement Learning Disability Services review changesHR implications of lead commissioning for Learning Disabilities from NHS TrustReview of Mental Health integration secondment policyImplementation of new job roles in Older Persons Commissioning Services

Work on skill mix within fieldwork teams

Implementation of service reviews and efficiency savingsRegistration requirements of the GSCC

Ensure all staff fully CRB checked and Trent records all dates for regular re-check reportingTransfer all 4 weekly paid staff onto monthly paySupport introduction of flexible working scheme into fieldwork teams

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Undertake staff survey

IiP Assessment

Staff recognition scheme and event

Mentoring Scheme

Implement approved agency for provision of social care staffProduce sickness reports for managers

Review and update all job descriptions and person specs to meet NOS and make generic ones available on CISStaff suggestions scheme managed through HRReview and refresh exit process and use of SNAP softwareUndertake equality impact assessments on HR policies and proceduresProvide managers workshops on attendance management, IiP, handling disciplineProduce and implement Welcome Pack for all new startersMaintain ROSPA award

Provide Stress Management training all staff

Year Three - October 2005 - September 2006Year Three - October 2005 - September 2006

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Implement strategy and review effectiveness

Employee DevelopmentEmployee Development

Develop specialist and technical competencies across different "professions" Develop corporate qualification framework linked to competence framework Establish a corporate framework for secondments and mentoring

Organisational DevelopmentOrganisational Development

To achieve Investors in People recognition

Performance ManagementPerformance Management

Ensure the generic competency framework is incorporated within the performance management system