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Week 2

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ingratiate• gain favor with somebody by deliberate efforts

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invigorate• heighten or intensify• give life or energy to• make lively• impart vigor, strength, or vitality to

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exculpate• pronounce not guilty of criminal charges

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enervate• weaken mentally, physically, or morally.• disturb the composure of

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debilitate• make weak

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candor• ability to make judgments free from discrimination or

dishonesty• the quality of being honest and straightforward in attitude and


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dissuade• turn away from by persuasion

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animosity• a feeling of ill will arousing active hostility

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frivolity• the trait of being frivolous; not serious or sensible• something of little value or significance• acting like a clown or buffoon

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ratify• approve and express assent, responsibility, or obligation

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nullify• declare invalid• show to be invalid• make ineffective by counterbalancing the effect of

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refute• overthrow by argument, evidence, or proof• prove to be false or incorrect

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supplant• take the place or move into the position of

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elocution• an expert manner of speaking involving control of voice and


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impediment• something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or

progress• any structure that makes progress difficult

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impetus• a force that moves something along• the act of applying force suddenly

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fickle• marked by erratic changeableness in affections or attachments• liable to sudden unpredictable change

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recalcitrant• stubbornly resistant to authority or control• marked by stubborn resistance to authority

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pugnacious• tough and callous by virtue of experience• ready and able to resort to force or violence

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spurious• plausible but false• born out of wedlock• intended to deceive

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cacophony• a loud harsh or strident noise• loud confusing disagreeable sounds

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scourge• a whip used to inflict punishment (often used for pedantic

humor)• something causing misery or death• a person who inspires fear or dread• punish severely; excoriate• whip• cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly

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irascible• quickly aroused to anger• characterized by anger

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blatant• without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious• conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry

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miniscule• Very small

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egregious• conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible

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gratuity• a relatively small amount of money given for services

rendered (as by a waiter)• an award (as for meritorious service) given without claim or


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dormant• in a condition of biological rest or suspended animation• (of e.g. volcanos) not erupting and not extinct• lying with head on paws as if sleeping• inactive but capable of becoming active

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lethargy• a state of comatose torpor (as found in sleeping sickness)• weakness characterized by a lack of vitality or energy• inactivity; showing an unusual lack of energy

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capricious• changeable• determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by

necessity or reason

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diligence• conscientiousness in paying proper attention to a task; giving

the degree of care required in a given situation• persevering determination to perform a task• a diligent effort

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altruist• someone who makes charitable donations intended to

increase human well-being

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charlatan• a flamboyant deceiver; one who attracts customers with tricks

or jokes

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prerequisite• something that is required in advance• required as a prior condition or course of study

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philanthropist• someone who makes charitable donations intended to

increase human well-being

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penchant• a strong liking

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nihilist• someone who rejects all theories of morality or religious belief• an advocate of anarchism

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despot• a cruel and oppressive dictator

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culpable• deserving blame or censure as being wrong or evil or injurious

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laconic• brief and to the point; effectively cut short; `yes'"

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verbose• using or containing too many words

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lugubrious• excessively mournful

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sonorous• full and loud and deep

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antiquated• make obsolete or old-fashioned• give an antique appearance to• so extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period

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impecunious• not having enough money to pay for necessities

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prescient• perceiving the significance of events before they occur

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pusillanimous• lacking in courage and manly strength and resolution;

contemptibly fearful

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Q #1

The harmful effects of excessive alcohol intake on the hepatic system [is extensively documented by medical studies.]

A.) is extensively documented by medical studies B.) is documented more extensively by medical studies C.) are extensively documented by medical studies D.) medical studies are extensively documenting E.) has documented extensively by medical studies

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Q #1 Answer

The harmful effects of excessive alcohol intake on the hepatic system [is extensively documented by medical studies.]

C.) are extensively documented by medical studies

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Q #2

The validity of IQ tests as accurate measures of human intelligence have been the subject of much debate.

A.) have been the subject of much debate B.) are often the subject of much debate C.) has been the subject of much debate D.) are a debate that is frequently held E.) are something that many have been debating

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Q #2 Answer

The validity of IQ tests as accurate measures of human intelligence have been the subject of much debate.

C.) has been the subject of much debate

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Q #3

Bob Hope, [long] [considered] a hero by many members [of] the military, [were] very patriotic.

A.) longB.) consideredC.) ofD.) wereE.) No error

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Q #3 Answer

Bob Hope, [long] [considered] a hero by many members [of] the military, [were] very patriotic.

D.) were

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Q #4

By virtue of [their] size and superior technological advances, the Russian army [was able] to quell the [aggressive] rebellion [with] unmatched efficiency.

A.) theirB.) was ableC.) aggressiveD.) withE.) No error

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Q #4 Answer

By virtue of [their] size and superior technological advances, the Russian army [was able] to quell the [aggressive] rebellion [with] unmatched efficiency.

A.) their

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Q #5

Some parents [believe that] a weekly allowance [help] children [to appreciate] the importance [of] good money management skills.

A.) believe thatB.) helpC.) to appreciateD.) ofE.) No error

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Q #5 Answer

Some parents [believe that] a weekly allowance [help] children [to appreciate] the importance [of] good money management skills.

B.) help

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Q #6

The surgical method [of inserting] the valve, [which includes] making a small incision between the ribs, [are intended] to shorten recovery time and reduce complications [associated with] traditional open-heart surgery.

A.) of insertingB.) which includesC.) are intendedD.) associated withE.) No error

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Q #6 Answer

The surgical method [of inserting] the valve, [which includes] making a small incision between the ribs, [are intended] to shorten recovery time and reduce complications [associated with] traditional open-heart surgery.

C.) are intended

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Q #7

The play director has announced [that] if anyone [wants] to try out [for] the musical, [they] should do so immediately.

A.) thatB.) wantsC.) forD.) theyE.) No error

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Q #7 Answer

The play director has announced [that] if anyone [wants] to try out [for] the musical, [they] should do so immediately.

D.) they

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Q #8

If asked to name a famous explorer, Christopher Columbus would probably be the person most of us would choose.

A.) Christopher Columbus would probably be the person most of us would chooseB.) most of us would probably choose Christopher ColumbusC.) our choice for the most of us would probably be Christopher ColumbusD.) Christopher Columbus would probably get most of our choicesE.) most of our choices would probably be for Christopher Columbus

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Q #8 Answer

If asked to name a famous explorer, Christopher Columbus would probably be the person most of us would choose.

B.) most of us would probably choose Christopher Columbus

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Q #9

Located in Manhattan, many sightseers like to visit the Empire State building, a massive skyscraper constructed during the Great Depression.

A.) many sightseers like to visit the Empire State building, a massive skyscraper constructed during the Great DepressionB.) the Empire state building, a massive skyscraper constructed during the Great Depression many sightseers like to visitC.) and constructed during the Great Depression, many tourists like to visit the Empire State BuildingD.) the Empire State Building is a massive skyscraper, constructed during the Great Depression, that many sightseers like to visitE.) a massive skyscraper constructed during the Great Depression, the Empire State Building, is a place that sightseers like to visit

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Q #9 Answer

Located in Manhattan, many sightseers like to visit the Empire State building, a massive skyscraper constructed during the Great Depression.

D.) the Empire State Building is a massive skyscraper, constructed during the Great Depression, that many sightseers like to visit

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Q #10

[Having poured down heavily throughout the night, Felisha observed that the rain had leaked into the cellar] through the cracked window.

A.) Having poured down heavily throughout the night, Felisha observed that the rain had leaked into the cellarB.) Felisha observed that the rain, which had poured down heavily throughout the night, had leaked into the cellarC.) Having poured down heavily throughout the night, the rain was observed by Felisha to have leaked into the cellarD.) Felisha observed the rain, having poured down heavily throughout the night, had leaked into the cellarE.) The rain, which poured down heavily throughout the night, leaked into the cellar as it was observed by Felisha

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Q #10 Answer

[Having poured down heavily throughout the night, Felisha observed that the rain had leaked into the cellar] through the cracked window.

B.) Felisha observed that the rain, which had poured down heavily throughout the night, had leaked into the cellar

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Q #11

[When looking] at satellite photographs of the area [affected] by Hurricane Katrina, the effects of the massive storm [are] [clearly] visible.

A.) When lookingB.) affectedC.) areD.) clearlyE.) No error

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Q #11 Answer

[When looking] at satellite photographs of the area [affected] by Hurricane Katrina, the effects of the massive storm [are] [clearly] visible.

A.) When looking

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Q #12

[Walking on four legs,] their two legged ancestry is revealed by their hind legs, which are longer than their front legs, making them slant forward when they stand.

A.) Though modern crocodiles walk on four legs,B.) Four legged walkers,C.) Modern crocodiles, despite walking on four legs,D.) As four legged walkers, modern crocodiles,E.) Having four legs,

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Q #12 Answer

[Walking on four legs,] their two legged ancestry is revealed by their hind legs, which are longer than their front legs, making them slant forward when they stand.

A.) Though modern crocodiles walk on four legs,

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Q #13

[Quick to] [take advantage] of his mother’s [preoccupation in] proper nutrition, Jules [convinced] her to cook a large breakfast for him before he went to the beach for the day.

A.) Quick toB.) take advantageC.) preoccupation inD.) convincedE.) No error

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Q #13 Answer

[Quick to] [take advantage] of his mother’s [preoccupation] in proper nutrition, Jules [convinced] her to cook a large breakfast for him before he went to the beach for the day.

C.) preoccupation in

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Q #14

Scientists [are amassing] evidence that the placebo [affect] is a physiological reaction, and that the expectation of a benefit [can trigger] the same neurological pathways as [real medication does].

A.) are amassingB.) affectC.) can triggerD.) real medication doesE.) No error

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Q #14 Answer

Scientists [are amassing] evidence that the placebo [affect] is a physiological reaction, and that the expectation of a benefit [can trigger] the same neurological pathways as [real medication does].

B.) affect

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Q #16

[Being as he is a perfect gentleman], Tommy is well known for his polite behavior even around strangers.

A.) Being as he is a perfect gentlemanB.) Although he is a perfect gentlemanC.) Being a gentleman perfectlyD.) A perfect gentlemanE.) In being a perfect gentleman

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Q #16 Answer

[Being as he is a perfect gentleman], Tommy is well known for his polite behavior even around strangers.

D.) A perfect gentleman

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Q #15

Harper’s Conservative Party [favors lowering taxes, a more decentralized government, and the spending of less money] on imports.

A.) favors lowering taxes, a more decentralized government, and the spending of less moneyB.) favor lower taxes, more decentralizing government, and spending less moneyC.) favors lower taxes, a more decentralized government, and a lesser expenditureD.) favoring lower taxes, a more decentralized government, and less money spentE.) favor lowering taxes, a more decentralized government, and spending less money

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Q #15 Answer

Harper’s Conservative Party [favors lowering taxes, a more decentralized government, and the spending of less money] on imports.

C.) favors lower taxes, a more decentralized government, and a lesser expenditure

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Q #17

[Too much] sugar [causes] a cake to sag [in the center], to brown excessively, and [having sticky], thick crust.

A.) Too muchB.) causesC.) in the centerD.) having stickyE.) No error

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Q #17 Answer

[Too much] sugar [causes] a cake to sag [in the center], to brown excessively, and [having sticky], thick crust.

D.) having sticky

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Q #18

[After completing] her examination of the patient, the medical intern [informed] the chief resident that the patient [was] not only feeling sick, [but dizzy], and therefore might have an infection.

A.) After completingB.) informedC.) wasD.) but dizzyE.) No error

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Q #18 Answer

[After completing] her examination of the patient, the medical intern [informed] the chief resident that the patient [was] not only feeling sick, [but dizzy], and therefore might have an infection.

D.) but dizzy

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Homework:• Syllogism practice:• Come up with a syllogism in answer to this prompt.• How important is it to seek the opinions of others when making

significant personal decisions?• Then turn that syllogism into a paragraph.

• Print it out, bring it in.