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Html Tags

Indicates the version and type or HTML used; includes a URL reference to a DTD.

Indicated the start and end of an HTML document.

Indicates the start and end of a section of the document used for the title and other document header information.

Indicated the start and end of the title. The title does not appear in the body of the Web Page, but appears on the title par of the browser.

Indicated the start and end of the Web page body.

Indicates the start and end of the text section called a heading; sizes range from through .

Indicates the start of a new paragraph; inserts a blank line above the new paragraph.

Indicates the start and end of an unordered (bulleted) list.

Indicates that the item that follows the tag is an item within a list.

Inserts a horizontal rule.

Inserts a line break at the point where the tag appears.

ANCHOR tag creates link to other internet location, or file.

ABBREVIATION tags indicate interpretation of the meaning to the browsers and search engines for such as kind of abbreviations as "Inc.", "etc.".

ACRONYM tags defines an acronym, like; WWW.

ADDRESS tags are used to identify the author's contact information for a section or a document.

APPLET element tags are used to embed and invoke a Java application within an HTML page.

AREA tag defines a section of an image.

BOLD tag is specifying bold section within the text document.BASE tag defines information regarding to the links on the page.BASEFONT tags defines changes of all text appearance on the web page.BDO tag is specifying the direction of text display by overwriting the default value from Left to Right. Right to LeftKalaignar Karunanidhi Institute of Technology