Download - HTML Email Newsletters: Design, Code & Strategy


Tuesday, November 13, 12

The State of HTML Email Newsletters

Email Client Obstacles & Restrictions

Design for the Environment

Code like it’s 1999

Tuesday, November 13, 12

The Email Environment


Tuesday, November 13, 12

The Email Environment


Tuesday, November 13, 12

The Email Environment


Tuesday, November 13, 12

The Email Environment

mmmm hotmail

Tuesday, November 13, 12

Your mission:

Design with a goal in mind

Be useful

Less is more but still GET ATTENTION

Be trustworthy: make unsubscribing easy!

Tuesday, November 13, 12

Sizing it up

Use a fixed width of no more than 550-600px

Average preview pane is 300-500px that’s generous

Design for vertical growth

Tuesday, November 13, 12

The Preview Pain...

It’s more like 250 x 250px

Tuesday, November 13, 12

The Preview Pain... Challenge!

Introduce yourself, entice further reading, offer a link to site/view email in browser

Left-align your company logo. It gives you credibility.

Try to get your call to action above the scroll.

Tuesday, November 13, 12

Retail Emails Do It Right

Tuesday, November 13, 12

Images not displayed?!

Tuesday, November 13, 12

Images not displayed?!

Link to view in browser

Tuesday, November 13, 12

Images not displayed?!

Use alt textSome email clients will apply CSS to alt text.

Tuesday, November 13, 12

Plain Textin’Include a plain text version

Blackberry Curve Other Blackberry Nokia Symbian

Tuesday, November 13, 12

Images not displayed?!

Stick with live textEsp. for the important stuff

“Add me to your address book”

Send through a reputable provider

Tuesday, November 13, 12

Code like it’s 1999

Code for the Lowest Common Denominator

Provide fallbacks - Be degradable


Tuesday, November 13, 12

Woah There

Tuesday, November 13, 12

Think of it as a challenge

Tuesday, November 13, 12

Email Client Popularity


Tuesday, November 13, 12

Top Clients for Grooveshark

Tuesday, November 13, 12

Mobile is in the Lead


Tuesday, November 13, 12

Mobile is in the Lead


Tuesday, November 13, 12

Layout: Use Tables

Use empty cells, nested tablesBe a Dreamweaver

Set width on every cell and Don’t rely on margin or padding.

Avoid extra space in between <td> and <img> tags

No floating!

Tuesday, November 13, 12

Reset & Define Everything

Don’t rely on header stylingOnly inline styles on each instance of a tag

Leave nothing to interpretation

Set all margins and padding to zero

The Usuals: font-size, color, text-decoration, font-weight, font-family

Tuesday, November 13, 12

Inline Styling Example

<p style=”font-weight:bold; font-size: 18px; font-color: #ff6600; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, Lucida Grande, Verdana, sans-serif; padding:0; margin:0; line-height: 20px;”>Hey y’all!</p>

Hey y’all!

Tuesday, November 13, 12

Avoid Shorthand

Good: color: #ff6600 Bad: color: #f60

Good:font-weight: bold;font-size: 12px;font-family: georgia, times, serif;

Bad: font: bold 12px georgia, times, serif;

Tuesday, November 13, 12


Avoid spacer images

Include all dimensions and size image to declared size

Avoid PNGs

Provide fallback colors for background images

Tuesday, November 13, 12

Display Hack for Hotmail

Windows Live Hotmail adds a few pixels of additional padding below images.

Workaround: img {display: block;}

Tuesday, November 13, 12

Degradable Coding

Provide fallback colors for background images

Alt text or live text links for everything!

CSS for Alt tags

Tuesday, November 13, 12


Tuesday, November 13, 12


Tuesday, November 13, 12


Tuesday, November 13, 12

Tuesday, November 13, 12


Tuesday, November 13, 12


When it comes to email, code like it's 1999.

Design like it's 2012.- Some Campaign Monitor Blogger

Tuesday, November 13, 12

Just remember this okay?

Design:Keep it simpleTake advantage of what you can do

Code:Be RedundantBe DegradableTest, test, test

Also, just break a few rules.

Tuesday, November 13, 12

Tuesday, November 13, 12, Email design galleries, some tips Inspiration, Tips & Insights into the industry


Tuesday, November 13, 12

Have Fun

with all that!

Tuesday, November 13, 12

CreditsEmail Design Tip: The 250px box by Ben from MailChimp (

Email Design Guidelines from Campaign Monitor (

Design: HTML Email: Design Techniques: Part 1 by Think Vitamin with Nick Pettit (

Rock Solid HTML Emails by David Greiner (

20 Email Design Best Practices and Resources for Beginners (

Make The Best First Impression: 7 Tips for the Most Effective Welcome and Confirmation Emails (

Stupid HTML Email Design Mistakes (

Bernie Marger!

Tuesday, November 13, 12