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    Highly Secure Translation Editor


    User Guide

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    Highly Secure Translation Editor User Guide 


    Page Number 

    System Requirements 

    Geng Started 

    Inial Installaon 

    Translaon of Editable Documents 

    Main Screen 

    Top Navigaon Menu: Home 

    Top Navigaon Menu: Tools 


    Top Navigaon Menu: Support 


    Working with Segments: Repeons, Alternave Translaons and Translaon Memory Matches  12 

    Working with Segments: Tags 


    Working with Segments: Segment Validaon 


    Concordance Search and Terminology 


    Working with Split Files 


    Translaon of Scanned Documents 

    Working on a Scanned Document 


    Transcripon of Audio Files 

    Working on an Audio Transcripon 


    Adding Speakers to a Transcripon 


    Adding Your Transcripon 


    Transcripon Navigaon  21 

    Saving or Compleng a Transcripon 


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    To use Highly Secure Translation Editor you will need

    to have the correct system requirements in place.Please ensure your PC or Mac can meet the

    specifications given in the table below. 

    Windows  Mac 

    Operating System 

    Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7,

    Windows 8/8.1 32 or 64 bit 

    Not directly supported. Highly Secure Transla-

    tion Editor can be run through Windows 7+

    emulation within MAC OS X. 


    1 Gigahertz (GHz) or faster  1 Gigahertz (GHz) or faster 


    DirectX 9 graphics device with

    WDDM 1.0 or above 

    DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or


    Memory  2GB or more memory capability  2GB or more memory capability 

    Storage  8GB or more of available space  8GB or more of available space 


    Broadband Internet Connection  Broadband Internet Connection 

    All versions of Windows will require the latest .NET

    Framework update (which is currently .NET 4.5) to run

    Highly Secure Translation Editor. If .NET Framework

    4.5 is not installed on your machine, you will see a

    message requesting installation of the update.  

    Once you have installed the update, you will need to

    click on the ‘Open HSTE’ hyperlink again to start the

    installation process.

    System requirements

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    Step 1 Login to thebigword Globalisation Management System (GMS) with your usual

    username and password: 

    Step 2  From the dashboard select ‘thebigword tms - Linguist Tasks’. 

    Step 3  Move to the ‘Current’ tab and select the ‘Open HSTE’ hyperlink shown to the right-hand

    side of the relevant row. 

    Please note:You will first need to accept a job in the ‘Offered’ tab before moving to the

    ‘Current’ tab to open the editor. 

    To access Highly Secure Translation Editor please follow the three steps detailed below.  

    Getting started 

    Step 1  Step 2 

    Step 3

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    The first time the editor is opened on a new

    PC, an Application Install message will

    appear on screen. 

    Click ‘Install’ to proceed. 

    The installation will begin automatically.

    Initial installation 

    When the installation has completed, the

    Highly Secure Translation Editor login screen

    will appear. Enter the same username and

    password you use to access thebigword GMS. 

    Once you are successfully logged in to Highly

    Secure Translation Editor, the Job File

    Browser will open. The Job File Browser will

    display all jobs you have accepted, so you can

    access all of your work from this screen.

    The job selected from the Current tab (step 3,

    Getting Started) will be displayed as anAccepted Job. Double-click the job to transfer

    it to the Editable Jobs window at the top. 

    When you double-click your translation job

    under Editable Jobs, it will then open in the

    main Highly Secure Translation Editor screen.

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    The screen image below shows the main Highly

    Secure Translation Editor screen. Simple menus and

    quick navigation buttons are placed for convenient

    access. The screen elements are described in more

    detail throughout this user guide. 

    Main screen 


    Memory Translation

    Source Text  Segment Validation

    Top Navigation Menu 

    Translation Status


    Project and

    Target Text 

    Last Saved toLast

    Translation of Editable Documents

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    Top navigation menu 

    From the Home tab the following options can be



    Save and Save to Server 

    This will save the project you are working on

    in its current form. There are two ways to save

    your work: 

    1.  Use the ‘Save’ button to save your translation

    locally. By doing this, your work will remain

    available on that particular machine only.  

    2.  Use the ‘Save to Server’ button to commit

    your work to thebigword server. By doing this,

    your work will become available for you to

    work on any machine. You will need an online

    connection for this step. 

    A successful save is confirmed by a Save

    Successful pop-up window message. 

    You can see information on when the file was

    last saved or saved to server at the bottom



    The Complete option is to be used when a

    translation is finished and ready to be

    submitted to the Project Manager. It will only

    become fully available on the menu once all

    segments in a file are translated. 

    Whenever the Complete option is selected,

    you will be asked to confirm if you wish to

    complete the file. On completion, you will not

    be able to access the file again to makefurther changes. 


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    Top navigation menu 


    Untranslated Segments 

    Move to the previous or next untranslated

    (0%)segments using the up and down chevron


    Non-100% Matches 

    Move to the previous or next non-100% match

    using the up and down arrow buttons. 

    Non-Context Matches 

    Move to the previous or next non-context

    match using the up and down chevron




    This option allows you to cut the selected

    content and put it on the clipboard. 


    This option allows you to put the selected

    content on the clipboard. 


    This option allows you to insert cut or copied


    Please note: In cases where clients have strict security

    requirements, the Cut, Copy and Paste buttons will be

    greyed out and these features will not be available. 

    Toggle Case 

    This option allows you to change case from

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    Top navigation menu



    Enable Spell Check 

    This option allows you to enable and disable

    the spell checker. 


    This option allows you to search for a term or

    phrase in the source or target text and replace

    it with an alternative in the target text. 


    This option allows you to insert special

    characters into your translation. 


    This option opens a new pop-up window

    where you can change the following settings. 

    Font face 

    Font size 

    Text auto selecon when opening a new


    Enable/disable navigaon warnings when

    moving from one segment to the other 

    Enable/disable MS Word spell checker 

    Tag view and display mode

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    Top navigation menu


    From the Tools tab the following options can be




    This option allows you to download and install a

    number of dictionaries for use within Highly

    Secure Translation Editor. 

    A pop-up window will present the dictionaries

    that are available. Select the dictionary you wish

    to download and click the ‘Install’ button.  


    This option allows you to view your translation

    as a final document. 


    This option allows you to view client reference

    documents linked to the translation, such as

    style guides or instructions. 


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    From the Support tab the following options can be



    Clicking the Help button will link you to our

    Product Support website (https://, where you can

    view online help guides and further

    information. There is also an area where you

    can quickly submit a support request should

    you require technical assistance. 


    This contains high level information about

    the version of Highly Secure Translation

    Editor that is in use. 

    Top navigation menu


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    Working with Segments:


    Each segment will state the number of repetitions

    present. This means that the text present within the

    highlighted segment is repeated exactly in other

    segments. The number relates to how many times the

    repetition occurs.

    Apply the translation to other repetitions 

    Above the target box there is a tick box next to ‘Apply

    the translation to other Repetitions’. If you wish to

    apply any changes made to this segment to the other

    identical repetitions present in the text (in this case

    three times), leave this box ticked. 

    If you would prefer to apply the changes to the active

    segment only, untick the box. 

    Translation Memory Matches 

    Translation memory matches are indicated by the

    colours shown to the left of each segment.

    Green  100% Context Match 


    100% Match 

    Black  70% - 99% Match 

    Red  Less than 70% Match 

    Alternative Translations 

    This feature will enable the selection of alternative

    translations based upon the number of possible

    translation memory matches available. 

    Below the segment you will see an indication of the

    number of alternatives available. By clicking on the

    arrow icon next to the segment, the alternative

    translations will appear. Click the relevant alternative

    to insert it in the target text box. 

    To select and work on a segment you can click on the

    numbered segment to select it. If you want to move

    through to the next segment you can click on it or use

    the available shortcuts. 

    Working with segments 

    Repetitions, alternative translations and

    translation memory matches

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    Working with segments: Tags 

    Tags are metadata containing formatting and struc-

    ture information in the file. You can select whether

    tags should be displayed (fully or partially) or hidden.

    If displayed, tags are identified by blue tag highlights

    in the source and target text. 

    To see what a tag represents, hover over the blue

    highlight with your cursor and the tag detail will dis-

    play in a tooltip. 

    In Highly Secure Translation Editor tags are protected

    so they stay in place and are not removed during the

    translation process. 

    Placing Tags 

    By default, when you open a new segment all tags will

    be in place in the target segment. 

    You can then handle tags in a variety of ways: 

    Keep the tags in place and type your translation

    in-between them. 

    Delete the tags and then place them back as

    you translate using the blue Insertable Tags

    buttons at the top of the screen. 

    Delete the tags and then place them back as

    you translate by right-clicking on the target text

    box, selecting Insert Tag and selecting the ap-

    propriate tag pair. 

    Please note: If a tag is missing in a segment, a tag error

    will display in red and this must be rectified before a seg-

    ment can be completed. To rectify the error, insert the

    missing tag using the Insertable Tags buttons at the top

    of the screen or right -clicking on the target text box, se-

    lecting Insert Tag and selecting the missing tag. 


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    Working with segments 

    As you translate, a number of icons will be shown at

    the far right-hand side of every segment. To see what

    each icon represents, hover over the icon with your

    cursor and an explanation will display in a tooltip.  

    A red icon indicates there is a tag error within

    the segment. These segments need to be recti-

    fied before they can be completed. 

    If you try to move from a segment with a tagerror, you will be prompted to either discard

    your changes or cancel to stay on the segment

    and rectify the error. 

    An amber icon indicates there might be errors

    in the segment, e.g. missing punctuation, un-

    translated text, terminology errors, etc. 

    Please note: You can still complete a segment with

    an amber warning. 

    An amber ABC icon indicates there might be

    spelling errors within the segment. The relevant

    words will be underlined in amber. 

    Please note: You can still complete a segment with

    an amber warning. 

    The checkmark icon allows you to mark a seg-

    ment as pending or complete. 

    The grey Revert Segment icon allows you to

    undo any changes and restore the segment last

    saved state. 

    Segment Validation

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    Concordance search and terminology 

    Concordance Search 

    Whenever a translation memory is available, you

    will see an indication of its name at the bottom of

    the main screen. 

    You can execute a concordance search by typing

    the term or phrase you wish to search in the

    translation memory at the top of the screen and

    pressing Enter or the magnifying glass icon.

    Alternatively, you can select the term or phrase in

    the source or target text and press F3 on your


    A new Concordance Search window will display.

    Here you can select if you want to run the search in

    the source or the target text. 

    The Tools menu allows you to change the following


    The minimum match percentage required

    for a segment to be included in the result


    The number of results you wish to display

    per page. 


    The terminology feature provides the ability to

    perform term validation. 

    Terms are identified within segments highlighted in

    Red  A translation exists and is not being cor-

    rectly used in the target text. 

    Green  A translation exists and is being correctly

    Blue  The term exists in the source language but

    there is no translation available in the tar-

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    Preview of the scanned document 

    File menu to save

    and complete your


    Working with the Direct Edit mode 

    Information regarding source and

    target languages for the current job 

    Edit menu with

    copy and paste


    To work on a scanned document within Highly

    Secure Translation Editor, you will first need to

    accept your job. Scanned source documents will

    open within the following screen. 

    Translation of Scanned Documents 

    Tools menu

    Screen and layout 



    Screen and layout

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    Preview of the scanned document 

    File menu to save

    and complete your


    Working with the Annotations mode 

    Information regarding source and

    target languages for the current job Edit menu with

    copy and paste



    When completing the translation of a scanned

    document, the annotations mode of HSTE may

    be used.

    Annotations are used to highlight an area in a

    document that you will either provide a

    translation for or indicate that the selected area

    is illegible. 

    Translation of Scanned Documents

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    To add an annotation, click the highlightedAdd button. Alternatively, you may also press

    the Ctrl key on your keyboard, hold the left

    button and drag the annotation as required. 

    To move an annotation so it covers the

    desired area, you can click on the highlighted

    box and use your mouse to drag the

    annotation to its required place. 

    You can also resize the box using the arrows

    on the edges of the annotation box. 

    Once you have added your annotation, enter

    your translation on the right-hand side of the


    At the top of the screen you can find a

    number of formatting options that you can

    use to replicate the source document’s

    formatting and layout in your translation.  

    Adding a Translated annotation 

    Editing and formatting an annotation 

    Moving and resizing an annotation

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    Once the translation is complete, select File

    located in the menu at the top left of your

    screen and select Complete. The translated

    document will then be returned to the

    Project Manager. 

    Completing a file

    If required, you can preview the translateddocument at any stage. 

    You can do this by selecting Preview, which

    will show a list of all annotations, along with

    information about their status and the page

    they refer to. 


    Information panels 

    Annotation Info: Provides information on

    the active annotation, such as the annotation

    number, status and the page it is located on. 

    It also indicates the annotation’s position on

    the page. If no annotation is selected, this

    will be greyed out. 

    Summary: Provides you with the total

    number of annotations present per status. 

    History: Provides information on the active

    annotation, including the creator’s ID, date

    and time of any changes made. 

    If no annotation is selected, this will be

    greyed out.

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    Working on an audio transcription

    Highly Secure Translation Editor will enable you to

    perform transcription work. 

    You will accept and open a transcription job in the

    same way as described in pages 5 and 6. You will only

    see a difference when your editor screen opens. The

    transcription screen will appear as follows. 

    The transcription screen includes the

    audio recorder at the top of the

    screen, which will enable play and

    pause functionality split by time


    In the ‘Name’ and ‘Description’ fields you

    can identify a number of speakers within the


    bite. If there are not multiplespeakers, you will still need to allocate an

    overall ‘Name’ and ‘Description’ to your


    The panel labelled ‘Transcription’ is

    where your text can be entered. A

    copy and paste function is availablewithin this screen to allow you to

    replicate any repeated content. 

    The screen layout and font size can

    be adjusted using the buttons and the

    slider at the bottom of the screen. 

    ‘Online’ should only be clicked when

    you have finished your work. Once you

    have marked your job as ‘Complete’,

    you will not be able to return to it. 

    To ‘close

    and save’ so

    you can

    return to the

     job use the

    close window


    Transcription of Audio Files

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    Adding speakers to a transcription 

    To attach transcriptions to a particular speakerwithin the sound file you can identify them

    within a time frame in the transcription. The

    name and description given can be the exact

    name of the individual and their role in the

    conversation or just Speaker 1, Speaker 2, etc.

    Once the ‘Name’ and ‘Description’ have been

    entered, click the ‘Add’ button. 

    This will add the user (as shown) in the left-hand

    side column.

    This step can be repeated to add additional


    Next to the speaker label you will see the

    ‘Remove’ button. Click this if you wish to delete

    one of the speakers you have set up. 

    The highlighted speaker (in the light grey)

    represents the currently selected.

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    Adding your transcription 

    Once the audio is playing you are able to begin your transcription within the ‘Transcription’ box. You can

    add formatting to the text by highlighting the relevant areas. Highlighting prompts the formatting box to

    appear so you can add bullet points, bold and colour to emphasise certain areas within your text.

    Once you are happy with the text you have entered for your

    transcription, you will need to add it to the transcript box.

    Text is added by selecting the tab key on your keyboard. 

    This will add your text to the transcript box below.  

    To add a transcript to another speaker simply select the speaker

    required from the left-hand side column and then repeat the steps


    Once your text has been entered into the transcript box you will

    notice a red box and white cross next to the speaker titles. You can

    click on the red box to remove speaker transcription. 

    The green arrows enable you to add information into the

    transcript. Highlight the relevant speaker and then add your new

    transcription and click the ‘Insert’ button to continue. An orangetarget icon appears to show you where the text will be inserted.

    Click the tab button on your keyboard to insert.

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    Transcription navigation 

    Within the Transcription view you can use the ‘Find’function to locate particular words within the text.

    The magnifying glass symbol is located at the bottom

    of the screen. 

    By clicking on the magnifying glass symbol the search

    box will appear for you to enter your search. 

    Once you have entered your search term, the

    magnifying glass will enable the start of your search.

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    Saving or Completing a Transcription 

    If you wish to exit the application and work on thecurrent transcription at a later date, you will need to

    save your work. 

    You can do this by closing the browser window using

    the cross at the top right-hand side corner of your

    screen. This will save all work carried out up to the

    point of exit. 

    To submit your transcription you will need to mark

    your work as ‘Complete’.

    To complete your work, click on the ‘Online’ menu on

    the top bar of your screen. 

    This will give you the option to click ‘Complete’. Once

    you have selected ‘Complete’, a pop-up box will check

    that this is the action you wish to take. 

    Please note: Once you have marked your job as

    ‘Complete’, it will no longer be accessible for further view

    or edit.