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Commercial In Confidence © 2011 Clarity Consulting Group Australia Pty Ltd

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Client name A&L windows

Document title Works Procedure Document

Version date 28 August 2012

Version number 1.0

Proposal by Clarity Consulting Group Australia Pty Ltd

ABN 32 114 379 636

Contact Name Mark Halse

Title SAP Netweaver ConsultantTeleph

one+61 3 9868 3500

Mobile: +61 416 299 349

Email [email protected]

Approved by Name Dennis Michael

Title Managing Director

Document History

Version no.

Date Change details Author

1.0 23 August 2012

Initial version Clarity Consulting Group

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Copyright © Clarity Consulting Group Australia Pty Ltd 2011This document and its contents are the confidential property of Clarity Consulting Group Australia Pty Ltd. This

document is prepared for the sole and exclusive use of and therefore, is considered to be proprietary by Clarity Consulting Group Australia Pty Ltd. It may not be made available to anyone other than the addressee or persons within the addressee’s organisation who are designated to evaluate or implement the proposal; nor may it be copied,

reproduced, modified, altered, or circulated to any third party, in any form or media, without the prior written consent of Clarity Consulting Group Australia Pty Ltd.

All rights are reserved.

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Works Procedure DocumentA & L W I N D O W S : S A P S O L U T I O N

Implementing SAP NotesSNOTE

Ctrl-F8 to download SAPNotes (Green Arrow icon)

To implement, Highlight and Ctrl-F1 (or dbl click), read note

Moving Transports

To release (This should be done by contractor or person creating the transport)


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Select User (or all users), Click Display

Select Transport, expand and select lower component (ERDK900241 in picture below)

F9 to release lower component, then select top component (ERDK900240) and F9 to release

To import transport into Test or Production

Connect to Destination System and run STMS

Click on Truck (Import Overview) or F5

Select Destination Queue (in this example ERT)

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Highlight Transport to import (this screenshot is filtered by name)

Click on Truck (Import request)

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Review options:

Leave transport in queue (if also importing to production)

Ignore invalid component versions (if this is a sap transport which is across multiple versions)

Select target client and enter

If a transport is not in the queue for the destination system go to extras , Other Requests, Add, then select from list.

Security NoteThese may come up in early watch report as well as part of initial system setup.


Execute program RSECNOTE

Review notes and implement in Dev, Create transports and once approved move to other systems

HR Updates

Run a solution manager maintenance transaction

Change management tab

New maintenance transaction

Select destination system and maintenance (rather than enhancement pack)

All the other options are next next next but does depend on how far behind the system is

Select Add HR packages at step 2.6 Stack-Dependent files.

Download updates

Use download manager to download updates to a directory within source\sap\ERPHRUpdates

Extract hr sar files to trans\eps\in (systems transport directory)

Use sapcar –xvf xxxxx.sar –R .\outputdirectory

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Run transaction SPAM to implement a support package

Run transaction SPAM

Load packages from app server (these are the pat files extracted in above step)

Define a stack file (as created from the maintenance transaction)

Import queue (Support package, Import queue)

Look at the logs to confirm updates have run successfully.

Reapply SNotes

When finished go to SNote and check for latest versions of notes especially the central note.

Client Compare of changes (client 000)

Although the changes are applied to client 000, customized tables are not automatically pushed to all clients. To manage these changes:

Before starting check you have a RFC to the client you are comparing to.

Run Report (SE38) RPULCP00

Expand out the objects and look for tables/views with object VDAT e.g.

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Display the table using transaction SM31, select utilities, comparison,

Select the RFC to the client you are comparing to.

If the table is cross client a message box will pop up, no more investigation is necessary for comparing these changes however make sure your comparison client is the same between dev/test/prd systems.

If the table is not cross client but the tables are the same a message will say the contents are identical.

If records are returned click on display filter and untick identical, look at legend for what each line shows

Adjusting Records

From the Customer Client (100) rather than the SAP Client (000)

Maintain the table using transaction SM31, select utilities, adjustment

Select the RFC to the client you are comparing (Should be 000)

Disable the identical filter

Select the record(s) wanting to adjust

Click Adjust

Select the appropriate action (copy, copyall, delete, delete all)

Select back, back

Select ‘yes’ to copy changes

Select back, save any changes into a new customizing request for the update (create a new one if required)

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