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Page 1: How your hearing works

Professional Hearing Centers (352) 419-0757

How Your Hearing Works

Your ears are complex organs

that gather and process vibrating

sound waves in the air around

you, transferring them into

electrical signals that your brain

processes as sound. When just

one part of your hearing is not

working properly, the system

breaks down in ways that cause hearing loss. To fully understand

hearing loss, you have to first understand how hearing normally


The outer ear, also called the pinna, gathers sound waves and

funnels them into your ear canal, which is the small portion of

your ear going in toward your head. When the sound reaches the

eardrum, which is a tightly stretched membrane at the end of the

ear canal, they cause it to vibrate at the frequency of the sound.

On the other side of the ear drum, you’ll find three tiny bones, all

attached to each other. These make up your middle ear. The first

bone is attached to the ear drum and the last is attached to the

inner ear, where you’ll find your vestibular tubes and cochlea. As

the bones in your middle ear move with the sound waves, they

pump against your cochlea in your inner ear, causing the fluid

inside it to move in waves.

Page 2: How your hearing works

Professional Hearing Centers (352) 419-0757

The tiny hair cells inside the cochlea move with the waves and,

with each movement, transmit an electrical signal through the

auditory nerve to your brain. Your brain gathers and puts

together all of the information from hair cells and interprets it as


People can have hearing problems at any of the stages of the

process, with some people suffering from nerve damages and

others having blockages in the ear canal that cause the eardrum

to not vibrate much. An audioprosthologist can evaluate your

hearing and determine if it’s working properly.

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