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How to Use Your Secret Power to

Influence Others at Work

I think by this point we all know Introvert’s tendency toward quiet.

That gets us to “the Secret Power of Introverts.”

Wait and look around to make sure no one is reading over your shoulder so we can keep this as a secret.

Secret: We prefer to build relationships one-on-one in a more intimate setting.

You might ask why this is a secret power. Glad you asked.

You can get more details about what is important to others when in a safer, more intimate setting. In order to really get to know someone you have to focus on one person.

You build influence with others when you get to know them.

The only way that will happen is if YOU know them. Yes, it’s not about you, it’s about the other person knowing that you know them.

Your best opportunities and support come from people who know, like

and trust you.

When you spend time focusing on getting to know another person, it demonstrates you are important to each other. This is definitely an influence builder.

Importance is placed on spending time on another


When you spend time getting to know another person and what’s important to them, you can then start seeing how your agenda will interplay with the other person. This will allow you to form alliances on various projects.

You can be strategic.

When you are spending this time getting to know others, they will get to know you and your expertise. This will speed up your career trajectory because when your Personal Brand gets known and reinforced you will become a sought after professional.

Establish your expertise

You can scoff but all humans are inherently social creatures. We need to connect to others and when you do, you will simply be happier at work.

Recognition and Happiness.

When you feel like you need a soft place to fall, need support or a smiling face your investment in getting to know others will pay off for a long time.

Since developing relationships is how you roll anyway, why not make it a goal to expand your circle? One person at a time.

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