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How to use Prezi and winthewikiman’s 10 top tips to make a good one

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Prezi is an online

presentation toolZOOMING

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You can find it at

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By the way, I’m not stabbing PowerPoint (or Slideshare) in the back here.

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By the way, I’m not stabbing PowerPoint (or Slideshare) in the back here.

When used well, slides are still an excellent medium for presentations.

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By the way, I’m not stabbing PowerPoint (or Slideshare) in the back here.

When used well, slides are still an excellent medium for presentations.

But sometimes you need something a little…

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…different from the rest

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A good prezi is fresh, and new

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A good prezi is fresh, and new and captures the attention of your audience

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In the same way that it’s hard to make a good impression with PowerPoint (even if you have a killer presentation), because people are so familiar with it…

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…it’s easy to make a good impression with Prezi because people are wowed by the new.

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So what are the keys to making a good one?

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1. Create your STRUCTURE


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It is really, really hard to design a Prezi as you go along. It’s much better to create your structure first, plan the outline and the top-down view of the whole canvas, and then fill in the details afterwards.

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Think of it as a building: you want to lay theFoundations at the start, and then build it up block by block.

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(Some people find it easier to map out the structure using a pen and paper before they begin.)

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2. Choose your colour scheme early and

choose it well

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In Prezi, you have to choose from various themes which dictate the whole look of the presentation. The fonts, the colour of the canvas, the colour of the text – all of these are in sets and can’t be mixed and matched.

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In Prezi, you have to choose from various themes which dictate the whole look of the presentation. The fonts, the colour of the canvas, the colour of the text – all of these are in sets and can’t be mixed and matched.

Therefore it’s really important to pick your theme early, and stick to it. If you change it later, you’ll end up having to re-size and re-arrange everything to make it work again.

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Think carefully about the theme you use. The same presentation can have a completely different feel and convey a completely different tone – make you choose something appropriate.

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Think carefully about the theme you use. The same presentation can have a completely different feel and convey a completely different tone – make you choose something appropriate.

Here’s one I made earlier – watch how much it changes, and look how it messes with all my careful arrangements.

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This is how it is supposed to look

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Soviet chic! (Still kind of works, but ‘Begin here’ is already misaligned with its surrounding circle)

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Pro Tip: everyone uses this one (It is nice, but makes for similar looking Prezis)

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I must admit I almost prefer this one to the original

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Oh dear.

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3. Don’t make your viewers sea-sick

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A lot of people complain that Prezis give them motion sickness. You can prevent this from happening by positioning your materials sympathetically.

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Try and choose a path through your materials that is smooth and consistent. Avoid completely unnecessary swoops, spins, twirls or changes of perspective.

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Go from A

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Go from A to B

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Go from A to B to C

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Go from A to B to C in a straight line

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Go from A to B to C in a straight linerather than oscillating wildly all over the canvas

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Go from A to B to C in a straight linerather than oscillating wildly all over the canvas

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Go from A to B to C in a straight linerather than oscillating wildly all over the canvas

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4. Understand SCALE

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Prezi uses a canvas of almost unlimited size – this opens up all sorts of possibilities. Whatever you click on, or navigate to, fills the screen.

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Prezi uses a canvas of almost unlimited size – this opens up all sorts of possibilities. Whatever you click on, or navigate to, fills the screen.

So you can have all your text, pictures, graphics and videos huge…

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Prezi uses a canvas of almost unlimited size – this opens up all sorts of possibilities. Whatever you click on, or navigate to, fills the screen.

So you can have all your text, pictures, graphics and videos huge…

Or tiny.

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Prezi uses a canvas of almost unlimited size – this opens up all sorts of possibilities. Whatever you click on, or navigate to, fills the screen.

So you can have all your text, pictures, graphics and videos huge…

Or tiny.

Make everything bigger than you think it needs to be in the first instance (trust me on this) and then you’ll have room to cram in more detail later.

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And it’s always nice to include at least one massive

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And it’s always nice to include at least one massive change of scale.

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5. Understand how Prezi works with images

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Perhaps the most important thing to know about images and Prezi, is that Prezi hates JPEGs. They always look grainy, and poor.

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I don’t know why this is, don’t worry about it – just use PDFs instead. They work really well. Convert your JPEGs using or similar.

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Remember, all your pictures will fill the screen when Prezi zooms in on them.

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So let’s say you want to use a picture of an old fashioned camera. If you choose an image that is smaller than the full-screen…

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Then of course it is going to look blurry when you zoom right in.

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One way you can get round this is if you…

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6. Utilise Hidden Frames

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Frames are your way of controlling what the viewer sees, and how close up they see it. You can use frames the viewer can see, or hidden frames.

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So to avoid grainy images, draw a large hidden frame round a small picture – then Prezi will zoom in on the frame, leaving the picture at its appropriate size.

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You can also use frames to create interactive hotspots. Anything framed can be clicked on by the viewer (or by you if you’re presenting live).

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So for example you could use a map of your town as the backdrop for your canvas, and then allow people to navigate to areas they want to learn more about by clicking the framed hot-spot.

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Prezi will then zoom right in to whatever information or text you have lurking there.

For an example of this kind of interactive Prezi, click this box.

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The other useful thing to use Frames for is to zoom in on a cluster of objects simultaneously – maybe two quotes and a picture, say.

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7. Aim for a uniformity of style

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Prezi uses a wheel to adjust sizes.

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Prezi uses a wheel to adjust sizes. So to make text bigger, you rotate the wheel and it increases in size on a sliding scale.

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That means it is quite hard to get exactly the same sizes twice. Prezi will highlight any two pieces of text which are the same size, so take advantage of this.

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The best way to get consistency is to create one piece of text / graphic / image then use the duplicate button and edit the duplicated version.

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You can do this any number of times, with any number of objects on your canvas, and this helps give your presentation a cohesive look.

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8. Show some


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The biggest enemy to making a good Prezi is


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it is tempting to get it to do all kinds of crazy things. Because Prezi is new and capable and kind of whizzy

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But do you really need that wild diagonal path, or that haphazard placing of materials, or those little square brackets placed round ALL your titles?

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Do you REALLY need

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That 180 degree change of perspective?

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That 180 degree change of perspective?

Be honest…

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You don’t need to use Prezi’s full capabilities for every presentation you create. Pick and choose what is most appropriate for that particular one.

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9. Some more of the nuts & bolts of producing great presentations

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Links: when you type a URL in to your Prezi, it doesn’t appear as a clickable link. For whatever reason, it will become hyperlinked once you save, exit and reopen your presentation.

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Links: when you type a URL in to your Prezi, it doesn’t appear as a clickable link. For whatever reason, it will become hyperlinked when you duplicate the text.

(So once you’ve duplicated, delete the original and move the linked text into position.)

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Mass changes: it took me a looong time to realise that you can move a whole group of objects at once (the entire Prezi, if you like) by pressing the shift key and then highlighting the relevant pieces. Saves loads of time.

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Videos: you can upload video files but keep in mind that all you need to do to embed a youtube vid is type the URL into your Prezi as freetext. Then it appears as if by magic.

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10. Above all make Prezi is working for you, and not the other way around


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It’s good to try new things, but if Prezi ain’t for you, it ain’t for you. Spend some time with it, learn it, and then only use it if it’s working foryou.


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All images from the frankly awesome

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For more stuff, go to

by Ned Potter

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For more stuff, go to

Or click this to see my other Slideshare presentations

by Ned Potter

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For more stuff, go to

Or click this to see my other Slideshare presentations

Or click this to see my Prezi presentations

by Ned Potter

Page 84: How to use prezi and WIN

For more stuff, go to

Or click this to see my other Slideshare presentations

Or click this to see my Prezi presentations

Click this one to go to my written Prezi guide

by Ned Potter

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For more stuff, go to

Or click this to see my other Slideshare presentations

Or click this to see my Prezi presentations

Click this one to go to my written Prezi guide

I’ve also written guides to Netvibes Evernote

by Ned Potter

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For more stuff, go to

Or click this to see my other Slideshare presentations

Or click this to see my Prezi presentations

Click this one to go to my written Prezi guide

I’ve also written guides to Netvibes Evernote

Twitter Public Speaking Working in libraries

by Ned Potter

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For more stuff, go to

Or click this to see my other Slideshare presentations

Or click this to see my Prezi presentations

Click this one to go to my written Prezi guide

I’ve also written guides to Netvibes Evernote

Twitter Public Speaking Working in libraries

Because I am a librarian. Just so you know.

by Ned Potter

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For more stuff, go to

Or click this to see my other Slideshare presentations

Or click this to see my Prezi presentations

Click this one to go to my written Prezi guide

I’ve also written guides to Netvibes Evernote

Twitter Public Speaking Working in libraries

Because I am a librarian. Just so you know.

by Ned Potter