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Page 1: HOW TO TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE WITH REIKI · the Reiki 1 class, I was just sitting there crying because it felt like it was a calling. I had been going through a huge transformation,



Seven Real Life Stories of Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Healing

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If you are here, you have probably heard about Reiki, and you’re curious to know more. Regardless of what brought you here—even if you’re not sure

why you’re here—Reiki can help you with the physical, emotional, or spiritual challenges in your life right now. A few months from today, you will likely look back and thank yourself for taking the time to dive deeper.

It might be that you have lost your path, and you want to regain connection with spirituality, with yourself, and with the world around you.

It might be that you are dealing with an emotional struggle following a loss or crisis, or a physical pain that drains your body and spirit.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you felt calmer, clearer, and more focused?

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you had a simple tool you could use daily to create a deep sense of relaxation, reduce stress, soothe your mind, and become fully present in the moment?

To deepen your understanding of Reiki, read these stories from real people who have taken our Reiki training and are now using the practice regularly to heal physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

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As an executive in the corporate world, you don't take time to stop. You don't take time to appreciate all that is not only around you but inside you.

I really believe that Reiki allowed me—instructed me—to stop and be present.

I’m a former executive for an engineering firm. I joined at age 19 and worked there for 25 years. I had just done what I thought I was supposed to do. One day, I just woke up, and I wasn’t happy. I wasn’t fulfilled. I knew that I enjoyed helping people in my position. I just wasn’t sure how to funnel that energy elsewhere. I kind of got a little lost. Then I heard of Reiki, and it just pulled at me.

In the corporate world, you’re always judged on these field goals: your accomplishments, your salary, the number of people working for you. In the Reiki class, it was the opposite. It was, “Who are you as a person?” I had never experienced that in my career. As an executive, you don’t have time to stop. You don’t have time to appreciate all that is around you and inside you. Reiki allowed me to stop and be present. Reiki helped me find my voice.

A lot of people who come to my personal Reiki practice are hurting, and they don’t know how to put a voice to that hurt. Helping to lend a voice through energy healing to what they’re trying to find has been so beautiful. I have a 13-year-old daughter, and Reiki has allowed me to calm myself down and have a greater connection with her. Both of us have better tools in our toolboxes now. Reiki has changed our relationship tremendously.

Rayann Larsen, reflexologist, aromatherapist, and Reiki practitioner

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I have always been a religious person, but I just couldn’t seem to find the spiritual connection I was looking for. It took a different kind of practice

Reiki—to help me feel that connection.

I had been through a time of a lot of loss and was dealing with depression. I was thinking about creating more connection with spirituality. I had a religious background in Christian fundamentalism, and the message I heard repeatedly was that I wasn’t good enough. You know, if you’ve picked up that message through your life, through family, culture, or religion, the message leads you to a feeling of powerlessness. Why would a spirit or a source or God want to bother with me?

Reiki helped me realize that every single person on earth is connected. Reiki made me feel that connection. Feeling that I have a pathway—that I am developing that connection more, that I can tap into that collective energy as much as anyone, that I really am as valuable as the next person—gives me joy. I think we’re all here as a work in progress. Being able to find a joyful way that you feel like your own work in progress is with a team—to feel like you’re not in it alone—is really important. Ultimately, this is the healing of Reiki. It can heal physical ailments, as well as spiritual and emotional.

Reiki has opened me up to having a lot more insight in my life. When I feel anxious, I can step back and evaluate where the anxiety is coming from, what is the anxiety trying to teach me, and how I can move through it to get to a place that is not anxious.

Nancy Dyer, registered nurse

In other words, I don’t just let challenges defeat me, which can lead to feeling powerless and depressed. I try to understand the bigger picture and how I can regain that connection and that power to make my life better.

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I retired from the military with a few medical issues from my deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. When multiple medications weren’t getting the trick done, part of my

healing process was finding other modalities. When I went to my first Reiki class, I was hooked—more energy, more balance, more positivity, less anger.

I was medically retired from the military after 16 years in the Marines and then the Army. I had a few issues from my deployments, and when multiple medications weren’t helping, I started trying older, alternative methods. Veterans Affairs offered acupuncture, which led me to other modalities and finally Reiki. I was so impressed with how I felt after my first treatment—how I still feel—more energy, more balance, more positivity I’m less prone to angry outbursts. Before, it was like a war was raging inside me; everything was a battle to be won or lost. I’m not really able to hold on to any of those highly negative, toxic emotions anymore. It’s like my body just naturally says, “no.” There’s a lot more happiness in my life now. I smile more. I laugh more.

When I went to the Reiki 1 class, I was hooked. The results speak for themselves. I give myself Reiki continuously throughout the day. I’m at the master level now, and Reiki is drawing opportunity to me in a way that wasn’t happening before. Now it’s happening in force. For example, I finally got an interview for a job I have applied to four times previously. Reiki is the best therapy, the best treatment that I’ve had so far. Nothing comes close. It’s a life changer.

And yesterday, I was able to help a coworker for the first time. She was having allergy problems. I gave her about ten minutes of Reiki, and she felt better.

Kyle Wise, law enforcement peace officer

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I was going through cancer treatments, and Reiki offered my family treatment for our souls and mental well-being that the chemotherapy and radiation didn’t provide.

When I first tried Reiki, I had just finished my final cancer treatment. The chemo stays in your system, and I didn’t feel well at all. I didn’t like anything about the way the medicine world had been treating me and my family. It was all protocol. There was no treatment for our souls or mental well-being. I found that, without that balance, the chemotherapy and radiation treatments just weren’t as effective. When I finally heard about Reiki, I realized it would help me find that balance in my psyche.

My cancer is in remission now, and Reiki has become all-encompassing in my life. It has given me calmness and confidence in everything I do. The ability to live on life’s terms. I’m more positive and more grateful. My husband says I’m a different person. My 20-year-old son, who is autistic, loves Reiki. He’s very receptive to it.

Reiki has given me a whole new viewpoint on life. It affects how I react in every situation. I can see that we’re all just trying to get by. We’re all just trying to make the most of our lives. I put so many hours and so much energy into my job. I was so hooked into this world vision of making money and moving up in my career, but Reiki helped me see that there was no payoff. So I made the difficult decision to retire, and I’ve felt like a different woman ever since. Now I give Reiki as a volunteer at the same hospital infusion center where I received my chemotherapy.

Jeannie Hines, retired paralegal

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I really wanted a tool to help my husband’s back aches, my son’s allergies, and my own strep throat and gut issues. Reiki has turned out to be like a magic wand for me.

I heard about Reiki from a friend several years before I started, but I was so busy I didn’t really have the time to pursue it. When I heard classes were being offered over the summer, it was just the right time for me, I guess. During the Reiki 1 class, I was just sitting there crying because it felt like it was a calling. I had been going through a huge transformation, and Reiki seemed like the last piece of the puzzle that was missing.

I initially started Reiki to help my family with some physical health issues. I thought it would be a nice healing modality to treat my husband’s back aches, my son’s allergies, and my own strep throat and gut issues. It seemed like an easy enough task and a useful tool. I was just willing to give it a try.

But Reiki has changed my life in so many other ways too. Reiki has helped me focus more and make decisions more quickly. It has given me more confidence, more trust in the universe. I feel more protected. It’s like a security blanket or a friend that’s always by my side. I call on Reiki to help me heal or cure others, but I also use it for myself. I’m very stressed. I’m very busy. And I know that my emotions always impact the way I feel physically. Whenever I have a headache or don’t feel so well, I feel like I have a magic wand to use. Einat Shinar, language teacher and health coach

Reiki has also opened a whole new social aspect of my life. One of the women from my Reiki 1 class has become one of my best friends. The people who were in the master class with me are just like family. I feel really blessed to have found those people who understand, who are into healing themselves and others. It has just been a huge gift.

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I was in a really dark place before Reiki, and I was looking for something I could use to get me through that depression. I’ve always said that my first Reiki class was like a

door. I walked through that door, shut it, and that was the end of my old life. I have given myself Reiki every day since.

I first had Reiki at a health expo after seeing an ad in a magazine. I had a really bad sinus infection that day. Normally I would have stayed home, but I just needed something for myself. So I said, you know what, I’m going. As soon as I sat in that chair and had a free, 10-minute Reiki demo, I just felt this calm sense, and, all of a sudden, the pain was gone. No sinus infection. Just went away. I went home and immediately signed up for the Reiki 1 class.

That year, I was having a lot of depression issues. I was in a very dark place. I mean, really dark. I didn’t feel any emotions. I was nothing but a shell. I really didn’t think I would beat it. I was always spiritual, but something was missing—that little piece that would get me through to heal that depression. I’ve always said that when I was attuned to Reiki level one, I kind of had a door. I walked through that door, shut it, and that was the end of my old life. I walked into this new life. There hasn’t been one morning since then that I haven’t given myself Reiki. In August 2014, I became a master.

Reiki is just my being. It’s who I am. I don’t know how to describe it. It has heightened my intuition and clarity. It brings me back to balance and gives me spiritual guidance. It helps me to heal, to spring back faster. To accept when hard things happen. But the biggest gift Reiki has added to my life is unconditional love.

Jen Burkart, Reiki instructor

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I experienced a lot of physical abuse as a kid, and it definitely affected the way I walked through the world, the way I looked at myself. I was doing a lot of work with forgiving

my abuser. Then it clicked that I could go back to that little girl who needed to be loved and nurtured and give her Reiki, to hold her and tell her she was beautiful, that there was

nothing wrong with her. It was really moving to take care of myself in that way.

I’ve gone to therapy my whole adult life because I’ve always struggled with my childhood. I dealt with a lot of physical abuse. My father would beat us and hit us and do all sorts of things that were very unpleasant. It definitely affected the way I walked through the world, the way I looked at myself. I was making great strides, but I had never really gotten to a point where I believed 100 percent that I would fully be okay.

When I found Reiki, I was a full-time mom, my children were getting older, and I was starting to feel that I wanted to become a part of the larger world again. I did a lot of work with trying to send Reiki to my dad, trying to forgive him. I just wasn’t getting there. There was still this sadness. Then, after I became a master, it just clicked that I needed to go back to me. I was able to go into the past and hold that little girl who needed to be loved and nurtured in my arms, as if I was her mother, and say, “You are loved. You are a perfect little being. There is nothing wrong with you.” It was really beautiful to be able to take care of myself. I felt so much lighter after.

Karen, Reiki practitionerName has been changed to protect privacy.

I still see my father a lot because he is in my kids’ lives. I always used to feel very mad at him. Now I don’t feel mad anymore. I came to the understanding that the things that happened are what happened. But I can let them go. He still does and says the things he has always done and said, but they go over me now instead of through me. I’m very aware of the negative way I can think about myself, and I don’t want to pass those thought processes on to my kids. I want my children to feel good about themselves, and I want to behave in a way in front of them that exemplifies that desire. Reiki is helping me do that.

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Rei means universal.

Ki means life force.

Reiki means universal life force, or, the energy of the universe.

Reiki is a simple practice you can use to heighten your body’s natural ability to heal, bring your intuition to life, and deepen your spiritual connection by tapping into the universal energy collectively shared by humanity. Originated in 19th century Japan, Reiki is practiced globally by millions of people.

There are two ways to benefit from Reiki:1. Receiving Reiki from someone who has taken a class

2. Learning to give Reiki to yourself and to others

One of the unique qualities of Reiki is that anybody can learn it. It takes only one day of instruction to learn to tap into the larger system of universal energy that already flows inside and outside your body. Self-Reiki is an effortless process of laying your hands on different areas in the body and allowing this pure energy of the universe to nurture you and help your body heal itself.

How can YOU benefit from Reiki?

The emotional benefits of Reiki include:• Feeling more positive• Increasing your self-awareness• Being in the present moment

Reiki can also help you to regain focus and perspective, with little effort or time.

Reiki may help manage symptoms of medical conditions that can worsen with stress, such as:

• Anxiety• Depression• Pain• Insomnia• High blood pressure

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What is the # 1 reason:You should consider learning to give Reiki to yourself?

For deep healing to take place, we should not place all the responsibility in the hands of the professionals who support us but rather take an active role in the healing process ourselves. Reiki offers a unique opportunity to engage in our own healing journey in an effortless way. The energy of the universe is endless and free, and once we learn self-Reiki we can enjoy it for the rest of our lives.

There are three levels in Reiki: Reiki Level 1 (for beginners), Reiki Level 2, and the Master Level.

In the beginner’s class, you will learn specific routines that you are encouraged to practice daily. You can practice Reiki anywhere and anytime. You can easily integrate Reiki with mediation, yoga, and other modalities, and you can give Reiki to yourself while talking, watching TV, sitting in a waiting room, or watching a movie. Self-Reiki creates balance and harmony and supports your body’s natural healing abilities.

You will also learn the history of Reiki, how it works, and how to share it with others, including children and pets.

The Beacons of Change Reiki TrainingFollowing the six-hour, one-day Reiki Level 1 class, you will receive a detailed manual, a certificate of completion, and an invitation to join the Beacons of Change Reiki community. We offer members of our Reiki family a lot of support and continuing education opportunities.

We offer Reiki classes in Atlanta and New York, and our team is eager to share their love of Reiki with you, answer your Reiki questions, and help you register for one of our next classes.

Learn more and register for a Reiki class:www.beaconsofchange/learnreiki

Reiki treatments are not a substitute for medical diagnosis and treatment, and no medical claims are made regarding these treatments. People with medical conditions should consult their doctor.

Disclaimer –

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Michal Spiegelman is a Reiki master, energy expert, and life change mentor who has been practicing, teaching, living, and loving Reiki since 1996. Having studied in Israel, Germany, England, and the U.S., Michal is a former social worker who brings years of experience working with a variety of modalities, such as color healing, chakra balancing, guided imagery, and meditation, into her teachings of Reiki and her work as a mentor and a guide. She splits her time between Atlanta and New York, teaching, coaching and mentoring.

Visit Michal’s

Michal Spiegelman, founder of Beacons of Change

Learn more and register for a Reiki class: www.beaconsofchange/learnreiki