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How To Start Playing Golf(Manual)

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Please Start By Reading This - Then Pass It On

- "The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win." Roger Bannister

- "The spirit, the will to win, and the will to excel are the things that endure. These qualities are so much important than the events that occur." Vince Lombardi

- "Success in our calling is the result of a person's love of and belief in the work he has undertaken. Earnest and conscientious labor often accomplishes more in the end than the brilliant genius." Anonymous

- "Food offered without affection is like food offered to the dead." Hindu Proverb

- "What you have to do and the way have to do it incredibly simple. Whether you are willing to do it, that's another matter." Peter F. Drucker

- The best motivation is self motivation. The guy says, "I wish someone would come by and turn me on." What if they don't show up? You've got to have a better plan for your life. Jim Rohn

- "How does one measure time? No, not in days, months, or years. It is measured by the most precious of all things: Love. Without which all beings and things whether brave and/or beautiful would perish." Irish Blesshin

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Table of Contents:Why You Should Start Playing Golf Today............................................................................5

The Major Golf Equipment Use To Play Golf........................................................................6

How To Choose The Right Golf Club.....................................................................................7

How To Improve Your Golf Swing.........................................................................................8

How To Fix Your Golf Slice...................................................................................................9

The Exercises Every Golfer Has To Do.................................................................................10

How To Warm Up Before Every Golf Game.........................................................................10

Guidelines To Golf Holidays..................................................................................................11

How Not To Get Ripped On Your Golf Vacation...................................................................12

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Why You Should Start Playing Golf TodayWe all love the game of golf, but some times it is just as they say, a good walk spoiled. Here are a few ways to enjoy golf more.

1 Don't play the blue tees.Unless you are at least a 10 handicap or lower, why bother making the golf course even harder than it has to be.

If you are shooting in the 90's or triple digits, it makes no sense making a conscious decision to making the course more difficult. Play the white tees and take the extra level of anxiety out of the equation.

2 Improve your lieWhen you are having a recreational round of golf, there is no way you should be playing the strict rules of golf. The average round of golf would be at least 6 hours at courses all over the world.

Golfers would be returning to the tees all day after hitting there first ball out bounds, or searching for every lost ball for 5 minutes. So if we are bending the rules to save time, why not bend them to improve your lie, something you can actually benefit from. Play winter rules all the time.

3. Play different gamesInstead playing the same match with your buddies, compete in other categories other than score. Some examples would be:

- Most fairways hit- Least amount of 3 putts- Most 1 putts

4 If it is your honor, take it.You just birdie the hardest (or easiest) hole on the golf course, it's your tee, you earned it, take it. Challenge yourself to get another one, you will be surprised how often you can have two birdies in a row if you are actually trying to get two birdies in a row.

5 Lower your expectations.If you are a average golfer you play golf twice per week if you're lucky, on top of that, you don't practice as much as you should.. You can't honestly think that your game is not exactly what it should be. Just enjoy the game itself, don't be so hard on yourself when you're not playing well. Even the pros have bad days.

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The Major Golf Equipment Use To Play GolfLike any other sports, golf requires that you are geared up correctly to be able to properly play the game. This article will give you an idea of basic golf equipment one requires to be able to learn and play golf.

For starters, the basic golf equipment is a golf ball. Golf balls are dimpled tiny balls, use in to play golf. They are dimpled to reach farther length when driven by golf clubs.

Another important golf equipment is a golf club or golf driver. Golf drivers come in different varieties. This is because a golf course has different landscapes and different golf clubs are required to make the proper drive.

Depending on the landscape, either sand, grass or cement, a golf club is essential to make the perfect drive. Professional golfers usually have a bag or two of golf clubs to cater to their golf needs. Most golf stores and sports equipment store sell golf clubs. Some golf clubs are sold in sets while other are sold individually.

To protect your golf equipment, such as your golf club, a golf bag golf club cover is essential. A golf bag will, of course, hold your golf club in one place and will make it easier for your caddy to bring your many golf clubs. Golf bags can also hold golf balls and other golf equipment like water bottle to quench your thirst while under the sun or extra shirt or your regular shoes.

On the other hand, a golf club cover covers the edge of your golf club. This is done so to protect your golf club from unwanted scratches and dents. Dents can cause your drive to go from ok to bad. Dents in golf clubs can affect the drive of your golf ball. With these golf equipment, you can take care of the state of your club and your game.

One golf equipment that you need to invest on is a good pair of golf shoes. Golf shoes are different from usual rubber shoes or walking shoes. Golf shoes are created to walk on greens - the type where the sport is played. Golf shoes usually have pointed rubber under the soles to grip the earth and sand under your feet. This way, unnecessary shaking or moving is avoided.

This is important because shaking can cause you to not hit the golf ball or to hit the golf ball in the wrong direction. If you plan to play professional golf a good pair of golf shoes is a necessary golf equipment to add up to your list.

Choose one that is sturdy yet comfortable enough for you to walk into. Golf is a sport that requires walking from one hole to another or to where your ball landed (you can not use golf carts on the greens) and thus, if your golf shoes are uncomfortable, you would have a hard time concentrating on your game.

A golf equipment usually provided by most golf courses (aside from the golf ball) is the tee. The tee is the tiny pin like thing that you punch to the ground to stand your ball into. The tee is use in teeing off (the start of your first drive) thus the name.

The most amazing golf equipment ever created (for me, that is) is the golf cart. Golf carts can take you from one hole to the other, though as I said earlier they are not allowed on the greens, they still lessen the burden of having to walk under the hot sun. This golf equipment can be acquired from golf courses. Golf players are usually made to use golf equipment such as this to give them a better and easier time playing the sport.

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Many specialty shops and sport shops offer golf equipment. The internet is also a good source of golf equipment. Second hand golf equipment are even auctioned off the internet, if you are on a tight budget. Check out your local golf shop, sports shop, specialty shops, E-bay or Yahoo! for your golf equipment needs.

How To Choose The Right Golf ClubShould one decide to play golf, the essential thing that a person needs is a set of golf clubs. Most people who are not sure whether to invest more in the game prefer to borrow a set provided by the club or buy a used one.

A person can acquire a second hand set from a golf specialty store or buy it from a professional golfer who may want to sell the used set to buy a new one.

When that person feels that one is ready to get serious with the sport, the individual may now decide to buy a brand new one. Here are some tips one should know when learning how to play golf and choosing a set of clubs:

1. There are many brands of golf clubs available. Before buying one, it is best to feel the grip of each so one can choose the right set that the person will be comfortable with while playing in the green.

2. Shafts come in different lengths which are determined by the height of the person. If one is unsure of which is the correct one for the individual, it is best to ask the assistance of the salesperson.

3. A little knowledge of the various clubs will help a person in choosing one even if these are usually sold in sets. A typical set of irons that a person can buy are numbered from 3 to 9 and includes a pitching wedge.

4. Another thing a person needs to play golf is a putter. Just like choosing the right set, the person should feel the grip and how comfortable it is from the brands available in the specialty store before buying it.

5. Errant shots are some things that can’t be helped, especially in the sport of golf. This is the reason why the person should be familiar with the various club designs since some clubs have made restrictions on this.

Bladed clubs are the most recommended for golfers since it gives better precision in every shot that takes skilled hands to accomplish.

6. To maintain the golf clubs, it is best to use a wire brush or a small towel to keep these in good condition.

7. A person needs golf balls to putt into the hole. If one is just getting into the game, it is advisable to buy a cheap set of balls first rather than an expensive one since some shots might fall into the water or in the forest that will just get lost which is just like throwing money into the air.

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How To Improve Your Golf Swing

We’re in the information age, and when it comes to the golf swing, this often means information overload!

As new golfers, we start out believing that there is one right way to swing, only to find out that there are just about as many swing methods as there are instructors. It seems that the more we learn about the golf swing, the more our minds are filled with confusing, contradictory information.

Until now, if two respected golf professionals showed you two completely different ways to swing and both told you that their way was the right way, you would have been forced to make your best guess.

Maybe you would have chosen the information from the pro who was most well known, or the one you could play the best, or the one you listened to most recently. Regardless, with no solid way to choose one way over the other, you would be forced to go from one method to the next indefinitely.

The good news is there is now a proven way to determine which swing method is best for you. It’s simple. It’s easy. And, it works every time.

The secret is to start with impact!

While there are hundreds, or maybe even thousands of different swing methods, there is only one way the club needs to be at impact to hit a desired shot. If your club is in that position, you’ll get the results you want. If it’s not, you won’t. It’s that simple.

Impact is often called the moment of truth because it’s the most important aspect of your golf swing. If you want to find your best swing, and end swing confusion forever, the secret is to relate every swing change to impact.

For example, if you want to know whether one set-up is better than another, figure out which one allows you to swing your club into the ideal position at impact in the easiest, most comfortable, most powerful way.

While there are numerous swing methods, there is only one way to swing that is the, easiest, most comfortable, and most powerful way for YOU! Trust that the swing that feels best is the right way to swing and you’ll end swing confusion forever!

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How To Fix Your Golf SliceFix golf slice is a thought on many amateur golfers’ minds. Studies reveal over 80% of all amateur golfers slice the ball. There have been more training aids, drills and tips to fix the golf slice that I can’t even begin to count.

If you hit a golf slice, have you taken lessons; bought any training aids, and done several drills only to still hit a slice? What a frustrating situation! Do you realize what’s causing your golf slice?

A golf slice is caused by the clubface coming across the ball from outside the target line, creating side-spin on the ball. Upon first thought, this may seem like a mechanical issue. And it is…but if you dig a little deeper, you’ll find it’s a ‘physical’ issue.

You see…your body dictates your ability to swing the club efficiently. If your body has ‘physical limitations’, your swing will not be mechanically sound and swing faults will appear.

In the golf swing there are many compensations for lack of proper mechanics. If you can’t make a 90 degree shoulder turn on the backswing, you’ll do whatever it takes to feel like you are making a full turn.

A good example of this would be to rotate your hips beyond the desired 45 degrees to enable your body to make a full backswing. What this does is rob you of power. You have no torque built up in your core to unleash into the ball at impact.

The same thing with a golf slice.

A golf slice is caused by the upper body getting ahead of the lower body, creating an “over-the-top” move, which in turn results in your clubface slashing across the ball and creating side-spin. Here comes the banana ball!

Your first inclination will be to take a lesson to fix this. If that doesn’t work, you might buy a training aid. If that doesn’t work you’ll buy an “offset” driver to help eliminate your golf slice.

Does this sound familiar?

Now the real answer! Take a break on your lessons. Don’t buy anymore training aids. And keep your normal driver in your bag.

You need to work on you core rotational flexibility to be able to initiate the downswing with your lower body first, to avoid the upper body getting ahead of it. It’s that simple. The minute your able to separate the upper and lower body upon initial move down…you’ll see that golf slice improve dramatically.

Doesn’t that make sense?

Along with fixing your golf slice, you’ll add up to 30 yards to your drives. You will get more roll when the ball lands from a draw ball flight. A golf slice is a weak shot that does not penetrate the air for maximum distance.

All of my programs, dvds, and books focus on core rotational strength and flexibility which will improve your power output and eliminate swing faults. You will not experience compensations on the golf course anymore.

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When you work on your “machine”, your golf swing takes care of itself! You will finally eliminate the thought, “fix golf slice”.

The Exercises Every Golfer Has To DoExercise for a golfer is widely used. Despite the success many professionals have enjoyed, and continue to enjoy in their game, mainly because of golf-specific exercises, many amateur golfers still shun any golf specific exercises.

Even when it is rather obvious that leading names in the game like the legendary Tiger Woods heavily rely on staying in good shape for the game by having personal trainers and by being involved in golf specific exercises.

But far the main reason why most still fear and avoid exercise for golfers is the belief that they will develop muscles. Actually lifting weights are a very effective way of toning the golf-specific muscles for the game, by strengthening them. Strength training using weights will never increase the size of your muscles.

Nobody would loathe building big muscles more than most lady golfers. Yet many of them have dramatically improved their games by increasing their strength through golf-specific weight training.

Actually you need to be in the gym several hours a day lifting very heavy weights to develop a weight-lifters’ muscles. The weight-lifting exercise regime for golf involves lifting lighter weights many more times over a very short period of time compared to a weightlifter looking for muscles with heavier weights lifted fewer times at a time but for longer hours daily.

The fact that many lady golfers have been able to dramatically improve their game by getting involved in exercises for a golfers, but have not build heavy stiff muscles, should be encouragement enough for many amateurs to seriously consider exercise for a golfer programs.

Apart from weights, most of the exercises for a golfer involve stretch exercises designed to improve a golf swing. Some of these stretch exercises for a golfer can easily be done form the comfort of an office or home when you have a moment to spare.

How To Warm Up Before Every Golf GameA useful golf exercise tip to take into consideration is the fact that warming up before your game of golf can dramatically help you improve the quality of your game.

The warm up session does not need to be something elaborate or strenuous. You can get creative and take a brisk walk from your car to the course.

The idea is to get your muscles warm before you even engage in stretch exercises prior to tee off. This is the sort of golf exercise tip that should not be ignored by any golfer.

Stretch exercises are very important to the golf swing tip. We have seen from various golfers who have taken on our exercise program.

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And yet stretch exercises will work out much better for you when you briefly warm up before embarking on them on the course.

The idea is to get your muscles warm and ready before doing your stretch routine in readiness for the game. You will prove this golf exercise tip because usually after completing your warm up and stretch exercises, you will feel much more comfortable when executing the golf swing.

The confidence alone will put you in a perfect frame of mind to make very few mistakes while consistently making those extra long drives.

Warming up may sound strange. Probably as strange as exercises sounded in golf in the first few years. But the fact of the matter is that golf has changed dramatically and virtually almost all pros are involved in serious golf specific exercise programs these days.

By implementing this extra golf exercise tip of warming up prior to your exercises or even game, you will see a tremendous improvement in your performance.

Guidelines To Golf HolidaysIf you have been working too hard for too long and just need to get away and play some golf, you will want to check out golf holidays package vacations from your travel agent.

These travel arrangements are often referred to as "stay and play" plans because you stay at a certain hotel and receive rights to play at a certain golf course while you are there.

When making these arrangements, make sure there are not special requirements that will make playing inconvenient or impossible for you.

Some of these plans require you to limit your arrival dates and departure dates or have other unacceptable limits so read the fine print.

You can take golf holidays to all sorts of locations depending on your personality and desires. For instance, you can choose to golf in a course located near or in a major city, taking in museums or theatres when not golfing.

Or you might choose to visit a golf course in an area of rugged natural beauty such as the mountains. While there, you might take a day to fish instead of golf. Whatever your needs, you can find golf holidays packages to meet your needs.

Are you going to take your own golf clubs with you when you travel on golf holidays? You probably would prefer to use them rather than the clubs that can be rented at the course to which you are travelling. If you choose to take them with you, you will need to think about the arrangements a bit.

For instance, do you have a really high quality golf club bag which will protect those expensive golf clubs. If not, you'd better get one. You won't be able to carry your clubs on if you are flying, so you'll need a bag that can take airport luggage handling and still protect your clubs. So get a good one.

When picking a destination for golf holidays, pick the course you wish to play on first, and then find out about lodging at hotels, resorts, or stay and play package plans. Make sure the tee times that are set for you when choosing a stay and play package are going to work for you.

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People who are staying at a golf course's own resort generally get first serve when choosing tee times. If it's really important to you to get the tee time you desire, it may be worth it to you to stay at the resort instead of a less expensive hotel. Either way, you are sure to find refreshment and restoration when taking golf holidays.

How Not To Get Ripped On Your Golf VacationWhether it’s a quick weekend getaway or a 10 day golf adventure to the Caribbean, there is one thing in common with all golf trips and vacations… rip-offs are common.

Here are a few things to be careful of when booking your next golf trip: 1. Cart Fees.

Many courses will require you to rent a cart, even though your package deal never mentioned it. Make sure you know up front if cart fees are included and or required.

2. Course Surcharges

You may be offered to “upgrade” to a better course when you arrive at your destination. This is a common practice in many areas. The fact is that the course you “upgrade” to in many cases will not be any better than the course you are booked on.

3. Internet Deals

Many golf trips these days are sold by internet resellers. The price may be right, but they have no idea of the local market. They are selling a commodity and could care less what other events are happening in the area or what local conditions are. Dealing with local people in the area you plan to visit will eliminate many of these surprises.

4. Do you need a “package” deal?

You will find that package deals sometimes will cost you more than just booking a hotel and a “golf” market and winging it. Once you book your accommodations, the concierge or front desk will be able to direct you to the best deals. This works especially during the off peak times. So many people get involved in the package deals that the prices can be increased by 50-75% over what it would cost you to book it yourself.

To save a ton of money, call the local area Better Business Bureau (all the offices are online at and ask for information on the local public courses. In addition just search engine search “Golf In …), you will come up with a ton of options.

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"Get This Complete Guide Which Will Guide You On How To Play Professional Golf Even If You

An Absolute Beginner!"Introducing...

Playing Golf For Beginners

Inside this eBook you will discover:

Get the basics of the game – putting and driving.

What are the rules?

Why knowing the unspoken rules of golf is important to your score.

Budgeting your new hobby.

What equipment should you buy?

Practicing golf etiquette.

How to build confidence your very first time on a golf course.

The importance of having the right clubs…and they don’t have to cost thousands of dollars.

Why concentrating on mechanics can ruin your game.

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The secrets to “The Perfect Grip” – This one visualization can improve every stroke you’ll ever play.

The importance of posture and stance - what to look for every time you step up to the ball.

What having your feet “shoulder-width” apart really means.

3 Pre-shot things you have to remember - and they’re not what you think.

Why the swing is simply a by-product of this well known but little used technique.

The 3 learning styles of golf - how to make sure your next instructor uses the right one for you.

Why score really doesn’t matter – I know it’s hard to believe but it’s true.

Playing vs. Practice – How much is enough---How Much is too much?

Does fitness matter?

5 qualities to look for in a great teaching pro.

And the 1 incredible secret that will reveal How to Know you’re playing golf the right way.

How to watch the pros on TV and take strokes off of your game.

And much more!

(Click Below)

To The Golf Course!

Darren Jardel.