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Have you ever dreamed of owning your own highly-profitable business? One that earns you money even when you’re not working, minimizing your hassle and maximizing your free time? A business that can begin as a part-time, second-income job and evolve into a full-time profession that makes you more money than you’ve ever made before? All the while improving the health, happiness, and performance of ALL your customers?

h.u.m.a.n. can help you make those dreams a reality, TODAY. We are an innovative company focused on improving the health and happiness of the people around us. To do this, we have created a business that concentrates on: 1) Providing the tools, technology & information that vending operators need to grow a healthy business quickly and efficiently, and 2) Promoting healthy living by donating 10% of proceeds to charities that fight obesity and malnutrition. The thrill of owning your own business is multiplied when you know that your actions are improving other peoples’ lives!

Today, I’m excited to give you a “behind the scenes” healthy vending tour and show you a detailed, business blueprint on how to be wildly successful running your own healthy vending business. In this Healthy Vending Handbook you’ll learn about:

There’s a ton more stuff that I’m not even mentioning here. Flip to the next page so we can get started!

Best in Health & Becoming h.u.m.a.n.,

Dear Future Partner in Healthy Vending,

Finally! a vending program that is Healthy, Innovative & Highly Profitable

h.u.m.a.n.helping unite man and nutrition

11 Dumb Healthy Vending Mistakes We Made…and How to Avoid Them

The Full Story Behind h.u.m.a.n. – the World’s 1st Healthy Vending Company

How and Why the h.u.m.a.n. Healthy Vending Program Works

Details and Specifications on Our State-of-the-Art Vending Machines

Our Healthy & Tasty Product Offerings (Hint: we have over 1000 approved products in our healthy vending catalog…& it’s growing!)

How to Increase Your Revenue with Video Advertising

Program Costs and Configurations

h.u.m.a.n.’s Mission, Company Vision, & Philanthropic Endeavors

Sean Kelly, Chief Humanist, h.u.m.a.n.

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Table of Contents

Description Page

Welcome Letter 2

You’re looking at it! 3

The Story Behind h.u.m.a.n. 4

Entreprenuer - 100 Brilliant Companies Article 11

Your Profit Checklist 14

Why the h.u.m.a.n. Program Works 15

The h.u.m.a.n. Machines 16

h.u.m.a.n.’s Warranty 24

Premium “Location Discovery & Acquisition” 25

The h.u.m.a.n. Products 26

Vending 2.0™: Technology & Innovation 31

Advendtising™: h.u.m.a.n.’s Digital Advertising Program 32

h.u.m.a.n. vs. The Competition 35

Steps to Get Started 37

The h.u.m.a.n. Relationship Diagram 38

Making an Intelligent Investment with h.u.m.a.n. 39

Fast Mover Bonus: Free “HUMAN VIP Upgrade” 41

Your Next Steps with h.u.m.a.n. 42

Your Decision 43

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Good Intentions...Fueled solely by our passion for health and improving the lives of others, we created

vending machine company. With such true, respectable, & good-hearted intentions, what could possibly go wrong? I soon found out that the answer to this question is a WHOLE LOT…

The Story Behind

Why in the heck, way back in 2003, did I decide to start a healthy vending company out of all things?

A passion for health and improving the lives of others is why this company was formed, but I soon learned that I

needed a whole lot more than good intentions to reach the pinnacle of healthy vending success...

It all started in New York City on a mild winter night in late January.

with my cousin Luke at New York Sports Club on Manhattan’s Upper West Side – the health club where I spent my time personal training while I wasn’t studying biomedical engineering & bio-mechanics at nearby Columbia University.

It was 8:30pm on one of America’s busiest streets, but something seemed strange…Luke and I

foods or drinks within a 10 block radius of the gym.

Instead, our only quick “refueling”

worshipping bagel shop downstairs and sugar-laden soda machines inside the health club. I was dumbfounded. If we, as serious health enthusiasts,

food & drink options in New York City after searching up and down the streets, how in the heck could we expect other people to do so? The answer was we couldn’t.

The fact was that there was a serious void in the market and it was having a disastrous effect on peoples’ lives. Thoughts of obesity, diabetes, and

It all started making sense – without convenient access to healthy dietary options, it was no wonder that preventable health problems were spreading like epidemics across the globe.

Something had to be done. But what?

The answer came to Luke and I when we returned to the gym. As we approached the soda machine next to the treadmills, a middle-aged woman bought a coca-cola from the vending machine and then returned to her regular evening workout on an elliptical machine.

An idea was born. This woman had just shown us the answer: vending

machines stocked with healthy foods and drinks instead of junk food and sugary beverages.

“This idea will change the world,” I vividly remember thinking. Not long after this epiphany I made the tough decision to not attend medical school, and instead, decided to dedicate my life to public health…

of healthy vending machines.

I was starting to understand that sometimes the largest problems have the simplest solutions, solutions that have profound and wide-ranging

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Mistake #4: I didn’t think my machines’ graphics were THAT important. Most people treat vending machines as a “last resort” dietary option. My machines had the same unattractive appearance as standard machines, and therefore, people had the same negative psychological connection with my machines as they did with others. This hurt sales & brought me no new, high-end, health conscious customers.

Lesson #4: I conducted numerous customer surveys, emotional connectivity tests, and research studies to produce the most appealing machine graphics, thereby creating a machine that shouts “You want to buy from me!”

The Top 7 Healthy Vending Mistakes We Made & Learned From!

“Nothing is more important at h.u.m.a.n. than the people that make-up our company, most importantly, our partner vending operators. They’re the backbone of our brand & represent what h.u.m.a.n. is all about – innovative entrepreneurship, dedication to a worthy purpose, and intense ambition to succeed at the highest level.”

Sean Kelly

Co-Founder & CEO, h.u.m.a.n.

Named one of Top 25 Young

Entrepreneurs in America by

Business Week Magazine in 2006

Mistake #2: I allowed my healthy vending machines to blend in with other traditional, junk-food machines. Much like my first mistake, this hindered the ability of my machines to positively impact the dietary decisions of vending customers. This hurt our brand value - our machines were just like others in the mix.

Lesson #2: I only allow h.u.m.a.n. machines to be placed in exclusive arrangements or locations large enough to provide significant volume for my partner operators. The one exception to this is if a location has a high percentage of its population that is very keen on healthy eating and our machine is able to stand out in a big way from the other machines present. Only in this latter case do I sometimes allow for placement next to junk food vendors.

Mistake #3: : I used the same “coil” vending machines as everyone else & added no attractive features. Bad idea! It’s one thing to sell junk food out of brown, inanimate machines that are clunky to use & unappealing to approach. But it’s an entirely different thing to use these same machines to sell premium healthy foods and beverages while also trying to make a positive, emotional connection with the customer. My machines shouted “Junk that makes you feel bad sold here” instead of “Better your life today!” and, therefore, it didn’t matter what products I was selling.

Lesson #3: I make sure our state-of-the-art, proprietary vending machines include new technologies such as conveyor belts (NOT coils), digital video screens, robust remote monitoring that texts you inventory alerts, and touch-screen LCD displays in order to improve the customer experience, which directly boosts sales & profits.

What were the mistakes that I made

as an operator of my own healthy vending


I’ll tell you…ONLY to

prevent you from repeating these


Mistake #1: I placed healthy products next to unhealthy products inside of vending machines. What a failure this was! The unhealthy foods & drinks just cannibalized the healthy ones due to their lower pricing & more recognizable brands. Customers made the irrational, impulse-based purchasing decisions that has become typical when standing in front of a vending machine. Nothing influenced or motivated the average customer to choose the healthier goods. Talk about money down the drain!

Lesson #1: I refuse to allow h.u.m.a.n. machines to be filled with ANY unhealthy products thus maximizing sales, profits, & positive dietary influence.

h.u.m.a.n.helping unite man and nutrition

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The Top 7 Healthy Vending Mistakes We Made & Learned From!

Utilizing only the finest & tastiest healthy products that are proven to sell at high profit-margins

Allowing for the generation of digital ad revenues via LCD screens on the front of the machines

Increasing sales by providing machines that attract more customers & encourage larger purchases

Including technologies such as remote monitoring systems & credit card readers to cut-costs and increase customer purchasing power

Mistake #6: I put products in my machines without adequately testing them for consumer acceptance. This one really hurt! I simply stocked my machines with all of the products I liked & knew, not understanding that different people have different tastes & needs, and thus, different product preferences. By not realizing the great importance of customizing product offerings per location, I ended-up throwing away tons of product that didn’t sell and paid a huge opportunity cost along the way because of it.

Lesson #6: I require that all products are taste-tested, nutritionally-screened, and sales-verified before gaining placement in our machines, and also make sure that every single product mix is customized per location with no exceptions

Mistake #7: I didn’t realize the significance of creating another revenue stream besides product sales. I just accepted that product sales were the only way I could make money and didn’t think about other ways to increase profits and revenues. I was a blind pessimist lacking an innovative mentality!

Lesson #7: I integrated ad-revenue producing digital video screens on the front of h.u.m.a.n. machines to provide vending operators with extra revenue opportunities without extra work.

Mistake #5: My machines only offered cash & coin payment capabilities. This one still makes me cringe! In a world where credit & debit cards are often the only form of payment people keep on them at all times, I was preventing customers from being able to buy items from my machines. This was especially impactful since I was vending premium healthy foods and drinks, which are more expensive than junk food (usually higher than $1).

Lesson #5: I place credit card readers in each and every one of our machines to give consumers the most purchasing power, allow for the sale of higher-priced items, and ensure that a sale at a h.u.m.a.n. machine is never lost.

h.u.m.a.n.helping unite man and nutrition

The h.u.m.a.n. program maximizes profits for its vending operators by:

Higher Profits

As you can see, I made many mistakes

over the first few years as a healthy vending operator. And even though it hasn’t been all smiles since our inception in 2003,

I sure am smiling now. Why?

With each mistake we became

better! My mistakes taught me the lessons I

needed to know to do things right!

After years of learning from my mistakes & implementing all of these invaluable lessons into my healthy vending business, I could finally say it was 100% optimized and primed for success. Mine was a healthy vending business that was second to none….by a long-shot! I had solved the “healthy vending problem” and it was an amazing feeling.


But my work wasn’t complete…

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How We Created a Highly-Profitable Healthy Vending Program for You

Blunder #1: I didn’t REALLY know the ins & outs of the vending industry. I had no idea how opposed the industry is to progression, innovative technologies, and health promotion. In the beginning, I tried to work completely WITHIN the old-school good ol’ boys club that is the traditional vending industry. This simply caused me to waste months of time & thousands of dollars in a stagnant industry that didn’t want to budge.

Solution #1: I analyzed and improved upon our business from the progressive, innovative, and demanding perspective of a discerning, health-conscious customer, instead of a traditional vending operator. This means our machines attract customers, rather than being the last resort of a passer-by.

I had created a healthy vending machine business that I could finally say was 100% optimized and primed for success.

This feeling of accomplishment was so great that I realized I had a new job - to spread to others the healthy vending knowledge & expertise I had gained through years of in-the-field experience.

By offering the world’s best healthy vending program to other vending operators, I would be able to positively influence more people and would allow others to earn great profits, creating better lifestyles for themselves and their families. I was more excited than ever before.

h.u.m.a.n.helping unite man and nutrition


that I made before creating the most profitable healthy vending opportunity ever?

Let me see...

But my work wasn’t complete…

Blunder #2: I tried to have us operate all of our own machines. To maintain complete control of our operations and maximize profit, I thought it would be a good idea for us to operate machines across the country by ourselves, or more specifically, via people that we hired on an hourly basis. This wreaked-havoc on our supply chain, slowed-down expansion, and created logistical nightmares. We weren’t fully opening-up our arms to others, and this minimized, not maximized, profits.

Solution #2: I now share our expertise, experience, and innovation with open arms by having our partners operate all h.u.m.a.n. machines, while we help them by managing locations and advertising.

Since I had healthy vending “down pat,” creating a highly-profitable vending program for other operators would be easy, right? So I thought! But I was humbled, once again…

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How We Created a Highly-Profitable Healthy Vending Program for You

Blunder #4: I allowed partner vending operators to start-off with fewer than five vending machines. Talk about a bad decision for everyone! Almost always, operating a route of only 1,2, or 3 vending machines requires too much time & hassle for the reciprocal amount of profit that is produced. My partner vending operators could have been making more money in less time, but my planning was off-target.

Solution #4: I place our partner vending operators’ profits as my top priority, and therefore, strongly encourage operators to start-off with at least five healthy vending machines to maximize their “profit to time” ratio, experience immediate positive cash-flow, and set themselves up for long-term success.

h.u.m.a.n.helping unite man and nutrition

11 major mistakes, 11 big time lessons, 11 even bigger solutions. It’s why h.u.m.a.n. is the profitable, innovative, and highly scalable opportunity that it is today!

Blunder #3: I set-up 100% in-house product distribution. Another BIG time whammy! We stored and shipped-out every product order ourselves, focusing a great deal of effort on the wholesale side of our business. Even though this generated a profit, it meant higher product prices, slower delivery times, and less-than-optimal service for our vending operators. My focus was not where it should have been.

Solution #3: I refined our business model so that we now completely outsource our product distribution to 20 warehouses across the country, meaning we make zero profit from product sales in order to ensure that our partner vending operators receive the lowest possible product prices with the fastest delivery time.

“New record...YMCA swim meet today...161 vends!!! WAS CRAZY!!!!”

Members of Team HUMAN raise their guns in support of the War on Obesity

Shelly G and Family

HUMAN Partner Vending Operator

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Do you want to become your own boss, have limit-less upside, and finally be able to determine your own future?

Would you like to sit back at night and feel lucky that you got involved in a business at just the right time, affording you a significantly upgraded lifestyle?

Continue down your path to a new lifestyle by reading through the rest of this Healthy Vending Handbook where you’ll learn all you need to know about the h.u.m.a.n. Healthy Vending Program.

Have you been yearning to do something you can truly feel good about day-in and day-out?

Christopher R. Mohr, PhD, RDExpert writer for Men’s Fitness,

Weight Watchers, & Men’s


O.J. Bloom, MD, MPHPhysician for the NHL’s Carolina

Hurricanes & USA Baseball.

Robyn L. Goldberg, R.D.Registered Dietitian and

Nutritional Therapist specializing

in preventative nutrition.


So just ask yourself...

Join Us!

Our Expert Board of Advisors

Where We Are Today...Helping Unite Man And Nutrition At the end of 2007, we were purchased by Nutrition Without Borders, LLC and had our name changed from Fit Fuel Healthy Vending to h.u.m.a.n. to reflect our vast business improvements and, most importantly, our number one priority, which is to Help Unite Man And Nutrition by making health foods, drinks, and information universally accessible. We also now give 10% of our proceeds to charities that fight obesity and malnutrition.

Working for You We’re happy to report that after all the discoveries we’ve made on how to do healthy vending the right way, the h.u.m.a.n. healthy vending program is optimized, primed, and proven to work for YOU.

An Innovative Vending OpportunityAfter years of field research, we’ve created the most innovative vending opportunity that’s ever existed. Our turn-key healthy vending program was created to get you up and running quickly with minimal hassle so that you can start making money right away.

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Our M


h.u.m.a.n.helping unite man and nutrition


“To Help Unite Man And Nutrition by making health foods, drinks, and information universally accessible.”

Passion + Purpose + Philanthropy = Success! Is it important to you to really feel like you’re making a difference with your work? Like you’re doing something that really helps people? Something you

at h.u.m.a.n. & that’s why we do what we do! h.u.m.a.n. was founded on 3 principles:

How are we achieving our mission?

Principle #1 Principle #2 Principle #3

The largest problems often have

the simplest solutions. Simply by making healthy products & information more accessible, we can stop today´s obesity & diabetes epidemics.

Focus on our partners’ wallets

We only succeed in business if our programs and vending operators

Philanthropy is a cornerstone of

healthy business. True happiness is

purpose. The happier the people of a company, the healthier the company is.

needs to be made. We take our mission so seriously, that we decided to make it our name!

The h.u.m.a.n. Mission:

i) Via the establishment of a global network of healthy & interactive vending machines that bring nutrition directly to people rather than

ii) By donating 10% of proceeds to charities effectively

allowing people to help others (charitable giving) by helping themselves (improved health).

The h.u.m.a.n. team is spearheaded by proven professionals dedicated to the spread of the healthy lifestyle and the defeat of preventable disease. It helps that they’re experienced vending experts too!

Sean Kelly, CEO , CMOBiomedical Engineer that

earned his degree from The

Johns Hopkins University &

Columbia University. Named

one of America’s top 25 young

entrepreneurs by Business

Week in 2006. Co-Founder &

former President of Fit Fuel,

healthy vending company.

Internet marketing specialist

who led a Special Forces

fast-boat team in the Iraq

War. Andy earned a BS from

Boston University and an MBA

from Stanford University. He

currently sits on the Board of

Advisors for VENDture, LLC,

creators of the Vend-it-Hot hot

food vending machine.

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100 Brilliant C


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100 Brilliant C


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100 Brilliant C


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Profit Checklist

h.u.m.a.n.helping unite man and nutrition

Higher Sales


Digital Advertising


Reduced Operational


Higher Profit

Premium Real Estate

+ + + =

One of the best things about running your own healthy vending business is that it’s

down economy. Why?

Healthy vending products are considered to be low-cost consumables, whose sales are virtually unaffected in an economic downturn

Use of vending machines often increases during tough-times because people tend to eat-out less and depend on convenient food choices more

h.u.m.a.n. combines today’s three hottest market trends – health, convenience, & digital advertising - which will continue to boom throughout the foreseeable future

“Healthy” vending is the fastest growing segment in the vast & established vending industry

Vending has provided operators with stable

upon decades

Higher Sales


Healthy AND Tasty ProductsFor healthy products to sell, they have to taste good. We’ve tested over 1000 products and know what consumers like and what they don’t - Proven


Higher Product Price Points Consumers are willing to spend more for healthy products that make them feel good. The average

as traditional vending!



Premium Real Estate ONLY

where people are willing to pay for better nutrition



Money-Saving & Money-Producing Technology Credit card readers allow for the sale of higher priced items, remote monitoring systems lower stocking & inventory costs, & digital displays attract new, high-end customers.


An Added Revenue Streamh.u.m.a.n. machines are equipped with digital LCD screens that can generate added revenue via which help educate consumers and bring-in extra $$$ for our operators.

Lowest Prices

The Lowest Wholesale Pricesh.u.m.a.n. does not make money wholesaling products to our operators. We only make money when you do! Our products are priced as low as possible.

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Why it W


h.u.m.a.n.helping unite man and nutrition

Why the h.u.m.a.n. Healthy

The h.u.m.a.n. healthy vending program works because it was built on the foundation of three of today’s strongest trends:

Health & Nutrition

money in health &


fast! Now is the time for

Be a part of innovation

that comes along with it.

Become h.u.m.a.n.!

Convenience Digital Advertising

The U.S. nutrition industry grew 9% in 2008 with total consumer sales of $102 Billion. Now that’s a huge industry! Additionally, 61% of employed individuals in America prefer better health care to increased pay.

In today’s hectic society, less meals are being consumed at home. People simply have less time to eat due to our increasingly fast-paced society. By bringing health & nutrition products directly to customers,

Have you seen ads displayed through digital signage yet? If you haven’t, you surely will very soon. They’re popping up everywhere, and they make a whole lot of sense. Why? Because they display targeted ads, look really

What does this mean? Health is gaining importance in consumers’ minds. People are increasingly

a healthy lifestyle and are proving it by spending more on healthy goods than ever before. h.u.m.a.n. provides the healthiest, tastiest foods & drinks that consumers love.

we’re making it easier than ever before to eat more nutritiously & achieve a healthy lifestyle. To improve upon the already convenient nature of vending, we provide features such as credit card readers to make purchasing from our vendors as easy as possible. Since 2003 h.u.m.a.n. has been the leader in “convenient nutrition!”

sharp, & generate

when compared to old-school static advertisements. This is why the “Out-of-Home Digital Advertising” is already a $1.7 Billion industry with a rapid 23% annual growth rate. Our healthy vending program capitalizes on this booming digital advertising

from it!

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Our M


h.u.m.a.n.helping unite man and nutrition


The 3 Primary Goals of the h.u.m.a.n. Healthy Vending Machines

First and foremost, maximize revenues &

operator partners.

#1 #2 #3 Make operating and maintaining our machines easier for our vending operators.

Create happy, healthy customers

malnutrition through charitable giving.

“Hello. I am h.u.m.a.n.”

Media Mogul

From the moment you see a h.u.m.a.n. vendor, it’s obvious that it’s not your average vending machine. h.u.m.a.n.vending partner, more money in healthy vending…period.

We use an effective blend of new technology, attractive graphics, and optimized product offerings to maximize your revenue potential and reduce the time you need to spend on & in your business. This allows you to spend more time doing what you love to do. Isn’t that what life is really all about?

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Our M


Primary Features:

Uses up to 50% Less Energy Than Standard Vending Machines

Strategically-Placed Infrared Sensors Virtually Eliminate Misvends

Clears Vending Errors Automatically

Over 40% More Capacity Than Prior Models

Uses Conveyor Belt Dispensing Technology, Not Coils, Which Greatly Increases Versatility & Capacity

Easily Upgrade Your "Apprentice" With a 23” HD Video Screen Whenever You’re Ready

Can Be Upgraded to Any Form of Cashless

Warranty: 2 Years LimitedElectrical:

Dimensions (inches): 72”H x 31.5”W x 37”D

Weight: 705 lbs.R134A - CFC Free

Temperature: Ambient to 33 degrees FTray Style: Highly-Versatile Conveyor Belt


Credit Card $500

Maximize Purchasing Power. Offer Cashless Payments.

Sales Tracking & Reports

Payment Gateway: Included



Credit Card $750

Maximize Purchasing Power. Offer Cashless Payments.

SMS Text Alerts, Instant Real Inventory Tracking, Sales Tracking & Reports, Machine Speaks to Customer

Payment Gateway: Included



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Our M


Interactivity Appearance Technology

The LCD screens, internal PC computer,

and advanced ad-serving system allow

you to display a variety of digital video ads on your machine.


Consumers are provided with product info,

nutritional advice, & health tips via your

machines’ LCD, leading to increased loyalty & purchasing


Message-driven graphics and LCD

videos allow customer to interact with a

previously inanimate object, improving the customer experience.


Digital LCD screen attracts more eyes to your machine & enhance its image, leading to a higher perceived value &

intrigue of machine & its contents.


Limitless updates & software enhancements,

cashless payment capabilities, advanced

remote monitoring system, interactive SMS

messaging & much more.

Primary Features:

Displays Video Ads, Product Info, & Nutrition Advice. Attracts More Eyeballs.

Generate an Extra

ScreenThe Brains Behind Your

Advendtising Program. Keeps Your Machine on the Cutting Edge

Maximize Purchasing Power. Offer Cashless Payment.

SMS Text Alerts, Real Inventory Tracking, Sales Tracking & Reports, Machine Speaks to Customer

Uses up to 50% Less Energy Than Standard Vending Machines

Strategically-Placed Infrared Sensors Refund Money If a Product Doesn’t Vend

Clears Vending Errors Automatically

Over 40% More Capacity Than Prior Models. Less Trips to Your Machine

Uses Conveyor Belt Dispensing Technology, NOT Coils, Which Greatly Increases Versatility

Continuous Software Enhancements

* Same as “The Apprentice”, except the Media Mogul is 88”H

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Warranty: 2 Years Limited


Dimensions (inches):

Weight: 725 lbs.

Temperature: Ambient to 33 degrees F

Tray Style: Adjustable Coil System

Our M


Primary Features:

Vends Hot Food, Cold Drinks, & Healthy Snacks!

Generate an

Video Screen The Brains Behind Your

Advendtising Program. Keeps Your Machine on the Cutting Edge

Uses up to 50% Less Energy Than Standard Vending Machines

Improves Product Presentation,Requires No Service for 5+ Years, & Reduces Lighting Energy Costs by 40%

Wide Variety of Healthy Menu Selections Available. Vends Packages Of All Shapes & Sizes

Maximize Purchasing

Track Sales & Inventory Metrics. Generate Custom Reports. Run Your Biz

Strategically-Placed Infrared Sensors Refund Money If a Product Doesn’t Vend

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Our M


Warranty: 2 Years Limited


Dimensions (inches):

Weight: 975 lbs.

Temperature: Ambient to 33 degrees F

Tray Style: Adjustable Coil System

Primary Features:

Vends Hot Food, Cold Drinks, & Tasty Snacks!

Holds 33% more than the Hot HUMAN Machine

Generate an

Video Screen The Brains Behind Your

Advendtising Program. Keeps Your Machine on the Cutting Edge

Uses up to 50% Less Energy Than Standard Vending Machines

Improves Product Presentation, Requires No Service for 5+ Years, & Reduces Lighting Energy Costs by 40%

Wide Variety of Healthy Menu Selections Available. Vends Packages Of All Shapes & Sizes

Maximize Purchasing Power. Offer Cashless Payment

Track Sales & Inventory Metrics. Generate Custom Reports. Run Your Biz

Strategically-Placed Infrared Sensors Refund Money If a Product Doesn’t Vend

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Primary Features:

Vends A Wide Variety Of Tasty And Nutritious Full Frozen Meals (In Multiple Shapes

“Ruggedized” Design. Built to Withstand the Elements

Keeps Your Products Cold While Reducing Energy Consumption

Strategically-Placed Infrared Sensors Virtually Eliminate Misvends

Clears Vending Errors Automatically

Uses Conveyor Belt Dispensing Technology, Not Coils, Which Greatly Increases Versatility and Capacity

Can Be Upgraded To Any Form of Cashless

Warranty: 2 Years Limited


Dimensions (inches): 41”W x 36”D x 72”H

Weight: 970 lbs.

R-404A – CFC Free


Tray Style: Highly-Versatile Conveyor Belt

Our M


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Our M


Primary Features:

“Ruggedized” Design. Built to Withstand the Elements

Keeps Your Products Cold While Reducing Energy Consumption

Strategically-Placed Infrared Sensors Virtually Eliminate Misvends

Clears Vending Errors Automatically

Uses Conveyor Belt Dispensing Technology, Not Coils, Which Greatly Increases Versatility and Capacity

Can Be Upgraded To

Warranty: 2 Years Limited


Dimensions (inches): 37”W x 33.5”D x 72”H

Weight: 992 lbs

Temperature: Ambient to 33 degrees F

Tray Style: Highly-Versatile Conveyor Belt

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Our M


Primary Features:

WAY Better Than Your Average Cup of Joe

Machine Grinds Whole Coffee Beans On-The-Spot For Every Cup

Serves Coffee, Cappuccinos, Lattes, Mochas, Espressos, & More

Machine Serves Over 300 Cups of Coffee Before Re-stocking. Less Trips To Your Machine

Self Cleaning Mixing Circuit, Product Delivery, and Grinding Assembly Saves You Time & Effort!

Steel Cabinet With Rust Proof Treatment, Vandal-Proof Lock, and Crow-Bar Resistant Design

Warranty: 2 Years Limited


Dimensions (inches): 24”W x 24”D x 72”H

Weight: 330 lbs.

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h.u.m.a.n.helping unite man and nutrition

Inputs include: national databases, chamber of commerce, corporate wellness companies, charities, internet searches, operator “wishlist”, and other exclusive “connectors” h.u.m.a.n. knowsh.u.m.a.n.

h.u.m.a.n. kicks off a month-long, multi-tiered, customized direct mail campaign to your top locations, which generates incoming leads for your program launch

HUMAN trains you on how to conduct an awesome location meeting using your brand new iPad 2.Meetings are set with top locations in your area on a rolling basis, usually over the course of a month.

You’ll attend 10-30 face-to-face LDA meetings with HUMAN doing live machine demos and Q&A via live video feed on your iPad2. This is where we pick out the best of the best locations.We’ll hook you up with awesome meeting materials to aid in the sales processYou get trained on how to properly conduct location meetings so you can grow your network whenever you want toh.u.m.a.n locks in the contract at the meeting or sets a timeline for thorough follow-up

Not all locations sign contracts during Phase 3. Follow-Up is crucial to get the best locations. Here’s what happens:Thank you letters go out to all locations we met withContinual follow-up from h.u.m.a.n that includes: answering more questions, providing more information, formulating a customized planogram, and frequent contact with the location to guide them through the process With full h.u.m.a.n support, you attend any follow-on meetings that occurAverage Duration of the Whole LDA Process: 3-4 months

h.u.m.a.n.’s time-tested, premium “Location Discovery & Acquisition” (LDA) system sifts and sorts through your area’s best locations and delivers high-value vending contracts for your business.





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Our Products

h.u.m.a.n.helping unite man and nutrition


As a h.u.m.a.n. partner you’ll AVOID THE #1 BIGGEST MISTAKE made by vending operators when starting a healthy vending business: selling the wrong products! We are the healthy vending product experts – we know what products sell & what don’t. We’ll handle the product selection process for you so that you can start-off on the right foot, eliminate guesswork, and save yourself a boatload of time & money.

The 5 Es that form the underlying principles of our overall product strategy:

Expertise Experience Education Economics EnjoymentOur company was founded by a biomedical engineer & has a health advisory board full of medical doctors,

registered dieticians, & public health specialists. We know health & nutrition – especially in regards to convenience - REALLY well. We’re both a vending AND a health company.

Since 2003, we’ve tested over 1000 different products in our vending machines. We put together customized product-mix offerings for each unique location based on this data. Why? Because we’ve learned that different people have different needs & different product preferences. Customization is key!

Each h.u.m.a.n. program launch includes an educational component that is designed to develop loyal & valuable customers. Our on-machine digital LCD screens & our weekly online newsletters provide health info, product purchasing advice, & promotions encouraging use of

We offer the lowest prices on over 1000 food & beverage selections. This means lower prices for consumers &

both our operators & locations. How do we do this? By making NO money selling products at wholesale to our vending operators. You won’t

high-quality products.

Great nutrition does nothing without great taste. That’s why each of our products must pass a health test AND a taste test. Even the most discerning eater will

that they enjoy inside of h.u.m.a.n. healthy vending machines. After taste-testing, many customers don’t believe the products are actually healthy!

ExperienceRely on sales-proven


ExpertiseOffer only the

healthiest products

EducationCreate informed, loyal customers

EconomicsMaximize your

EnjoymentProvide the tastiest foods and drinks


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Our Products

h.u.m.a.n.helping unite man and nutrition

We utilize a vast nutritional distribution network of over 20 warehouses across the nation to get you the products you need in a very speedy fashion. What exactly do we offer?



Absolute Customization. 100% organic, SB-19 compliant, gluten-free, allergen-free, low-fat, low-carb, no sugar-added, or whatever else your customers need - h.u.m.a.n. has the necessary



A Bar for Every Occasion. Granola bars, energy bars, protein bars, fruit bars, meal replacement bars,

every type of bar you can imagine.


An Extensive Variety. Dried fruit, trail mix, granola, natural pita chips, kettle corn, assorted nuts, natural meat jerky, vegetarian snacks, healthy crackers, chips, & cookies – a snack to satisfy every craving.



Thirst-Quenching. premium waters, sports beverages, protein shakes, natural energy drinks, natural sodas, soy milk, organic smoothies, kids juices & organic coffees.



More than just foods & drinks. Immune boosters, multi-vitamin packs, protein powders, electrolyte gel, & meal replacement packs – your customers desire more than foods & drinks alone can provide.

“As an athlete that understands the direct relationship between nutrition and performance, I appreciate how h.u.m.a.n. Healthy Vending provides health conscious individuals with the nutrition they need... around the clock.” Jay Fiedler NFL Quarterback, New York Jet

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28 Lorem Sit !onth ""# """"

Our Products

h.u.m.a.n.helping unite man and nutrition



Luna Bar





The Switch


Honest Tea


Water 10

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Our Products

h.u.m.a.n.helping unite man and nutrition

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Our Productst

h.u.m.a.n.helping unite man and nutrition

account, order your products, stock your machines, and you’re good to go!

STEP 1:Your assigned healthy vending expert, or Humanist, will conduct an in-depth

This process includes demographic information analysis, on-location customer

You’re then provided with a complete Product Order List per location

STEP 2:h.u.m.a.n.

h.u.m.a.n. vending operator partner in their systemYou’ll typically be set-up with 2-3 distribution warehouses from which to order - the

To avoid paying sales tax you’ll need a Reseller’s License which can be obtained

You only have to do Step 1 and 2 once, then you’ll be set up and ready to make $!

STEP 3:Order the exact products on your unique Product Order List from your newly set-up distributors – orders can be placed via phone, fax, or online

minimums of between $250-$500 depending on the distributorOrders are either shipped same or next day, the only exception being some

STEP 4:Orders are delivered within 24-72 hours of order placement, again, with the only exception being some drink orders which require route deliveryReceive deliveries, stock your machines, & store extra inventory properly

we’d speak with you before-hand to ensure proper storage

STEP 5:You receive weekly sale reports from your machines, so you’ll know in advance when you need to re-order from your distributors Most distributors require up-front or COD payments initially, but will give you a credit

Don’t want to pay up-front for your initial inventory purchase? h.u.m.a.n. allows you to wrap these payments into your lease agreement so that you don’t have to pay ANY money down!

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The traditional “junk food” vending industry is in a tail-spin and

how they’re going to get through this recession alive.

What’s h.u.m.a.n.’s answer to the woes of the vending industry?

Vending 2.0™

h.u.m.a.n.helping unite man and nutrition

So what the heck is Vending 2.0™? We’re glad you asked…

1) Data tracking, data management, and data-driven decisions…basically, any sort of “internal intelligence

h.u.m.a.n. machines,

2) A more educated consumer is a more loyal & health-conscious consumer, and that translates to higher sales, leading to more money in your pocket. Digital LCD screens make it

h.u.m.a.n. machine.

3) By combining the relatively low cost of digital LCD screens & computing power with the high speed of today’s broadband internet, it’s now technologically feasible & affordable to stream digital video content to h.u.m.a.n.

and reduces the operator’ break-even time. Advertising – or as we like to call it Advendtising - on h.u.m.a.n. machines creates a revenue stream for both vending operators & locations, leaving people to wonder:

“Every vending operator MUST adopt a Vending 2.0™ mindset NOW.”

Not only will integrating Vending 2.0™ strategies SAVE you from the pitfalls of the traditional vending industry, it will allow you to THRIVE in a recession & make more money in vending than was ever thought possible.

h.u.m.a.n. is leading the vending industry into its next major upgrade cycle, which we’ve coined Vending 2.0™, where it will be no coincidence that the vending operators making the

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h.u.m.a.n.helping unite man and nutrition

h.u.m.a.n. Program

An actual screen shot of a digital video

advendtisement on a Versatile h.u.m.a.n healthy vending machine.

healthy vending business? Of course you do! AdvendtisingTM is the biggest thing to hit the vending industry since…well, since it’s founding! For years vending operators have been seeking an additional revenue stream besides product sales, especially one that doesn’t require much extra work or investment. With the advent of video advertising via digital LCD screens on the front

they’ve been seeking since the 1980s. EVERYONE makes more money with the h.u.m.a.n. AdvendtisingTM program!

YOU receive 25% of ad revenues, requiring little to no work on your end!

This is another area where YOU can make more money! The seller of the ad typically earns an additional 25% of the ad revenue.

Location The location where the machine is hosted typically receives a 10% share.

h.u.m.a.n. manages the ad network, handles all revenue distribution, & maximizes ad utilization at each & every machine.

This revenue share is paid to the creators & administrators of the ad network.

25% Vending Operator

25% Sale of Ad

10% Location

20% Manager of Ad

20% Administration of Ad

Advendtising™ Revenue Breakdown

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h.u.m.a.n.helping unite man and nutrition


AdvendtisingTM sounds great, but it also sounds complicated…right? Don’t worry! We’ve created a seamless back-end system that makes the process easy - you barely have to do any work!

Ad Sales: Connect with Interested Advendtisersh.u.m.a.n. & its ad sales partners connect with brands that want to place digital ads on your healthy vending machines’ LCD screens

length of contract, total number of machines utilized, duration of ad, ad frequency, location rating, and other important advendtising factors

Your machines will likely be wrapped into larger regional and/or national Advendtising™ networks to allow for the attainment of critical mass

Ad Management: Integration of Ads into Ad-Server

h.u.m.a.n. works with advendtisers to create highly targeted digital ads optimized for placement on healthy vending machine LCD screens

h.u.m.a.n. loads ads onto ad-server network and prepares them for distribution through vending machine network

Through lifetime of the Advendtising™ contract, h.u.m.a.n. maintains and updates the ads, ensuring that your machines are optimally utilized

Ad System Set-up: Internet Connectivity or USB Loading

To receive remotely-loaded ads, each of your machines’ internal computers needs to be connected to the internet via a direct Ethernet connection (optimal), an internal WiFi card, or a wireless carrier card

If your machines cannot be connected to the internet, all ads will have to

content manually, which is a simple process (but not optimal)

Ad Placement: Upload from Ad-Server to Machine PCs

h.u.m.a.n. then initiates the upload of the ads from our ad-server to your

Each machine can serve up to 10 video ads - in addition to health information, trivia & nutritional guidance spots – all rotating on a continuous loop

Ad Delivery: Advendtisements Play on LCD ScreensYour machine’s internal PC serves the ads to your customers via its gorgeous 23” HD LCD screens

h.u.m.a.n. works hand-in-hand with you to build important Advendtising™ metrics such as sales effects, direct-response performance, & more

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h.u.m.a.n.helping unite man and nutrition

*Note: Not every location is equally conducive to Advendtising. While all machines are shipped with digital content loaded, that doesn’t mean that all

Advendtising program. Vending operators can help this process by selling ads themselves. And remember, the Advendtising system increases products sales immediately!

Almost none! The best thing about our Advendtising™ program is that it provides our vending operators with an additional revenue stream but doesn’t require you to do much extra work. Just operate your healthy vending machines as usual, keep your LCD screens properly connected so that they’re always displaying ads, and we’ll send you quarterly commission checks equal to 25% of the ad revenue your machines bring-in.* The only time you’ll really have to do some minimal “work” is in the beginning when connecting your machine to the internet. Additionally, you’ll have to maintain this connection over time, but this is something you have to do anyway to keep the credit card reader working properly. If your machines are not connected to the internet, then you’ll have to

Quite a bit! But there are no exact answers to this question. Every location is different – the better the location, the higher the ad-revenue. Purely as an example, & with no implied guarantees, let’s assume each of your machines

case, if you did nothing but stock, maintain & operate your machines as usual, you would ™

10 machines, this would bring you an additional $1,000 per month in PROFITS!* These numbers are not even considering the separate fact that LCD screens & digital content


machine. BUT if you compare the cost of our machines & our program to others, especially considering that each of our machines have credit card readers & remote-monitoring devices built-in, you’ll notice that our machines are actually the better deal…by far! You’re basically not paying ANYTHING more for our machines’ internal PC computers, digital LCD

MORE up-front it would be well worth it. Consider this: If your machines never even run an ad, they’d still make-up for this “imaginary extra cost” via increased vending machine sales for YOU!

20%. What does this mean for you? If your average vend price is $2.00, and your machines vend on-average 20 products per day, 5 days per week, then you’d generate


How much work is required to run a successful Advendtising™ program?


How much money can I make per machine with Advendtising™?


How much does it cost to run Advendtising™ on my machines?

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h.u.m.a.n.helping unite man and nutrition

h.u.m.a.n. Healthy Vending

We want to make sure that you’re making the right decision when it comes to partnering with h.u.m.a.n. healthy vending.

Features Included H.U.M.A.N.Traditional Vending

Company X“Healthy Vending”

Company Y


Credit Card Reader $575 Extra $575 ExtraAllows for cashless payments & increases

23” HD Video Display NA NAStreaming videos provide nutritional information, purchasing advice, & ads

Remote Monitoring System NA NA


Professional Graphics Plain exterior Old-School Graphicsh.u.m.a.n. graphics are the result of consumer surveys & professional design

Eco-Friendly Design NA NAUses up to 50% Less Energy Than Standard Vending Machines

Vend Sensor Technology NA NAStrategically-Placed Infrared Sensors

Self-Diagnosing System NA NAClears Vending Errors Automatically

Increased Capacity Sometimes SometimesMachines

Conveyor Dispensing Technology NA NATechnology,

NOT Coils, Which Greatly Increases Versatility

Lifetime Unlimited Updates NA NAEnhancements


Taste-Test Proven NA NATaste is just as important as health when it comes to healthy vending success

h.u.m.a.n. never places a product in a machine Traditional vending companies just

buy brands they recognizeOther companies can’t compete

when it comes to taste test research

Planogram Customization NAh.u.m.a.n.

Product Selection Primarily Junk Food 100-500 ItemsA larger product selection allows for more accurately tailored planograms

Wholesale Pricing LOW LOW MEDIUMLower wholesale prices mean higher margins & sales for operators

h.u.m.a.n. makes absolutely no money on wholesale

Most traditional vending companies tell their customers to

Other “healthy vending” companies usually take a cut when wholesaling


Distribution Local Variesh.u.m.a.n. utilizes more than 20 ditribution warehouses


1000+ Health Items

20+ Distribution Warehouses

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h.u.m.a.n.helping unite man and nutrition

h.u.m.a.n. Healthy Vending

Features Included H.U.M.A.N.Traditional Vending

Company X“Healthy Vending”

Company Y

The Program

Digital Advertising Revenue NA NA

video screen on h.u.m.a.n. machines

Charitable Giving NA NAh.u.m.a.n. donates 10% of proceeds to

Location Management NA NAh.u.m.a.n. manages certain aspects of your locations so you save time & hassle

Basic PR Package NA NAh.u.m.a.nat every location free of charge

Ongoing Education NA NAIncludes newsletters, recommendations,

Premium Location Acquisition NA NA

machine video demos and support via iPad2

Lifetime Coaching NA NA

Coaching and Assistance to Build Your Business

The Company

Expert Health Advisory Board NA NAHealth advisors ensure h.u.m.a.n. is always at the forefront of health

Health Professional as Founder NA NAh.u.m.a.n.’s founder is a biomedical engineer with proven business success

Philanthropy as a Main Focus NA NASocial responsibility & charitable giving make up h.u.m.a.n.’s foundation

Healthy Vending Experience +7 Years Minimal 2-3 Yearsh.u.m.a.n. founded the industry of pure-play healthy vending in 2003

We welcome comparisons of our program vs. others in the market, because we know that the h.u.m.a.n. program looks the best when it’s subjected to the most critical eye!

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Get Started

h.u.m.a.n.helping unite man and nutrition


We’re ready to get you there. These are the next Six Steps that need to be taken to get you on your way to achieving bigtime success as a h.u.m.a.n. operator partner!

> >

Work with the h.u.m.a.n. team to create a network of at least 5 premium locations optimal for h.u.m.a.n. machine placement. You

yourself, or we can set-up the network for you. People contact us every day requesting our machines, so we may already have locations for you to service!

We’ll work with you to survey your locations and determine the exact needs & desires of your customer group(s). This

product mix, allowing you to serve your customers to the best degree possible. Quality R&D leads to better business, happier customers, & higher

anticipation for your launch!

your premium locations, we help you choose the best machines to install. Then, we assist you in determining whether leasing or purchasing the machines makes the most sense for you and your particular situation. Here

training & installation details.

> >

Based on past-precedence, demographic data, & gathered survey information, we’ll put together the perfect planogram, or product-mix, for each of your locations. Then you’ll set-up accounts with our partner distributors in your area, and order

delivery within 1-3 days. Reorder whenever your inventory gets low! It’s that easy – we make it as seamless as possible.

The location surveys also give us key insights into what digital content would best suit your customer group(s) & our advertising partners. The goal here is to create a

targeted digital ad campaign that also includes health information and nutritional advice. Our creative team puts together this campaign and pre-loads your machines with the digital content.

Together we arrange the installation of your h.u.m.a.n. machines & decide on the training program that works best for you. The machines are delivered, you stock them with product, and “Voila” - you’re launched! Work with us to kick-off a PR campaign & then focus all of your effort on building your h.u.m.a.n. network to be better, larger, & stronger!

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Our Program

h.u.m.a.n.helping unite man and nutrition


Our #1 operational goal is to make your life as easy as possible.

Our logistics and processes system ensures that you only spend time doing what makes you money - operating & optimizing your machine network. We handle the rest!

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h.u.m.a.n.helping unite man and nutrition


Wholesale Price

Apprentice Machine Eco-Friendly, Versatile, and Video-Ready

$7,499.00 $9,999.00

Media Mogul MachinePremium, Ad-Serving Health Store

$9,499.00 $12,499.00

Hot HUMANAll-in-One Healthy Vending Solution

w/o Media Screen$9,999.00

w/o Media Screen


w/ Media Screen$11,499.00

w/ Media Screen$13,499.00

Hot HUMAN PLUSAll-in-One Healthy Vending Solution

w/o Media Screen$10,999.00

w/o Media Screen$12,999.00

w/ Media Screen$12,499.00

w/ Media Screen$14,499.00

Arctic HUMAN Heavy Duty Frozen Foods Vendor

$8,999.00 $11,999.00

Rugged HUMANSturdy, Versatile Outdoor Machine

$8,499.00 $11,499.00

Joe HUMAN Premium Gourmet Coffee Vendor

$5,499.00 $7,499.00

*All pricing subject to change at any time without notice**All shipments FOB from H.U.M.A.N.’S designated warehouses

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h.u.m.a.n.helping unite man and nutrition


Product Wholesale Price

Basic Cashless Payment System for Media Mogul and Hot HUMANs FREE

Basic Cashless Payment System for All Others $500

Advanced Cashless Payment System for Media Mogul and Hot HUMANs $250

Advanced Cashless Payment System for All Others $750

HUMAN Healthy Vending Optional Services

Wholesale Price

Shipping & Delivery Includes shipping of 5 or more machines to a central holding facility in your area.

$500/Machine (U.S.)

$750/Machine (Canada)

Professional Training, VIP Set-up & Machine Installation

or fewer machines.$500/Machine (U.S.)

Premium Location Discovery & Acquisition + Comprehensive iPad2 Video Support + LDA Sales Training

25 of this Handbook

$6,000 (6 or Fewer Machines)

$1,000/machine (7 or More Machines)

*All pricing subject to change at any time without notice**All shipments FOB from H.U.M.A.N.’S designated warehouses

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Place a Deposit for 5 or More “Media Mogul” Machines in the Next 21 Days and Get the HUMAN VIP Upgrade, Free:

Cash Back

you get (10 machine limit on cash back)

Master Humanist Upgrade With 10 or more machines:

Platinum PR Upgrade

1 SEO- Optimized Blog Post

Platinum Marketing Upgrade

1 HUMAN Polo Shirt

The “HUMAN VIP Upgrade” Value

1) Cash Back (10 Machines) $5,000.00

2) Master Humanist Upgrade $10,000.00

3) Platinum PR Upgrade $1,499.00

4) Platinum Marketing Upgrade $299.00

Total Upgrade Value (yours free in the next 21 days) $16,798.00

The Clock is Officially Ticking (T-Minus 21 Days)Contact HUMAN

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h.u.m.a.n.helping unite man and nutrition


A Nutrition Without Borders Company

333 S. Wilton Pl., Suite #9

Los Angeles, CA 90020

341 Bonnie Circle, Suite #102

Website: m

Step 1

Step 2

Partner Application Here:


your Partner Interview.


Page 43: How to-start-a-vending-machine-business

h.u.m.a.n.helping unite man and nutrition

I’m looking for vending operators who want to be a part of something

as important, a health revolution that will improve the lives of people across the globe. h.u.m.a.n. malnutrition. These public health initiatives make-up the strong foundation of our socially responsible company.

As a partner vending operator, we want you to believe in our mission support it. You must have a passion for sharing the gift of health and recognize that with each and every minute you spend on your business, you’re making the healthy lifestyle easier for people to achieve. Imagine the respect, pride, and enjoyment you’ll feel from being a part of such an

h.u.m.a.n. has created a vending program and machines designed to dominate the Vending 2.0™ industry. We want partner vending operators who have an intense desire to be part of our premium brand. When you join h.u.m.a.n. you join an innovative team of highly passionate professionals.

industry, and a feeling of contentment each and every day.

In order to achieve success operating h.u.m.a.n. machines, you have to be ambitious, willing to work hard, and determined to reach success. Although I have streamlined the h.u.m.a.n. program to ensure that you have

that you put-in a solid effort. You will continually focus on optimizing and improving your business, so you can make more money in less time. It takes the dedication of a true entrepreneur. You just have to want it.

And if you really want it, I want you on my team.

I’m recruiting only those people who are determined to step-up their lives

situation handed down to them by everyday life. Stop working for money and let your money work for you. Today is the day to make a change!

Sound good? Ready to take the plunge, inject some excitement into your life, along with a sizeable helping of

There’s no better time to act than NOW.

If you have what it takes to become h.u.m.a.n., let’s get started! Go to

forward to hearing from you!

Sean Kelly

Chief Humanist, h.u.m.a.n.

h.u.m.a.n. is RIGHT for You if:

i) You want to work for

yourself & determine

your own hours &

ii) You believe that

with hard work

you can drastically

improve your lifestyle

iii) You want to feel

that what you do

really helps people &

the world

iv) You see the

importance of

investing your money

in income-producing


v) You believe in the

h.u.m.a.n. mission &


vi) You embrace


technology, & today’s

term trends

h.u.m.a.n. is WRONG for You if:

i) You’re seeking

a get-rich quick

scheme without the

investment of work or


ii) You’re 100% happy

with your level of

impact on the world

iii) You fear new


innovation, & change

grasping that each

& every day you

have the chance to

drastically better your

life & surroundings

v) You’re ok with

missing-out on the

from the health


vi) You’re completely

current lifestyle &