Download - How to make a prank call

Page 1: How to make a prank call


Choose a windup from our list of RevengePrank Calls

Call 0906 342 0085* Making sure you have themobile or landline number of the person youwant to wind up .

Listen to the main menu options .

Enter the number of the Prank you havechosen .


Enter the number of the Prankyou have chosen .

Enter your Victim ’s telephone numberand press # when they answer to startthe windup .

Your Victim will then believe they aretalking to a real person and continueto interact with the recording .

You can secretly listen in while the joke is beingplayed on the Victim so you can hear both thewindup and the Victim ’s reaction at the sametime .

If you hang up the call will end ; if yourvictim hangs up you will be given theoption to call back or choose another .

0906 342 0085*Calls cost £1.50 per minute plusyour Network Access Charge.