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How To Lose Weight And Keep It Off

3 Ways To Reverse Beta Switch Suppression and Eliminate Stubborn Female Fat

Sue Heintze Women's Weight Loss Author & Body Transformation Expert

By Sue HeintzeFemale Fat Loss Expert

Did you know that strict dieting and certain types of exercise can actually trigger a biological “switch” in a woman’s body, that forces your fat cells to greedily TRAP fatty acids, or even store MORE fat?

And that simply flipping that same switch to "fat-release" mode is quite simple, yet probably goes against everything you’ve heard or even believed about losing weight?

Would it shock you to learn that the stubborn lower body fat 91% of women struggle with is a direct result of this simple biological switch?…

And that no matter how hard you’ve tried in the past, it's simply NOT your fault that you never managed to slim your thighs and bum, no matter how much weight you lost?

You see, it is now clear that your fat loss and weight gain are controlled at a cellular level by somethingcalled Adrenoreceptors (1)…

These are like SWITCHES that react with a hormone called adrenaline that is released naturally by your body, and makes you store or release fat…

Everyone — women and men alike — have both Beta Adrenoreceptors and Alpha Adrenoreceptors…

Now, when you turn on your Beta receptor “switch”, you trigger fat burning…

However, when you turn on your Alpha receptor “switch”, you store and trap fat in your fat cells…

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Now, the bad news for women…

Researchers have discovered that women have 9 TIMES more Alpha receptors than Beta receptors in their stubborn lower body fat2…

And now you see why stubborn trapped fat has NEVER been your fault!

However, in the rest of this short article, you’ll discover 3 simple strategies that activate your fat-burning Beta receptors and suppress your fat-trapping Alpha receptors — in even your most stubborn trouble spots — so you will melt away your embarrassing fat zones without depriving yourself of your favorite foods or spending useless hours on exercises that make your trouble spots even worse.

The 3 Beta Switch activation techniques below reveal EXACTLY howyou can FORCE your cells to release trapped fat on your thighs, bum

and even the backs of your arms — WITHOUT strict diets or excessiveexercise.

Beta Activation Tip #1:

NEVER Make This Fat-Storing Breakfast Blunder(it shuts off your Beta receptors)

When you imagine a perfect “healthy breakfast”, what do you see?

Maybe you’ve heard or even believed that a healthy fat-burning breakfast is something like orange juice and a whole-wheat bagel with peanut butter? Some oatmeal and yogurt? Or perhaps some whole-grain cereal with skim milk?…

After all, that’s what we’ve been trained to believe by the industrial food companies, right?…

However, that kind of high-carb breakfast instantly destroys your

ability to switch off your fat-trapping Alpha receptors, as we’ll see in a minute…

Yet there’s a “controversial” breakfast alternative that can actually trigger the activation of your powerful fat-burning BETA receptors…

A study in the American Journal of Physiology demonstrated that a period of fasting as short as 12 hours — easily achieved by skipping breakfast — can boost the fat burning power of your Beta receptors.3

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Now, you may believe that skipping breakfast will result in low energy, brain fog and hunger pangs. However, that is ONLY because your body is not YET adapted to releasing and burning your stored fat for fuel, and is still depending on the carbs you eat.

As soon as you train your cells to switch to fat burning mode, you’ll immediately notice daily weight loss both on the scale and in the mirror — especially on areas of your body that used to hold onto stubborn fat!

Beta Activation Tip #2:

Just Say NO To This Common Meal-Timing Mistake(it RUINS fat metabolism)

If you exercise, trainers andnutritionists around the world willtell you how important it is to “fuelyour workout” with high-carb foodslike bananas, smoothies andoatmeal.

Yet this outdated advice completelyshuts down fat-burning during yourworkout!…

And doing the opposite — fastingfor 4-5 hours before your workout— has been shown to suppress yourfat-trapping Alpha receptors.1

That means you don’t need thefancy pre-workout snacks to fuelyour workout, because you are able to release and burn trapped fat from your stubborn trouble spots to provide you with the fuel you need!…

Avoiding food for 4-5 hours before exercising also causes your body to release more adrenaline during your workout, which will react with your Beta receptors to accelerate fat loss even more!

And that’s just one of the strategies in my complete Beta Switch system that I cover on the …

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Beta Activation Tip #3:

Avoid This Trendy Diet (it LOCKS fat in your trouble spots)

It’s only logical to think that eating fat will make you fat — except it couldn’t be further from the truth!…

To get the energy for your day and your activities, you’ve got two choices…

Carbs or fats.

Those are the only two “macronutrients” that can give you energy. Even if you eat just protein,your body will convert it to carbohydrates to meet its energy needs through something called gluconeogenesis.

So if you fall victim to the low-fat diet gurus, you’ll be forced to eat carbs for energy. Which is exactly what the low-fat pre-packaged dietfood industry is banking on!…

In fact, “low fat” foods are packed full of carbs, just to make them palatable…

However, as soon as you eat carbs, you release more of a hormone called insulin, which locks fat in your cells!

Yet research shows that as little as 4 days on a reduced carb diet — eating the right proportion of tastycarbs, at the right times — will suppress your Alpha adrenoreceptors. And as we’ve already seen, your Alpha receptors are what’s trapping the fat into your most troublesome body parts, and holding you back from the body you deserve!

As you can probably see by now, your Beta and Alpha receptors are what make the difference between a slim and shapely lower body, or being saddled with embarrassing bulges on your thighs and bum.

And most of the popular weight loss advice you’ve been hearing actually activates your fat-trapping switches and blocks your fat burning switches! Which is why stubborn lower body fat has never been your fault.

Remember, I battled with my own “thunder thighs” and “saddlebags” for most of my life — a story I share on the next page. Yet since I discovered this hidden metabolism research nearly a decade ago, I’ve perfected a complete system called The Beta Switch, designed to eliminate every woman’s most troublesome stubborn fat.

In many ways I’m just like you. I have a demanding career, a busy family, and my precious little daughter that all compete for my time. I don’t have the luxury of indulging in complex diets, strange meals that my family won’t eat, or hard-to-find ingredients. And there’s no way I can waste time with excessive exercising. So rest assured that I created The Beta Switch to be the most efficient and hassle-free fat-burning lifestyle for women possible!…

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However, Do You Even Qualify To Use The Beta Switch?If you still think that low calorie, low carb or low fat diets will somehow magically start working for you, and allow you to finally shed your trouble spot fat, then The Beta Switch is definitely not for you.

And if you still believe that the solution to thunder thighs and saddlebags comes in a tube or a jar of expensive “spot reduction” potions, then I’m afraid I can’t help you.

However, if you'd like to learn exactly how this unique female trouble spot solution works, just click the "Next Page" button below and you'll discover how to quickly and literally flip the cellular “switch” that will unlock your trapped fat and accelerate the fat loss on even your most stubborn fat zones!

The Beta Switch is safe, science-based, and it works FAST. This system is also the ONLY way for women to finally reverse the stubborn fat that, until now, has always been impossible to lose, no matter how much you diet or exercise. And you’ll do it WITHOUT strict dieting or excessive workouts.

First, I want to tell you a very personal story.

How Teenage “Teasing” and MyNegative Body ImageLead To The Discovery Of ThisLittle-Known Metabolic “Switch” ForWomenI used to feel ashamed at some of the things I’m about to sharewith you…

Yet I understand now that my struggles are what inspired me todevote my life to understanding the real reasons women battlewith stubborn fat.

It’s women like you who give me the courage to share mystruggles so publicly today…

It started the summer I turned 18…

My mom and sister began making innocent comments like,“Sue, your bum is getting big”…

I know they were teasing, however it set the stage for nearlytwo decades of obsessive compulsive eating disorders andnegative body image.

At one point, I was even diagnosed with bulimia!…

I became crazy about counting calories… and could tell you how many calories were in pretty much anything…

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I added it all up in my head, and got depressed at the end of the day if I ate more than I thought I “should” have…

Not surprisingly, I was hungry all the time and had constant cravings!…

I remember one sunny day here in Adelaide, Australia… I was all set for a night on the town with my girlfriends…

However, that afternoon I surrendered — once again — to my constant cravings. And I devoured an entire super-size chocolate bar in seconds…

I felt so disgusted with myself and ashamed that I actually cancelled my night out, making a feeble excuse to hide my shame and my body image problems from my friends…

And just as bad… I became addicted to exercise…

I thought maybe I could exercise away my diet slip ups by putting on my tights and leg warmers for 2 daily aerobics classes… [It was the 80s and 90s after all…]

Even after I took to the stage in my 30s and started winning competitions as a figure competitor, I continued to struggle with the same issues…

And despite all the heartache, deprivation and sweat, I never lost the stubborn fat on my bum, thighs and the backs of my legs that I’d been ashamed of ever since I was 18 years old…

Just when I thought I’d tried everything… I made a shocking discovery…

They'd Rather I Never Uncovered This Hidden Metabolism ResearchI remember it clearly… One Mondaymorning in 2005…

I stumbled upon an obscure reference thatfinally explained why I’d never been able tolose that stubborn lower body fat!…

And just like that, the final piece of thepuzzle fell into place…

It was such a relief to realize that storing fat

on my butt and thighs had never been my fault… Just as it is not your fault…

And that the solution was actually EASIER than everything I had tried in the past…

• No more deprivation diets…• No more cravings, binges or hunger pangs…• And no more marathon exercise sessions…

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In fact, at 40 years old I enjoyed the easiest figure competition victory of my career…

I didn’t give up any of my favorite foods… And I spent less than half the time in the gym than I had preparing for my previous competitions…

I made this report because I want to share with you the same life changing discovery…

Now, make sure you pay attention, because I’m about to reveal the most important part.


The Answer Is Found In Learning How toActivate Your Fat-Burning "Beta Switches"Scientific research now confirms that it truly is harder for women to lose their stubborn fat…

And that most women are predisposed to store fat on their lower body…

You see, it is now clear that your fat loss and weight gain are controlled at a cellular level by somethingcalled Adrenoreceptors…

These are like SWITCHES thatreact with a hormone called adrenaline that is releasednaturally by your body, andmakes you store or releasefat…

Everyone — women and menalike — have both BetaAdrenoreceptors and AlphaAdrenoreceptors…

And this is where I found the key to getting rid of stubbornfemale body fat!…

Turn on your Beta receptor “switch” and you trigger fat burning…

Turn on your Alpha receptor “switch” and you store and trap fat in your fat cells…

To keep that straight, think of it this way…

as in Beta equals “Burn”

as in Alpha equals “Anti-Burn”

Now, the bad news.Women Really Do HaveMore Stubborn Fat…

Researchers have discovered that women have 9 TIMES more Alpha receptors than Beta receptors in their stubborn lower body fat…

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That means for every Beta receptor that’s devoted to releasing unattractive fat from your thighs, there are 9 Alpha receptors doing their best to make sure you store more fat, and that you hold onto already trapped fat…

This can also be true for other body parts like the back of your arms or your belly, yet most women suffer from hard-to-lose butt and thigh fat…

And this is the main reason why stubborn lower body fat has never been your fault…

However, there’s a second reason that no amount of dieting and exercise has ever allowed you to achieve a slim, shapely and smooth bum and legs…

The Second Reason Strict DietingHas Made Your Trouble Spots WORSEYou see, when you go on a strict diet, or exercise too much, your Thyroid hormones go down…

You may have heard that these hormones can affect your weight…

Yet it’s even more serious than that. Low Thyroid hormones switch on your Alpha receptors, and switch off your Beta receptors…

So all your extreme dieting and exercise has actually increased your body fat in the spots you wanted toget rid of it the most!…

And made it even harder to slim downyour most unattractive trouble spots…

Why Stubborn LowerBody Fat Has NEVERBeen Your Fault

Let’s do a quick recap before we getinto the solution I discovered…

Your fat burning is controlled by your Adrenoreceptors…

Beta receptors equal “Burn”…Alpha receptors equal “Anti-Burn”…

As a woman, you’ve got 9 times more Alpha receptors in your stubborn fat cells. So you’re more likely to store and trap fat in those areas…

And when you diet and exercise the wrong way, you actually make the problem worse, and increase fat storage in your trouble spots!…

Now, what if I told you there’s a way to trick your fat cells into turning on your Beta switch and turningoff your Alpha switch?…

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Now, You Can Finally Take ControlOf Your Weight Loss Master SwitchCan you imagine how much easier it will be once you’ve taken control of the master-switch that literally controls whether you store or release fat from your cells?

Can you feel how your jeans will get looser almost daily?

And see yourself fitting back into your skinny jeans in as little as 3-4 weeks?

Well, all the other everyday women you’ve been seeing on this page have done exactly that. And their results can be your results starting today…

There is a brand new solution proven to quickly melt away your most stubborn and embarrassing fat zones…

I’d like to introduce you to what is now the system for all women who have struggled with locked-in and unattractive trouble-spot fat — The Beta Switch™

The Beta Switch is the Only Complete Weight Loss Lifestyle for Women, That Specifically Switches on The Fat-Burning Power of Your Most Stubborn Female Trouble Spots, Without Restricting Your Favorite Foods or Doing Excessive Exercise

This is a System that allows women just like us to achieve and experience freedom from obsessive compulsive dieting, damaging workouts and negative body image…

This isn't just the System I teach to thousands of other women just like you — it's the System I used myself to achieve the easiest figure competition victory of my career — at 40 years old…

This System Works For ANY Woman —No Matter Your Age, And Regardless OfWhere You Store Your Most Stubborn Fat…Trust me, as all the women you’ve met in this video can attest, this System will work for you, even if…

• You’re a busy mom or professional woman like me…• You’ve shared my despair over trapped and stubborn female fat…• You’ve damaged your metabolism with strict dieting…• You’ve run yourself into the ground with excessive aerobics and cardio…• Or even if you think you’ve tried everything!

WARNING: Don’t Fall Victim To Another Spot Reduction HoaxNow, let me tell you what The Beta Switch is not, so you know what you are about to enjoy…

It’s not another generic diet for men that actually piles more fat onto your most

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stubborn fat zones…

It’s not a silly cream or potion that’s supposed to magically melt away your trouble spots…

It’s not yet another trendy cleanse or deprivation diet that inevitably ends in cravings,binges, guilt, depression, and rebound weight gain…

And it’s definitely not one of those punishing workout programs that leaves you exhausted and hungry all the time…

No, you and countless women just like you have tried all those false hopes and they’ve never worked…

It’s now time for a solution that actually flips on a woman’s unique fat-burning switch right at a cellular level, and guarantees you’ll finally find freedom from the negative body image only a womancan truly understand…

What Happens When YouFlip On Your Beta Switch™?When you master your own fat-burning Beta switch using the simple yet effective strategies that have been proven and refined with thousands of women just like you, you’ll enjoy a brand new weight loss experience including…

• Shockingly rapid fat loss on your thighs, bum, hips, belly or the backs of your arms…• An end to the cycle of starvation, cravings, binges and guilt…• And results you’ll actually notice daily in the bathroom mirror…

All while you indulge in your favorite foods, avoid crazy workouts, and finally enjoy the freedom of the positive body-image you desire and deserve…

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I’ve Condensed Everything You’ll NeedTo Flip On YOUR Beta Switch Into This Done-For-YouWeight Loss Lifestyle System For Women…

The Beta Switch is a simple, step-by-step 12 week nutrition and lifestyle system that switches on your fat-burning Beta receptors and switches off your stubborn-fat storing Alpha receptors…

You’ll quickly master things like…

• The precise 6 day kick-start diet plan that will instantly switch on your fat-burning metabolism…

• The quick and simple trick to easily tell the exact portions you need for YOUR body-type to maximize your weight loss...

• The complete list of fruits, veggies, fats and proteins that will activate your fat-burning Beta Switch…

• Which alcoholic beverage you are free to enjoy, and which ones will ruin your weight loss • instantly…• The 4 herbal extracts and one naturally occurring oil that prevents the activation of your fat

storing Alpha receptors…• And the only “cheat day” strategy that is proven to reboot your Thyroid hormone and eliminate

frustrating weight loss plateaus for good…

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Click the button below to immediately start using all the tricks that naturally and instantly activate your fat burning Beta receptors and suppress your fat-trapping Alpha receptors and to continue reading more information to the very end of the page for all the details.