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    Home > How to install Android 4.4 KitKat in Windows using VirtualBox

    How to install Android 4.4 KitKat inWindows using VirtualBoxPosted on February 21, 2014 by vonnie 145 Comments

    Googles confectionery legacy of Android operating systems has enough digital sugar to make youna useo us .

    It all started in 2009 with Android 1.5 Cupcake and now five years later, Google s infatuation withsweets lives on throu gh KitKat.

    KitKat is a great OS b ut you need the physical tablet or smartphone before you can actually playwith it.

    Or do you?

    Thanks to VirtualBox and the Android-x86 pro ject , we now have unfettered access to the latesttreats from Googles assorted code bakery.

    We just need to download the latest Android-x86 ISO and then load it into Virtualbox as a new Linuxvirtual machine.


    search here Go


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    On the Create Virtual Hard Drive screen, change the File Size to 6 GB , leave the Hard drive filetype at VDI but change the Storage on physical hard drive to Fixed size .

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    Now back in the image list, double click your tasty KitKat build. You should see a Select start-updisk window poof onto the screen.

    Click the tiny manila folder icon to find the Android .ISO file you downloaded earlier and then hit theStart button.

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    VirtualBox attempts to boot off the ISO and immediately displays the Android-x86 Live &Installation CD test screen.

    Keep hitting the arrow keys until you select the Installation option then hit Enter .

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  • 8/10/2019 How to Install Android 4


    The first thing we need to do is Create a new Partition .

    Think of a partition as an isolated section of your hard disk . In this case, were going to set asidethe entire virtual hard disk to Android but we need to create it first.

    Select Create/modify partitions and keep moving.
  • 8/10/2019 How to Install Android 4


    This next screen may look daunting at first but its pretty straight forward when you think about it.The top section shows various drive facts such as:

    Drive name: /dev/sdaSize: 6,442MB (6 Gigs)

    The middle section shows that there are currently no partitions.

    Hit the right arrow key to highlight the [NEW] option along the bottom the screen, then pressEnter .
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  • 8/10/2019 How to Install Android 4


    Press enter again to confirm the size. Here Im confirming the 6440.39 MB partition size.
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    Alright, now we need to make the pa rtition boo table so make sure [Bootable] is highlighted belowand press Enter.
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  • 8/10/2019 How to Install Android 4


    Press enter so we can finish up. You should find yourself back in the Choose Partition screen;however, this time you should see your newly created Partition in the list.

    Since we now have a place to park the KitKat installation we can start installing it. Select sda1Linux and hit Enter.

    Change the filesystem to ext3 and press Enter.

    The other filesystems are for different purposes. ext2 is better suited for removable media such asUSB flash drives and memory cards; however, the main advantage of ext3 is that it offers

    journaling .

    Journaling file systems are ideal because they track file system changes in a log called a journal . This means that journaling file systems can recovery faster fro m crashes and are less likely to get
  • 8/10/2019 How to Install Android 4



    You definite ly want this.

    Youll get a warning about losing all your data. This is fine because we have no data in the GuestOS.

    Choose Yes and continue.
  • 8/10/2019 How to Install Android 4


    Install GRUB and hit Yes .

    GRUB will give us the flexibility to boot up different Linux installations at startup.
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    Now hit Yes to install the /system directory as read-write.
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    Were on the home stretch now baby!
  • 8/10/2019 How to Install Android 4


    When you hit the finish line, in the VirtualBox menu bar, click Devices , go to CD/DVD Devicesand choose Remove disk from virtual drive .

    You might get a terrifying error about unmounting the disk. Dont worry, just click Forceunmount and choose Run Android-x86 !
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    If it doesnt start up right or it freezes, press Ctrl + r to manually restart the virtual machine.

    In a few seconds it should bo ot up the GRUB loader. Just leave it alone for a few seconds and itllfinish starting up.
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    Now you can set it up just like a new tablet
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    By the way, if the mouse doesnt work you may need to click Disable M ouse Integration from theMachine menu in the upper left co rner of th e Virtualbox window. This will keep the mouse glidingover the VirtualBox menu instead of getting trapped inside it.

    On the Select Wi-Fi screen just click Skip . Virtualbox will use your host computers network cardfor data connectivity.
  • 8/10/2019 How to Install Android 4


    And thats it!

    Now you can download Google apps, setup Gmail and have a ball without fear of destroying a

    precious tablet.
  • 8/10/2019 How to Install Android 4



    Have fun.

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    About vonnie

    Connect with Vonnie on Twitter

    Posted in Mobile , Windows , Windows 7 Tagged with: Tricks , Virtual Machines


    aya sai Kishore

    guyzz. tablet screen whch i installed on pc is rotated to 90degrees...hw i adjust tonormal mode...plzz help me frndsss

    BajpanGos h

    Rotating the screen: (to get that operate we must to have activated Auto-rotatescreen)

    Press F12 two times in less than 2 seconds = Rotate 90 to the LEFT.

    Press F11 two times in less than 2 seconds = Rotate 90 to the RiGHT.

    Press F10 two ti mes in less than 2 seconds = Rotate 180.

    Press F9 two times in less than 2 seconds = Normal view 0/360.

    So I'd say try hitting F11 twice should solve your issue after activating screen-

  • 8/10/2019 How to Install Android 4



    please help me i installed it on my macbook pro md101 without any problem. but itcannot run most of applications such as games (clash of clans ,.... ) or even livewallpapers ! i think it has some graphically problem..can u help me ?

    i really need it...

    Khun Kru Mark

    Extremely clear and professional explanation. Well done.

    Felipe Pereira Muoz

    i stil cant install it, im using windows 8.1 and i get the message "kernel panic - notsyncinng.." :(


    Enable Intel Virtualization Technology in your BIOSRestart windows 8.1 and press f12 after it beeps to go into bios and findvirtualization technology to enable it and press F10 to save and restart

    you're welcome.

    Michael Cordell Same issue but Virtualization is already enabled. I've been usingvmware for years


    kitkat on vm
  • 8/10/2019 How to Install Android 4



    kitkat on VM box


    Oh I had to do something else with the installation I think Isomehow kept reinstalling it and eventually it worked i forgotwhat exactly I did to make it work but somehow I bypassed it andit was working whatever it was Sorry If I remember I'll let youknow otherwise use Bluestacks, it's much better and moreoptimized than VirtualBox.

    PS: get the rooted version BlueStacks App Player 8.9.3088instead of the free version on bluestacks website, other wise itwill annoy the shit out of you with download these apps to keepusing bluestacks or pay 2.99 for 50days. What a joke we alreadypay for cellphone and internet services why on top of this shit

    just because I'm lazy to get a cord to plug in to my display port toview what I'm doing on my phone or pay the 2.99, but I rather have a more fuller hard drive than to download apps or gamesevery day it asks if I wanna continue to use bluestacks.
  • 8/10/2019 How to Install Android 4


    Sushil Sampang Rai

    Will you pls check if"Order & Chaos Duels"work on rootedBluestacks ??


    Where, provide link

    Alberto Ricci

    great guide, all the installation process goes well. i got a problem after the first boot of the os: after i choose the system language everything goes black and i can't doanything. any suggestion? :)EDIT: i restarted the virtualbox, and now, i don't know why, it works. but now i've got asecond problem: wi-fi doesn't work! am i missing something?


    Hey Guys I recently installed android 4.4 kitkat on this system using VM virtualbox butwhenever i try to start iti GET this......I try to REBOOT it but it does the same thing.

    And after 5 seconds the screen goes black!! ISTHERE ANYONE WHO CAN HELP MEWITH THIS?
  • 8/10/2019 How to Install Android 4



    press enter. easy


    iso file problem. redownload and re install


    Hi,i have the problem that all my apps Crash when i want to start them. It loads for a secand then tells me the app has been closed. I only used 1GB RAM, but i dont think thatthis could be the problem. Any solutions?I tried it with different APPS, everything crashes

    Kernel Panic

    Android 4.4 Crash Edition

  • 8/10/2019 How to Install Android 4


  • 8/10/2019 How to Install Android 4


    Hi, I am getting the error "Error relaunching Virtualbox VM process: 5Command line: '81954AF5-4D2F-31EB-A12-*******and so oncomment " Android KitKat 4.4"--startvm 60e81457**--nostartvm-errorsgbox' (rc=-104)

    and then after that comes the following error box

    "Result Code:E_FAIL (0x80004005)Component:MachineInterface:IMachine {480cf695-2d8d-4256-9c7c-cce4184fa048}"

    What am i doing wrong here? i tried disabling my AVG also but still it did not fix theerror.


    Download 4.3.15 here:

    You can read about it here:

    Fixed it for me.


    hi have same problem but vers ion is 4.3.18 i want also download 4.2.24

    Sunil Sagare

    I also got the same error
  • 8/10/2019 How to Install Android 4



    Hi, the problem is the latest VirtualBox version at least that's what I think.So I Uninstalled that version and download the 4.2.24 version and itworked like a charm.

    Link for 4.2.24 version


    these problem

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  • 8/10/2019 How to Install Android 4


    Ilia Bakhshi

    guys help. when i format and do all the things, right at the "run androidx86" i get freezewith this sc reen


    Mine got frozen too. Anyone please help us.


    Here is a screenshot of mine.
  • 8/10/2019 How to Install Android 4



    just click the 'x' icon and restart the OS

    Ahmad M.

    Dude ! That was explained so beautifully :D~from a computer science student.


    HeyaGreat Tut.

    It installed like a charm. But i still got some Questions:

    When i try to change the Background, then "Trebuchet" stops working. Also some Apps i install, they show up for about 2 Secs, then exit.

    Other Question: how to change the Resolution?

    I googled, but i did not really find some hints bringing me on the right Way.

    Thx for any Help!

    Luis Anton Imperial

    There's no way I can find to change the screen res. The Android-x86's defaultlauncher, Trebuchet, works fine for me.

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