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How to Find & Do Work You Love

Based on a TEDx talk by:Scott Dinsmore

Founder & CEO | E-learning

Co-Founder & Managing Partner

Guest Lecturer, Entrepreneurial Marketing

Executive VP

“Live Your Legend comes from Paulo Coelho’s book The Alchemist where he talks about one’s personal legend, how they pursue their destiny. Anyone and everyone has the right and ability to live their

legend, it really comes down to understanding yourself and how you can best put your dent in the world. (My) tagline is ‘Change the

World by doing work you love.’” – Scott Dinsmore

People’s Perception about Work

‘Don’t worry about how much you like the work you’re doing right now. It’s all about building the resume.’

This is a very common advice that probably everyone has heard at some point in their lives. However, it is a very WRONG outlook to life.

Over 80% of people do not like their work- Deloitte Study

People want to have an impact

Only 20% love their work, figure out what sets these people apart to do the passionate, world-changing work, get inspired and make alterations to your life

The other 80%, if they were asked why are they doing what they are doingAnswer: Someone told me that I am supposed to


Build a community where people feel that they belong & it’s okay to do things differently- to take the road

less traveled. This will encourage and inspire people to change & leave an


3 Simple Things that all Passionate World-Changers


1. Become a Self-Expert

Because, if you don’t know what you are looking for, you are never going to find it

There are 3 parameters to becoming a self-expert:


Things that we love to do, whether we are paid or no,. the things that people thank us for

Strengths Finder 2.0 is a valuable tool to evaluate this

There are 3 parameters to becoming a self-expert:

• Never Overlook Your VALUES –

Our hierarchy or framework of making decisions

Understand what our soul is made of so that we don’t sell it to a cause that we don’t care about

There are 3 parameters to becoming a self-expert:

• Leverage Your EXPERIENCES –

Every min of every day we learn about what we love, what we hate, what we are good at- pay attention and apply these to the rest of your life, otherwise it is all for nothing

All together help us define what success means to us – Things that make us feel alive

Become a self-expert by

2. Do the Impossible

Push your limits. Everything was impossible till somebody went ahead and DID it.

2 Reasons Why People Don’t Do Things

They tell themselves that they can’t do them

People around them tell them that they can’t do them

Either way, we start to believe them and give up or never start in the first place for the risk of failure

Why Do People Give Up?

When Roger Bannister Broke the Impossible 4-Minute Mile

• Record for 1 Mile race hovered at just above 4 mins for 9 years

• People said that it was the limit of physical capability and that it was IMPOSSIBLE to break the 4 min barrier

• However, in 1954 Roger Bannister broke the tape at 3:59.4

• Within the next 2 months, 16 more people broke the barrier

So, what changed?Myth of the ‘IMPOSSIBLE BARRIER’ got busted. The things that we have in our

head are often milestones waiting to be accomplished.

How to ‘Do The Impossible’?

Think- How would you approach your world differently?

Prove People Wrong. Prove Yourself Wrong.

Start small- Make little incremental pushes for what you believe is impossible for you and take it from there

The Things that we have in our head that we think our impossible are often just milestones waiting to be accomplished if we can push those limits a bit

Start with something small that helps you build your confidence to achieve something bigger the next time

3. Change Your Surrounding

Surround Yourself with Passionate People. People around you matter.

Environment is Everything

Fastest way to do things that you don’t think can be done is to Surround Yourself with People already doing them

People Around You Matter

Changing our Surrounding

How can I possibly do this? How can I not?

Change in surrounding helps us shift our thinking from:

Surround Yourself with People Who Inspire Possibility

No one can tell you that you can’t Learn about Yourself

No one can tell you that you can’t Push your Limits & Learn Your Own Impossible

No one can tell you that you can’t Surround Yourself with Inspiring People or get away from people who bring you down

We can Change our Whole World if We decide to Do Something About It

Let’s RecapFind the Work that You Can’t Not Do

3 steps that are in our control to Find this Work:

Be a Self-Expert- know your strengths, values and experiences

Do the Impossible- Push your limits

Surround Yourself with Passionate people

Do the things that inspire us so that we can inspire other people to do the things that inspire them

Do Something that You Love and are Passionate About. Live it. That will Change the World

Do Something that Matters to You & Make an Impact that

Only YOU can Make

To conclude,


Thank You

These slides are created by Shubhanka Malpani, IIM Lucknow, as part of an MBA course, Personal Branding (, taught by Prof. Sameer Mathur.

Prof. Sameer MathurIIM Lucknow, Marketing Professor, 2013-PresentMcGill University, Marketing Professor, 2009-13

Carnegie Mellon, Ph.D. and M.S. Marketing, 2003-09

Shubhanka MalpaniIIM Lucknow, PGDM Marketing, 2014-16