Download - How to download IEEE eBooks MARC Records

Page 1: How to download IEEE eBooks MARC Records

IEEE eBooks (MARC Records)How to access IEEE eBooks (MARC Records)

Page 2: How to download IEEE eBooks MARC Records

IEEE eBooks (MARC Records)

The MARC records for the IEEE-Wiley eBooks Library and MIT Press eBooks Library are in MARC 21 format and are available to download for all users. The links for each MARC collection on this page are downloadable *.mrc files for use with IEEE Xploreaccess to IEEE eBooks on IEEE Xplore. Please right-click to download the file.Please note that Morgan & Claypool MARC records are not hosted on IEEE Xplore currently, but can be accessed on the Morgan & Claypool website.

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Current Publisher (MARC Records)

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Where to download

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View & Edit the Marc Record

You can download this tool called MarcEdit via

MarcEdit 101 Webinar Series can be viewed on

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