Download - How to Best Align Your Big Data Strategy: Start at the End

Page 1: How to Best Align Your Big Data Strategy: Start at the End

Mike Boyarski, Director of Product Marketing

How to Best Align Your Big Data Analytics Strategy: Start at the End

Page 2: How to Best Align Your Big Data Strategy: Start at the End

How to Best Align Your Big Data Analytics Strategy

!  The Opportunity of Big Data

!  Big Data has presented a big opportunity for businesses as the variety, velocity and volume of data has decreased in cost and increased in value.

!  With this, the possibilities for finding and validating new insight

for greater efficiency or competitiveness have never been richer. !  However, without the right direction and plan in place, this

opportunity can lead to failure.

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Page 3: How to Best Align Your Big Data Strategy: Start at the End

How to Best Align Your Big Data Analytics Strategy

!  What leads to failure with Big Data planning?

!  The breadth of technologies and platforms on the market can be overwhelming to understand what path is best for you and how to successfully establish a Big Data plan.

!  For example, Hadoop has become popular and visible yet may not be the best tool for the job, which results in delays and added costs.

!  Before implementing a Big Data plan, do your research on the available data management tools. We suggest checking out the 451 Group’s series on Big Data that categorize and explain the differences between a wide variety of offerings and includes some helpful diagrams along the way.

!  Forrester also continues to offer a wide array of keen insight on the Big Data market and chronicles its expertise into reports and blog entries.

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How to Best Align Your Big Data Analytics Strategy

!  Our advice on approaching Big Data

!  Before you implement a Big Data approach, first identify the current problems with data and the opportunities gained by solving them.

!  Identify the requirements to address the opportunity

incorporating available software tools, hardware, and skills to build and manage the solution.

!  Ask yourself: Who within my organization or project team needs

access to the data and how will the results be acted on?

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How to Best Align Your Big Data Analytics Strategy

!  To answer these questions, you’ll need to identify:

!  Functional user profiles; !  Specific intended outcomes or use cases for the data; and !  Requirements for processing and using the data.

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How to Best Align Your Big Data Analytics Strategy

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How to Best Align Your Big Data Analytics Strategy

!  Align your Big Data opportunity to Big Data solution !  Remember, these match ups are not readily apparent, but with a little

digging, you can save significant resources in costs around scaling, training, license fees spent in the name of extracting key business insights from Big Data.

!  If you are interested in learning more about reporting & analyzing Big Data or the popularity of Big Data engines, check out our Big Data Index:

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