Download - How To Achieve True Happness

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How To Build A Fantastic Future

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I read an interesting article the other day about "happiness."

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Seems it's a pretty interesting topic, since it's obviously something everybody wants.

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So it's pretty easy to get grant money, funding, etc., to do studies.

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Unfortunately, it's hard to study, because it's hard to measure.

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In fact, just asking the question, "What makes you feel happy?" Will require you to THINK about those things that make you happy.

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And as I'm sure you know, happiness can be pretty fleeting.

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It generally doesn't last, if the situation stays the same.

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If you're sore at the end of the day, the first few minutes you slip into a hot bath may make you feel incredibly happy.

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You think of all you've accomplished, you relax knowing you've put in a good day's work. You can look forward to a decent dinner and maybe your favorite

TV show, or book or whatever.

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But how long will that "feeling" last? If you sit in that tub long enough, the hot water will turn cold.

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Because humans are always in some kind of PROCESS, rather than some static blob of chemicals, happiness may well be a process also.

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Not a destination, but a side effect of forward momentum.

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Most people feel pretty good when they are on the path of achieving something worthwhile.

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Think of the last time you were preparing for a party.

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A part you would enjoy hosting or attending.

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While you were preparing whatever it was (be it shopping for clothes or baking a cake) you probably felt pretty good.

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You were CREATING something that was important to you, and LOOKING FORWARD into the future when something good was going to happen.

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On the other hand, think of a time when you were just sitting there, doing nothing, with NOTHING to look forward to.

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Quite a different experience!

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It seems an easy conclusion that so long as you are in the process of changing something towards a better future, one that is largely in your

control, happiness is a natural by product.

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The good news is that ANYTHING will work.

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So long as you are taking some kind of action every single day, that isn't just a pastime in and of itself, but something toward a goal YOU have chosen,

you'll be much more likely to be happy.

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One thing can do is some mental exercises.

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Since your brain, and the quality of your thoughts, is a PRIME INGREDIENT in anything you'll be building in this life, working on your noggin seems to

be a good choice.

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Some daily practice will give you that feeling of forward momentum, enough so that when you look a year or two into your future, you'll have a

deep and real feeling that it WILL be awesome.

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