Download - How Retail Response can Benefit your store

Page 1: How Retail Response can Benefit your store

6 Issue 06 2016

We know that the retail sector is a fast-evolving and dynamic area, with digital media transformingnot only how customers shop, but how retailersorganise their store operati ons. At Momentum

Instore our priority is to remain at the apex of all the technologythat can benefi t our clients. The latest example of ourcommitment to consistent innovati on comes in the form of ournew service, Retail Response.

Since the birth of the smartphone, apps have become an integralpart of daily life, with 43 million of us in the UK using them.Whether that’s for monitoring the stock market or streamlining the management of your company there’s no questi on thatthis diverse outlet off ers a unique opportunity to businesses. Following feedback from our clients, we decided to develop anapp of our own that would assist them in the management oftheir oft en expansive retail estates.

Retail Response allows our clients to easily manage their retailestate from a smartphone, they can request maintenance andinstallati on visits and access stati sti cs to eff ecti vely managetheir estate.

So how exactly can an app opti mise the management of theirretail estate?

CLARITYThe easy to use dashboard that greets users of Retail Responseallows clients to eff ortlessly manage all maintenance requests that are sent through to our installati on teams. This streamlining of the management process allows the client to keep all theinformati on on their displays in one place, improving producti vityand saving ti me.

Retail Response also allows clients to prioriti se which stores arein need of urgent att enti on, allowing for a quick approval and

response to their requests from our teams. A full visibility of all retail assets is key to maintaining them eff ecti vely, and Retail Response provides clients with total clarity on the goings-on in their retail estate.


The added control available to clients uti lising Retail Response not onlypositi vely impacts producti vity it also provides an opportunity to improve profi tability. By analysing trends and identi fying patt erns in maintenance requests our clients can opti mise their retail estate allowing them to save money on unnecessary repairs and call-outs.

This is made possible by the full maintenance visit reports available through the app that can be sent monthly annually or in real-ti me. The cost of maintenance can also be examined through the app,giving clients the ability to streamline their requests to suit their business needs, and plan visits more practi cally.

QUALITYThis instant communicati on between us and our clients means that their retail displays will always be in opti mum conditi on, allowing them to consistently maintain their high professional standards.

By using Retail Response, our clients can be safe in the knowledge that their retail estate is in perfect conditi on and by craft ing this well-maintained and desirable instore environment, they can alsobe assured that customers will vote with their wallets.

With an omni-channel approach consistently becoming a priorityfor retailers, Retail Response represents a signifi cant step forward,and is an important additi on to the seamless shopping experiencethat retailers can off er to their customers.

How Retail Response



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