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How much do banks use credit derivatives to reduce risk?

Bernadette Minton, René M. Stulz and Rohan Williamson

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Page 3: How much do banks use credit derivatives to reduce risk?

“The new instruments of risk dispersion have enabled the largest and most sophisticated banks in their credit-granting role to divest themselves of much credit risk by passing it to institutions with far less leverage.”

Allan Greenspan

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The issue

• Tremendous growth in credit derivatives

• Credit derivatives are understood to be mostly credit default swaps (CDS)

• How much are they used to manage the risk of banking books?

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The approach

• Investigate use of credit derivatives by large U.S. bank holding companies

• Measure extent of use

• Investigate determinants of use

• Compare use of credit derivatives to other credit risk mitigation devices

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The main result

• Very few bank holding companies have CDS positions

• Those that have CDS positions have them mainly for trading

• Net buying for hedging is economically very small

• Why? Market is not and can not be liquid in the names that banks want to hedge

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The sample

• Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Bank Holding Database

• All commercial bank holding companies with assets greater than $1 billion and non-missing data on credit derivatives

• 1999-2003

• Exclude banks which are major subsidiaries of foreign companies

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• 260 banks in 1999

• 345 banks in 2003

• Very skewed distribution: Average $21 billion of assets in 2003, median $2 billion.

• Only 19 banks use credit derivatives in 2003

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CDS users: Percent of BHCs that use credit derivativesN/L All: Notional Credit Derivatives/Loans average across all BHCs

NB/L Users: Notional Net Protection Bought/Loans average across all users












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The story in 2003

• Gross Notional for all banks: ~$1 trillion

• 26.75% of total loans

• 17 banks are net buyers

• Total net notional amount of protection bought is $67 billion

• Average across net buyers is 2.84% of total loans

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Alternatives in 2003

• 23.19% of banks sell 1-4 family residential loans

• 3.19% sell C&I loans

• 12.75% securitize residential loans; 3.19% securitize C&I loans

• 56.23% use interest rate derivatives

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Skewed use

• JP Morgan has gross notional greater than loans: $577 billion versus $219 billion

• Out of 17 net buyers, 9 have gross protection bought less than 1% of loans

• Highest net protection bought as % of loans is JP Morgan at 11.74%

• Next, B of A, but Citi is net seller.

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Why banks hedge

• Diamond: Banks should hedge all risks in which they do not have a comparative advantage

• Diamond/Rajan: Banks benefit from leverage. Higher leverage is possible through hedging

• Schrand/Unal: Hedging increases ability of banks to take risks in which they have a comparative advantage

• Smith/Stulz: Hedging to decrease PV of distress costs

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• Banks that hedge should:– Have less capital– More non-performing loans– Weaker liquidity– Smaller margins– Be larger

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Demand for CDS

• Choice: Keep loan and hedge; sell loan directly or through securitization

• Relationship concerns

• Adverse selection issues

• Incentives to monitor

• Economies of scale in derivatives use

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Supply of CDS

• Adverse selection concerns when bank is better informed

• Liquidity related to size

• Advantage of publicly traded debt and equity for price discovery

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• Banks hedge with CDS when they make large loans to public companies or foreign countries

• So, banks with more residential loans, agricultural loans, car loans are less likely to use CDS

• Banks with trading activities would be more likely to use CDS to hedge counterparty risk

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Is net buying hedging?

• Maintained hypothesis

• What about the portfolio diversification argument?

• It requires banks to take credit exposures using CDS. What would be the point?

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Banks with net protection buying

– Much larger– More C&I loans– Fewer loans secured by real estate– Fewer agricultural loans– More foreign loans– Lower net margin– Same return on assets but higher return on equity– Less equity capital– Much lower Tier 1 risk-adjusted capital ratio– No difference in NPL– Have dramatically more trading revenue to assets

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Substitutes or complements?

• Banks that use CDS are:– More likely to use securitization– More likely to sell loans– All use interest-rate derivatives– More likely to use equity and commodity


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Regression analysis

• We find that banks with less capital are more likely to hedge with CDS

• More profitable banks are less likely to hedge

• Banks with more foreign and C&I loans are more likely to hedge

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Case Analysis

• So few banks, we can look at each

• A number of banks with net buying don’t disclose having net buying to hedge

• So, we may overstate hedging

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So, why is the use not greater?

• Market is illiquid for names that banks care about most

• Why? Banks have an advantage with names where they have more information, but this advantage makes the CDS market illiquid for those names

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• The economic importance of credit derivatives in hedging the banking book is very limited

• The economic reason is straightforward: The market is not liquid for the names banks would want to hedge most because information asymmetries are too great for these names