Download - How Interactive Content is Driving Engagement Through the Roof

  1. 1. Why Interactive Engagement is Driving Content Through the Roof Presented by: Stephen Walsh, Director, BuzzSumo Owen Fuller, Chief Evangelist, Boombox
  2. 2. A recording of this presentation will be sent to all registrants Please ask questions via GoToWebinar Share the love on social #BoomboxWebinar @boomboxteam @buzzsumo
  3. 3. Owen FullerStephen Walsh
  4. 4. Tens of thousands of quizzes & polls being taken millions of times Worlds best publishers, brands and agencies
  5. 5. Are You Wasting Your Time? Helping marketers find, create and share better conten
  6. 6. Our goals 1. Look at why content is going more interactive 2. Discuss what makes quizzes and polls so addictive 3. Share lessons from quizzes that broke the internet 4. Help you get started today
  7. 7. Whats happening with content? More interaction Hieroglyphics Paper Billboards Mail Email Blogs TV Digital images Video Surveys/polls Infographics Lists Quizzes
  8. 8. And its something we hated while we were in school Type to enter text
  9. 9. Type to enter text But we still need to know how to do stuff Top 5,000 How to posts in last 12 months had average 20,000 shares
  10. 10. Helping people how to = good content marketing If you sell something, you make a customer today, but if you genuinely help someone, you create a customer for life. Jay Baer
  11. 11. Engaging content designed to increase knowledge, build skills and improve performance. Theres a whole industry based on this What can help with how to"? Interactive Content
  12. 12. Im elearning. Im all about helping people improve performance with interactive content. Im content marketing. We should so hook up. BuzzSumo and Qzzr founders came from the elearning world
  13. 13. Tons of stuff lets look quickly at a few: 1. Flipcards / flipbooks 2. Interactive tutorials 3. Games and simulations 4. Goal based scenarios 5. Quizzes and polls Whats in the interactive toolkit?
  14. 14. Flipbooks and Flipcards
  15. 15. Flipbooks and Flipcards Interactive picture list posts Before and after What is / could be 1.2m shares for this one
  16. 16. Interactive tutorials Short, sharp, sharable lessons Walk through a process, product, task Embed animations, media, questions Think interactive how-to posts and infographics
  17. 17. Goal based scenarios Take the challenge. First person or third person. What would you say/do next in this situation? Feedback and support Effectively a quiz with a storyline and characters Can branch - get to different outcomes
  18. 18. Games and simulations Think flight simulator, with safety wheels show what you know How many customers can you serve with a smile in 4 minutes? Share your score, challenge your friends McDonalds ROI of $30m with this one - case study at
  19. 19. Quizzes and assessments: The ultimate proof you know how to
  20. 20. The road is being paved by mega-publishers Number one article on NY Times in 2013 was a quiz Eight of the top ten most shared articles in the last eight months were quizzes (BuzzSumo, April 2014) Nine of the top ten most shared stories on Facebook in January, 2015 were quizzes
  21. 21. What about the rest of us?
  22. 22. The worlds simplest quiz tool
  23. 23. The platform for people who create world-class interactive content
  24. 24. Pop Quiz: The average quiz gets shared how many times? 1,900 and some do a lot better
  25. 25. Top 3 quizzes last 12 months: 10m+ shares. Yummy.
  26. 26. Why are quizzes so irresistable? Engaging, Nourishing, and All about ME!!!
  27. 27. Stop telling me interesting and useful things about myself - Said no one, ever.
  28. 28. 82% click to conversion rate 78% completion rate 2:27 average time 14% lead conversion rate Quizzes The Secret Weapon
  29. 29. Three jobs content creators hire a quiz to do: 1. Drive social traffic 2. Generate qualified leads 3. Drive traffic to targeted offers
  30. 30. Fit Marketing Case Study
  31. 31. You dont need a big channel 0 likes, 6 comments Taken 70,000+ times Over 750x Social Lift
  32. 32. You dont need a hot topic Wildest dream was that 1,000 people would take the quiz 70,000+ have taken it today
  33. 33. Turn this Into this
  34. 34. The Million Dollar Quiz A Content Marketing Case Study
  35. 35. Promotion Owned Earned Paid
  36. 36. Engagement STUMBLES 212 LIKES 776 SHARES 1417 COMMENTS 365 TOTAL 2558 TWEETS 230 +1s 77 Ranking 1st for glasses quiz
  38. 38. ROI Top revenue-generating channels included: Organic Search: $143,692 Email: $126,674 Paid Search: $103,545 Traffic to the quiz landing page: 573,338 unique visitors Revenue: $1,167,746.21 9,655% Return on Investment:
  39. 39. From good to great quizzes 6 steps for content marketers 1. Do some research what works? 2. Decide on quiz type and title 3. Work backwards from results calls to action 4. Create quiz, media and embed 5. Share and promote 6. Learn, adapt and improve
  40. 40. 1. Do some research Which quizzes are shared in your topic? Use BuzzSumo to check Search quiz ? + keywords/domain e.g. quiz
  41. 41. What topics work? What content resonates with your audience? What are the most shared topics? What topics get the most questions? What topics are most controversial? Are there decisions that people struggle to make? Can I recycle content from other formats how to posts, list posts, tutorials..
  42. 42. Use BuzzSumo for quiz topic ideas
  43. 43. Right answers No right answers 2. Choose a type and title
  44. 44. Tips for graded quizzes Choose a compelling title: Are you a ____ expert? Can you pass the ___ test? The worlds hardest ___ quiz Are you a true ____? ____ or ____
  45. 45. Make graded quizzes the hardest ever (or at least say it is)
  46. 46. Tips for graded quizzes Limit the number of answers to each question Remove any friction from the experience
  47. 47. Tips for graded quizzes Show feedback: give more information about the right answer Now youre entertaining and entertaining
  48. 48. Tips for graded quizzes Make people feel good about their results 45% of shares on graded quizzes come from 100% scores
  49. 49. Tips for graded quizzes Assign outcomes + CTA You got 90%. Youre a genius! other geniuses subscribed to our newsletter.
  50. 50. Tips for outcome quizzes Choose a compelling title: Which ___ are you? What ___ do you actually belong in? What kind of ___ are you?
  51. 51. Tips for outcome quizzes Create shareworthy outcomes: invoke awe, laughter or amusement (BuzzSumo) make it a feel-good, look-good mechanism
  52. 52. Tips for outcome quizzes
  53. 53. Tips for outcome quizzes The most efficientive process: Identify outcomes Map differentiating factors Be creative with your questions
  54. 54. 3. Work backwards tie to CTA Write these first and decide on the CTA. Make sure people would be proud to share This is buyer persona data Sure your CTA relates to the outcome. Hey 3PO youre research driven, so why not download this guide
  55. 55. 4. Create quiz & embed
  56. 56. Images pro tip See: images and qzzr
  57. 57. 2 cups Context 5. Share and promote
  58. 58. 2 cups ContextI see a quiz in my newsfeed. Hmm. What am I likely to do? Pass. Not interested: 18% Sure. Let me hit that: 82%
  59. 59. 2 cups ContextTop promotional channels Facebook - 84% of shares Website or blog Email or newsletter Twitter LinkedIn Forums Communities
  60. 60. 6. Learn, adapt, improve
  61. 61. Learn, adapt, improve Quiz answers = data. What can you do with it? Baby boomers prefer Rihanna to Taylor Swift People that like the color red, prefer Audi over Mercedes Starbucks fans would rather live in Europe than any other place.
  62. 62. Pro tip: learn more with polls
  63. 63. Virality takes a pinch of luck You can control consistency
  64. 64. Bottom line: Just go make something remarkable
  65. 65. Some tools for making interactive content Articulate - simulations, tutorials Adapt interactive content for multi-devices Eludicat create quick interactive resources Boombox of course
  66. 66. Why Interactive Engagement is Driving Content Through the Roof Presented by: Stephen Walsh, Director, BuzzSumo Owen Fuller, Chief Qwizard, Qzzr