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Page 1: How I Got the Victory Through Prayer

How I Got the Victory Through Prayer

By Luke Newman / [email protected]

September 6 2012

Since I came to UK to visit my children and grand kidz, I have been praying

desperately since a few mornings during my Word time and speaking in

tongues a lot, to get rid of some deep emotional pain in my heart! It all

happened when a girl that I dearly loved dropped me overnight and I got

left with a broken heart. Over a period of almost 2 years, I had many prayers

and extreme battles. Nothing seems to give me the peace and greater victory

I needed to stay alive for Him!!

But something beautiful happened to me today: I cried out all the tears of

my broken heart for good! It reminded of the experience of the hero in “the

Shack” when he meets the Holy Spirit and later with God when he had to

forgive the murderer of his daughter.

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First Terez who knew where I was at, prayed for me thoroughly in London

at the healing meeting. Then Joan from Italy, who is on Terez healing team,

came to stay in the home where I was in Milton Keynes. She first prayed for

me one day but felt the Lord had a bigger deliverance for me. So the next

day, she was talking to me about healing but wanted to minister to me more

thoroughly. We started to hug before I was leaving. This all happened in my

room so we didn't get disturbed during the whole time. I started to cry like I

sometimes do, because of my emotional stress. Usually I stop there and

hold it back, because if I let go, the pain becomes too strong. But Joan

started right away to speak in tongues and hold me tight and caress my hair.

More tears, more tears, more speaking in tongues. I was holding her like she

was Jesus, stroking her hair, speaking in tongues and telling the Lord I

wanted to give Him all and get the victory over my broken heart. More

tongues, more tears with strong sobbing and feeling the deep hurt. I hold on

to her, while getting very heavy emotionally and hurting so much deep

inside. She said she felt the Lord helping her to carry my weight, I am 75 kg!

I had a vision that I was on a tight rope in the dark with fog around me, and

the Lord was telling me to walk further on the rope. I had no strength. In

the same time Joan was getting: Don't try to be strong just let go! Sobbing,

tongues, I could only speak one word at a time, so much pain, so difficult to

move, I was stuck!! But then in the vision I started to walk slowly and in

front of me on the rope someone came to hold my hand and help me finish

the crossing to the end, where there was a stand. "I made it over, I crossed".

More tongues, more cry and sobbing, deep stuff coming from inside. (The

all thing lasted at least 2 hours!! GB Joan for her giving and perseverance,

she says that it was all the Lord!!)) When I calmed down, we sat down and

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she told me that she believe that I have some resentment in my heart

against the Lord. I told her: Yes I believe He could have done it another

way. She got that if I trust, later I will understand and that Jesus didn't do

it, the sister I loved choose to back off herself. I had forgiven that sister, but

we prayed against my resentment against the Lord.

Then I prayed for Joan in tongues and it was new tongues. After I felt so

happy and free! I am smiling again. Isn't the Lord beautiful? Hallelujah!

Victory is of the Lord! Joan was so happy too, as she is launching in the

healing ministry and starting to speak publicly. GBH! I believe that in the

Spirit I really hugged Jesus and the Holy Spirit poured Her love on Me so I

could get all that bad stuff out.

The power of the Holy Ghost cleansed me and regenerated me. I am so

thankful this ordeal is over! So thankful! ILY Jesus! God bless Terez &

Chris, Joan and all their team for their faith and perseverance. John 15:8. It

make me want to do the same! ILY! Luke Newman

A thought from this morning's devotional:

(By Paul White)

Paul stated that our new man is “renewed in knowledge after the image of

him that created him” (Colossians 3:10); and that we keep from conforming

to this world by being, “transformed by the renewing of your mind”

(Romans 12:2). Peter stated that if a believer does not have various fruits in

their life, such as faith, patience, godliness, etc, it is because he “hath

forgotten that he was purged from his old sins” (2 Peter 1:9). Again, it all

comes back to what the believer knows about what Jesus has done for them.

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This is why Satan goes after our thought life with such fervor. He knows

that he has been defeated at Calvary, and stripped of all of his power, but he

thrives on our ignorance of those facts. If we feel like we must defeat the

devil, then he will gladly go to war with us, since he cannot war with Christ.

What we do not know about who we are in Jesus equips the devil to play

with our lives, trapping us in vice and sin. Paul told Timothy to teach the

people in his church who condemn themselves, so that God would help

them to change their minds toward the truth (2 Timothy 2:25). This

knowledge would “recover them out of the snare of the devil, who are taken

captive by him at his will” (verse 26).

What does the Word say about you, the believer? Know these things and

hide them in your heart. It says that you are the righteousness of God in

Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21); that you are one of the sons of God (John 1:12);

that you are no longer a servant, but a son, and if a son then an heir of God

through Christ (Galatians 4:7); that you are complete in Him (Colossians

2:10); that you used to be a sinner, but now you are washed, sanctified and

justified (1 Corinthians 6:11), and that because you are sanctified, you are

perfect in the eyes of the Father (Hebrews 10:14).