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Originally, photoshop was considered an art, and it still is, when it used for ethical

purposes. Back in the 19th century, photographers would use techniques such as burning or

darkening the images to create different effects. Nowadays, Photoshop is used to enhance or perfect

people starring in advertisements and media. Because of these enhancements, people appear to be

thinner, more beautiful, stronger, and that causes many insecurities among the public.

Many people, especially girls, are heavily influenced by the photo shopped images of

perfect celebrities and thus begin to feel insecure about themselves and their bodies. This has

resulted in the double of eating disorders among people and many young people have said that they

consider cosmetic surgery to enhance their looks or body.

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In many cases, journalists, reporters and newspapers have often warped and twisted

stories and facts to make them seem bigger or more impressive. Sometimes, these people cannot

obtain the necessary information to write a scoop. When this happens, some journalists and reporters

would go from aggressive and questioning to offensive.

In 1999, a reporter from Arizona was assigned to report on a business crisis going on. After

having made repeated calls to the PR and not receiving any valuable information, the reporter called

an assistant of one of the business attorneys and insisted on talking to the attorney. When the

assistant refused, the reporter threatened to put her name in the papers as the reason for the lack of

information. The assistant of the attorney contacted the paper that ran a thorough investigation on the


Sometimes, the media are so desperate for information that they make up their own facts

and stories, simply to have something to present and to earn money. The media also use offensive

and bullying tactics to obtain their information, which could harm the people included in the stories.

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To control the release of information to the public, governments all over the world have

established laws that respect the public's privacy. In some countries though, such as Ukraine, the

governments are hoping to increase the freedom of the media because they think that these laws are

too restricting for the media who want to release information.

Unless stopped by a valid prior restraint, the media are free to write and publish anything

they want. If, on the other hand, the media publishes something that is untrue or doesn’t have

credible evidence about a person, the media could be sued for false liability. This is the same for a

story that unlawfully invades a person’s privacy.

If reporters or newsman are trespassing on private property without the owner’s consent or

installing hidden cameras or other surveillance material, they could be sued by a person filing an

intrusion/invasion-of-privacy lawsuit.

These are a few of the laws that help to keep reporters in check. Many governments and

the public argue, though, that there aren’t enough laws and wish to place new ones that help control

the media a little more.

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In late October, 2013, 60 Seconds, a well known newspaper published incorrect information on the Benghazi compound attack. Though the incident was partly because of incorrect information provided to the paper, the company did nothing to try and verify the source and credibility of the information.

Another incident occurred when the New York Post published information saying that the police were searching for two men last seen at the Boston marathon, followed by a picture of the two men. This information was false and the two men sued the NY Post for publishing their picture and accusing them of crimes they hadn't committed.

On the 16 of September, 2013. the Sunday People newspaper said that claimed that Sir Roger Moore had had many affairs with women. This information could not e verified because no journalists or reporters had scheduled any interviews or appointments with Sir Moore.

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At first, the media would publish their stories and reports through newspapers and

magazines, but as technology progressed, more and more journalists and reporters began relying on

the technology to publish their works. Using things like the Internet makes it easier for regular people

or bloggers to post stories on social media. This also makes it easier for falls rumors to spread quickly

throughout the community.

Because some contents on sites can be changed, this offers chances for the media to

change or influence some information. The Internet and social media also allow them to gain lots of

support, simply by posting or publishing something online. Many people rely on the media to provide

them for information, and many people do not check the credibility of these sites or stories that they

are reading.

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In my opinion, the government of each country should install stricter laws on the release of

information to the public. Reporters and journalists are publishing stories that are made up, simply so

that they have something interesting to tell the public and so they can earn money. Of course, not all

do, but there have been many cases where newspapers have published false and offensive


I think that, before the stories are published, they should be verified by some form or

branch of government, that can check whether or not the information is credible and whether the

article or story is respecting the peoples’ privacy. If a specific person is featured, this branch should

verify if the information on this person is true and that the media is not falsely accusing someone or

portraying someone in the news.

I also believe that stronger laws and punishments should be placed regarding the

trespassing of reporters and journalists on private property. If people do not want to share their

stories, it is not up to the media to go and sneak into the homes of these people and find out the

information for themselves. I think that each reporter and journalist should be monitored and surveyed

when they go out to collect information for their stories.

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Even though the media does go too far sometimes in releasing information, it does have

some benefits. One of them is the ability to supply the public with knowledge on the outside world. We

learn a lot about economy, war, poverty, starvation, and other problems in the world thanks to the


they also provide us with news from where you are from. An example would be the Phuket

News, which shares information about what is happening around Phuket and Thailand.

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The media doesn’t have to be a newspaper or a magazine. The media can also the form of

social media. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are also useful ways to share informaton on

something, such as an ad or a special happening in the world.

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So in summary, I think that the media is, in some ways for some

companies, going a little too far in the sharing of information, and of the use of

Photoshop and other apps to enhance people or things on ads. I think that

some of these methods are inappropriate and also affect the public in a large

manner of ways.

But, I also think that there are some good points as well, such as the

sharing of important information all around the world.

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