Download - How effective is the combination of your ancillary texts with narration

  • 1. How effective is the combination ofyour main product and ancillarytexts?Mohamed Hassan

2. The ancillary texts for my main product, a teasertrailer were a magazine front cover and aposter. This as a package would create themarketing for my film. Although some linksare needed to connect the three I felt it wasimportant to make each one distinct in orderto appeal to the audiences they were targetedat. 3. My teaser trailer and ancillary texts werecreated after analysing existing productstherefore when I researched magazine frontcovers and posters this is what I found.. 4. From the research I conducted I was able to planand construct my ancillary texts. However, I chosenot to have the same image recurring in all threeproducts because the difference in the productscreate a sense of mystery, as if each one showeda different perspective. Furthermore, not allthree texts will be seen by the same audience sohaving different images/themes of the filmportrayed in all three allows my products to reachout to a much larger audience. 5. However they are still connected. The man onthe magazine front cover is the protagonistshown in the teaser trailer and the manshown on the poster is the antagonist shownin the teaser trailer. This is also evident fromthe bright colours used on the magazine coverthat represent positivity whilst the poster wasgrey and dark representing negativity. 6. The repetition of the name of the film, Calibrein all three products is key to linking themtogether, written in a large font (from dafont),it allows the audience to be familiarised withthe film. 7. From my magazine research I realised that mostof the covers featured the star/protagonist ofthe film and the theme of the front coverwould follow the theme of the film such as theIronman film in Empire where blue lightningseems to surround the Empire name.Therefore my magazine cover also featuredthe protagonist with a metallic edge to thelettering of Empire to suggest ahardness/toughness about the film. 8. The Calibre evident near the bottom of themagazine also features on the bottom of theposter. It is also the last thing they see on allmy products so they remember the name. 9. Therefore, I believe my marketingpackage as a whole works quitewell together