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Page 1: How does your media product represent particular social groups

How does your media product represent particular social groups?Rebecca Davies

Page 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups

My media product is aimed at both men and women between the ages of thirteen and eighteen. However I feel that men will take more interest in the rock genre compared to women. Even though this may be the case I have tried to make the magazine appealing to both men and women, using a confident male on the front cover. The colours I have chosen to run throughout my magazine are neutral colours (black, grey, yellow and white).


Page 3: How does your media product represent particular social groups

The age my magazine is aimed at is teenagers, the models throughout represent the age group that is targeted. Older teens could related to the characters in the stories, where as younger teenagers could see them as role models and look up to them.


Page 4: How does your media product represent particular social groups

The language used throughout the magazine is to a mature nature, although it can come across casual. Therefore it is more attractive to the younger teens who are interested to the rock genre and want to stat reading more about it, Although there is no specific age that a rock magazine is normally aimed at, making it easy to read for ages will increase the interest of people and sales.


Page 5: How does your media product represent particular social groups


I believe that my rock magazine does contain some stereotypical contents, for example a male covered in tattoos and models dressed all in black. This is all based on how the media represents the rock genre. However this is also how people see the genre. Therefore as soon as an eye is caught to my magazine, it is instantly thought to be a rock magazine, The model on my front cover was not initially meant to be a stereotype, although I think this will attract a big group of readers.