Download - How do we as teens determine not only who we are, but also how we will become contributing members of society DRIVING QUESTION.

Page 1: How do we as teens determine not only who we are, but also how we will become contributing members of society DRIVING QUESTION.

How do we as teens determine not only

who we are, but also how we will become

contributing members of society


Page 2: How do we as teens determine not only who we are, but also how we will become contributing members of society DRIVING QUESTION.





Coming of Age Teen development Teen development cont.Teen social issuesAdolescent behaviorAdolescent behaviorAdolescent behavior cont.

Slide 10world issuesTo answer our driving que


Page 3: How do we as teens determine not only who we are, but also how we will become contributing members of society DRIVING QUESTION.


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When teens are coming of age it means

for them to transfer from childhood to

adulthood. This starts usually at young

adult hood at age 18. This means the teen

will now be faced with more

responsibilities and freedom.

Growing Up

Page 4: How do we as teens determine not only who we are, but also how we will become contributing members of society DRIVING QUESTION.





Teen development is how

teens grow up . Many

things can affect a teens

development such as

Pregnancy , drugs and

other negative factors.

These factors affect the

development of the teen

because based on their

morals and how they act

will affect how they view

life or how seriously they

take things.

Page 5: How do we as teens determine not only who we are, but also how we will become contributing members of society DRIVING QUESTION.

Teen development cont.

Some Issues that affect


Pressure from peers

Cyber bullying on social


Low self-esteem

Suicidal thoughts

Changes in sexual orientation


Teens development is the biggest transition into

adulthood. This transition usually starts around high school and college where teens deal with the most

pressure and most responsibility. As teens go

through this stage they find out likes and dislikes

and go through challenges that mold them into the

person they are.

Page 6: How do we as teens determine not only who we are, but also how we will become contributing members of society DRIVING QUESTION.




or Adolescent behavior is

any act or observance

of somebody preceding adulthood.

This means the acts of

teens or children that

are soon to become young adults and transition from kids.

Page 7: How do we as teens determine not only who we are, but also how we will become contributing members of society DRIVING QUESTION.





These are some things

that adolescents endure:Drug abusePregnancyViolence/ Gangs


Page 8: How do we as teens determine not only who we are, but also how we will become contributing members of society DRIVING QUESTION.






These issues affect kids because it affects

their morals or their thinking . Those teens

that have positive influences and don’t

endure a lot of negative influences those are the teens that turn put to become intelligent and

responsible adults.

Page 9: How do we as teens determine not only who we are, but also how we will become contributing members of society DRIVING QUESTION.

Teen social issues

Kids that Text excessively

are known to for having

many problems such as :

Drug abuse


Suicide tendencies

Eating disorders

Other problems

How teens communicate with the world and how

social they are affects how they react to things

and their behavioral patterns. Teens that

socialize more typically have more problems or pressures then people who don’t socialize as

much .

Page 10: How do we as teens determine not only who we are, but also how we will become contributing members of society DRIVING QUESTION.


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Violence has taking over the world. These problems, have affected, and corrupted our nation, from north to south, and east to west.World issues are a serious problem, if we don’t take care of each and every one of them we will be doomed.

Page 11: How do we as teens determine not only who we are, but also how we will become contributing members of society DRIVING QUESTION.

What I researched was, abortions, democrats, poverty, recycling. These are all world issues, and contributing members of society.

Over 12 million abortions a year.

115,000 abortions a day.

52 percent of woman that have abortions are under 25.

Democratic party wants to crack down gangs.

Democrats want everyone to have an affordable health care.

More Than 80% of Americans recycle.

The past 2 years gas prices have raised by over 2 dollars.

Most Americans sufferer with gas prices.

Member Of Society & World Issues

Page 12: How do we as teens determine not only who we are, but also how we will become contributing members of society DRIVING QUESTION.


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More Than 80% of Americans recycle.

The past 2 years gas prices have raised by over 2 dollars.

Most Americans sufferer with gas prices.

Create jobs to stay in America.

Reduce tax.

Over 30 million Americans are living in poverty.

Most of the poor have possessions.

Recycling saves resources.

Raw materials and energy are provided by the earth

Usa and Europe lead the world in technology and recycling

Page 13: How do we as teens determine not only who we are, but also how we will become contributing members of society DRIVING QUESTION.

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In the separate peace it talks

about how gene doesn't really

know who he is at that moment,

he's kind of lost in finding himself

so he tries to take on the role of

finny and ends up doing things he

never thought he would do before

and hurting the people closest to

him. Figuring out what kind of

person you are as a teen and

what kind of person you want to

become as you get older is an

essential part in making sure that

you become a responsible

contributing member of society

and not someone that you would

look at now as unnecessary.