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How did you use new media technologies in the construction

and research, planning and

evaluation stages?

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We have used blogger from the beginning of our project. It is an efficient blog site that uses web 2.0 technology. This is an easy way to organise posts and share media online, it also uses two way technologies, which allows media interactions: material is widely accessible and can be commented on by users of the internet. Blogger also allows the use of html codes and pictures and videos can be uploaded which leaves the types of media unlimited. Many websites, such as SlideShare and YouTube for example, link to Blogger, making sharing media much easier. During our planning stages we used Blogger, as it was easy to note down any ideas as we thought of them which we could then come back to at a later date to expand on. It was also useful to upload any pictures of spider diagrams or the setting for example. We found that Blogger was an easy way to bring it all together.

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We used paint during the planning stage to draw up the storyboard, as this was an easy way to create an easy to understand storyboard, that is both detailed and informative. By having this software already on the computers we used, it made it much easier to access from anyway and by saving as a .jpeg file we could simply upload it to Blogger via an image file. We also used paint as a quick way to jot down any ideas in the form of spider diagrams, as this was a much quicker way to upload to Blogger to show our planning, as opposed to writing them down on paper.

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For the planning stage we used Prezi to construct a spider diagram. This was useful, as it can be used to organise a rough diagram into one that navigates around specific points. We used it to brainstorm ideas, as it also allows pictures to be uploaded, so we could therefore show what we could do and illustrate suggestions. We can from then embed the Prezi onto Blogger, to simplify accessibility.

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We used SurveyMonkey to create the initial audience feedback questionnaire. The survey questions were written out beforehand and then constructed into a survey. SurveyMonkey is a useful took, as it formats the questionnaire so that it is user friendly and offers multiple choice answers. When completed, the questionnaire can be posted onto social networking sites, to gain maximum answers, as SurveyMonkey links to sites such as Facebook. The completed survey also produces a link which can be shared anywhere via blogs, email, websites, etc. Once people have responded to the questionnaire, SurveyMonkey tally's the answers for us, so we can easily see the majority, which makes constructing graphs a much simpler task.

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Facebook was used to share the questionnaire. All four of us poster the link from SurveyMonkey to Facebook, as our friends differ and therefore this way we hoped to gain large numbers of participants. The majority of our Facebook friends are of similar ages to our target audience, therefore we hoped to get people responding with similar answers in order for us to come to a consensus on what we would include within our trailer.

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Twitter was used in a similar way to Facebook to help distribute the questionnaire. We did however have different people on both social networking sites, all of similar ages, which helped us gain a large amount of responses. We could also target specific people, asking them to complete our questionnaire to increase the chances of them doing it, in addition we could also ask people to “retweet” the link to increase responses.

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We used an iPhone to take photos of the location. When we had decided on the location of a beach we went to Hunstanton to take photos in order to decide what specific location would work best. This was an efficient way of researching, as we could quickly take several photographs which could then be put onto a computer to be shared via Blogger. We also experimented with characters, showing how they would position themselves in the scene, these photos could then be sent to Facebook so that we could ask potential audiences whether they believe this is a suitable location.

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Microsoft Excel was used after we had collected the audience feedback results for the initial; questionnaire off SurveyMonkey. We used Excel to copy the results into a chart which highlighted the majority responses. We then used the graph tool to construct a graph per question. We then copied the graphs from the spreadsheet and saved them as image files via Paint.

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We have used Google throughout the project for the majority of the research. It has helped us research existing film trailers, magazine covers and posters. We’ve also been able to find an alternative video hosting website to YouTube, as a result of the sound not working. We initially used Google to help find a location with romantic connotations, which from there lead us to the decision of a Beach. We then used Google map tools to find a more specific location and directions there. Google has also helped us make decisions during our planning and research, as we have looked at existing films and their ratings, which have helped us find what is attractive to the audience.

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We found YouTube very useful during the research of existing film trailers. We found that most official film trailers are on YouTube and can be accessed by anyone. We’ve therefore used YouTube repeatedly when researching for our trailer. We used it to search for specific trailers, yet also find new ones using words such as psychological, romance, beach, summer, etc to find trailers that we could use to give us ideas for our own. We aimed to watch film trailers with similarities to what we intended ours to be, as this would help us follow particular conventions, such as the romance in Titanic. We used the print screen tool to make storyboards of existing trailers, via paint and upon completing our own we could compare them.

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We used two HD camcorders to film our trailer, as this meant we could get multiple camera angles without hassle. We could therefore include match on action within our trailer. The HD quality of the cameras also meant good quality filming, more and more films are produced in HD in recent years, this is an attractive feature to consumers and should therefore maximise our audience. As a result of the technology used, importing the camera footage onto a computer is an easy process and it can be put straight onto the software ready to be edited. The camcorders were handheld which meant they required a steady hand as we did not have a tripod. They were however, easy to use and footage could be viewed straight after filming.

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Digital Camera

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We used a digital camera to take photos for the poster and magazine cover with. Initially we were going to use an iPhone to save time, yet we wanted to produce good quality photos. We wanted the photos to look realistic as opposed to candid ones, as these wouldn’t reflect the plot of the film. We did however decided to have our actors pose in a way that their character would, for example we had the two main characters in an embrace. A digital camera, like a camcorder can transfer its material onto a computer hassle free. As the pictures are automatically transferred as picture files, they can be easily accessed to be edited.

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Premiere Elements

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Using Adobe Premiere Elements we edited our entire footage into our trailer. We came across some difficulties however, for example the software would be very slow at times and would skip during playback. It would also freeze or crash unexpectedly which became a hindrance to our editing. On the other hand, when working correctly, the software was very easy to use and had some interesting editing effects. Premiere elements allowed us to import any media into the film as long as it was saved as a suitable format, we’ve therefore included picture files and music within our trailer. The software also comes with special effects and text, which aided us with our credits. Adobe Premiere Elements is a good software and is very easy to use, however it would not be used by larger production companies, as it is a more simple technology for low budget films and doesn’t use expensive technology. It is however cheap and easy to use, after completion the trailer can be shared via YouTube or saved into a video format, which can then be shared in a variety of different ways, which shows how it is suiting to new medias. Whereas large production companies would use more advanced software, to mass produce.

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Photoshop was used for both the poster and the magazine cover. Not a lot of editing was required for the photographs as we used a good quality camera. We did however enhance certain aspects of the picture, to make them more eye catching. For example, we used the contrast tool to make the photographs brighter. As the blue skies are a main focus point within our project, we’ve used an effect to make them appear a brighter blue. We also used the cloning stamp, so that the sky space within the poster is much larger. We have also accentuated certain elements that we think will enhance the themes, such as the girls eyelashes to make her appear more feminine along with her nails, on the magazine cover, we’ve also made the couple black and white using the greyscale tool, as this contrasts the bright blue background and suggests mystery elements. The font tools of Photoshop were also useful, for example we could make the titles look realistic, such as on a real magazine or poster. We found that Adobe Photoshop could be used by small production companies, it’s very simple to use and comes with some very effective tools, yet I believe there could be more advanced technology for larger production companies.

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YouTube was used to upload our film trailer once it had been completed. This was so that we could access it from home, yet we could also share it via social networking so that we could ask potential audiences opinions and whether they feel we need to make alterations to it. By being able to access our trailer, it made the evaluation process much easier, as we weren’t having to do it from memory. Unfortunately, due to copyright purposes the sound was removed from our trailer, despite a disclaimer, we therefore had to find an alternative video hosting website that would not do the same. This was disappointing, as we feel YouTube is the most popular site for video sharing and it is more likely to catch peoples attention, as even large film companies use YouTube to help their marketing. I also used YouTube to help create a storyboard for the first part of my evaluation, I played the film trailer through, print screening at specific points in the trailer, YouTube made this easier as I could efficiently pause and play when required.

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We used Vimeo as an alternative to YouTube, as it wouldn’t remove the sound. We did however initially experience trouble uploading to Vimeo as the film trailer file was too big. This suggests that Vimeo isn’t used a video sharing website for large film companies, appealing specifically to short films and animations. We found it a suitable alternative as we weren’t breaching any copyright laws. It works similarly to YouTube, as it can be accessed globally by interent users and can also be shared via social networking.

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I’ve used Prezi for part of my evaluation as I found it an interesting form of media, that was simple to use and simple to understand, yet shows variation within my blog, as opposed to typing out all my posts repeatedly. By using Prezi it gives a professional look to my blog, as though presenting important information, yet structures it in an easily navigational presentation. The large amounts of text within my Prezi makes it appeal unstructured from a distance, however Prezi allows the user to easily read the points in order, in addition it is also easy for the user to find a specific point. Prezi is also free to use, which helps low budget film makers, such as ourselves produce professional looking presentations.

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SlideShare enables users to produce PowerPoint presentations which care then uploaded and can accessed on the SlideShare website. I found this a much more efficient way of doing my evaluation, as it appears more structured and gives a better impression as opposed to writing directly onto my blog. I feel that by using a larger variety of media, such as Prezi and SlideShare, I am taking a more professional approach to being a film producer. Large production companies use a variety of different media to help promote their film and purpose, I believe I have done the same for a low budget film. Despite having to upload the SlideShare before uploading to the blog, using a web 2.0 technology in between, allows me to update my Blogger via the SlideShare website. This website also is available for comments on presentations, which enables people to log in from Facebook to comment. This is a good way to get direct feedback. I think SlideShare could also be used by film companies to help with marketing, as it can be easily accessed and shared from website to website. Yet content is not limited which could therefore result in presentations for advertising purposes.