Download - How did you use new media technologies in the construction and rsearch, planning and evaluation stages




Youtube was heavily used throughout my research for music videos. I researched different genres and used screen grabs to present my results in my quantatitive analysis.

I also used Youtube whilst creating my storyboard by researching similar pop ballad music videos, to understand the conventions for that genre.

I think Youtube was the most helpful media technology whilst researching, as it was easy to use and search for particular videos.


I used Wordpress to upload my research, planning and evaluations of my music video and ancillary tasks.

Wordpress was fairly simple to use, however I am used to using Blogger for my personal blog but these skills were easily transferred.

Problems which occurred whilst using Wordpress, were when uploading images their sizes would be too large and decreasing this was difficult. Also it wouldn’t allow certain online media technologies to load, therefore presenting some work became challenging.


Prezi was perhaps the most used online program I used to present my research and other pieces of work. I only recently discovered this program, through other students and was therefore a beginner in using this.

I enjoyed using Prezi because it was easy to understand and use. It also looked more professional compared to PowerPoint presentations and allowed more freedom of design. I’d definitely use Prezi again because it is a modern way of presenting ideas and simple to work with.


Slideshare was the program I used the least, perhaps because it was quite simple with no effects compared to Prezi. However out of all of the media technologies this was by far the easiest to use, as it is just simple uploading.

PowerPoint is the program which I am most familiar with, as I’ve used it for many years and understand how to get the best out of it. During my research and planning I presented my results in PowerPoint with voiceover clips and saved it as a video to then post on my blog. However after discovering other ways to present my work I decided to avoid using PowerPoint in favour of more modern and professional looking programs.


This is the equipment which I used when filming my music video and also taking the photos for the ancillary tasks. I played the song out loud on my ipod, to ensure my actor timed her lip syncing correctly. I kept my shooting schedule with my story board so I could find the shots quickly. The camera I used was a Canon 550D,a Canon tripod when I needed still shots and the tamron zoom lens for when I needed close-up shots.

I’d definitely use this equipment again, as the quality was what I expected and the shooting schedule kept me organised whilst filming, therefore decreasing the amount of time wasted.


The program we used to edit our music video is Adobe Premier Pro. I used this program in last years coursework, so I was familiar with it. However, this year I learnt how to use lighting, focus and other tools to be able to present my video in the best possible way. After learning this I was able to experiment with different tools to create my music video.

I feel more confident using Premier Pro this time around because I have been using more tools and made my music video the way I wanted. The only difficulties I found was with the lighting tool, as I couldn’t find my desired colour also the contrast and brightness tool didn’t live up to my expectations, as there were still areas which weren’t as I wanted.

POST PRODUCTION(ANCILLARY TEXTS)Photoshop was another program which I was quite familiar with, due to using it in last years media tasks. I enjoyed using Photoshop because I could manipulate the image easily and to my preferred style, as I had relied on natural light which can be unreliable so I used the brightness tool to enhance the sunlight.

Once I began editing I found techniques which would make my advert and digipak look more professional, therefore I would feel certain that I will be able to use this program again. However, I do think that there are limited options on certain areas, such as the font style and colour which didn’t turn out how I wanted.


When evaluating the music video and ancillary texts, I chose to use PowerPoint and Prezi because I understood them the best and I can use pictures of the ancillary texts and evaluate them easily. Also on PowerPoint I can time how long the slides show for and use transition effects from slide to slide.

When answering the evaluation questions I will use more technical programs to expand my knowledge and make my work look more professional