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02/07/14 10:59 AM

How Computers Influence Our Consciousness ?

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Dr.T.V.Rao MDWe are living to work, we do not sustain to go forward unless we work to

the needs of the modern world as we all know the great quote of “Darwin,

the survival of the fittest” works to advantage many in the world, however

it made many rich prosperous and even famous. In the changing world

many matters have conflict of interest how we suit to do well remain the

question to many and keeps us in dilemma what decisions we take in

every aspect of life. Till today many are taking about how to improve our

skills with many physical methods and theoretical advises however the

science of consciousness is changing, one may think of consciousness as

a subject related to contemplation and Eastern spiritual practices and few

think as occult science - we may not survive with mere teaching of facts

and problem of consciousness has begun to catch on in neuroscience,

many explore to improve the consciousness to be better teachers We all

know Consciousness is the awareness of what is in working memory. To

be aware of something, that something must be in working memory how

does a brain generate consciousness? Many organizations work at higher

level of consciousness and becomes a reality in the computer age, it is not

hard to imagine how a computing machine might construct, store and spit

out the information that ‘I am alive, I am a person, I have memories, the

wind is blowing to your advantage, and,’ and so on. But how does a brain

become aware of those propositions? Many trails in order to stimulate or

employees or our students in an organization to stimulate their

consciousness to the needs of the organization as a teacher I try to

stimulate the students to the needs of the medical profession, and fit to

the new expectation of changing world of Medicine, with progress of Time

in a profession with seniority we rarely find just our mere knowledge may

not work for longer as our students are well informed as and learn faster

than when we are Students. We should start realizing Consciousness is

the name we give to the ability to self-start, overcome adversity/restraints

and demonstrate the greater intelligence that are critical for creativity and

strategic thinking. Higher levels of consciousness allow us to mobilize

more intelligence, responsibility and energy. When we meet a “High

Performer” that impresses us with the amount they can do, do well and do

while interacting fluidly with all kinds of people around them. We teachers

should realise we are all satisfied with little of our contributions, and think

we are best in profession however we all become monotonous with

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dialectic lectures, we all should try to do our duty and plan to raise the

consciousness of many around you as, Consciousness is a good

infrastructure investment. Consciousness, based on our track record, is a

very good investment. It can be viewed as a “build or buy” decision. You

can either locate, recruit or pay for a team of rare superstars or you can

develop yourself and the people around you into those high-performing

superstars or at least better performing students – with a level of

consciousness that will be rewarding for you personally, for your

organisation and for our community. We are all influenced by the

subconscious mind all aspects of decision making as Decision-making

compresses trial-and-error learning experiences into a real-time

evaluation of the consequences of a particular action. It requires on-line

integration of information from diverse sources: perceptual information

about the stimulus, facts stored in memory, feedback from emotional

systems, expectations about the consequences of different courses of

action. With progress of time pure reason is not enough to make a

decision. Reason makes the list of options, but emotion makes the choice.

Emotions play a part in all decision, and most of the emotions are

controlled by consciousness to work and improve the matters of concern

for a long time, the study of consciousness was considered too far out to

study. How do you scientifically study something so subjective? How can

what one person feels become something that another person can

quantify? But now, in their relentless pursuit to understand every single

thing about the world, scientists are trying to figure out what exactly is

going on with consciousness. Lately, the problem of consciousness has

begun to catch on in neuroscience. How does a brain generate

consciousness? In the computer age, it is not hard to imagine how a

computing machine might construct, store and spit out the information do

not forget our subconscious mind is controlled by our attitude of learning

and which can make us better performers and expert teachers and

however we can faster to learn if you access through many minds with the

use of computers, as they are not lifeless mechanizes which will influence

our future, I wish all Teachers and friends look at others in the Profession

how they look at the world and one day we will be certainly better than

many around you, do not underestimate the power of consciousness and

subconscious mind which have tremendous effect on our future survival in

the turbulent world of competition. Do realize and know our computer

searches will get major information to your psychological needs this is real

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advances that many search engines have made, try to explore the

matters on Internet with well-trained conscious mind. DO REMEMBER All

the searches we make on Internet has subconscious influence on our

minds which can affect our conscious actions.

Dr.T.V.Rao MD Professor of Microbiology Freelance writer

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