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Page 1: How can technology affect the brain

How Can Technology Affect The Brain?

By Armando SilvestreBiology


Page 2: How can technology affect the brain

Well, there's 5 different types of technology that we speak, but we are going to talk about 1 which is technology as in objects such as: tools, machines, instrument, weapons, appliances.

What is Technology?

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Page 4: How can technology affect the brain

We all know that technology has been advancing. Here in the 21 century we still see technology is still at its best. Many teens today use technology way to much, and this happens because they were born in this century so they're surrounded by computers, video games, cell phones, and etc.If technology were to fall teens would have nothing to do well most of them. about 21 millions of teens are on the internet,51 percent of teens have broadband connections,81 percent of teens are playing video games, and 75 percent use instant messaging.


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The brain is the central nervous system or like a command center.what the brain does is tells your whole body what to do.what the brain is its like a large usb or memory why because our brain holds everything what we learn in school, memory like in the past. Some of the dieses in the brain are: inflammation and what this is like you lose your vision, causes weakness, paralysis, another disease is a stoke which is if u lose brain cells you wont be able to think clearly, the next one is brain strokes and what that is its likes pressures the nervous system and will cause the brain to not work rite, the last disease Alzheimer what this means is where it happens at first is memory, language, and thought, there is no cure for this disease, but they are drugs that can help the symptoms from getting worse.

The Human Brain

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1. the brain adapts to the internet and you become more efficient for finding information.

2. Playing Video games can improve your visual acuity.

Note: visual acuity is like how well you can see.

The good affects from technology to the brain

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1. students or people take an easy way to go on Google and search for information or in Microsoft word use spell check, the bad things of this is that with this people do not want to memorize as much so its like if there lazy.

2. When using the internet you lose social skills.

3. Calculators cause losing math skills and the brain will forget.

The bad affects from technology to the brain

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Some reasons why is tech bad?


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Some reasons why is tech good?


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Papers from students

Page 12: How can technology affect the brain Affects our Brains: Maybe for the Better/Erin Richards/December 9 2009/

2. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia/1 December 2011/

3. is Technology?/John Bilton/

4. to Technology and Paying a Price/Matt Richtel/Published: June 6, 2010/

Information Sitations

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1.armando/november 27 2011/how technology is good/taken on november 27 2011

2. armando/november 27 2011/how technology is bad/taken on november 27 2011

Video Sitations

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1. Linda J. Vorvick/


Pictures sitations