Download - How Can SARB Help You? Teachers, school administrators ... · SARB (School Attendance Review Board) was established by the Cal-ifornia legislature in 1975 to: Meet

Page 1: How Can SARB Help You? Teachers, school administrators ... · SARB (School Attendance Review Board) was established by the Cal-ifornia legislature in 1975 to: Meet

A mini-juvenile court

An agency to punish


An agency to place

blame on parents,

students, or the


S AR B I s N ot . . . M odes t o C i t y Schoo l s

Chi l d W e l f a r e and At t enda nce








SARB Hearing Meeting

How Can SARB Help You? Teachers, school administrators, parents, and students may seek help from SARB when attendance and/or behavior problems are not solved through regular school resources. Referrals to SARB usually come from the student’s school or parent (guardian). If you need assistance, and feel that SARB would be able to help you, contact the principal of your child’s school, other school administrators, or the Modesto City Schools’ Child Welfare and Attendance Office (574-1595). What Happens When Students And Parents Do Not Comply With SARB Recommendations? The goal of SARB is to help students solve school attendance and/or behavior problems in order to achieve in school. If the student or parent(s) do not follow the agreed upon recommendations of SARB, as stated in the SARB directives to students and their parents, SARB will then determine if community services can help resolve the difficulties. If the SARB Board agrees services are not effective in solving the problem, legal action may be requested through:

A petition filed with the Juvenile Court

A complaint filed with the District Attorney

A Complaint filed with the County Department of Social Services.

If a complaint is filed and a parent (guardian) is found guilty of not complying with SARB recommendations, a fine may be imposed for up to $100 for the first conviction, $250 for a second conviction, and $500 for a third conviction. Possible jail imprisonment, probation, or community service hours may be imposed as well. If a petition is filed with the Juvenile Court, a student may be judged a ward of the Court. He, or she, may then be directed to attend a community school program or complete community service hours.

Page 2: How Can SARB Help You? Teachers, school administrators ... · SARB (School Attendance Review Board) was established by the Cal-ifornia legislature in 1975 to: Meet


Absenteeism and behavior problems cause major losses in a student’s ed-ucational progress and future success in the work force. Data show that high school students who have not earned the units they need to graduate with their classmates have more than twice as many full-day and period absences as students who are on to graduate.

Absenteeism increases dropout rates delinquency, and vandalism within our community.

Unemployment is the most common problem faced by dropouts. Approximately fifty-three percent of young people between the ages of 16-24, who are not enrolled in college, are unemployed. One-third of the high school dropouts in this age group are not in the labor force at all. People, 18 and older, who do not earn a high school diploma have an average lifetime earnings loss of at least $300,000 compared to high school graduates.

Absenteeism increases the cost of per-student education.

A student’s absence patterns can be established as early as kindergarten. Older children in a family set school attendance habits for their younger brothers and sisters.

Attendance is highest when students are involved in school programs. High schools have programs to help students achieve in the classroom and graduate with their classmates. Students who are interest-ed in these programs are encouraged to see their counselor, or a school admin-istrator, for more information.

Modesto City Schools Child Welfare and Attendance

574-1595 8/2017


#1. Start by comparing the average lifetime earnings of Elementary School Graduate $993,466 High School Graduate $1,298,316 College Graduate $2,173,417 #2. Figure the difference in earning be-tween a high school graduate and a drop-out: $305,000 #3. Divide by the average number of years students high school (four years): $75,000 (this is what you earn per year by gaining a high school diploma.) #4. Divide by the number of school days each year (180 days): $416.66 (This is what you earn per day by gaining a high school deploma.) #5. Divide by the number of classes usually taken each school day (six clas-ses): $69.43 (This is what you earn PER HOUR by attending class.) QUESTION: WHERE CAN YOU GET A JOB THAT PAYS THAT MUCH NOW?

Page 3: How Can SARB Help You? Teachers, school administrators ... · SARB (School Attendance Review Board) was established by the Cal-ifornia legislature in 1975 to: Meet

SARB (School Attendance Review

Board) was established by the Cal-

ifornia legislature in

1975 to:

Meet the needs

of students who have

attendance and/or

behavior problems

that keep them away

from school and out

of the classroom.

Provide guidance

and coordinated community ser-

vices to meet these students’

needs so they can overcome the

problems that keep them from

attending and achieving in school.

Promote new public and private

community services that can help

students with problems.

SARB is a group of concerned

people, parents, school district

staff, and representatives of

community service agencies who


Regularly to help resolve student attendance and

behavior problems brought to their attention by a

school staff member or a parent/guardian. Cal-

ifornia Law provides for a SARB Board that is

made up of representatives from: public social

service agencies, parents and/or community

representatives, school staffs, law enforcement,

probation departments, and private social service


W h o i s re f e r re d t o S AR B f o r h e l p ?

Students whose irregular school attendance

or behavior problems have not been resolved

by school or parental efforts.

Student who has been referred to Student

Study Teams (SSTs) or School Attendance

Review Teams (SARTs) at their schools.

H o w D o e s S AR B H e l p S t u d e n t s

Gain the assistance of other county agencies

and programs for students when help is need-


Direct students and/or families into an

appropriate counseling programs.

Recommend changes in the student’s school


Arrange parenting classes and/or child care.

Recommend and facilitate transferring the

student to a different school, if necessary.

Assign the student to an appropriate

alternative education program.

Assist the student in getting a job while

enrolled in school.

Link families and community resources.

Arrange for tutoring.

Recommend that additional ser-

vices for students be developed in

the community.

Advocate for increased community

services for all young people.

The SARB Board seeks to understand

why students have attendance and/or

behavior problems and acts to solve

these problems so that students can

become successful in the classroom

and graduate from high school.

Phone: 209-574-1595

FAX: 209-574-1549

426 Locust Street

Modesto, CA 95351

M ode s to C i t y S ch oo l s C hi l d W el fa re an d At t e nda n ce


Attendance leads to graduation

School Attendance Review Board