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CHAPTER 51: WORSHIPHow can our worship fulfill its great

purpose in the New Testament age?

What does it mean to worship “in spirit and in truth”?

A. Definition and Purpose of Worship

Worship is the activity of glorifying God in his presence with our voices and hearts. (1) We worship especially when we come into

God’s presence, when we are conscious of adoration of him in our hearts, and when we praise him with our voices so others may hear.(Col 3:16)

(2) God called us into the assembly of the church so that as a corporate assembly we might worship him. (Ex 7:16)

A. Definition and Purpose of Worship

(3) Worship is a direct expression of our ultimate purpose for living, “to glorify God and fully to enjoy him forever.” (Is 43:6-7; Eph 1:12)

(4) God is worthy of worship and we are not. (Re 22:8-9)

(5) Everything in our worship services should be designed and carried out to call attention to God and to cause people to think about him.

B. The Results of Genuine Worship

1. We Delight in God. (Ps 16:11; 73:25; Acts 2:46)

2. God Delights in Us. (Zeph 3:17; Is 62:1-5)

3. We Draw Near to God: The Amazing Unseen Reality of New Covenant Worship. OT believers could only draw near in part.

We can enter into God’s presence in worship. (Heb 10:19-22; 12:18-24)

4. God Draws Near to Us. (Jas 4:8; 2 Chr 5:13-14)

B. The Results of Genuine Worship

5. God Ministers to Us. (1 Cor 14:26; Heb 4:16) He meets with us and strengthens our faith. He intensifies our awareness of his presence. He refreshes our spirits.

6. The Lord’s Enemies Flee. (2 Chron 20:22)

7. Unbelievers Know They Are in God’s Presence. (1 Cor 14:25)

C. The Eternal Value of Worship

Eph 5:15-20: Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. (ESV)

Worship is a way to use time well. Worship is doing the will of God.

D. How Can We Enter Into Genuine Worship?

Worship is a spiritual activity and it must be empowered by the Holy Spirit working within us. (John 4:23-24) To worship “in spirit and truth” is best

understood to mean not “in the Holy Spirit,” but rather “in the spiritual realm, in the realm of spiritual activity.”

Unless our spirits are worshiping God we are not truly worshiping him.

D. How Can We Enter Into Genuine Worship?

An attitude of worship comes upon us when we begin to see God as he is and then respond to his presence. (Mt 14:33; Heb 12:28-29; Is 6:1-3)

D. How Can We Enter Into Genuine Worship?

How can we bring ourselves to experience much more of the depth and richness of worship? (a) Worship is a spiritual matter, and the

primary solutions will therefore be spiritual ones—prayer, teaching, and reconciliation with others.

(b) The physical setting and structure of worship services also matter. (Mt 6:6; 21:12-13)

(c) The atmosphere and mood are important. (1 Co 14:33a; Heb 12:28-29)

6 Eras of Worship






Early Church


Who: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph

Place: anywhere, sacred places

Style: very informal

Always in response to God’s initiative


Who: Moses and the Israelites in the desert

Place: the Tabernacle

Style: becoming more formal

In response to God’s acts


Who: Solomon, Jereboam, Baasha etc.

Place: the Temple

Style: very formal

Progression from tabernacle, with increasing rules and regulations. Obedience becomes key.


Who: Daniel and others exiled in Babylon and elsewhere.

Place: Synagogues

Style: mixed but still mostly formal

Rise in importance of the Torah


Who: Ezra, Nehemiah and returning exiles

Place: the Temple and synagogues

Style: very formal

Merging of Monarchy and Exile. Renewed legalism and rise of the Scribes.

Early Church

Who: Disciples, early converts

Place: Believers’ houses

Style: informal

Royal Priesthood, giving of the Holy Spirit


HawahMost common word for worship in OT‘to bow down’, ‘to pay homage’Physical gesture of an inward attitude

ProskuneoMost common word for worship in NT‘to fall down’, ‘to prostrate oneself’, ‘to

adore on one’s knees’Physical gesture of an inward attitude

Meanings of Hebrew and Greek words used for “praise” and




‘to work’, ‘to do’, ‘to perform’, ‘to serve’

Not just used within worship gatherings

Latreuo and leiturgeo

‘to serve’, ‘to minister’

Primarily used in sacrificial system in Septuagint, but of

secondary importance in NT

Reverence Yare

‘to fear’, to be afraid’

Not terror of dread, but heightened attitude of awe and respect

-- Joshua 22:25 Sebomai

‘to revere’, ‘to be devout’

Way of life: inner attitude of reverence Hasa

To be silent (See Habakkuk 2:20)


‘to be clear, to shine, to make a show, to boast, to be clamorously foolish, to rave’

-Psalms 145-150 Yadah

‘to hold out the hand, to revere or worship with extended hands’


‘to proclaim the excellence of a person or object’


‘to address in a loud tone’

Demonstrate Approval and Celebrate

After consulting the people, Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing to the LORD and to praise (halal) him for the splendor of his holiness as they went out at the head of the army, saying: “Give thanks to (yadah) the LORD, for his love endures forever.”

As they began to sing and praise (tehillah), the LORD set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated.

2 Chronicles 20:21-22

2 Kings 17:35

‘The Lord made a covenant with them and commanded them,

‘You shall not fear (yare) other Gods, or bow yourselves (hawah) to them or serve

(ahad) them or sacrifice to them.’

Biblical Worship takes many forms. All of one’s being may come into play:

intellect, will, emotions, body parts

Some Conclusions