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  • 7/28/2019 How Bill Becomes a Law


    Ateneo Heats Up in CamSur Split Forum

    Ateneo de Naga University, Naga City Here, close to 1,300 Ateneans,officials from various local government units, student leaders fromother schools and local media filled the Gymnasium on November 18

    for the grand forum on House Bill 4820 dubbed To Divide or Not:Whats in it for us?

    The proposal to splitCamarines Sur and carveout a new province, NuevaCamarines, has triggereddiscussions in theUniversity, whether inclassrooms or in socialmedia. This motivated the Office of Student Affairs to organize a forum

    to provide the University community a venue to raise and deepen theirawareness and understanding on the bill and important issues relatedto it. OSA partnered with the Social Sciences Department tocompliment classroom discussion on the topic. As a form of outreach,the OSA offered the external community invitation to the forum.

    University President Primitivo Viray Jr., S.J. at the start of the programtalked about Pope Benedict XVIs Caritas et Veritate (Charity in Truth)to set a perspective in the discussion. He said that while the truth maybe elusive and multifaceted, the community should seek for it. He alsoreminded the politician-speakers to articulate their versions of the

    truth not only with passion but with humility. Finally, he urged all tosee the truth in thespirit of charity or love.

    In the forum, ThirdDistrict RepresentativeLuis Villafuerte, co-author of HB 4820,presented thebackground, salientpoints and rationale of

    the proposal.Camarines Sur boardmembers Angel Navaland Warren Senar, weregiven the opportunity toexplain the reason fortheir opposition.

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    Rep. Villafuerte argued that the division proposal is not novel, citinghistorical accounts of subdivision in the region. He stressed that the billis compliant with the legal requirements as provided for in the LocalGovernment Code, particularly the criteria on land area, populationand land area. He told the crowd that the division would create two

    first-class provinces, and a reduced Camarines Sur would benefit frommore focused governance. He disputed the arguments being presentedby the opposition to the public. Among others, he pointed out that it isnot true that there will be new taxes for Nueva Camarines as the lawprovides that a new province should not impose new taxes five yearswithin its creation. He further clarified that the division will not affectthe current tourism development as the Caramoan tourism program,for instance, can stay with Camarines Sur unless an agreement can bemade to benefit both the old and new provinces. He defended thetiming of the proposal as the law requires a year of transition tofacilitate the preparations of the division and to have the elections of

    the new local government in 2013 should the plebiscite affirm theproposal.

    The opposition, on the other hand, said that their camp finds nocompelling reason to divide the province. Naval described HB 4820 asa defective product, revealing that the proponents asked the Senate toinsert amendments in the original version that had been approved bythe House of Representatives. He said that the amendments constitutean admission from the proponents that the bill is erroneous. He alsocountered the proponents pointthat Camarines Sur is too big to

    be governed, saying that it is aleadership challenge. Senar,moreover, warned that thedivision means that provinces inthe region need a large amountof resources to accommodatethe financial requirements ofNueva Camarines creation. TheIRA shares of provincialgovernments and the income ofCamarines Sur will significantly

    decrease because of the split.

    After the presentations, Ateneans shared their reactions and questionsto both sides. Social Sciences faculty Tito Valiente found no economicor social feasibility offered by both sides. Student debater ArcciRelloso, on the other hand, challenged both camps for theproponents to justify the timeliness of the proposal, and for theopposition to provide stronger arguments other than IRA or income

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    concerns. Other students raised their concerns during the controlledopen forum. One student expressed frustration on the quality of theinfomercial in TV and radio commercials produced by both camps,while another commented on the shift of the discussions about the billfrom the real issues to personalities.

    In the end, SupremeStudent GovernmentPresident LudelMaiello Mier andDirector of StudentAffairs Fr. RitcheElot, S.J. urged theparticipants tocontinue learningabout and reflecting

    on the issue so as tocome up with aninformed andintelligent opinion on

    the matter. The organizers clarified, however, that the activity does notserve as precedent to the formulation of an institutional stand. Theyexplained that what is important is the ongoing reflection to reach aninformed choice, whether for or against the division of the province.

    The OSA was assisted by the Liga ng mga Estudyante sa AghamPampulitika and other student volunteers. For interested student

    organizations, faculty and offices in the University, videocopies of theforum courtesy of IM Multimedia are available at OSA.

    SENATOR Antonio Sonny F. Trillanes IV yesterday expressedopposition to House Bill 4820, which is proposing to divide Camarines

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    Sur into two and create the province of Nueva Camarines, citing thatthere is no compelling reason to pursue such move.

    Legislating the division of a province when there is no compellingreason to do so is an unwise and risky move for us to take, and this will

    likely set a bad precedent for future lawmakers, said Trillanes, who isa member of the Senate committee on local government.

    Trillanes added that carving out a new province out of Camarines Surwill only lessen the Internal Revenue Allotment of the existing provinceand the proposed one to be created, thus hampering the delivery ofbasic services. He added that this might set an ill-advised trend oflegislations seeking division of big provinces in the country.

    Trillanes, who is a Bicolano, explained that, If we divide CamSur now,what will stop other provinces, such as Quezon, Cavite, Laguna,

    Batangas, from dividing their provinces? I suggest that we abandonthis move and scrap the measure.

    The said proposed measure has been passed on third reading and ispending in the Senate committee on local government of whichTrillanes is a member.

    This position was supported by the Camarines Sur Chamber ofCommerce and Industry (CSCCI), headed by Engr. Solomon Ngo, as itunanimously approved a resolution entitled A RESOLUTIONEXPRESSING OPPOSITION TO THE PROPOSED DIVISION OF CAMARINES


    The CSCCI stated in the resolution that our businesses will be hit hardif our market will diminish in area and number as a direct result ifCamarines Sur will be split into two provinces, further stating that asbusinessmen we believe in the principle that if your business is big,you have to expand and not divide, which will weaken your credit lineand reduce profit.

    Also in business, size matters.

    This is true for provinces as well, the bigger the province the moreprogressive it can become.

    We do not divide a company if it is profitable and is doing well. Thisholds true in the case of a province. Hindi naman lugi ang probinsyaand it is in fact doing well so we find absolutely no reason to divide it,Ngo pointed out as he released a copy of the resolution.

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    The opposition of Trillanes and CSCCI to the division of the provincecomes at the heels of a brewing dispute between the Comelec andDepartment of Budget and Management (DBM), after the latterdecided to reduce the poll bodys 2013 budget to P8 billion. Theoriginal amount that the Comelec has asked for inclusion in the

    proposed P2-trillion national budget for next year was P24 billion.

    For his part, Congressman Sal Fortuno of the 5th district of CamarinesSur, who also opposes the bill, said that the Comelec is not even sureif it would get sufficient funds for the conduct of automated nationaland local elections next year. I dont see the wisdom of spending anestimated P70 million from what would be available to the Comelec ona plebiscite for the proposed creation of a new province that does notseem to be urgent.

    Comelec Chairman Sixto Brillantes recently warned that the poll body

    would not be able to carry out automated elections next year with theproposed P8- billion budget pegged by the DBM. Brillantes said thatthe Comelec would have to resort to manual elections but also warnedthat he would not be willing to administer it.

    There is more than sufficient time before the 2013 elections to pass and ratify a billseeking to create the province of Nueva Camarines from the 4th and 5th districts of

    Camarines Sur, a ranking official of the House of Representatives yesterday insisted.

    All that is needed is for the Senate to pass the bill when Congress resumes its session on

    Oct. 8 so that President Aquino can sign it into law and be subjected to a plebiscite forthe approval of the people of Camarines Sur, Deputy

    Speaker Arnulfo Fuentebella said.The lawmaker revealed that Commission on Elections (Comelec) Chairman SixtoBrillantes has given the assurance that the poll body would extend the filing of the

    certificate of candidacies for elective posts in the new province of Nueva Camarines if it

    is created ahead of the 2013 polls.By blocking the bills passage, Fuentebella said Sen. Antonio Trillanes is ironically

    trying to deny the people of Camarines Sur their right to self-determination under the

    Constitution.The constitutional provision provides that the people, specifically the affected

    constituencies, have the right to approve and or ratify through a plebiscite any law

    seeking the creation of a new province, city or municipality.

    Fuentebella issued the statement to correct the false impression that the bill, which hadbeen passed by the House of Representatives in a historic 229-1 vote, is already dead in

    the water when Congress took a break last Thursday without the measure being passed by

    the Senate.Nonetheless, it is lamentable that the bill has already gathered cobwebs in the Senate. It

    was transmitted by the House to the upper chamber as early as Aug. 10, 2011, he

    stressed.So, I dont know how Senator Trillanes can claim that the bill is being railroaded by

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    Marcos, along with Senators Pia Cayetano, Antonio Trillanes IV,Minority Leader Alan Peter Cayetano and Manuel Villar Jr. are membersof the NP.

    Marcos admitted that there was pressure on him to act on the bill while

    another senator denounced alleged attempts to railroad the measure.

    President Benigno Aquino III on Friday disclosed that Sen. AntonioTrillanes IVs unofficial talks with the Chinese helped ease tensionsbetween the Philippines and China over Panatag Shoal in the WestPhilippine Sea.

    But Mr. Aquino made it clear that going through the back channel wasnot Malacaangs idea, but Trillanes and that he approved it toachieve a peaceful resolution of the confrontation with China atPanatag Shoal (Scarborough Shoal) in April.

    That could be the last time an unofficial negotiator would speak for thegovernment. Malacaang said it had learned a lesson from thecontroversy that Trillanes had caused: the government should speakwith one voice in dealing with China on the West Philippine Seadispute.

    Speaking to reporters after he opened the Aquino-Diokno Shrine andthe Armed Forces of the Philippines Center for Human Rights Dialogueat Fort Magsaysay in Laur, Nueva Ecija province, Mr. Aquino saidTrillanes was in China at the height of the Panatag Shoal standoff.

    Trillanes called him to say Chinese officials approached the senatorabout being a back-channel negotiator, Mr. Aquino said.

    So in the absence of any other channel existing beforehand, and aswe wanted to resolve the Scarborough Shoal standoff peacefully, wedecided we would lose nothing from hearing them out, Mr. Aquinosaid.

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    Trillanes disclosed his unofficial role in the resolution of the standoff ina quarrel with Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile on Wednesday overa bill that would divide Camarines Sur into two provinces.

    Enrile read into the Senate records diplomatic notes that suggested

    Trillanes was working to advance Chinas interests and wasundermining the Philippines position in the dispute. Trillanes,according to the notes from Ambassador to China Sonia Brady, claimedcredit for the withdrawal of up to 40 Chinese ships from Panatag Shoal.

    Enrile demanded to know who Trillanes had talked with in his 15meetings in Beijing and what he had agreed on with the Chinese.

    President Aquino acknowledged Trillanes contribution to the clearingof Panatag Shoal after Philippine vessels stepped back from the face-off with Chinese ships in mid-June.

    When Chinese vessels arrived at Scarborough Shoal, we counted upto 18 ships, not including the fishing vessels, which would have addedup to 30 vessels, Mr. Aquino said.

    Effective strategy

    The number of Chinese vessels eventually dwindled, so maybeTrillanes efforts to negotiate with Chinese officials should get some

    credit, as well as other efforts to prevent the tension from escalating,the President said.

    Mr. Aquino said informal talks were effective in resolving any standoff.

    Look at the hostage crises, he said. There are formal channels fornegotiations. There are also informal channels for talks. These twoseparate negotiations work hand in hand to resolve the hostage crisis,he said.

    Formal channels are the domain of diplomats, but Malacaang needs

    informal channels through which it can relay its views quickly on thePanatag Shoal dispute, he said.

    Mr. Aquino, however, did not disclose Trillanes agreements with hisChinese contacts.

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    I am actually reluctant to disclose more details about the backroomtalks because these were informal and must not be made public, Mr.Aquino said.

    Special envoy

    But he said he had given Interior Secretary Manuel Roxas II a verysimple instruction when he tapped him to be the governmentsspecial representative to China.

    He has to make sure he will express our thoughts to the highest levelsof leadership of the Peoples Republic of China so the Philippineposition is clear to them, Mr. Aquino said.

    The position will detail where we come from and what our insightsreveal about the situation, he said. If they respond, that is good. If

    they do not, at least we have expressed what we really feel about thedispute.

    Roxas is in China as a special Philippine envoy to the 9th China-Asean(Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Expo. He will meet Chineseofficials, including Vice President Xi Jinping, expected to replacePresident Hu Jintao next year, for economic discussions. His talks withthem are expected to touch on the West Philippine Sea dispute,Malacaang said.

    As for Trillanes, his role in the talks with China is uncertain.

    Strategic Communication Secretary Ricky Carandang said on Fridaythat President Aquino would decide whether to keep Trillanes asbackroom negotiator.

    Whether or not his job is finished is up to the President to determine,Carandang said.

    One voice

    But the Palace had learned a very simple lesson from the controversy

    caused by Trillanes, Carandang said.

    The lesson weve learned is that it is important for the government,when we face the outside world, in this case China, to speak with onevoice, Carandang said by phone.

    Its important that regardless of what were doing, what approacheswere making, we speak with one voice, he said.

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    Carandang declined to comment when asked if he thought Trillanestalks with Chinese officials in Beijing and Manila had done more harmthan good, as Foreign Secretary del Rosario had said.

    Trillanes job at the time was to find a way to ease tension by opening

    dialogue with Chinese officials, which he did, Carandang said.

    He was not there to recommend policy, or do anything more than toease the tension, he said.

    Standoff not over

    Carandang declined to say whether he thought Trillanes indeedcontributed to the easing of tensions in the West Philippine Sea.

    The standoff at Panatag Shoal is not really over, with three Chinese

    vessels still there, according to Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin.

    Carandang confirmed that there were still Chinese vessels at the shoal.But he said the tension had been reduced.

    Were hopeful that we can continue to talk to the Chinese to resolvethe issue, he said. The issue of claims over Scarborough Shoalremains. Were hoping to continue dialogue with them to help resolvethe issue.

    Back channels

    Would Malacaang resort to back channels again in dealing withChina?

    If it makes sense and will be helpful, we will do that, Carandang said.It would depend on a case to case basis.

    Trillanes Chinas Choice

    President Credits Back-Channel Envoy For Easing Panatag Shoal StandoffBy GENALYN D. KABILING

    September 21, 2012, 7:48pm

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    MANILA, Philippines China picked Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV asbackdoor negotiator in efforts to resolve the dispute with thePhilippines over the Panatag Shoal, President Benigno S. Aquino III saidon Friday.The Presidents remark seeks to clear the confusion over who chose

    Trillanes as an unofficial envoy for back-channel talks with Chineseofficials.As far as I can remember, I was contacted by Senator Trillanes. Hewas in China at that time and he was approached and asked about thepossibility of serving as backchannel (negotiator), the President saidin a press conference during a visit to Nueva Ecija.He did not name the persons who approached Trillanes.The designation of Trillanes as unofficial negotiator pushed him into averbal tussle with Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile, who took to taskthe former coup plotter for undermining the countrys sovereigninterests.

    Aquino said he wanted to restart talks with Chinese authorities on thedisputed shoal in the West Philippine Sea after formal diplomaticchannels turned very belligerent.The President said he was surprised by the heated exchange in theformal channels as well as by the absence of backroom negotiationsbetween the two countries.I was wondering when the Scarborough Shoal incident happened, theformal channels have become very belligerent. You may remember theheated exchange of their ambassadors, the phrases, indisputablehistorical right to Scarborough Shoal, he said.Aquino said the informal conduits usually sent by China went silent.

    There were no longer informal channels that were usually used tosend the sentiments of the other side. They were missing, he said.The President said Trillanes remains as a backdoor negotiator for now,but I will have to talk to him soon.Trillanes had denied he volunteered for the assignment and said it wasExecutive Secretary Paquito Ochoa who asked for his help.He had more than a dozen meetings with unnamed Chinese officialsfrom May to April.The President acknowledged Trillanes successes in easing thestandoff at Panatag, saying there are fewer Chinese ships in the areanow.

    At the height of the standoff, there were about 18 Chinese governmentships and more than 30 fishing boats in the shoal. The number hasbeen reduced since then. Maybe we can credit those efforts to SenatorTrillanes and other efforts, Aquino said.He declined to reveal details about the informal talks with China,saying When it is informal, the details cannot be uttered publicly inChina. They have considerations in addressing their constituencies.

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    As part of the Presidents efforts to keep open channels with China, hehas sent Interior Secretary Mar Roxas to the 9th China-ASEAN Expo inNanning, China, with instructions to relay the Philippine governmentsviews on the dispute in the West Philippine Sea to China leaders.While in Nanning, Roxas hopes to have a dialogue with Chinese Vice

    President Xi Jinping.My instructions to Secretary Roxas are simple: to ensure that we areable to communicate our views to the highest level of leadership of thePeoples Republic (of China); to ensure that we are making ourselvesclear and there is no loss in translation; to let them know where werecoming from, our apprehensions, and our expectations, Aquino said.He said it would be a good sign if China responds positively.Aquino and Chinese President Hu Jintao were not able to meet at thesidelines of the 20th Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)Leaders Meeting in Vladivostok, Russia, earlier this month because oftheir tight schedules.

    Trilllanes has also accused Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosarioof treason for allegedly adopting aggressive tactics in the territorialdispute with China.Vice President Jejomar C. Binay defended del Rosario, saying he isdoing well in guiding Philippine foreign policy.The official (foreign) policy comes from Secretary del Rosario. Thenyou have someone calling him a traitor. Thats rather unfortunate,Binay said last Thursday in Tagbilaran, Bohol.He is correctly guiding our foreign policy. And he speaks for thePresident in matters of foreign policy. It saddens me that this hashappened, he said.

    The Vice President credited del Rosario for the safe return of Filipinoworkers from war-ravaged Libya and Syria.We had trouble in Syria and Libya and he was there. He is really aman of action, he said. with additional reports from Madel R.Sabater and JC Bello Ruiz