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How Belly Fat Can Lead To Diabetes

ByChris Arnett

In the past, I learned that there were a few theories on how belly fat caused diabetes.

What I also learned is that belly obesity can influence an

individual’s resistance to insulin.

So belly fat is said to be hormonally active, and it

releases a type of hormones that are called adipokines that scientist say may cause glucose

tolerance impairment.

Resistance to insulin is thought to be a main feature of type 2 (diabetes), and the obesity is related with type 2 diebetes, including insulin resistance.

When your fat levels increase, your serum level also increases

which causes you to become resistance of insulin.

According to some studies, they found a direct relationship between the serum levels including type 2 diebetes.

But, when the bodies fat levels were reduced the serum levels

also came down to normal levels.

I want you to keep in mind that many people believe that diabetes

can be both reversible and irreversible.

So what they are saying is that there is a possibility that

diabetes can be reversible, when treated with proper medication, an appropriate diet and exercise.

It’s important that you listen to and follow your doctors’ orders

so you can prevent the worsening of diabetes.

My father learned the hard way that your blood sugar levels will remain high if don’t follow your

doctors orders.

In our society today we see a lot of obese people who have a

high blood sugar levels, and many of them will end up with heart disease due to their lack

of exercise in their lives.

So, this is how belly fat can help lead to having diabetes and

even worse medical conditions.

I am hoping that you can now see why it is very important to eat nutritious foods and exercise in order to prevent any health problems that may occur in your future.

Believe me I have watched what my own father has to go through just to stay alive and that is not the quality of life that you want to force upon yourself when you could of avoided it.