Download - Hosted by The Promise of Trustworthy Computing And why most of corporate America will never benefit from it. Roberta Bragg.


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The Promise of Trustworthy Computing

And why most of corporate America will never benefit from it.

Roberta Bragg

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“Trustworthy Computing is a 10-year project, sort of like (President) Kennedy sending people to the moon. We're (only) a year into it. We want to get to a point where the end user says, I trust this technology, my privacy is protected, and it is reliable."

-- Scott Charneychief security strategistMicrosoft

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“Trusted computing proposes a computer

with security measures built into both

the hardware and software, without the

need or ability of the computer's user to

implement or disable it”

--Stephen J. Vaughan Nichols,,

April 17, 2003

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Trustworthy Computing Initiative

Microsoft's Next-Generation Secure Computing Base (NGSCB), formerly known as Palladium• Vaulted computer storage and CPU accessible only to TC


• Data encrypted as it moves between computers and components

• Nexxus or manager of trusted code - kernel, no third-party code allowed

• Use special CPU

• 5 hardware parts must change CPU, chipset, Input device, video output, unique identification chip

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TC Initiative

Trusted Computing Platform Alliance

(TCPA), an industry group (Compaq, HP,

IBM, Intel, and Microsoft, now over 190

member companies) • Special cryptographic chip.


• Version 1.97 , July 2002?

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TC Initiative

Intel's LaGrande.

hardware-based foundation for security.

protected execution, protected memory, and protected


Forecast to be in the Prescott chip design, which will

succeed the Pentium 4 second half of 2003.

Shades of 1999 digital identification chip?

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IBM's ThinkPad T30 high-end laptop use

an Atmel processor based on some

aspects of the TCPA specification

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Intel’s TPM (Trusted Platform Module)

(for future Centrino chipsets) will

provide a digital certificate . This could

be used to authenticate the computer on

a network configured to do so. Think

secure wireless communications for

example, using 802.1x.

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Intel’s Centrino chipset TPM : Could the

certificate be used to identify the

machine on the Internet to anyone who

can? Would you know at all times where

I am? (as long as I have my computer

with me?)

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Microsoft Work stoppage in 2002 to re-

write server 2003 code

And train programmers

Spent 100 million

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Employees also treat the company's security personnel differently (Jonathan Schwartz, software design engineer for Windows Security at Microsoft) security folks were seen as "the crazy voices from off in the woods."

"We understood what a buffer overflow was, and we would yell and scream until it got fixed," Schwartz said. Now the security team has the opposite problem: More people point out bugs, and many are relatively minor.

CNET january 16,2003

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Created the Security Business Unit: • Responsible for

securing Windows

spearheading company-wide security efforts

developing new security products for market.

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Revamped Microsoft Security Response

Center (MSRC)

Greater authority to coordinate

vulnerability investigations and develop


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Incorporated severity ratings in security

advisories and patch releases.

Goal to give admins better ability to

judge patch/advisory criticality.

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Some say new severity ratings are


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Retrofitted XP and 2000 from knowledge

learned in debugging Server 2003.

(SP1 and SP3, respectively).

Incorporate security patches for scores

of known and publicly unknown


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Unknown vulnerabilities?• Should we know what these are?

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New quality control tools for the

Windows compiler

Checks code for buffer overflows

Compiler changed after first version of

Server 2003 released

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Some think compiler is excuse for not

writing good code

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Software Update Services• Patch management service

• Automatically downloads patches from Microsoft to

a local server

• Enterprise customer can test, approve patches

before pushing them to endpoints.

• Can deploy patch servers for isolated systems

• Product available for free

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Released Microsoft Baseline Security

Analyzer, a free tool that checks

Windows systems for basic security


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Achieved Common Criteria security

certification for Windows 2000, the first

operating system to meet the standard.

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Windows Server 2003!• By default multiple services turned off

• By default more secure security settings enabled,

restricted – hundreds of them

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300 million windows users

100 million of them still on windows 95• Designed in 1993, release 1995

• Designed for 386, 10s of megahertz, 16 MB RAM.

• Things like strength of encryption keys are based on capabilities of machine

• “In practical terms the rate of evolution of the attack moves at the speed that the computer system evolves.” Craig Mundie, Microsoft Technology chief,, March 12, 2002

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Is that good design?

“It's like saying in conventional warfare that I think I know what the bombs and bullets look like; I'll go and build a bunker. It'll have one-foot thick walls and be eight feet under the sand. Then along comes a guy with a bunker buster bomb and, boom, you're dead. Did the guy who designed the bunker do a bad job? Well, he only designed for the capability of the threat he knew.”

--Craig Mundie.

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Released free security guide for Windows Server 2003 now available; 200+ pages


Windows 2000 Security Operations Guide (and other prescriptive guidance documents)


Almost 300 page free document “Threats and Countermeasures: Security Settings in Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP”

All accompanied by tools, templates and auxiliary


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Attentions of security researchers turned to other systems than Microsoft, found flaws and published them too






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Many of these flaws are fixed now too

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We learned that some vendors are not so

eager to fix flaw

Some companies acted as if the problem

was not there’s and have been less than


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More announcements of ‘security

awareness, security training’ positions

and programs in companies

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Lots of out of work security managers

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This was posted to a public forum last month:

“I broke into a bank kiosk” • I changed the URI on the browser

• Firewall prompted for a password

• I clicked cancel

• It then connected me to the external location and let me browse

• I found a location of the corporate internal home page

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Cooperation between industry and government :

sharing info on vulnerabilities, risks, attacks so

that large scale attacks on infrastructure can

hopefully be avoided, or identified early and thus

the impact is minimal

• Infragaurd

• Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISACs)

For example, one for public utilities

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InfraGard chapters - over 5000 members. I

the most extensive government-private sector partnership for infrastructure protection in the world

FBI provides to InfraGard members free of charge.

shares information about cyber intrusions and vulnerabilities through the formation of local InfraGard chapters and public WebSites, an alert and incident reporting network, local chapter activities, and a help desk.

secure electronic communications capability to all InfraGard members

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The NIPC initiated the establishment of an Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC) Support and Development Unit, whose mission is to enhance private sector cooperation and trust, resulting in two-way sharing of information and increased security for the nation's critical infrastructures.

representing energy, telecommunications, information technology, banking and finance, emergency law enforcement, emergency fire services, water supply, food, and chemical sectors (and other)

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If someone reveals a vulnerability, or

cooperates by providing info that is no

guarantee that anyone will fix it. Whose

responsible for the fallout?

Will you get sued?

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More companies are doing their own

security initiatives or at least talking

about security;•



• dozens more

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Some sites hard to find security contact


Some sites hard to find security

vulnerability information

Security lipservice != security

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Book on Secure programming• Michael Howard and David LeBlanc

• Writing Secure Code

Adaptation for college course• Leeds University first to offer

(sharing the lessons learned)

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Using automatic update to media player

to add ‘adds’

I shouldn’t have to pay for being able to

correct flaws to your software

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Why most of Corporate America will never benefit from it.

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Some part of it will not be liked

So the whole thing won’t be adopted

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It will be too restrictive

I can’t control my own system, do what I


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They’ll track me on the web• Security chip uniquely identifies computer

• Who can identify the chip?

I can’t run what I want

Its’ going to break my systems

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Not implemented properly so seen as not


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Legacy systems

Can’t get rid of my thousands of


Can’t get rid of old hardware

300 million windows users

100 million of them still on windows 95

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Double negatives in Microsoft Security


Multiple security recommendations even

within Microsoft

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To develop• New hardware must be developed

To implement• Attitudes of users , management, IT must change

• New hardware software much be purchased

• New skills must be learned

To maintain

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Wrong Design Decision?

Shouldn’t put into hardware what we

don’t understand.

Building security into the processor? We

can’t deicide what security is?

Otherwise we are doomed to failure.

Very hard to change.

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Confused with DCMA

Some see as a prescription from the Motion

Picture Association of America, record

companies and the like

Seen as safer for copyright holders, less so for

users and privacy

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Counter movements

Cable company Super DMCA.

Outlaws use of firewall other security


Passed, or similar bill passed in handful

of states, under consideration in many
